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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Microclimate modification and simulation studies on pigeonpea under semi-arid conditions
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2023-05) Rahul; Khichar, M.L.
    Field experiment entitled ―Microclimate modification and simulation studies on pigeonpea under semi-arid climatic conditions‖ were conducted during kharif season (2020 and 2021) at research farm, Department of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS HAU, Hisar located at 29º 10´ N latitude, 75º 46´ E longitude and 215.2 m altitude. The experiment was put in a factorial randomized block design and comprised of three plant spacing (main plot treatments) viz. S1- 30 × 10 cm, S2- 40 × 10 cm, S3- 60 × 10 cm and four sub plot treatments comprising four varieties viz. V1 (Paras), V2 (Manak), V3 (PAU 881) and V4 (Pusa 992) with three replications. Spacing 60 × 10 cm and Pusa 992 took more number of days to attain physiological maturity in both the crop seasons. Higher plant height was recorded in spacing 30 × 10 cm and Pars in both the crop seasons. Maximum dry matter was observed in 60 × 10 cm spacing and Paras in both the crop seasons. Maximum LAI and chlorophyll content was recorded in 60 × 10 cm spacing and Paras in both the crop seasons. LAI and chlorophyll content increases with the advancement of crop growth intervals and reach maximum at 130 DAS and then gradually decrease up to 150 DAS. Maximum primary and secondary branches per plant were observed in 60 × 10 cm spacing and Paras in both the crop seasons. Test weight, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, seed yield, straw yield, biological yield and harvest index were observed highest in 60 × 10 cm spacing and Paras in both the crop seasons. Highest GDD, HTU and PTU were recorded in 60 × 10 cm spacing and Pusa 992 from seedling emergence to physiological maturity in both the crop seasons. The temperature profiles were inverse in morning hours and lapse in evening hours. The relative humidity profiles were lapse inside the crop canopy throughout the day but profiles were near iso-humic at 0900 in the morning during various growth stages during both crop seasons. Simulation performance of model showed an underestimation with days to anthesis, days to physiological maturity, LAI and biological yield, while, Harvest index and seed yield was overestimated by the model.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Appraisal of aquacrop model for barley crop production under semi-arid conditions in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2023-05) Bassi, Navreet; Surender Singh
    Barley is one of the most important cereals of the world. It is cultivated in almost all parts of the world except the tropical regions. Barley is a major source of food for larger number of people living in the cooler semi-arid regions of the world where wheat and other cereals are less adapted. The present study entitled “Appraisal of AquaCrop Model for barley crop production under semi-arid conditions in Haryana” was conducted in Research farm of Department of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS HAU, Hisar for two seasons 2019-20 and 2020-21. Barley crop was sown in four different dates: 15th November 2019 and 28th November 2020 (D1), 30th November 2019 and 14th December 2020 (D2), 15th December 2019 and 28th December 2020 (D3) and 30th December 2019 and 8th January 2021 (D4). Four cultivars selected for the study were BH 393 (V1), BH 902 (V2), BH 393 (V3) and BH 885 (V4). The objectives of the experiment were, (i) To evaluate AquaCrop model for barley crop for semi arid conditions in Haryana, (ii) To estimate barley crop water productivity (CWP) in different growing environments, and (iii) To compare yield response of barley crop in different growing environments. During the experiment, observations were recorded for plant growth parameters, soil moisture content at various depths (15, 30, 60 and 90 cm), soil temperature at 15 and 30 cm depth, micrometeorological parameters and yield and yield attributes. The AquaCrop was evaluated using the observed parameters recorded during the two-season experiment. From the experiment it was concluded that, the AquaCrop model overestimated the grain yield of varieties BH 902, BH 946, BH 885 and underestimated the yield of BH 393. The model showed a closer estimate with the crop sown in November than in crop sown in second fortnight of December or later. After the evaluation of the model it was concluded that AquaCrop can effectively work for the semi-arid conditions of Haryana for November sown crop. The CWP was observed to be higher inseason 2020-21 than season 2019-20. November sown crop showed a higher CWP than December and January sown crop. BH 885 showed the maximum CWP than other varieties. November sown crop showed a higher yield and plant growth parameters than December and January sown crop and BH 885 showed a higher yield and plant growth parameters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Sensitivity analysis for potato crop under different climate change scenarios in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2023-05) Rajesh Kumar; Dagar, C.S.
    The experiment entitled, “Sensitivity analysis for potato crop under different climate change scenarios in Haryana” was conducted at Agricultural Meteorology Research Farm of CCS HAU, Hisar, during Rabi season of 2019-20 and 2020-21. The experiment was comprised of four planting dates (main plot treatments) viz. D1- 10th October, D2- 25th October, D3- 10th November and D4- 25th November and sub plot treatments comprising three different varieties viz. V1- Kufri Bahar, V2- Kufri Pushkar and V3- Kufri Lima during both the crop seasons. The experiment was laid out in factorial RBD design with four replications. Different agrometeorological indices viz. AGDD, AHTU, APTU, RUE and TUE accumulation was significantly higher under D2 sown crop at various phenophases. Among different sowing dates, D2- 25th Oct sown crop resulted in better overall growth as compared to D1, D3 and D4 sown crops in both the crop seasons. During crop season 2019-20, D4 sown crop was recorded highest tuber yield, whereas, in 2020-21, D2 sown crop. While, among varieties, Kufri Pushkar attained better growth and produced highest tuber yield with better yield attributes as compared to Kufri Bahar and Kufri Lima, in both the crop seasons. The micrometeorological parameters, among different planting dates were performed better in 25th October sown crop. Tuber yield was positively and significantly correlated with RHm, Rhe, BSH and RF, whereas, significantly and negatively correlated with Tmin. However, it was showed positive and significant correlation with LAI, total dry matter and absorbed PAR at tuber bulking stage. APSIM-Potato model was calibrated for 2019-20 and derived their genetic coefficients and further outputs were validated for second year (2020-21) experiments. The results revealed that simulated values of days taken for emergence, tuber initiation, physiological maturity, maximum LAI and tuber yield were in good agreement with observed values for Hisar conditions. The model under estimated the days taken for emergence whereas, over estimated the days taken for tuber initiation, physiological maturity, maximum LAI and tuber yield in majority of the treatments. The model has proved to be a suitable tool for optimization in potato management, prediction of phenology and estimating potential yield. Among different projected periods 2040s, 2060s 2080s and for all four projected climate change scenarios viz. RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5, the lowest maximum leaf area index and tuber yield was found under projected period 2080s in RCP 8.5 projected climate change scenario in D2 (25th Oct) sown crop and Kufri bahar variety.