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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Jorhat, 2019-06) Boruah, Priyanka; Gautam, B. P.
    A field experiment entitled “Assessment of growth, yield and quality of different types of cluster bearing ridge gourd” was carried out in the Instructional cum Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Biswanath College of Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University, Biswanath Chariali during 2018-19. Five different types of cluster bearing ridge gourd viz., Type 1(T1), Type 2(T2), Type 3(T3), Type 4(T4) and Type 5(T5) were collected from Jorhat, Golaghat and Biswanath districts of Assam for the study. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with five treatments replicated four times. Healthy disease and pest free seeds were sown treatment wise at a spacing of 2m×3m on 14th March, 2018. The results of the study revealed significant difference among different types of ridge gourd with respect to morpho-physiological, phenological, yield attributes and quality parameters. Among the types, T4 produced the maximum vine length (440.25 cm and 687.25 cm at 90 and 120 DAS, respectively) highest number of primary branches (7.25), internodal length (13.54 cm), number of nodes per vine (50.75), number of functional leaves per vine (216.50, 415.75 and 187.00 at 90, 105 and 120 DAS respectively). On the other hand, the area of a leaf and leaf area per vine were recorded the highest in T5 (106.54 cm2 and 2.22 m2 at 90 DAS respectively) and (107.05 cm2 and 1.89 m2 120 DAS respectively). The highest leaf chlorophyll content index (32.01), specific leaf weight (36.80mgcm-2) and relative leaf water content (75.44%) were found in T4. While the lowest chlorophyll content index (23.00) and relative leaf water content (70.34 %) were recorded in T2 but the lowest specific leaf weight was recorded in T5 (21.53 mgcm-2). Only in T3 and T5, both male and female flowers were borne but only hermaphrodite flowers were produced in T1, T2 and T4. Again T3 required the shortest period for appearance of male flower (34.75 DAS) at node number 4.5 and female flower (40.50 DAS) at 7th node number, with lower male: female ratio of 19.50:1. Among T1, T2 and T4 the T4 required the shortest days for flowering (38.75 DAS) at node number 5.25. Yield and yield attributing characters were found to be significant among all the types. The T4 required the shortest duration (67.25 DAS) to first picking of fruits which produced the highest fruit circumference (14.03cm), fruit volume (174.50cc), fruit fresh weight (154.62g/fruit). However, fruits of T5 were longest (21.23cm) among all other types. The significantly highest number of fruits (6.25) per cluster was recorded in T1 while T2 produced the highest number of fruit clusters per vine (43.25) and number of fruits per vine (181.50). Fruit yield per vine (7.28 kg/vine), fruit yield per hectare (12.15t/ha) and number of seeds per fruit (159.50) were recorded highest in T4. In case of fruit quality attributing characters, the highest TSS (4.32 OBrix), flavonoid (0.66% g) and dry matter content (9.53%) were found in T4 followed by T3. Thehighest moisture content was maintained in T5 (94.04%). However vitamin „C‟ content (4.36mg/100g) was found highest in bothT3 and T4. Minor incidence of downy mildew, powdery mildew, fruit fly, red pumpkin beetle, leaf miner and epilachna beetle were observed and were controlled using mild dose of chemicals during the investigation in all the types of ridge gourd. The computation of economics of cultivation showed that T4 recorded the highest benefit: cost ratio (2.97:1) followed by T3 (2.90:1). The lowest benefit: cost ratio of 2.23:1 was found in T5. The study, therefore suggests that T4 and T3 may be recommended to the ridge gourd growers of Assam for maximizing their production of ridge gourd which not only provide good quality ridge gourd to the consumers but also improve their socio-economic status of the growers.