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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of biomechanical stress in dung collection among rural women
    (CCSHAU, 2018) Sarita Devi; Mehta, Manju
    The rural women play an important role in all types of household, farm and allied activities but were deprived from most of the privileges of life. There is no change in involvement pattern of women in household and animal husbandry activities in respect to change in season. The study was conducted in randomly selected one block I of Hisar district of Haryana state. From the selected block I, Dabra village was randomly selected as the locale of the study. Ninety households were selected randomly and female head of the household was the sample of the study. A sample of 20 women, who were willing to cooperate were selected purposively for phase III. It was found that maximum of them were in the age group of 41-60 yr (56.7%), belonged to general category (91.1%), were illiterate (62.2%), farming was family occupation (62.2%), had low family education status (46.7%) and nuclear families (57.8%) with medium size family (46.7%). They had pakka house (68.9%) with covered kitchen (66.7%). Most of them had less than 2.5 acre of land (40.0%) and earned between Rs.10,000- 30,000 (68.9%). Majority of respondents were having buffalo (54.5%) which was kept bada (71.1%) of size upto 100sq.m. dung was collected by 90% of home maker and other female twice a day (82.2%) and they prepared dung cake (91.1%) to save money and were using Tasla & Indi for dung collection, respondents covered distance around 750 mt for dung transportation. 43.3% of women carried 10-20 kg dung per trip and spending 1-2 hr. Most of the women were exhausted after dung collection activity (83%). 18 percent felt pain in mid back and lower back and recovery of pain was in around 15 min (64.1%). Around one third was anemic (31.4%) and having joint problem (23.5%). In dung collection activity back bending posture, in lifting and carrying activity both hand and in disposal of dung neck bending posture using both hands was used by all. During collection and carrying of dung distance of 293.21m and 523.22 m. was travelled and carried dung weighing 17.6 kg. A slight extension was observed in the lower lumbar region (3.27%) and flexion in the cervical region (2.79%) of the respondents, putting undue stress on the women. Rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) score and Ovako working posture analysis system (OWAS) score was highest in collection activity which depicts it required corrective measures immediately in the posture used. There was decrease grip strength of 23.65 percent and 18.59 percent in right the left hand respectively. Body part discomfort (BPDS) was chiefly found in upper and lower back (4.44 each) followed by mid back (4) and least in knees (1.33). The activity of carrying dung got VAD score of (4.5) and least was for the disposal of dung activity (2.3) and repetitive strain score was highest in dung collection activity i.e.10 and least in disposal i.e.2.3. Hence as per the phase II, collection activity had highest biomechanical stress so a tool was developed to combat biomechanical stress in dung collection. The tool was named as Ergo Dung Collector. There was 23.05% decrease in biomechanical stress with the use of ergo dung collector. Ergo dung collector was acceptable and found to be highly feasible in handling and also physically compatible practicable and cultural compatible.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cashless economy: Buying practices of homemakers in Haryana state
    (CCSHAU, 2018) Ekta; Mehta, Manju
    A cashless economy is one in which all transactions are done through plastic cards like credit, debit cards etc. The Government also wants a cashless society. It is beneficial in reducing corruption, reducing cost of printing currency, in reducing cost of cash holding. Electronic transactions history and trail can easily be traced back and this would greatly help the economy in eradication of black money and also provide better convenience to the people. The present study was conducted in two districts i.e. Hisar and Bhiwani of Haryana state with three objectives: (i) to assess the consumer buying practices through cashless economy, (ii) to compare the satisfaction level regarding cashless economy among working and non-working homemakers, (iii) to study constraints faced by consumers in cashless transaction. Two wards each were randomly selected from both district headquarter. In Hisar city ward 16 and ward 20 and in Bhiwani city ward 1 and ward 31 were randomly selected to conduct the study on cashless economy. From each selected wards 50 homemakers having their own bank account were selected purposively through snowball technique. So from each district headquarters 100 homemakers were selected in such a way that 50 were working and 50 were non- working homemakers. Thus, the total number of respondents were 200 homemakers. A presented interview schedule was developed according to the objectives of the study. The results show that maximum number of the respondents (62.0%) belonged to the 36-48 age group, all respondents were married, 98.0% respondents were having nuclear family, 82.0% respondents was medium family education status, 44.5% respondents had high socio economic status, 58.0% respondents had medium level of mass media exposure. All the respondents were buying milk & milk product daily, about one-third (32.5%) respondents were buying fruits and vegetables weekly, all respondents were paying for water and electricity services monthly, majority of respondents i.e. 93.5% buying footwear as per need. Majority of the respondents (90.0%) used cash for the household expenses like fruits & vegetables and both cash and cashless means were used by 77.5% respondents for telephone/ mobile. All the respondents had knowledge about cashless transaction. 98.5% of respondents believed that use of cashless transaction gives satisfaction, majority of the 76.22% respondents used Paytm app, mobile phone was used by 71.5% for cashless transaction, 49.5% respondents had two bank accounts, 48.0% homemakers possessed one credit and debit cards, cheque was used by 51.5% respondents for high value transaction. Advantage of cashless transaction perceived by respondents was ‘fast’, ‘convenient’ and ‘less stress ’secured (rank I WMS-2.88) and perceived disadvantages were ‘someone can steal card and use it’ secured (rank I WMS-2.72). Personal constraints faced by respondents were ‘overspending’ got rank I (WMS-1.86), technical constraints in term of ‘lack of technical knowledge/ Non-tech-savvy of users’ (rank I WMS-2.02), social constraints faced were in terms of ‘lack of trust’ (rank I WMS-1.73). In overall sample, 49.5% respondents had medium level of satisfaction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Problems and ergo-solutions of elderly living Independently
    (CCSHAU, 2018) Hooda, Rupal; Gandhi, Sudesh
    Due to longer life expectancy, population over sixty years old is growing in majority of the nations including India. Globalization and urbanization have led to family changes where elderly are left unbothered to live individually. Present study was conducted in three phases on 100 elderly, above 65 years of age, living independently in Hisar city. In Phase-I, activity profile and problems of elderly were recorded using an interview schedule. In Phase-II, on the basis of result of phase-I, a media package entitled “Ergo-guide for elderly living independently” pertaining to ergo-solutions was prepared. Phase-III consisted of introduction of the media package and studying the needs and preferences of ergo-solutions by the elderly. Most of respondents belonged to age group of 70-80 yrs (51.0%) followed by 60-70 years (32.0%) and 80 years & above (17.0%). Nearly two-fifth (38.0%) of elderly were senior secondary pass followed by graduate and post graduate (32.0%)Nearly three-fourth (74.0%) of them were living with their spouse while 38.0 percent were living alone. Most of the elderly were living alone because their children were living at faraway places (56.0%) and secondly, mainly by their own choice (44.0%). Most of them (93.0%) were living in owned house. Around 2/3rd of the elderly were in the high category of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL) followed by medium category (40.0%). Majority of male as well as female respondents were having health problems like eye problems (46.0, 44.0%) ortho diseases (47.0, 42.0%) and heart problem (38.0, 29.0%), respectively. Choking while eating or drinking (45.0%), cuts from knife (43.0) and slipped in bathrooms (30.0%) were most commonly seen accidents. Among adaptive measures, door fixtures (68.0%) and modified entrance (48.0%) were the most common house modifications. Spectacles (80.0%) and stool for sitting (76.0%) were the most commonly used assistive device. Bed grab rail in bedroom aids, tap turner for water taps in bathroom, ergo plus cup in kitchen, walking stick with portable step as mobility aid and ring zipper pull among personal care were the most needed and preferred aids by maximum of elderly. A highly significant correlation existed between need and preference of ergo-aids; income and features-fixtures of house and; age and health problems faced by elderly. Conclusively, elderly were feeling helpless because of constrained mobility or other physical issues. Subsequently, there is a need to make senior friendly environment for elderly leading to active ageing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Designing universal house for wheelchair users of Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2018) Gairola, Anjali; Kiran Singh
    Disability is a condition of being mentally or physically challenged or disabled. There are thousands of differently able persons in India, among those percentage is highest for locomotive disabled. People with disability faces so many discrimination in different forms. First and foremost can be seen in case of accessibility in residential as well as public buildings. So the study was conducted on wheelchair users of Haryana state with three objectives: (i) To explore the views of wheelchair users on functionality of existing house, (ii) To evolve feasible house design for wheelchair users through Computer Aided Designing, and (iii) To develop user's manual guide for wheelchair users. 30 wheelchair users were located by employing snowball technique for data collection. The results revealed that maximum number of the respondents (46.66%) belonged to upper middle age group, eighty percent were male, 76.66 percent were married, 23.33 percent were educated upto 'Middle school' and 23.33 percent were unemployed. Equal number of the respondents (33.33%) fall under upper middle and upper lower socio-economic class as per Kuppuswamy Socio-Economic scale. Accidental injury (40.00%) was the major cause of disability and half of them were suffering with disability since last 10-20 years. Respondents need slightly more assistance at home than workplace. Only 33.33 percent uses other assistive technologies besides wheelchair. Majority (40%) felt switching over to furniture from wheelchair moderately difficult. Major adaptation taken (63.33%) was widening of the doors. Majority (60%) had satisfactory non-slippery floor surface at entrance. Sixty percent were having functional unobstructed width of corridor to pass wheelchair. Least number of respondents had functional outlets around the bed (13.33%) followed by bed side table height (20.00%) in bedroom where least satisfaction level was counted for wall hooks and closet cloth bar. In living room least functional area was space in front of furniture (30.00%) with least satisfaction (WMS 1.83, Rank IX). Counter top height and knee clearance space (10.00%) and storage were recorded as least functional areas along with highest dissatisfaction in kitchen area. None of the respondents were having grab bars in WC and shower area. Shower cubical, WC and kitchen were the least functional areas of house. Highly significant correlation were found for socio-economic status with functionality of the house (0.673**) and with satisfaction level of respondents (0.603**). Satisfaction and functionality of the house is also significantly correlated to each other (0.956**). House plans were designed using AutoCAD and Google Sketch-up pro as per the guidelines given for wheelchair user's dwelling by Ministry of Urban Development to maximize the accessibility and comfort with the inclusion of ramps, grab bars, knee clearance space, cloth bar height, turning radius etc. User's manual guide designed by compiling all the recommendation for wheelchair dwelling, so the wheelchair users/ builder/ architects can refer it while designing or constructing a house for wheelchair users as per their needs.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Consumers‟ food purchase behavior and awareness of adulteration
    (CCSHAU, 2018) Solanki, Reena; Kiran Singh
    Our land, the earth is blessed with various good foods, but to get more profit few selfish manufacturers and sellers were into practice of adulteration in food stuffs. The present study was undertaken in Hisar dictrict to study the food purchase pattern among homemakers, awareness of consumers regarding adulteration and to test the adulteration in food products and to suggest strategies to combat adulteration.The results revealed that maximum number of respondents (38.5%) belonged to 31 to 45 years of age group, educated upto middle class (21.5%) with main occupation as farming (53.5%). Nearly 40 percent of the respondents preferred to purchase packed beverages from all the food categories. More than half of the respondents (55.0%) purchased food products from shops located near by town. Huge majority of respondents (90.0%) always check the price on food package. Males (72.5%) were the decision-maker in purchase of all the food categories. Adulteration and duplicate brands in food were the malpractices faced by majority of the respondents (70.0%). Coping up practice adopted by the respondents (65.0%) after deception were like returned the food and switched to other brands. The level of awareness about consumerism, rights and responsibilities, procedure of filing a complaint in case of food adulteration was observed to be less and they felt need for consumer education on these aspects. Cent percent of the rural and urban respondents felt need for knowledge of lab testing of adulterants in food followed by implementation of awareness programmes , knowledge of filing complaints and to overcome misleading practices used by the sellers.A package of print /audio visual media were prepared on easy household methods of adulteration detection on different food items. To ensure the safety of food, it is very important that various food materials purchased by consumers should be free from adulteration. Some physical and chemical tests were conducted from five commonly used food categories i.e. milk and milk products, cereals and their products, pulses, spices and condiments and miscellaneous food items. The maximum adulteration was found in spices and condiments (95.0%) followed by miscellaneous food items (61.66%)like tea leaves, fennel seeds and jaggery, milk and milk products (58.33%), cereal and cereal products (30.0%) and pulses (11.66%). To overcome the problem of food adulteration, a ready reference material to detect common adulterants at household level was published for the use of consumers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative assessment of subjective well-beingness among senior citizens
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Kavita Rani; Kiran Singh
    Stress is satisfaction with life and well beingness in very old age constitutes a major concern for the elderly population as well for gerontological research. Keeping in mind concern for elderly, the present study was conducted in three phase. In phase I, The sample of 200 respondents was selected from both rural and urban areas of Hisar district from Haryana state. Further two blocks were selected randomly and out of which two localities of urban area and two villages were selected to draw the equal number of sample from each place. In phase II, out of these selected 200 elderly people, 50 respondents those were having low level scores of subjective well-being and were not bedridden, chronically ill, and willing to cooperate were selected for the intervention programme. In phase III, Subjective well beingness was assessed on the experimental group after the one month intervention yoga program. Results revealed that majority of the elderly were living in the joint family system in rural area in comparison to urban area. Subjective well beingness was assessed by using subjective well-being inventory by Nagpal and Sell. The results elucidated that „expectation-achievement congrence‟ is the factor which showed maximum gain in well-beingness in rural subjects whereas urban respondents in „family group support‟. The results found that factors like „general well-being positive affect‟, „confidence in coping‟, „social support‟ and „inadequate mental mastery‟ showed high positive significant association with age, education and family occupation. Increase in the education status of senior citizens results in increase in the level of subjective well-beingness and life satisfaction among seniors. The study further unveils that aspects like „vocational situation‟, „family life‟, „partnership relationship‟ and „psychological health‟ also showed high significant association with education of the senior citizens. Living arrangement was high positive significant association with age and education of the senior citizens.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of biodegradable waste management techniques for rural communities
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Suman Rani; Gandhi, Sudesh
    Waste is becoming a major threat to the environment and human health. Sustainable waste management practices are thus essential to preserve the environment. The present study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state under 3 phases. From Hisar district, two villages were selected purposively, Gawar under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan adopted by CCSHAU and Devan, under AICRP (H. Sc.). From these two selected villages, two formal and two informal groups were formed. Thus in all, four formal and four informal groups were formed to draw the samples respondents. For phase I, a sample of 100 respondents was drawn for data collection from both villages. Under phase II, experimental part of the study was carried out at Domestic Farm Unit of the Department FRM. For phase III, based on the interest of the respondents, 25 respondents each from formal and informal groups of each village, were selected purposively, thereby, making a sample of 50 respondents from both villages for the purpose of training and intervention. Panchayat members, anganwadi workers and teachers constituted the formal group. It was found that maximum of them were in the age group of 50-70 yr (45%), matriculate, having nuclear families (70%) with medium size family (39%), hailing from high caste category (54%) having medium family education status (52%). Farming was their main family occupation (48%) and were mainly small farmers (38%), earning between 40,000-60,000/ annum (44%) and had up to 2 milch and 2 small animals (48% and 61%) respectively. Maximum of them (63%) had low mass media exposure. One- half of them were member of a formal organization/ society. Existing knowledge, attitude and practices regarding waste management techniques revealed that they had medium level of knowledge, attitude and practices followed by low level. However, formal groups showed a better level of knowledge, attitude and practices. Experimental reveals that decomposition done using red earth worms (Eisenia fetida) 50-60 percent manure was prepared from the bio-waste. Training were conducted using, mass media exposure in both villages. Seven families were adopted the vermicomposting technology. Post exposure gain in knowledge, change in attitude as well as practices were from high to medium level. Knowledge gain, positive change in attitude and practices were found to be highly significant at 1 percent level of significance regarding waste management techniques. Adoption of vermicomposting, for decomposition of biodegradable waste was of moderately high level. Hence, training and intervention can lead to sustainable waste management practices in rural communities, especially the biodegradable waste which will lead not only to safe environment but also the income generation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Developmental and propagation of educational package for sanitation among school children
    (CCSHAU, 2016) Soni, Rekha; Mehta, Manju
    Health is one of the most important aspects of life of human life. Sanitation education is an active process of learning and doing by itself. In this process on individual has to assimilation and internalize the information and ideas, develop favorable attitude and adopt a behavior necessary for good health. For the assessment of sanitation in schools two areas rural and urban was selected from the Hisar district of Haryana state, for rural area two villages viz; Gawar and Devan and from urban area Hisar was selected purposively. From the selected areas two government schools from each areas was selected, from the selected four schools, fifty 9th and 10th class students from each school was selected for making a total of 200 respondents. Various socio- personal, economic and communication variables constituted the independent variables and knowledge, attitude, practices constituted the dependent variables. Data were collected with the help of pre- tested structured interview schedule. The inferences were drawn on the basis of frequency, percentage, paired„t‟ test, weighted mean score and correlation. The study revealed that more than half of the respondents were in 9th class with 15 to 16 years of age, had low family education status, medium size nuclear family and belonged to lower caste with labour work as their main family occupation. Majority of the respondents had negligible social participation. A set of five main messages on sanitation, viz. personal hygiene, food protection, water management, waste management and environmental sanitation were identified with its ten sub messages. Educational package that is poster, leaflet and lecture was prepared covering all the main messages. All posters were found highly effective for all its parameters by the experts. The five leaflets were also found highly effective for its all parameters. The impact of media regarding almost all messages, knowledge level, attitude and practices regarding sanitation of the respondents was low at pre exposure stage and shifted medium at post exposure stage. Impact Assessment Index of knowledge and attitude was found to be at moderate level in both urban and rural areas. Knowledge gain was found to be significant at 0.05 percent level of significance for all the messages of sanitation. Change in attitude and practices were found to be significant at 0.05 percent level of significance for all the messages related to sanitation. Change in practices was recorded significant at 0.05 level of significance among all the respondents. There was a positive relationship between age, education, occupation, family size and income of the family with gain in knowledge and negative correlation with caste. There was a positive relationship between age, education, occupation, family size and income of the family with change in attitude and negative correlation with caste.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Knowledge and use of government loan and saving schemes by rural and urban people
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Kapri, Ekta; Sehgal, Binoo
    Financial Inclusion simply means to create financial system at ease for poor people of economy. Financial system excluded certain segments of people in early stage of economic development. However, government attempted to reach this segment by framing different policies in the form of different saving and loan schemes. The present study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state with three objectives: (i) to find knowledge and use of government loan and saving schemes, (ii) to impart knowledge & find gain in knowledge and (iii) to ascertain the benefits and constraints faced by respondents. Two villages i.e. Dabra and Devan, from two different blocks and two urban localities i.e. CCSHAU Campus and Azaad Nagar from two different wards were randomly selected. 50 rural respondents from the two blocks (25 from each village) and 50 urban respondents from the two wards (25 from each locality) were randomly selected. Thus, the total number of respondents was 100. A pretested interview schedule was developed in accordance with the objectives of the study. The results show that maximum number of respondents ( 62%) belonged to middle age group, were educated upto 10+2 (42%), respondents‟ main occupation was service (41%), 71 per cent respondents were having accounts in banks and 29 per cent were having accounts in both banks and post office. More number of rural respondents adopted saving and loan schemes as compared to urban respondents. Majority of the rural and urban respondents (86%) adopted saving schemes and 63 percent adopted loan schemes. Amongst government saving schemes, 94 per cent respondents were aware about Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana but only half of the respondents (50%) adopted it. Amongst government loan schemes, 83 per cent respondents were aware about Personal Loan but only 33 per cent adopted it. In case of government loan schemes, respondents found Public Provident Fund beneficial due to tax benefit. PMJDY was found to be convenient and accessible. In case of government loan schemes, respondents felt Personal loan, Vehicle loan and Kisan Credit Card beneficial because they could use the product before full payment was made. After use of education loan 31 per cent respondents reported that it was beneficial because government provided tax benefit on it. In case of government saving schemes, respondents faced problem due to penalty in premature withdrawals in PPF and SCSS. In case of government loan schemes, respondents faced problem during taking Personal loan and Education loan because of lengthy loan procedure.