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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of thermotolerant bacteria for growth and yield of summer mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Parashar, Atul; Leela Wati
    Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), also known as green gram, is one of the important pulse crops of India. Mungbean is grown during spring, summer and kharif season in Northern India, while grown during Rabi season in Southern India. Summer mungbean being a crop of very short duration is grown after the harvesting of wheat and before sowing autmn crops.Various environmental stresses hamper the productivity of mungbean among which temperature plays key role.Plant growth promoting bacteria can play important role in increasing crop productivity and relieving environmental stress.In the present study, mungbean rhizobial and non-rhizobial bacterial isolates available in Plant Microbial Interaction Laboratary Deptt. of Microbiology, CCSHAU, Hisar were assessed for temperature tolerance and various plant growth promoting traits viz.IAA production,Ammonia excretion, P-solubilization, Siderophore production, ACC utilization and HCN production at different temperatures. Out of nine rhizobial isolates, only five isolates and out of five non rhizobial bacterial isolates four isolates were able to grow up to 450C.Under in vitro conditions rhizobial isolates MRH59 and MRH46 and non rhizobial isolates E13 and E17 were adjudged as promising plant growth promoting thermotolerant bacteria. All thermotolerant rhizobial isolates were tested for nodulation efficiency under sterilized conditions. Maximum nodule no.(16.67/plant) was, observed in isolate MRH 59.On the basis of various plant growth promoting traits and nodulation test isolates MRH59,MRH46 ,E13 and E17 were selected for plant growth promotion of mungbean (MH-421) under pot culture as well as field conditions during summer season. Nodulation efficiency and seed yield was better when thermotolerant rhizobial isolate MRH 59 was coinoculated with thermotolerant nonrhizobial bacterial isolate E13 in comparison to coinoculation of Rhizobium (MB703 reference culture) and phosphate solubiliser P-36 (reference culture).Under field conditions seed yield was 27.84% higher on coinoculation of rhizobial isolate MRH59 and non rhizobial isolate E13 suggesting that thermotolerant bacteria exerted beneficial effect on mungbean due to multiple plant growth promoting traits.