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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Jorhat, 2017) Sangma, Nikrachi Ch.; Hazarika, Daisy
    The present investigation was conducted to study the “Attributes developed among students through Home Science education and their expectations for gainful employment” was undertaken during the period 2016-2017. The study was undertaken with the following objectives: (1) To study the background profile of the respondents, (2) To explore acquired attributes perceived by the respondents, (3) To identify the expectations of the respondents for gainful employment. The study was conducted in College of Home Science, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. College of Home Science was purposively selected for the present study. The respondents were selected from both under graduate and post graduate classes. Barring the first year and second year students a total 135 students were found, from which fifteen students were excluded for pre-testing. Thus a total of 120 students were the population of the present study. The data were collected through a structured questionnaire prepared by the researcher. Collected data were analyzed by applying frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi square test. The findings of the study revealed that a large percentage (51.66%) of the respondents belonged to age group of 23-26 years and 87.50 per cent of the respondents were female. Majority (96.66%) of the respondents were from North East region and large percentage (43.33%) of the respondents was from B.Sc. degree programme. Large percentage (45.00%) of the respondents was secured marks between 55-68 per cent in 10th standard and large percentage (72.50%) of the respondents secured marks between 62-75 per cent in 12th standard whereas large percentage (47.05%) of the respondents secured marks between 78-87 per cent in B.Sc and large percentage (40.90%) of the respondents secured marks between 79-87 per cent in M.Sc. Entire respondents belonged to nuclear family and large percentage (63.33%) of the respondents were from small family. Large percentage (50.00%) of the respondents’ father was graduated whereas large percentage (50.83%) of the respondents’ mother was HSLC/HS passed. Large percentage (77.50%) of the respondents’ father occupation was government service whereas large percentage (55.00%) of the respondents’ mother was mainly engaged in household activity. A large percentage (45.00%) of the respondents’ family income was Rs 36001 – 50000. Majority (95.00%) of the respondents were unmarried and small percentage (5.00%) of the respondents was married. Majority (40.83%) of the respondents belonged to general caste and large percentage (70.00%) of the respondents belonged to Hindu religion. Large percentage (48.33%) of the respondents was brought up in urban areas and majority (56.66%) of the respondents went to English medium school. Large percentage (54.16%) of the respondents had leadership position in various capacities during their school days of which huge percentage (47.69%) had were member of union body. It is envy to know that large percentage (80.83%) of the respondents is aware of job prospectus in Home Science discipline. Majority (92.50%) of the respondents were access to internet and library facilities. Entire respondents of Home Science College seek help when they need for any circumstances and also entire respondents had some or other kind of involvement in group activities whether it’s a small or big issue. It is encouraging that large percentage (62.50%) of the respondents would like to become an entrepreneur after their graduation in Home Science education whereas entire respondents had perceived several qualities through their course of study in Home Science education like psychological, knowledge and skills, management, social, abilities and some special skills. It is observed from the ranking of findings of the present study that the attributes perceived by the respondents were responsible for the work, deep thinking on the subjects, thorough awareness of the subjects in Home Science, skill of writing report after a field visit, emphasizing concept learning before memorising, planning and organising work systematically, behaving properly with teachers, seniors, friends and strangers, respecting and valuing different cultures, customs of various region, motivation skill, listening skill, ability to manage own work, ability to work in team, ability to obtain and process data in computer. It is very encouraging to see that overall acquired attributes perceived by the respondents was medium (65.00%). After attaining multiple of qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities respondents had rank their expectation for gainful employment were more number of job opportunities in Home Science education like other field of professional courses and graduating students should be exposed to world class lecture series to develop their soft skills, Home Science subjects should be eligible in every competitive examination, college authority should link with successful company to take up their students for internship programme, college authority should act as strong motivational force to inspire students for various enterprises. A significant association was found between personal qualities with sex, percentage secured in 10th standard, percentage secured in 12th standard, place of brought up. Association was also found between special skills with sex, percentage secured in 10th standard, percentage secured in 12th standard, place of brought up.