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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the effects of foliar application of micronutrients on yield and quality of peach cv. Shan-e-Punjab
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Besmellah Muradi; Godara, Anil Kumar
    The present investigation was carried out to study the effect of different micronutrients and number of foliar spray on peach at Experimental Orchard and in Post-harvest Technology Laboratory of the Department of Horticulture, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during the year 2018. The experiment comprising of fourteen treatments and conducted on seven years old in Randomize Block Design with three replications. Foliar spray of micronutrients significantly improved yield, quality and leaf nutrient status in peach cv. Shan-e-Punjab. On 15th day after spray maximum number of fruits per shoot (8.97) was observed when the plants sprayed with FeSO4 @ 0.3% (T4). The trend was also similar on 30, 45 and 60 days after spray (8.12, 7.21 and 6.17, respectively). After 15th days after spray the minimum fruit drop (7.34%) and maximum fruit retention (92.66%) was observed with T4 (FeSO4 @ 0.3%), whereas, maximum fruit drop was recorded with control (17.03%). On 30th and 45th days after spray the lowest fruit drop (10.21%, 12.42%) and highest fruit retention (89.79%, 87.58%) was recorded with T1 (ZnSO4 @ 0.2%). The foliar spray of FeSO4 @ 0.2% found to be the best treatment with respect to yield per shoot (508.72 g), fruit firmness (5.41 kg/ cm2), TSS (11.06%), ascorbic acid (8.18 mg/100g pulp) and leaf iron content (345.51 ppm). The highest TSS: ratio (23.88), leaf zinc content (35.42 ppm) and lowest acidic fruits (0.45%) was observed from the plants sprayed with T1 (ZnSO4 @ 0.2%). The highest fruit length (5.67 cm) and fruit weight (74.39 g) was observed in T5 (Boric acid @ 0.1%), whereas, highest fruit diameter (5.57 cm), pulp stone ratio (7.39) and leaf boron content (91.02 ppm) was recorded with T6 (Boric acid @ 0.2%). Double foliar spray of micronutrients (Fe, Zn and B) at first week of March and March + April significantly increased number of fruits per shoot, fruit size (length and diameter), fruit weight, pulp stone ratio, TSS, TSS: acidity, ascorbic acid, leaf zinc, iron and boron content and reduced acidity fruits then single spray in first week of March.