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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of perceived stress and self efficacy on happiness among female school teachers during COVID-19 pandemic
    (CCSHAU Hisar, 2022-07) Reema; Yadav, Poonam
    Happiness is something which every human being quest for since a long time. Particularly at present, in this COVID pandemic, it has been the most important consideration for human being to stay safe, healthy and happy rather than being rich or famous. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors that differentiate happiness of teachers who work in government and private schools and factors impacting happiness of female school teachers. In addition, due to lack of research focused on happiness of teachers, the aim is also to contribute to the literature. The present study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state. From selected Government and Private schools, 120 female school teachers were taken as subjects for the study. Selected tools were administered upon the teachers to collect the information as per specific objectives of the study. Frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation for comparison by using Z test and ANOVA, Chi Square test for association and coefficient of correlation for relationship between variables. Out of total sample nearly one-third (43.3%) of the school teachers reported moderate level of perceived stress followed by severe (32.5%) and low level (24.2%). Nearly (47.5%) of total respondents reported moderate self-efficacy score followed by high (26.7%) and low (25.8%). Statistical significant differences were observed in the mean scores of perceived stress and self-efficacy of government and private teachers. As a protective measure self- efficacy was significantly associated with happiness which means those respondents who were more self-efficacious were happier. On an alarming front nearly one third of teachers were in lower level of happiness. Statistically significant differences were not observed in mean scores of happiness among government and private teachers. Private teachers scored higher mean on happiness than government teachers. It was revealed that happiness among school teachers is significantly negatively correlated to perceived stress and positively as well as significantly correlated with self efficacy. Type of school and size of family were significantly associated with happiness of teachers. Further it was inferred that happiness of school teachers does not have significant difference with respect to their age, teaching cadre and experience. Private teachers were significantly higher on self efficacy, lower on perceived stress. This research is important for the happiness of the students and the contribution of happiness of the teachers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Emotional Intelligence and Personality Development of Urban Adolescents
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-08) Jyoti; Chandra Kala Singh
    Adolescence is a period of transition between playful childhood and responsible adulthood. It is a stage of physical and psychological human development that generally occurs during the period from puberty to legal adulthood. Personality is an interesting and complex phenomenon; it expresses itself differently and underlies the differences among humans. Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to express emotions appropriately and the role of emotions is very crucial in individual‟s lives because they get to know the perception of themselves and others through emotions. This research examines assessment of emotional intelligence, personality and home environment. The study was conducted in city area of Jind and Bhiwani district of Haryana state. From district sample constituted of randomly selected 240 adolescents of 14-16 years. . Self prepared questionnaire was used to delineate personal and socio-economic variables. Emotional intelligence was assessed by Emotional intelligence scale (EIS) of Hyde et al. (2002); personality was assessed by Big Five Inventory by John and Srivastava (1999) and family environment was assessed using Family environment scale (FES) by Bhatia and Chadha (1993). Association revealed that family environment is strong predictors of emotional intelligence and mother‟s occupation, parental education and gender associates with personality during adolescents. Comparison revealed that Jind district, adolescents of 15-16 years and male adolescents were found better in emotional intelligence and personality than Bhiwani district, adolescents of 14-15 years and female adolescents respectively. Personality and emotional intelligence of adolescents was significantly correlated.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Self-Efficacy and Social Phobia among Adolescents Human Development and Family Studies
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-01) Arushi; Sangwan, Sheela
    Adolescence is defined as the period of change between childhood to adulthood that involves biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes. A key task of adolescents is grounding for adulthood. “Adolescence” is a dynamically developing theoretical construct informed through physiologic, psychosocial and cultural lenses. This critical developmental period is traditionally understood as the years between the beginning of puberty and the establishment of social independence. This research examines self-efficacy in Relation to social phobia of Adolescents. . The study was conducted rural and urban areas of Bhiwani district of Haryana State. From selected district sample constituted of randomly selected 240 adolescence including 120 males and 120 females of 14-16 years. Self prepared questionnaire was used to delineate socio-personal variables and Social Phobia scale by Sharma and Sisodia (2012) was used for assessing social phobia. Self-efficacy was assessed by Self efficacy scale (SES) of Mathur and Bhatnagar (2012) and Family environment was assessed using Family environment scale (FES) by Bhatia & Chadha (2002). There were significant differences in the self-efficacy between male and female students. Female students’ self-efficacy was higher than for males, and there was no significant relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement. Statistically significant differences were found in the mean scores of self-regulatory skills, self-influence and self-evaluation. Adolescents aged 14-15 years had better self-efficacy as compared to 15-16 years. Comparison of various aspects of self-efficacy as per the gender of adolescent shows statistically significant differences in the mean scores of self-influence, social achievement, self, self-evaluation, self-esteem and self-cognition. Female adolescents were better in self-influence, self and self-evaluation aspects of self-efficacy. Self-regulatory skills, self-confidence and self were significantly correlated with social phobia. In family environment, cohesion, acceptance and caring, active recreational orientation, organization and control were significantly correlated with self-efficacy, whereas cohesion and organization were significantly correlated with social phobia
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Academic achievement of adolescents in relation to parental encouragement and school environment
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-02) Deepika; C. K. Singh
    The present study was undertaken in Hisar district of Haryana state.The objective of the study the influence of parental encouragement and school environment on academic achievement of adolescents government and private school. Two types of schools were selected government and private: i.e. two government schools namely Campus School CCS HAU,Hisar and Government high school were selected randomly and two private schools namely Saint Nischhal school and Guru Jambheshwar Senior Secondary School also randomly selected. Thus, the total numbers of selected schools were four. A sample of 120 government and 120 private school adolescents including equal number of males and females of 14-16 year age were taken, thus to make a total sample of 240 adolescents. Agarwal Parental Encouragement Scale developed by Kusum Agarwal (1999) was used to measure the parental encouragement as perceived by the adolescents. School Environment Inventory (SEI) developed by Misra (1983) was used to measure the school environment of the adolescents. Academic achievement of adolescents was assessed from the latest grade sheet collected from the school. The results revealed in total sample half of adolescents from government and private school had average level of academic achievement and received average level of parental encouragement. Maximum number of adolescents belonged to nuclear family and two numbers if siblings. A positive and significant relationship with academic achievement and parental encouragement of adolescents was noticed. All the aspects of school environment had significant relationship with parental encouragement of adolescents. There was significant association between paternal education, maternal education and academic achievement of adolescents. Further significant relationship between academic achievement with parental education and parental occupation of adolescents was found.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study of Behavioral Disorders among Rural and Urban Children
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-08) Sunita; Sangwan, Sheela
    This research examines prevalence of behavioral disorders among rural and urban children. The study was conducted in Fatehabad and Hisar district of Haryana state. From each district urban sample was taken from the city area i.e. Fatehabad and Hisar city and rural sample was taken from the randomly selected villages namely Shekhupur Daroli and Arya Nagar. Two Govt. Senior Secondary Schools i.e. one from rural and one from urban area were purposively selected from each district. Study was conducted on 11-17 year age group children. A sample of 60 children (30 boys and 30 girls) was selected from each school and mother of selected children were also included in the study. The final sample included 480 respondents (240 children and 240 mothers). The instrument used for data collection were Goodman’s Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (2000), Rigby and Slee’ Peer Relationship Questionnaire (1994) and Shah’s Family Climate Scale (2006). Independent sample Z – test, correlation, percentages and frequencies were used to evaluate the data. Results revealed that as perceived by children and their mother majority of urban and rural children were normal having no emotional problem, conduct problem, hyperactivity problem and peer problem. Study shows high prevalence of behavioral disorders in children in urban setting than rural site. The prevalence of behavioral disorders was more among male children than female children. Maximum children had average level of family environment and peer relationship. Maximum number of children had moderate level bullying, low level of victimization and pro-social behavior to a high level regarding peer relationship status from rural and urban area. As per children response the area of residence, father occupation and age of children was positively associated with behavioral disorders of the study subject. While According to mother’s response behavioral disorders of children were positively associated with educational status, number of siblings and age of children. The behavioral problems of children are influenced not only by socio-demographic factors but also by the family environment and peer relationship factors. The discussion focuses on the importance of healthy peer relationships and family environment as an influential predictor of behaviour of children.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Educational aspiration and parental encouragement among high school children
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Reenu; Singh, C.K
    Adolescence is the time of transition from childhood dependence to early adulthood freedom and responsibility. Educational aspiration is explained as a psychological construct, which reflects a cognitive type of motivation of the individual. Educational aspiration reflects educational goals an individual set for himself/herself. Parental encouragement is the inspiration or extra-boosting given by the parents to the children for their active involvement in academic life. The present study was conducted in Hisar and Fatehabad district of Haryana state. The sample od study included 120 respondents from Hisar and 120 from Fatehabad district, thus total sample comprised of 240 respondents. Educational Aspiration Scale by Sharma and Gupta (2015) was used to assess educational aspiration and Parental Encouragement Scale by Sharma (1997) was used to assess parental encouragement of students. The results of study revealed that majority of respondents belonged to moderate category of educational aspirations and majority of respondents perceived moderate level of parental encouragement. There was significant relationship found between educational aspirations and parental encouragement of high school children. Educational aspiration was significantly associated with sex, age, academic achievement, parental education, parental occupation, parental age, area of residence and family income of respondents. Educational aspirations were not significantly associated with ordinal position, number of siblings, caste, family size and family type of respondents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Personality Development of Rural Adolescents
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020) Poonam Devi; C.K.Singh
    Adolescence is the period of life when a child develops into an adult: the period from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age of majority. It is the state or process of growing up. Within all of these perspectives, adolescence is viewed as a transitional period between childhoods to adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. It is a period of multiple transitions involving education, training, employment and unemployment, as well as transitions from one living circumstance to another. Emotional Intelligence plays a significant role in the job performance, motivation, decision making, successful management and leadership. This research examines Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Personality Development of Rural Adolescents. The study was conducted in rural areas of Bhiwani district and Gurugram district of Haryana State. From each district sample constituted of randomly selected 120 adolescence including 60 males and 60 females of 14-16 years. Self prepared questionnaire was used to delineate socio-personal variables and Personality Development scale by John and Srivastava (1999) was used for assessing personality development. Emotional intelligence was assessed by Emotional intelligence scale (EIS) of Hyde, Pethe & Dhar (2002) and Family environment was assessed using Family environment scale (FES) by Bhatia & Chadha (1993). The results revealed that majority of the adolescents had average level of emotional intelligence, personality and family environment. Association revealed that emotional intelligence was associated gender, number of siblings, father’s education, mother’s occupation, father’s occupation and income of family and personality was associated with gender, family size, father’s occupation and family income. Family was associated with expressiveness, acceptance and caring, independence and control. Comparison showed that age group of 14-15 years’ female adolescents from Talu village scored better emotional intelligent, personality and family environment than adolescents from Mahu village.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Menstrual distress and impact on academic performance among adolescent girl
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Jyoti; Yadav, Poonam
    Adolescent girls‟ education is of critical importance for their future progress as citizens and their success in later life. The purpose of this study was to better understand the challenges girls face due to menstruation in the form of menstrual distress and its impact on academic performance and present recommendations to create a supportive school and home environment for adolescent girls in Haryana State. The study was conducted on 240 adolescent girls in the age group of 10-14years and 15-19 years belonging to rural and urban areas of Hisar district. Self-developed schedules were used to delineate personal, socio-personal variables and facilities at home and school in terms of MHM. Menstrual distress of adolescent girls was assessed by using Comprehensive Menstrual Distress Scale by Jain et al. 2017. Dependent variable for the present study was academic performance and measured by self –developed interview schedule. Frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, „Z‟ test, ANOVA and chi-square tests were used to analyse the data as per objectives. The study found that one-fourth of girls were exposed to high physical and socially imposed impurity and restriction distress, whereas, 17.5 % and 16.3% adolescent girls were highly distressed on aspects of psychological and positivity of womanhood respectively. Rural girls were more distressed than urban counterparts. Regarding facilities at school in terms of MHM, girls reported lack of proper disposal system for sanitary materials and lack of availability of changing rooms. Nearly half of respondents reported lack of open discussion from family on MHM issues. School facilities and home facilities were associated with menstrual distress. A significant difference in menstrual distress was observed among early and late adolescent girls. Girls attaining early menarche and having irregular periods were more distressed. Literate mothers, working mothers, size of family and father occupation were associated factors of low menstrual distress in this study. Present research has found that a substantial portion of girls‟ menstrual distress level impacting academic performance particularly in terms of school absenteeism seen among 57.1percent girls. The menstrual distress symptoms were significantly interfering with adolescent‟s classroom, examination, assignment extracurricular activities and relationship performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Life satisfaction and self-perception among differently abled adults
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-08) Kiranpreet Kaur; Duhan, Krishna
    The present study was conducted in Hisar and Sirsa districts of Haryana and Ludhiana and Amritsar districts of Punjab. From each district urban area was taken purposively based on maximum availability of the sample. List of differently abled working and non- working adults with age range of 18-40 years along with 40 and above percentage of disability was prepared. Out of list 40 each differently abled working and non-working adults were taken randomly from selected districts of Haryana and Punjab. Therefore, a total of 160 differently abled persons from both states were included in the study. Life satisfaction of respondents was assessed by Life Satisfaction Scale by Alam and Srivastava (2001). Self- Perception Measuring Scale developed and standardized by Agarwal (2008) was used to assess the adults’ self-perception. . Psycho-social problems of differently abled adults was explored with help of self-structured questionnaire Maximum percentage of differently abled adults were male with age of 26-33yrs and were graduate or post graduate. It also illustrates that more number of respondents had no special education and they were disabled since birth with locomotor disability. Further, maximum adults had more than 80 percent of disability. Majority of respondents were unmarried and married had 0-2 children. Socio-economic profile of respondents showed that maximum percentage of adults belonged to general cast category, nuclear families with medium family size and had annual family income up to Rs.3, 50,000. The research findings illustrated that majority of respondents had high level of health satisfaction, personal satisfaction and social satisfaction. Whereas, maximum adults had average level of economic satisfaction, marital satisfaction and composite life satisfaction. However, greater number of respondents had low level of job satisfaction. Further, majority of differently abled adults had average level of self-acceptance, self-regard and overall self-perception. Majority of differently abled adults had medium level of psycho-social problems in all sub-scales i.e. home and personal life, social life, work/institution life and emotional life. The study found significant association between caste, occupation, family structure, family income and organization member with life satisfaction. There is need to build self-confidence among differently abled persons and to promote inclusion in main stream of social and cultural program. To create a disabled-friendly environment, more awareness activities for all sections of the community must be organized. Policies and programmes should be implemented effectively, and job opportunities for differently abled adults should be enforced in accordance with Persons with Disabilities Act. The formation of self-help group and Federation of persons with disability will assist them to come together and fight for their rights and be self-sufficient and self-reliable.