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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Prospects and Problems of women Enterpreneurs of Punjab
    (Department of Family Resource Management I. C. College of Home Science Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 2003) Sharma, Shivani; Bakhshi, Rupa
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on Saving and Investment pattern of Urban Families of Haryana
    (College of Agriculture Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, 2003) Chaudhary, Anju; Sehgal, Binoo
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Socio-cultural status of elderly women in rural setting in hisar District
    (CCSHAU, 2004) Sharma, Veena; Kiran Singh
    The present study was conducted in four villages of Hisar district of Haryana state. The total sample size was 300 respondents; seventy-five from each village. The study was conducted on elderly female above the age of 55 years, living in different living arrangement. A pre-tested interview schedule was used for data collection. The study revealed four type of living arrangement commonly existed among elderly female and those were, living alone, living with spouse, living with family and living with family without spouse. Majority of the respondents (45.67%) were residing with whole family, that is with spouse and children. They were getting financial support by their children (77.67%) residing with them and only 48.33 per cent were getting pension. Among different living arrangement, majority of the elderly, who were living alone (63.33%) “dislike to live with their daughter’s family”, where as 66.66 per cent of elderly, living with spouse ‘to prevent conflict with daughter-in-law”. “To share the feelings and knowledge with the family members” was the reason given by the majority of elderly living with family (80.02%) and “need affectionate care during old age” was the reason of majority of elderly widow to live with children (77.54%). Majority of the elderly women had monthly income upto Rs. 700/-, whereas 96.67 per cent of them were landless large proportion of elderly female (63.67%) were found to be in medium health status category. The common disease reported by the elderly was cough and cold (90.0%). In case of type of sleep 30.33 per cent of elderly female was suffering from disturbed sleep and majority of them were living alone. The elderly female (56.67%) were participating in domestic activities and their free time was spent in chatting (63.0%) with their age-mates. To live a happy married life was the goal framed by elderly women (51.67%) in their earlier days of life which changed to healthy living (78.67%); and religious believes was the value of majority of elderly female (47.33%). Their involvement in decision making was mostly in genuine problems only (42.67%). Life satisfaction in relation to health, socio-economic and psychological status was interrelated and associated with age, living arrangement and marital status. Social satisfaction was found to be associated with living arrangement, (2 = 5.53), age (2 = 4.56), economic satisfaction (2 = 13.67) and psychological satisfaction (2 = 36.94). Health status was found to be associated with living arrangement (2 = 52.63), social satisfaction (2 = 30.67), age (2 = 25.42), economic status (2 = 36.19) and psychological satisfaction (2 = 32.31). Economic status was found to be associated with age (2 = 33.75), marital status (2 = 53.21), living arrangement (2 = 19.49).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings of Udaipur City
    (Department of Family Resource Management College of Home Science : Udaipur, 2003) Rathor, Hemu; Singhvi, Ritu.