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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Use of information and communication technologies by extension personnel to disseminate agricultural information
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Noor Agha; Ghanghas, Bharat Singh
    India has been experiencing major changes in agricultural extension system since the beginning of the 21st century. The reform included both demand and supply side measures. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a global tool often used by individuals, organizations, governments and intergovernmental organizations for personal or official activities. Its application cut across all fields of human endeavor like medicine, commerce, engineering, architecture, education, library services, and agriculture. Information and communications technologies have been of great significance in the development agenda of most countries due to their critical role in facilitating socio-economic development. Keeping above facts in mind the study was conducted with following objectives: (i) To determine the availability and accessibility of ICTs among the field functionaries, (ii) To assess the extent of use of Information Communication Technology by field functionaries and (iii) To identify the constraints in use of ICTs by field functionaries to manage agricultural information. The present study was conducted in Hisar and Fatehabad districts of Haryana state. All Agricultural Development Officers and Block Agricultural officers working in department of agriculture of selected districts were personally interviewed with the help of pretested and structured interview schedule. The results shows that majority of the respondents were middle age group (36-50 years), female respondents were few, the percentage of agriculture graduates and post graduates was same (36.67 %), about one third of the respondents had less than 5 years job experience, majority of the respondents have not received trainings on ICT despite that majority of the extension personnel had ICTs skills viz. use of internet, MS Word, data entry and power point, more than half of the respondents had rural background, findings also indicated that job requirements for job commitment expressed by the extension personnel were field visits, technical guidance to farmers, organizing field days, conducting demonstrations and office work, the educational status and rural-urban background of the extension personnel were significantly associated with the ICTs skills and job satisfaction, 55.6 per cent respondents had not access to ICTs in their department. Majority of the respondents were aware about advantages of ICTs VIZ, time saving, more outreach, easy to access and access to more information sources. A vast majority (90.00 %) of the respondents evaluated ICT as positive tool for effective extension, more than half of the respondents were competent enough to handle and use ICTs properly. The study further illustrates that majority of the extension personnel used mobile phone to seek farmers’ participation and to deliver extension & advisory services, more than 80.00 percent and about 60.00 per cent of the respondents used social media like Whats App and facebook for extension activities respectively. Regarding constraints faced in use of ICT tools were less knowledge of farmers about ICTs and lack of specialized trainings received on ICTs were very serious constraints followed by lack of farmer’s interests in ICT tools, lack of ICT trainers and lack of ICT experience and skill. Loss of competitiveness, loss of contact with timely information and loss of extension management efficiency were the major consequences /concerns perceived by field functionaries for not using the ICTs presently or in near future.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Content analysis and reading behaviour towards “Swachh Bharat Mission”
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Ashma; Goel, Rita
    Media is an essential tool of communication which helps in educating the masses. Print media is the oldest communicating tool still being used in all the life stages. The importance of print media especially newspaper can be estimated from the fact that millions of people across the country depend for the information that appears in the newspapers. Sanitation is not only associated with internal beauty but also with the health of the people. The well known international organizations and other sanitation related schemes or programmes like Swachh Bharat Mission cannot be ignored whenever sanitation and issues related with it become headlines. In India, most of the print media studies have been in the area of content analysis. Very little attempts have been made to know quantitative and qualitative coverage of issues related to Swachh Bharat Mission in the newspapers. Therefore, the study was conducted by keeping in view the importance of content analysis with the objectives: Content analysis of coverage on “Swachh Bharat Mission” in Hindi newspapers and Analyze the reading behaviour towards “Swachh Bharat Mission”. Four Hindi newspapers i.e. Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Dainik Tribune and Punjab Kesri were selected on the basis of maximum circulation of these newspapers in locale of the study. Content analysis of the selected newspapers was conducted in three phases. Hisar district of Haryana state was selected purposively to study the readers‟ behavior towards Swachh Bharat Mission. Total 100 respondents from the 2 wards (50 from each) of the Hisar city were interviewed randomly. The results of content analysis revealed that Dainik Jagran had maximum number of items and space related to Swachh Bharat Mission followed by Dainik Bhaskar. Majority of the items were published in the form of news followed by campaigns and photographs. Most of the items related to issue were covered by the newspaper correspondents and national agencies. Majority of items were of national level and placed on local page. The number of items and space covered in 1st column was highest. The maximum items and highest space were covered in 15 days after launching. The results of readership behaviour signifies that majority of the respondents were aware about national newspapers in both Hindi and English languages and read newspapers regularly. Most of the respondents read newspapers for improving their knowledge and preferred Dainik Bhaskar newspaper. About one fourth of the respondents preferred political section in the newspaper. Half of the respondents found the coverage regarding Swachh Bharat Mission somewhat adequate in the selected newspapers and felt that Dainik Bhaskar published content related to Swachh Bharat Mission was able to create awareness.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adoption constraints and technological gap for chickpea production technology
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Sharma, Nidhi; Shehrawat, P.S.
    This study was conducted to develop strategies for popularizing chickpea among farmers of Haryana state. The study was conducted in Bhiwani district of Haryana state, two blocks Tosham and Shiwani were selected randomly, from each block, two villages were selected and from each village, thirty farmers were selected randomly. Thus, total one hundred twenty farmers were selected and interviewed with the help of well-structured schedule. The interview schedule was divided into four categories i.e. adoption, constraints, dissuading factors and strategies. Findings of the personal profile of the respondents revealed that majority of the farmers were of middle age group (31-50 years), educated up to metric, belonged to nuclear family with 5-6 members, performed only farming and had land holding up to 5 acres. Result pertaining to adoption that maximum number of respondents used HC-3 variety followed by C-235. In case of seed rate adoption level higher in desi gram as compared to kabuli gram. Adoption rate is very lower in seed treatment.75.66 per cent of respondents adopted recommended method of sowing and 71 per cent farmers adopted recommended spacing in gram. Regarding manures and fertilizers, Di-ammonium phosphate is most common fertilizer used by the farmers followed by urea, single super phosphate and zinc sulphate, respectively. In irrigation requirement 67.33 per cent farmers applied irrigation before flowering followed by 33.33 per cent farmers applied irrigation at pod formation stage. In case of weed control 98.66 per cent farmers done hand weeding 25-30 days after sowing followed by 48 per cent farmers applied 45-50 days after sowing. Regarding disease control and cultural control 33.3 per cent farmers had adopted disease and cultural control. In case of insect pest control 59.66 per cent farmers had adopted control measure of gram pod borer followed by 33.33 per cent adopted control measure of Gram dhora. As far as constraint of chickpea cultivation was concerned, maximum respondents experienced various constraints like lack of promising varieties, inadequate rain at critical stages, lack of demonstration and training, the government does not do higher interest rate on loans, scarcity of agro-processing units and procurement of produce. Among dissuading factors, low yield potential is very accountable factor among chickpea growers followed by lack of promising varieties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact assessment of food processing trainings on scheduled caste women
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Nisha; Seema Rani
    The study was conducted to assess the impact of food processing training on scheduled caste women. A total of 155 scheduled caste women respondents of seven villages of 3 blocks i.e. Hisar-I, Hisar–II and Hansi of Hisar District of Haryana state were imparted training on food processing. Out of these 104 respondents were selected for the present study. Various socio- personal, economic, psychological and communication variables constitute the independent variables for the study and knowledge, attitude, skill acquisition and adoption constitute the dependent variables for the study. Most of the respondent (52.88%) were of lower middle age group , educated up to matriculation (45.19%), married (80.78%) having medium family education status and belong to nuclear families. Majority of them were laborers with monthly income between rupees. 40,000-60,000 and had medium level of material possession. The psychological profile revealed medium level of change proneness, risk orientation and high entrepreneurial motivation. Maximum training effectiveness score was recorded for pickling of seasonal vegetables (WMS 2.43) followed by fruit and vegetable preservation (WMS2.26), processing of milk and milk products (WMS 2.40) and baking (WMS 2.20). Most of the respondents succeeded in acquiring knowledge of all the training on food processing. Respondents were highly satisfied with the green chilli pickle in fruit and vegetable preservation training, pickling of seasonal vegetables training, production & preservation of paneer in milk and milk products training and making of chocolate cake in baking training. Respondents were highly satisfied about quality of trainer and subject matter for all the trainings. Sufficient knowledge was recorded for all components of food processing and knowledge level of trainees was found high. Skill acquisition of respondents was of medium level for all the trainings. Overall impact of trainings was of medium level. Economic constraints were perceived as major constraint followed by personal, market and technical constraints for all the trainings. Attitude of respondents was found favourable towards all selected trainings. The training component had significant association with knowledge, attitude and skills.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Content analysis and readers behaviour towards 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao' Scheme
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Bisht, Shakshi; Verma Trar, Vandana
    The content analysis was done of three newspapers. „Beti Bachao Beti Padhao‟ issues were analyzed for the period of January-February in the year 2015, 2016 and 2017. For readership survey, the study was conducted in Hisar city of Haryana state. Two localities, Urban Estate-II and Sector 15-a were selected randomly. The total sample constituted 100 women comprising 50 working and 50 non working women from both the localities. Various socio-personal, economical and communication variables were selected as independent variables. Readership behaviour comprising of reading frequency, reading pattern, reading response was taken as dependent variable. The Times of India gave 451.85col.cm., Space covered regarding BBBP issues in all the three years was 451.85col.cm., 509.21col.cm and 219.65col.cm in The Times of India, The Tribune and Nabh-chor respectively..Space devoted to ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ in the year 2015 was 547.15 col.cm by all the three dailies, which decreased to 378.87 col.cm. in 2016 and further decreased to 254.69 col.cm. in 2017. All the three newspapers gave first priority to news, second priority was given to editorial by The Times of India, feature in The Tribune and photographs in Nabh-chor. Working women are subscribing more multiple newspapers as compared to non working women. This can be due to other family members. Majority of respondents who were regular readers, who read newspapers daily, were non working women, possible reason could be more free time as compared to working women. Respondents have high exposure to print media then electronic media and have low social participation. Association between profile of respondents with reading behaviour of the respondents was significant for age (14.7) at degree of freedom 6, education (12.745) at degree of freedom 6, occupation (6.071) at degree of freedom 2, type of family (6.671) at degree of freedom 2 and number of girls (12.875) at degree of freedom 6 while no association was found between caste(2.60), marital status (3.392), size of family (7.219), family occupation (1.314), monthly income (7.904) and order of girls (0.801) with readership behaviour of respondents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Inter generation media habits of urban respondents
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Preeti; Kaushik, Sushma
    The study was conducted in the Hisar city of Haryana State. Two localities were selected randomly viz. Sector-15 A and Jawahar Nagar. Out of each selected locality, 20 respondents each from different age categories i.e. 16-30 years, >30-45 years, >45-60 years and above 60 years were selected randomly. A set of nine independent variables including socio –economic and personal profile and three dependent variable were taken namely media ownership& access, media preferences and media habits. The study revealed that cent percent respondents had TV and mobile phone and majority of the respondents had newspaper (97.5%), computer (84.3%), and internet connection (89.3%) in their households. Mobile was the first preference of all age categories except above 60 age group who preferred TV at first place. The study also revealed that TV was the most preferred source of news for almost all age groups except above 60 age group who preferred newspaper. In 16-30 and >30-45 age group, internet was the most preferred source of entertainment and information. Most of the respondents gave preference to serials followed by news/politics and movies. Majority, of the respondents did multitasking while watching T V like eating (87.2%) and texting (63.9%). Almost all respondents used mobile for making/receiving call, listen music and social media. Majority of the respondents had profile on social media in all age categories 16-30 (97.5%), >30-45 (72.5%), >45-60 year (70%). Newspaper was perceived as most reliable media in all four age categories. 35.6 per cent of the respondents watched TV for 1-2 hours, while, majority of the respondents used their mobile phone 2-3 hours a day. Regarding, newspaper most of the respondents read newspaper less than 30 minutes in a day. Most of 16-30 and >30-45 years respondents were likely to miss plans due to smart phone, had hard time concentrating, were constantly checking smartphone, using smart phone longer and said that they felt impatient when not holding phone. Regarding smart phone addiction, 16-30 and >30-45 age groups had high addiction towards mobile/internet while >45-60 and above 60 age groups respondents had medium addiction. The overall mean scores of opinion towards TV across various age category indicated that 16-30 years respondents had positive opinion about TV while all other categories had mixed feelings and neutral opinion. While, respondents from all age categories had neutral opinion about radio. Among the respondents of 16-30 years and >30-45 years had positive opinion about mobile phone while the other two categories had neutral opinion. The overall mean scores revealed that respondents of all age categories had positive opinion towards the internet, maximum score obtained by 16-30 years age group. The respondents of 45-60 and above 60 age categories had positive opinion for print media, whereas the other two category had neutral opinion. Age, type of family, size of family were negatively and significantly related with media control while education and family income were positively and significantly associated. Further, Age, education and family income were positively and significantly associated with print media utilization. Age and size of family were negatively and significantly related while education, occupation, income of respondents and family income were positively and significantly related with social networking media at 0.05% level of significance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Intergeneration media habits of rural respondents
    (CCSHAU, 2017) Natasha; Batra, Asha
    The present study was conducted to explore the access, preferences and habits of various media devices/platforms across generations. Bhiwani district was randomly selected to conduct the study. Total 160 rural respondents from different age categories (15-30,>30-45,>45-60 and above 60) were taken purposively from both sexes. The findings revealed that all the respondents had access to T.V and mobiles in their houses. Majority of respondents in 15-30, >30-45 and >45-60 age group had their own personal mobiles. Majority of the respondents had no laptops of their own. Majority of the respondents who belonged to 15-30 and >30-45 age group were mobile internet users. On the other hand in the age group of >45-60 (37.5%) and above 60(12.5%) age were mobile internet users. In daily life 15-30 and >30-45 age group respondents preferred mobiles while >45-60 and above 60 respondents preferred T.V. Majority of 15-30 age group respondents preferred internet while >30-45,>45-60 and above 60 respondents preferred print media to access news. In 15-30 and >30-45 age group respondents preferred internet for entertainment purpose while >45-60 and above 60 age respondents preferred T.V. 15-30 and >30-45 respondents preferred internet while>45-60 and above 60 age respondents preferred print media to access any information. The study further revealed that majority of the 15-30,30-45 and >45-60 age group respondents used mobile at common place while majority of the above 60 respondents used mobile at home. All the respondents whose age > 60 were not accustomed to use laptops at all. More than 60 per cent respondents of all age group read newspaper at home. In 15-30 and >30-45 age group, 37.5per cent and 30.0 per cent respondents spent 30min-1hr and 25% respondents of above 60 age group spent more than 3 hrs in listening radio per day. In 15-30 and >30-45 age group ,40 per cent and 42.5 per cent respondents spent 2-3 hr on mobile whereas in above 60 age group, half of the respondents spent less than 30 min and 30 min-1hr on mobile. In the age group of 15-30,>30-45 and >45-60 respondents spent more than 3 hrs per day on internet i.e. (40 %,) (22.5%) and (10%) respectively. In >45-60 and above 60 age respondents spent 1-2 hr for reading newspaper i.e.( 60.0% and 42.5%) respectively. 15-30 age group respondents were addicted to smartphone (weighted mean score 2.5) followed by >30-45 age group respondents were somewhat addicted (weighted mean score 1.90). While >45-60 and above 60 respondents were not addicted at all (weighted mean score 1.17 and 1.11) respectively. The opinion of 15-30 age group respondents internet was the most reliable source of information having (mean score 2.65, rank I). While >30-45.>45-60 and above 60 age respondents were consent on the opinion that newspaper was the most reliable source of media mean score (2.8, 2.65 and 2.8, rank I) respectively. Age variable was found significant but negatively correlated with control, electronic and social networking media consumption by respondents. While age, education, income and family size variables were positively correlated with print media consumption by respondents at 5% level of significance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Agricultural waste utilization in diversified agriculture
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Sindhu, Nitu; Shehrawat, P.S.
    This study was conducted to develop strategies for managing the enormous waste generated from agriculture. The study was conducted in two districts of Haryana state namely, Hisar and Sonipat, From each district two blocks were selected randomly, from each block three villages were selected and from each village, ten farmers were selected randomly. Thus, total one hundred twenty farmers were selected and interviewed with the help of well structured schedule. The interview schedule was divided into three categories i.e. awareness, utilization and benefits. Findings of the personal profile of the respondents revealed that majority of the farmers were of middle age group (36-50 years), educated up to metric, belonged to joint family with 4-6 members, performed only farming and had land holing up to 5 acres. Result pertaining to awareness indicated that awareness about the utilization of biogas plant waste, mushroom waste, wheat waste, mustard and horticultural waste was more than 70 percent. Awareness about utilization of paddy waste, sugarcane waste, cotton waste, floricultural wastes, poultry waste and livestock waste was between 50 to 60 percent. Utilization of biogas plant waste and mushroom waste was very high. Utilization of livestock waste, poultry waste and mushroom waste was medium. Utilization of horticultural wastes, floricultural wastes and cotton waste was low and utilization of wheat crop waste, paddy crop waste and sugarcane crop waste was very low. Thus, overall awareness about utilization of agricultural waste was very high but utilization of agricultural waste by the farmers was very less. Results pertaining to benefits to farmers after utilization of agricultural waste revealed that most of the farmers were benefited in very ordinary ways like high milk yield, addition income by selling waste to brick yards, reduced expenditure on chemical fertilizers, reduced waste available for disposal, clean and safe environment, etc. Very few farmers were employed as there were very few employment opportunities in villages. Employment opportunities will increase if industries like processing units for making value added products, handicrafts industries for making bags, mats, hats, carpets, etc., handmade paper industry, development of waste collection centers in villages and others are developed in villages. Thus there is need to develop village level industries and motivate farmers to systematically manage their waste in order to make valuable products from them. Systematic utilization of agricultural wastes will not only benefit the individual farmer but also the society, environment and government.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effectiveness of media package for promoting beti bachao beti padhao scheme
    (CCSHAU, 2016) Jyoti Rani; Dahiya, Manju
    Education for women is the best way to improve the health, nutrition and economic status of a household that constitute a micro unit of a nation economy. In this context, it can be argued that lack of women education can be an impediment to the country’s economic development. Mr. Narender Modi, Prime Minister of India has given stress on the need of educating and protecting the girl child. On the launch of this scheme, Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi asked the public to eradicate female foeticide and follow the Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme for the betterment of the girl child. This programme was launched by the PM on 22nd of January in 2015. The study was conducted in the Haryana state. Rewari and Mahendergarh districts were selected purposively with having lowest sex ratio. The total sample constituted 120 rural women comprising 60 from Rewari and 60 from Mahendergarh district with same age group and education level. Various socio-personal, economic and communication variables were selected as independent variables. Increase in knowledge and change in opinion were selected as dependent variables. The study revealed that cent percent respondents were of younger age group, 48.3 per cent of the respondents belonged to middle caste, educated up to matriculation /Ser. Sec (58.3%) , had medium sized family (54.7%), joint family (88.3%).Majority of the respondents were agricultural labourer/farmer (67.5%) as their main family occupation and annual income up to Rs. 50,000 (51.7%) and (56.7%) had mixed house. Most of the respondents (70%) were having low mass media exposure. Sufficient increase in knowledge regarding BBBP was recorded after exposure T1 and T2for sub- components viz., general information, information about female feticide and abortion, awareness about benefits given under the scheme, provision of award under BBBP. Opinion of the respondents was changed after exposure to T1 and T2 on all the parameters; The overall effectiveness of all components of media package was highly effective for rural women .The media package had significant effect on the increase in knowledge and change in opinion of the respondents. It can be concluded that there was no significant association between independent variables and knowledge regarding BBBP. Significant association for education, number of children, family income and localite source of information was recorded with change in opinion of respondents regarding BBBP.