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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 2006-09) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Kashyap, O.P.; Sharma, D.K.; Geda, A.K.; Rastogi, N.K.; Saxena, R.R.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetical analysis for earliness and heat tolerance along with yield attributing traitsin Brinjal (Solanummelongena L.)
    (Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 2010) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Mehta, Nandan; Saxena, Ritu R.; Dubey, V.K.; Pandey, R.L.; Saxena, R.R.
    Investigation was undertaken during Kharif-2007 to kharif 2009 at Horticultural Research Farm IGKV raipur. Summer and rainy season heterosis hybrids along with earliness and marketable colour index; parents IBWL, PPL and MK whereas, in case of hybrids PPL x WBPF, PPL x PPR, WBPF x PPR, PPC x PPR, IBWL x WBPF exhibited desirable performance of Chhattisgarh performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 2010) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Mehta, Nandan; Saxena, Ritu R.; Dubey, V.K.; Saxena, Ravi R.; Pandey, R.L.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 2010) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Mehta, Nandan; Saxena, Ritu R.; Dubey, V.K.; Saxena, Ravi R.; Pandey, R.L.
    The present investigation was undertaken during kharif-2007 to Kharif-2009. Experiments were planted at Horticultural Research Farm, All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project, Depeartment of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) to identify summer set/heat tolerant F1 and parents for C.G. plains; to sort out rainy season F1 and parents for C.G. plains; to find out early fruiting heterotic hybrids in brinjal, to estimate the heterosis and combining ability for fruit yield and its components and to find out variability components and correlation analysis in parents and hybrids. The experimental materials used in the study comprised of seven parents viz., Green Long (GL), Muktakeshi (MK), Pusa Purple Cluster (PPC), Pusa Purple long (PPL), Pusa Purple Round (PPR), IBWL-2007-1 (IBWL), White Brinjal Purple Flower (WBPF) and their twenty-one F1’s. Parents were crossed in 7 x 7 diallel fashion without reciprocals. Combining ability analysis was carried out by following the diallel analysis for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking, plant height, number of primary branches/plant, number of flowers/inflorescence, number of fruits/cluster, fruit length, fruit girth, number of fruits/picking, average fruit weight, total number of fruits/plant, total fruit yield/plant, marketable fruit yield/plant and total soluble solids. Based on mean performance parents PPL and IBWL whereas, PPL x WBPF, PPL x PPR, WBPF x PPR and PPC x PPR are the earliest hybrids observed in summer (hot set) and rainy season. Whereas, maximum total fruit yield/plant was exhibited by IBWL, PPC and PH-6 in case of parents whereas heterotic crosses PPC x PPR and WBPF x PPR exhibited maximum for this character in summer while, in rainy IBWL and PH-6 whereas, cross combination PPL x PPR and IBWL x WBPF showed desirable performance. High GCV and PCV were observed for number of flower/inflorescence, number of fruit/picking and fruit girth, moderate for number of fruits/cluster, average fruit weight, total number of fruits/plant and fruit length whereas, low for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking, plant height, number of primary branches/plant, total fruit yield/plant and total soluble solids. High heritability with high genetic advance was observed for average fruit weight and total number of fruits/plant, genetic advance coupled with moderate heritability for number of fruits/cluster, in summer season. Almost similar behaviors in most of the characters with higher magnitude, than of summer, for all variability components were observed for rainy season. Hence these traits may be improved through simple selection only. The association analysis in total fruit yield/plant showed positive and significantly correlation with marketable fruit yield/plant, number of primary branches/plant, number of fruits/picking and total number of fruit/plant in both the seasons; number of fruits/cluster in rainy only, whereas, negative significant correlation with days to first picking, days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting in both seasons; plant height in summer; number of calyx and total soluble solid in rainy had direct contribution towards fruit yield/plant which will be exploited for the improvement of brinjal for Chhattisgarh plains. In summer, path analysis total fruit yield/plant as dependent trait indicated that marketable fruit yield/plant followed by days to first fruiting average fruit weight, stalk length and number of primary branches/plant had positive direct effect, whereas, negative direct effect observed by days to first flowering, days to first picking, days to 50% flowering and fruit length, while, in rainy days to 50% flowering showed highest positive direct effect followed by number of flower/inflorescence, number of fruits/plant, number of calyx, number of branches/plant, average fruit weight, plant height and days to first picking, whereas, negative direct effects by days to first flowering followed by stalk length, total number of fruits/plant, marketable fruit yield/plant, fruit girth, total soluble solids, fruit length and days to first fruiting. High level of heterosis for fruit yield/plant was shown by the hybrids, PPL x PPR and PPC x PPR in summer season and PPL x PPR, PPC x PPR and PPC x PPR in rainy season. Analysis revealed the predominance of non-additive gene action for most of the characters under study. This suggests the possibility of exploiting heterosis in the present material. Parent IBWL was found good general combiner for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking, total number of fruits/plant, total fruit yield/plant and PPC for marketable fruit yield/plant for summer and rainy seasons. MK x PPR was found heterotic for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking ; PPC x PPR for total fruit yield/plant and PPL x PPR for marketable fruit yield/plant in summer, whereas, for rainy season, on the basis of sca effects, the hybrid, MK x IBWL was found heterotic for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking ; PPL x PPR for total fruit yield/plant and PPC x PPR for marketable fruit yield/plant. Finally in summer and rainy season heterotic hybrids alongwith earliness and marketable colour index; parents IBWL, PPL and MK whereas, in case of hybrids PPL x WBPF, PPL x PPR, WBPF x PPR, PPC x PPR, IBWL x WBPF exhibited desirable performance of chhatttisgarh plains.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, 2010) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Mehta, Nandan; Saxena, Ritu R.; Dubey, V.K.; Saxena, Ravi R.; Pandey, R.L.
    The Present investigation was undertaken during fiarif-2007 to Kharif-2009. Experiments were planted at Horticultural Research Farm, All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project, Depeartment of Plant Breeding and Genetics, hdira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipw (C.G.) to identify summa setheat tolaat F~ and P m t s for C.G. plains; to Sort Out rainy season FI and parents for C.G. plains; to find out early hiting heterotic hybrids in b ~ j a lt,o estimate the heterosis and combining ability for h i t yield and its components and to fmd out variability components and correlation analysis in parents and hybrids. The experimental materials used in the study comprised of seven parents viz., Green Long (GL), Muktakeshi (MK), Pusa Purple Cluster @PC), Pusa Purple long (PPL), Pusa Purple Round (PPR), IBWL-2007-1 (IBWL), White Brinjal Purple Flower (WBPF) and their twenty-one Fl's. Parents were crossed in 7 x 7 diallel fashion without reciprocals. Combining ability analysis was canied out by following the diallel analysis for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fiuiting, days to first picking, plant height, number of primary branchedplant, number of flowers/iiflorescence, number of fruits/cluster, fruit length, fruit girth, number of fruitslpicking, average h i t weight, total number of fruitdplant, total h i t yieldlplant, marketable fruit yieldplant and total soluble solids. Based on mean performance parents PPL and IBWL whereas, PPL x WBPF, PPL x PPR, WBPF x PPR and PPC x PPR are the earliest hybrids observed in summer (hot set) and rainy seasm. Whereas, maximum total fruit yieldplant was exhibited by IBWL, PPC and PH-6 in case of parents whereas heterotic crosses PPC x PPR and WBPF x PPR exhibited maximum for this character in summer while, in rainy IBWL and PH-6 whereas, cross combination PPL x PPR and IBWL x WBPF showed desirable performance. High GCV and PCV were observed for number of flower/infloresoence, number of fruit/picking and fruit girth, moderate for number of fruits/cluster, average fruit weight, total number of hitsfplant and fruit length whereils, low for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking, plant height, number of primary bmchedplant, total fruit yieldplant and total soluble solids. High heritability with high genetic advance was observed for average fruit weight and total number of fruits/plant, genetic advance coupled with moderate heritability for number of fiuiwcluster, in summer season. Almost similar behaviors in most of the charactem with higher magnitude, than of summer, for all variability components were observed for rainy season. Hence these traits may be improved tbugh Sinlple selection O*Y. 263 The association analysis in total fruit yieldplant showed positive and significantly correlation with marketable h i t yieldlplant, number of primary branches/plant, number of fruiw~icking and total number of Wt/plant in both the seasons; number of fnliwcluste~ in rainy only, whereas, negative significant correlation with days to first picking, days to first flowering, day to 50% flowering days to fmt fruiting in both s-ns; plant height in summer, number of calyx and total soluble solid in rainy had direct contribution towards h i t yieldplant which will be mploited for the improvement of brinjal for Chhattisgarh plains. In summer, path analysis total fruit yieldplant as dependent trait indicated that marketable fruit yieldplant followed by days to first fnliting average f i t weight, stalk length and number of primary branchedplant had positive direct effect, whereas, negative direct effect observed by days to fust flowering, days to first picking, days to 50% flowering and fruit length, while, in rainy days to 50% flowering showed highest positive direct effect followed by number of flowerlinflorescence, number of fruitdplant, number of calyx, number of branchdpIant, average fruit weight, plant height and days to first picking, whereas, negative direct effects by days to first flowering followed by stalk length, total number of fruitidplant, markctable h i t yieldplant, fiuit girth, total soluble solids, fruit length and days to fvst fruiting. High level of heterosis for fruit yieldlplant was shown by the hybrids, PPL x PPR and PPC x PPR in summer season and PPL x PPR, PPC x PPR and PPC x PPR in rainy season. Analysis revealed the predominance of non-additive gene action for most of the c k t m under study. This suggests the possibility of exploiting heterosis in the present material. Parent IBWL was found good general combiner for days to fmt flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking, total number of fruitdplant, total fruit yieldplant and PPC for marketable fruit yieldlplant for summer and rainy -11s. MK x PPR was found heterotic for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking ; PPC x PPR for total fruit yieldlplant and PPL x PPR for marketable fruit yieldplant in summer, whera, far rainy season, on the basis of sca effects, the hybrid, MK X IBWL was found heterotic for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to first fruiting, days to first picking ; PPL x PPR for total fruit yield/plant and PPC x PPR for marketable fruit yieldplant. Finally in 8-er and rainy season heterotic hybrids alongwith mline~an~d *&&able colour index; parents IBWL, PPL and MK where-, in Case of hybrids PPL x WBPF, p p ~p p ~W, BPF x PPR, PPC x PPR, lBWL x WBPF exhibited desirable performance of chhamisgarh plains.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (2010) Ansari, Sabeena Fatima; Mehta, Nandan; Saxena, Ritu R.; Dubey, V.K.; Saxena, Ravi R.; Pandey, R.L.