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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of an efficient protocol for micropropagation of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Swati Rani; Upendra Kumar
    Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is the most important fruit worldwide. Micropropagation is mainly for the clonal multiplication.Strawberry cvs. Grenada and Petaluma were micropropagated for rapid shoot and root multiplication. Meristematic part and leaf primordia is source of explants. Foe the sterilization process, the explants were dipped in two to three drops of Tween 20 per 100 ml for 10 minutes with distilled water, 0.5% Bavisitin & Streptocycline for 30 mintues with antimicrobial supplement and 0.1% HgCL2 for 2 minutes gave the maximum aseptic cultures. After the surface sterilization of meristemetic part of plants 3-5 mm long was used as a explant. Multiplication stage results indicate that highest auxiliary buds were observed when MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l and 1.5 mg/l BAP in Petaluma and Grenada. At rooting stage, it was clear visually that MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l of BAP with 1.5 mg/l of IBA in both the cultivars gave the best results of enhanced number roots with higher length and number shoots with higher length per explants. The best result for root multiplication indicating the use of IBA with ( 1.0, 1.5 mg/l) concentration as compared to other treatments.The highest response for the shoot multiplication was obtained with MS containing 1.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l BAP respectively. The present research is very useful in commercializing the new cultivars of strawberry into north Indian conditions which gives higher yield of fruits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    In silico identification and physical mapping of gene(s) responsible for β-glucan in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum. L)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Dhamija, Aryan; Upendra Kumar
    Dietary fibers from plant cell wall are an essential component of healthy foods. Higher intake of dietary fiber reduces the risk of diet related chronic disease like type 2 diabetes, obesity and also improves gastrointestinal health. In human diets, cereal fiber is the largest contributor to total dietary fiber consumption. The soluble dietary fiber (1-3) (1-4) mixed linked β-D-glucan from cereal grains is a valuable component of a healthy diet. In the present investigation, the gene responsible for β-glucan in hexploid wheat was identified using both in silico and molecular methods.The in silico analysis confirmed that CslF6 gene in wheat was located on the chromosome 7A. Sequence similarity search was conducted between HvCslF6 and wheat survey sequences displayed a similarity of 96% with chromosome 7A. The structure of this gene had 3 exons and codes for a protein of 945 amino acids. Homology modeling of putative CslF6 protein was described as Probable cellulose synthase A catalytic subunit 8.Different cytogenetic stocks of Chinese spring revealed that CslF6 gene was located on centromeric region of 7AL (FL=0.29). Identified CslF6 in wheat can be utilized to make β-glucan efficient wheat and can be used in biofortification program.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Screening of wheat genotypes for multiple fungal resistance using functional markers
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Garg, Bharat; Yashveer, Shikha
    In the present study, 58 wheat genotypes were characterized for grain yield, biochemical traits and functional markers. The wheat genotypes were sown in RBD (Randomized Block Design) design in two replications in the field of Wheat and Barley Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana (India) during Rabi, 2019-2020 for the evaluation of ten yield and its component characters viz. plant height, number of tiller per meter, spike length, number of grain per spike, number of spikelet per spike, grain yield per meter, biological yield per meter, harvest index and 1000-grain weight. In this study 58 wheat genotypes were screened for morphological and biochemical traits, showed varied mean range signifying ample amount of variability present in the wheat genotypes Genetic variability of genotypes was assessed by PCV, GCV, heritability and genetic advance over mean. The values of GCV were lower than their corresponding PCV for all the characters studied, indicated the negligible effect of environment on the development of plants. The maximum value of the GCV & PCV was observed for the grain yield per meter (11.87) and number of spikelet per spike (16.65). Highest broad sense heritability was recorded for biological yield per meter (80.92) The positive and significant genotypic correlation for grain yield per meter was found with number of tillers per meter (0.503), spike length (0.217), number of grains per spike (0.332), biological yield per meter (0.864), harvest index (0.616). Thus, these component traits may be used in wheat breeding programme for further improvement in grain yield. For characterization of quality traits, various biochemical attributes were analyzed viz. total phenolic content, total flavonoids, proline content, glycine betaine, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and tyrosine ammonia lyase (TAL) at vegetative and maturity stages. Total phenolic content range for vegetative stage is 0.41 to 4.74 mg CE/g and 1.07 to 6.17 mg CE/g in the maturity stage. Total flavonoids range for the vegetative stage, is 0.30 to 0.97 mg QE/g and 1.07 to 9.18 mg QE/g in the maturity stage. Proline content range for vegetative stage is 0.07 to 0.45 mg /g and 0.08 to 0.55 mg /g in maturity stage. Glycine betaine range for vegetative stage is 0.59 to 9.59 mg /g DW and 2.67 to 4.24 mg /g DW in the maturity stage. PAL activity range for vegetative stage is 4.15 to 6.23 μmole/h/g and 4.99 to 6.51 μmole/h/g in the maturity stage. TAL activity range for vegetative stage is 1.45 to 12.43 μmole/h/g and 1.74 to 12.10 μmole/h/g in the maturity stage. Total flavonoids content had high GCV and PCV in biochemical traits. On heritability analysis, Tyrosine ammonia lyase (TAL) had higher heritability. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was found in characters such as total phenolic content, total flavonoids content, proline content, glycine betaine and TAL. These characters are recommended in selecting genotypes for screening for biotic and abiotic stress. For functional marker analysis, a total of 24 functional markers were used showed amplification. These selected primers are linked with specific fungal disease resistance gene and amplification of specific primer on wheat genotypes gave the idea of presence of that allele.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Estimation of phytosiderophores in wheat-Aegilops addition/substitution lines under iron deficiency
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Bisla, Bindu; Upendra Kumar
    Wheat is a major cereal crop all over the world in terms of cultivated area and food source. Most elite wheat cultivars, on the other hand, have low grain iron (Fe) content. Over three billion people, mostly women and children, suffer from micronutrient deficiency, mainly Fe deficiency. However, plants have developed systems to ensure that Fe homeostasis is kept precisely regulated at all levels. The roots improve the nutrient availability in the rhizosphere by removing proton and phenolic compounds from their roots into the rhizosphere which is intended to improve the solubility of ferric ions (Strategy I in dicots) or the solubilization of Fe3+ and other metal micronutrients by phytosiderophores (PS) of the mugineic acid (MA) family secreted from roots (Strategy II, in monocots). In the present investigation, two wheat-Aegilops addition/substitution lines (UP HAU-3 and CS) were grown hydroponically under Fe sufficient and deficient condition. Phytosiderophore release in the root exudates was induced under Fe deficiency and was higher for UP HAU-3 as compared to CS. Significantly higher expression of NAS, NAAT, DMAS and Ids3 was measured in UP HAU-3 than CS under Fe deficiency. We can use biotechnological tools and techniques to introduce the gene responsible for phytosiderophores secretion into field crops. It will enhance the crop uptake in nutrient deficient conditions and indirectly crop yield.