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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Isolation and evaluation of nodule endophytes for growth promotion in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2016) Priyanka; Leela Wati
    Legumes are among the World's most important crops. The family Fabaceae comprises of around 20,000 plant species in 650 different genera. Chickpea belongs to the Papilionoideae family, order Leguminosae and botanically recognized as Cicer arietinum L. As a leguminous plant, chickpea could be nodulated by rhizobial and nonrhizobial endophytic bacteria that exert several beneficial effects on host plant such as stimulation of plant growth, nitrogen fixation and induction of resistance to plant pathogen. The use of endophytes offers an attractive way to replace chemical fertilizers, pesticides and supplements. In the present investigation, a total of 107 bacterial endophytes including mesorhizobial and nonrhizobial, were isolated from healthy pink nodules of chickpea plants, collected from different districts of Haryana. Out of 107 endophytic isolates, 75% showed indole acetic acid production activity, which ranged between 0.33-19.56 µg/ml. P-solubilization activity of endophytic isolates on solid as well as liquid medium was restricted to 52% of the isolates only and their Psolubilization index (P-SI) varied from 1.0 to 3.4. Siderophore production was observed in 14% of the endophytic isolates. Twenty one of mesorhizobial endophytes out of 24, showed positive nodulation of chickpea variety HC5 under sterilized conditions. Six endophytic isolates including five nonrhizobial BE13, RE6, HE5, HE7 and ME3 and one mesorhizobial HM2, showing all the three plant growth promoting traits were further assessed for more plant growth promoting traits viz. A CC utilization, salt tolerance and potassium solubilisation. All the six endophytes showed ACC utilization activity and salt tolerance upto 4 % concentration while only endophyte, RE-6 showed potassium solubilisation activity.Three promising endophytes including two nonrhizobial RE6 and BE13 and one mesorhizobial HM2 were selected for evaluation of nodulation efficiency and plant growth parameters of chickpea under pot house conditions. Nodulation efficiency of endophyte RE-6 when coinoculated with rhizobial endophytes HM2 and phosphate solubiliser P-36 was better on the basis of nodule number, fresh wt. and dry wt. at 75 days of sowing. More seed weight, shoot dry weight and N and P content were also observed in coinoculation treatment of RE6 with HM2 and P36 while the isolate BE-13 when coinoculated with standard Rhizobium MSD-26 and phosphate solubiliser P-36 showed higher root dry weight at 75 days as well as at harvesting. Sequence analysis of 16S rDNA of endophyte BE13 showed 98% similarity with Bacillus boroniphillus and isolate RE-6 showed 99% similarity with Pseudomonas fluorescence.