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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    To evaluate the compatibility and efficacy of post-emergence herbicidal combinations tank mixed with zinc and iron sulphate against weeds in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Jitender; Amarjeet
    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the major cereal food crops of the world. Weeds are one of major biotic factors affecting wheat production significantly and now a days, micronutrients deficiency is also being observed in mostly wheat growing areas. Very less information is available regarding compatibility of herbicides with micronutrients. Field experiment was conducted at RRS, Bawal during Rabiseason of 2018-19 to evaluate the compatibility of post-emergence herbicidal combinations with Zn or/and Fe. Experiment consisted of 18 treatments replicated thrice, was laid outin Randomized Block Design. Four herbicidal combinations viz. clodinafop + metsulfuron@ 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron + metsulfuron @ 32g/ha, mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron @ 14.4 g/ha, pinoxaden + carfentrazone @ (50 + 20g/ha) were evaluated for compatibility with Zn {ZnSO4(0.5%) + urea (2.5%)}, Fe {FeSO4 (0.5%)} and with both Zn as well as Fe {ZnSO4 (0.5 %) + urea (2.5 %) + FeSO4 (0.5 %)}. The results of experiment revealed that all four herbicidal combinations studied were found compatible with Zn and Fe as well. Tank mixing of herbicidal combinations with Zn or Fe exhibited a bit improvement in growth and yield of wheat. While, tank mixing of both Zn and Fe with herbicidal combinations showed significant increase in growth parameters and subsequently grain as well as biological yield of wheat as compared to sole application of respective herbicidal combination. Among all the treatments, application of mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron (14.4 g/ha) + ZnSO4 (0.5%) + urea (2.5%) + FeSO4 (0.5%) was observed as most productive with highest grain yield (5655 kg/ha) and profitable with highest net returns (Rs. 60973/ha) and B:C (1.88).Satisfactory weed control was observed with all the treatments of herbicidal combinations Tank mixing of Zn and Fe improved the efficacy of herbicidal combinations by improving competitive ability of wheat through better growth resulting into higher weed control efficiency. The uncontrolled weeds caused 34 per cent loss in grain yield.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of seed rate and nitrogen dose for dual purpose barley
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-06) Sharma, Amit; Dhaka, A. K.
    A field experiment entitled “Optimization of seed rate and nitrogen dose for dual purpose barley” was conducted during Rabi season 2019-20 at wheat and barley section research area of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The experiment was comprised of three nitrogen doses (N1-60, N2-75 and N3- 90 kg N/ha) as main plot treatments and four seed rates (S1- 87.5, S2- 100, S3- 112.5 and S4-125.0 kg/ha) as sub plot treatments. Experiment was laid out in split plot design with four replications. Based on the research investigation, it was found that nitrogen dose and seed rate both had significantly influenced the growth, yield attributes, yield and economics of dual purpose barley. Among nitrogen doses, 90 kg/ha being at par with 75 kg/ha recorded significantly higher grain yield (4895 kg/ha), biological yield (12220 kg/ha), green fodder yield (3706 kg/ha), net return (₹ 36,589/ha) and B:C (1.57) which were 9.7, 12.0, 15.1, 41.4 and 11.3 percent higher than nitrogen dose of 60 kg/ha, respectively due to higher yield attributes i.e. number of effective tillers (85.08), number of grains per spike (44.15), number of spikelets per spike (23.10), spike length (7.47) and test weight (37.82) with nitrogen dose 90 kg/ha which were 8.5, 5.1, 7.9, 11.4 and 4.8 percent higher than nitrogen dose of 60 kg/ha, respectively. Increase in number of days taken to booting, heading and maturity was recorded with increase in nitrogen doses from 60 to 90 kg/ha. Among seed rates, 125.0 kg/ha closely followed by 112.5 kg/ha recorded significantly higher effective tillers (85.11), grain yield (4922 kg/ha), biological yield (12181 kg/ha), green fodder yield (3729 kg/ha), net return (₹ 34,937/ha) and B:C (1.54), which were 8.0, 11.0, 11.8, 16.7, 25.4 and 6.2 per cent higher than seed rate of 87.5 kg/ha, respectively. So, to obtain higher yield and economic returns for dual purpose barley (green fodder cut at 55 DAS and left after that for grain production), variety BH 946 should be sown using optimum seed rate of 125.0 kg/ha and nitrogen dose of 90 kg/ha.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of fertilizer application on productivity and quality of wheat under limited irrigation
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Jasht, Simran; Parihar, M.D
    Investigation entitled “Effect of fertilizer application on productivity and quality of wheat under limited irrigation” was conducted during Rabi 2019-20 at Soil Research Farm, Department of Soil Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The field experiment was carried out in Split Plot Design with twelve treatment combinations viz., three irrigation levels in the main plot viz., one (CRI), two (CRI and flowering stage) and three irrigations (CRI, late jointing and dough stage) and four fertilizer levels in the subplots (control, 75, 100, 125 per cent RDF) replicated thrice. The results revealed that at 60, 90, 120 DAS and at maturity, application of three irrigation produced the tallest plants (47.9, 93.3, 101.1 and 110.8 cm, respectively), highest number of tillers (127.2, 181.63, 109.36 and 101.69, respectively), dry matter accumulation (51.83, 140.55, 216.28 and 234.40 kg ha-1, respectively). Also, highest LAI (2.78, 4.41 and 3.23) was recorded significantly at 60, 90 DAS and at maturity, respectively with three irrigations followed by two and one irrigation. The highest CGR (6.81, 13.14, 10.22, 2.68 g m-2 day-1) was obtained with three irrigations at 30-60, 60-90, 90-120, 120 DAS up to maturity, respectively. Application of three irrigations resulted highest number of effective tillers per meter row length (91.18), number of grains per spike (46.32), longest spike (10.7 cm), test weight (41.48 g), grain yield (4727 kg ha-1), straw yield (6477 kg ha-1), biological yield (11204 kg ha-1), harvest index (42), protein content (11.22%), cost of cultivation (52975 Rs. ha-1), gross returns (115676 Rs. ha-1), net return (62701 Rs. ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.18). After wheat harvest, soil pH and EC ranged from 7.77 to 7.83 and 0.66 to 0.77 dS m-1, respectively. The highest available N, P and K content in soil (145.3, 16.6 and 306 kg ha-1, respectively) was recorded on application of one irrigation. Incorporation of 125 per cent RDF produced the tallest plants (46.8, 92.6, 102, 112.9 cm), highest number of tillers (132.8, 182.84, 110.27 and 103.93), dry matter accumulation (62.29, 152.21, 237.26 and 255.75 kg ha-1), at 60, 90, 120 DAS and at maturity, respectively. Whereas, 125 per cent RDF recorded highest LAI (2.93, 4.66 and 3.37, respectively) at 60, 90 DAS and at maturity. Plots treated with 125% RDF recorded the highest CGR of 7.62, 13.32, 12.60 and 2.74 g m-2 day-1 during the intervals of 30-60, 60-90, 90-120 days up to maturity, respectively. Application of 125 per cent RDF recorded the highest number of effective tillers per meter row length (91.98), number of grains per spike (49.64), spike length (10.98 cm), test weight (42.74 g), grain yield (4828 kg ha-1), straw yield (6432 kg ha-1), biological yield (11263 kg ha-1), harvest index (42.6) and protein content (11.88%), available N, P and K (150.1, 16.7 and 320 kg ha-1, respectively), cost of cultivation (60965 Rs. ha-1), gross returns (117047 Rs. ha-1), net return (56082 Rs. ha-1) and B: C ratio (1.92) after wheat harvest. From the above study, it may be concluded that the application of 125 per cent RDF and three irrigation levels increased yield, nutrient use efficiency, water use efficiency and also, improved quality of wheat and soil health. This field experiment can be performed on long term basis to evaluate the precise effect of irrigation at critical stages on quality and productivity of wheat in semi-arid areas.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of sewage water and organic manure on the growth and quality of spring maize (Zea mays L.)
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Raj Kumar; Uma Devi
    A field experiment on spring maize crop was conducted during Spring season of 2020 at Student Farm, of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar to find out the effect of organic manure and irrigation source on different genotypes in spring maize for getting higher yield. Soil of the experimental field was sandy loam in texture, alkaline in reaction (pH 8.04), low in organic carbon (0.34%) and available nitrogen (105 kg/ha), medium in available phosphorus (15.4 kg/ha) and high in available potash (302 kg K/ha). The experiment consisted of two genotypes (A1: HQPM-1, A2: HQPM-5), two source of irrigation (B1: canal water, B2: sewage treated water) and four levels of organic manure (C1: control, C2: 100% RDN through FYM, C3: 100% RDN through vermicompost, C4: 50% of RDN through FYM and 50% of RDN through vermicompost) laid out in split-plot design with genotypes and irrigation source in main plots and organic manure in sub-plot. The growth parameters viz. plant height, dry matter accumulation per plant was significantly higher under HQPM-1 (A1) whereas crop yield attributes (number of kernel per cob, test weight) was not significantly affected by genotypes. Irrigation source had non-significant effect on growth parameters (plant height, dry matter accumulation per plant) as well as crop yield attributes (number of kernel per cob, test weight). Application of organic manure significantly increased the growth parameters, yield attributes, yield and protein content and it was higher through 100% RDN through vermicompost produced highest plant height, dry matter per plant, cob yield (with and without husk), grain yield and straw yield. Interaction between genotypes and irrigation as well as genotypes and organic manure was found significant in respect of grain yield, which revealed that HQPM-1 produced higher grain yield with irrigation of sewage treated water and 100% of RDN through vermicompost
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of summer greengram (Vigna radiata L.) varieties to integrated nutrient management
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Akshay; Satyajeet
    The present study entitled “Response of summer greengram (Vigna radiata L.) varieties to integrated nutrient management” was carried out at Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Bawal, Rewari (Haryana) during the summer, 2020. The experiment was comprised of three varieties viz., V1- MH-421, V2- MH-318 and V3- SML-668 as main plot treatment and four different fertility levels viz., T1 - Control, T2 - 100% RDF (20:40:0 kg/ha NPK), T3 - 75% RDF (inorganic) + 25% N/ha (FYM) + seed treatment (Rhizobium + PSB) and T4 - 50% RDF (inorganic) + 50% N/ha (FYM) + seed treatment (Rhizobium + PSB) as sub plot treatments. Experiment was laid out in split plot design with four replications. Based on the research investigation, it was found that both varieties and fertility levels have significant effect on growth, phenology, yield attributes, yield and economics of summer greengram. Among varieties, MH-318 recorded significantly higher grain yield (1110 kg ha-1), straw yield (3020 kg ha-1), net return (52972 ₹ ha-1) and B:C (3.12) which were 16.6, 7.1, 26.43 and 16.4 per cent higher than MH-421, respectively due to higher yield attributes i.e. number of pods per plant (17.9), number of seeds per pod (10.6), pod length (8.5) and seed index (5.09) with MH-318 which was 8.5, 5.1, 7.9, 11.4 and 4.8 per cent higher than MH-421, respectively. However, it remained at par with SML-668. Decrease in number of days taken to flowering and maturity was recorded in MH-318 in comparison to MH-421. Among fertility levels application of 75% RDF (inorganic) + 25% N/ha (FYM) + seed treatment (Rhizobium + PSB) recorded significantly higher no. of pods per plant (18.1), number of seeds per pod (10.7), grain yield (1269 kg ha-1), biological yield (4664 kg ha-1), straw yield (3395 kg ha-1), net return (62743 ₹ ha-1) and B:C (3.40), which were 22, 12, 84, 59, 51, 125 and 45% higher than control, respectively. Thus, the variety MH-318 should be fertilized with 75% RDF (inorganic) + 25% N/ha (FYM) + seed treatment (Rhizobium + PSB) to obtain higher yield and economic returns of summer greengram.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of greengram (Vigna radiata L.) to seed priming under rainfed condition
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-09) Yadav, Neeraj; Dadarwal, R. S.
    The present investigation denominated “Response of greengram (Vigna radiata L.) to seed priming under rainfed condition” was executed at Regional Research Station, Bawal, CCSHAU, Hisar during Kharif, 2020. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design, replicated thrice, having nine treatment combination. For the seed treatment of one ha seed rate, 20 g of priming chemical was applied for individual treatment. Greengram is a drought hardy and short duration kharif annual legume crop. Seedling vigour, consistent germination, early seedling emergence, crop growth and development were all increased by priming chemicals. Seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying was the best priming method in context of phenology, growth characteristics, yield and yield attributes of greengram. Different priming treatments significantly influenced phenological characteristics of greengram. Minimum days taken to emergence, 50% flowering, pod initiation and physiological maturity were accomplished by seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying. Seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying has 86.67%, 74.23%, 59.9% and 33.09% higher dry weight per plant than control at 15, 30, 45 DAS and at harvest, respectively. Seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying had 50.73%, 53.63%, 35.30% and 15.56% higher number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, number of seeds/pod, pod length and test weight. The N, P and K concentration (%) in seed and straw was not significantly influenced by different priming methods. NPK uptake in seed and straw was significantly swayed by different priming methods. Total NPK uptake in seed and straw was highest through seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying. Seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying had 15.49%, 15.43% and 10.18% higher uptake of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, respectively. Seed yield, straw yield and biological yield had significant proclivity towards different priming treatments. Maximum of all were with seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying which was statistically at par with hydropriming for 8 hours and thus the poor farmers should follow simple water soaking instead of chemical priming. Seed priming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying recorded 10.94%, 9.38% and 9.84%, respectively higher seed yield, straw yield and biological yield than control. Highest gross return was observed through osmopriming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying. Similarly, maximum net return and B:C were attained with osmopriming with KH2PO4 @ 2% for 8 hours and 2 hours sun drying.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of wheat genotypes under different sowing times
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-03) Homayoun Azizi; Satyavan
    The field experiment was conducted during the Rabi season of 2019-20 at research farm of department of soil science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar with the objective to find out best sowing time and to study the effect of sowing time on growth, yield and yield attributes of wheat varieties. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three sowing times (5th November, 20th November, 5th December) in main plots and four wheat varieties (WH 1184, HD 3086, WH 1124, HD 3059) in sub plots with four replications. Delay in sowing time from 5th November to 5th December significantly reduced the growth parameters in terms of plant height and dry matter accumulation and number of tillers. Among wheat varieties, highest plant height and dry matter accumulation were registered in WH 1184. Crop sown on 5th November took maximum number of days to attain phonological stages (days to 50% anthesis and days to physiological maturity) as compared to crop sown on 5th December sowing date. Wheat variety WH 1184 took maximum number of days to 50% anthesis and number of days for physiological maturity than rest of varieties. Quality parameters i.e. hectolitre weight was recorded maximum in 5th November sowing while highest protein content was recorded in 5th December sowing. Among varieties, highest protein yield was recorded with WH 1184 while, HD 3086 registered highest hectolitre weight. Sowing of wheat on 5th November resulted in significantly higher yield attributes (effective tillers, grains per spike and test weight) resulting in 6.9 and 14 per cent higher grain yield respectively as compared to 20th November and 5th December sowing. Among wheat varieties, highest yield attributes were recorded with HD 3086. Maximum grain yield (4774 kg/ha) and harvest index (42.4) were recorded by HD 3086 while maximum biological yield (11431 kg/ha) was obtained in WH 1184.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of herbicides for control of broad-leaf weeds in wheat
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Ahmad Farhad Nekhat; Dhaka, Anil Kumar
    A field experiment entitled “Evaluation of herbicides for control of broad-leaf weeds in wheat” was conducted during Rabi season of 2018-19 at Research Farm area of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana. The experiment was comprised of twelve post emergence herbicides (sole and their mixture) treatment i.e (Halauxifen-methyl ester + florasulam 40.85%WG + polyglycol 26-2N (0.25% v/v), metsulfuron-methyl 20 WP + 0.25% NIS surfactant, carfentrazone ethyl 40DF, 2, 4-D Na (80WP), 2, 4-D Ester (38 EC), metsulfurone-methyl 10% WP + carfentrazone 40DF + 0.2% surfactant, 2, 4-D Na + carfentrazone, 2, 4-D Ester + carfentrazone, halauxifen-methyl + florasulam + carfentrazone + surfactant, aclonifen 500 SC, diflufenican 100 SC and aclonifen 500 + diflufenican 100 SC) with different doses applied at 35 DAS, one weed free and weedy check on wheat variety WH 1105. Experiment was laid out in randomised block design with three replications. The major broad-leaf weeds infested wheat field were Chenopodium album, Convulvolus arvensis, Rumex dentatus, Anagallis arvensis and Melitotus indicus. Among all the herbicides and their mixtures tested, application of aclonifen 500 + diflufenican 100 SC @ 1750 + 1750 g/ha closely followed by application of Halauxifen-methyl + Florasulam + Carfentrazone + surfactant @ 24.99 + 50 + 750 g/ha at 35 DAS was found most effective against broad-leaf weeds except Convolvulus arevensis in wheat. Application of aclonifen 500 + diflufenican 100 SC @ 1750 + 1750 g/ha at 35 DAS was recorded with significantly higher plant height (110.7 cm), dry matter accumulation (346.3 g/mrl), effective tillers (107.7 /mrl), grains per spike (54.7), grain yield (6282 kg/ha), weed control efficiency (71.7%), net returns (65,733 Rs./ha) and B:C (1.82) at harvesting, which were 15.3, 18.3, 17.4, 21.6, 50.9, 71.1, 193.7 and 41.1 percent higher than weedy check plot, respectively. Based on study it is concluded that application of aclonifen 500 + diflufenican 100 SC @ (1750 + 1750 g/ha) at 35 days after sowing may be the most effective and economical to control the broad-leaf weeds and to obtain higher yield of wheat
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus requirement of timely sown bed planted wheat under varying irrigation levels
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Zabihullah; Suresh Kumar
    A field experiment entitled, “Assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus requirement of timely sown bed planted wheat under varying irrigation levels” was conducted during Rabi 2018-19 at Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India situated in the sub-tropical region at 29° 10' N latitude and 75° 46' E longitude at an elevation of 215.2 m above mean sea level in a semi-arid climate. The experiment soil loamy sand in texture, normal in reaction, low in available nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus, high in available potassium. The experiment comprised of four irrigation levels viz., two, three, four and five irrigations as main plot treatments and four fertilizer levels viz., 80%, 90%, 100% and 110% recommended NP as sub-plot treatments laid out in split-plot design with three replications. Based on the research investigation, it was found that irrigation and fertilizer levels both significantly influenced the phenology, growth, yield attributes, yield and economics of bed planted wheat crop. The increase in irrigation levels from two to five as well as fertilizer levels from 80% NP to 110% NP increased the crop duration, growth parameters (plant height, number of tillers, LAI and dry matter accumulation), yield attributes and grain and straw. Five irrigations in bed planted wheat recorded significantly higher grain yield (5022kg ha-1), straw yield (8578kg ha-1), effective tillers/m2 (534.0), grains/spike (64.0), 1000-grain weight (43.8 g), return on variable cost (77432Rs/ha), and B:C (2.43) compared to other irrigation levels. Water productivity of irrigation water was maximum (31.83 kg/ha-mm) with two irrigations, while that of total water was maximum with three irrigations (15.97 kg/ha-mm) and it decreased with increase in irrigation levels. Among the fertilizer levels, application of 110% NP recorded significantly higher grain yield (4765 kg ha-1), straw yield (8134 kg ha-1), effective tillers/m2 (526.9), grains/spike (64.0), test weight (43.6 g), return on variable cost (73024 Rs/ha), and B:C (2.40), but the increase in beyond 100% NP was non-significant. The water productivity increased with increase in fertilizer levels. The interaction effects between irrigation and fertilizer levels for different parameters were not found significant.