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Theses (Ph.D.)


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular Detection of Brucella Infection in Livestock and Risk Groups
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2008-12-15) Vivekananda; Shrikrishna Isloor; Rathnamma, D.; Veeregowda, B.M.; Venkatesha, M.D.; Prabhudas, K.; Suryanarayana, V.V.S.; Rajeshwari Shome
    Brucellosis in livestock is a major reproductive disease of economic importance. It is a major zoonotic disease and occurs as a occupational hazard. Accurate diagnosis of the disease is essential for institution of disease control strategies. The present study was undertaken for direct detection of Brucella in clinical samples by PCR. A total of 347 bovines from five herds, 527 sheep from six flocks, 74 pigs from two herds and 99 risk persons including veterinarians, livestock inspectors and farmers were screened. The clinical materials viz., blood, serum and vaginal secretion in livestock and blood and serum in risk persons were collected. The Brucella cultures were isolated in vaginal swabs from, 18 of 50 cattle, all six buffaloes, six of 33 sheep, four of 24 pigs and blood sample from one of four human patients, which were serologically positive for brucellosis in one or more tests. The isolates were identified as B.abortus and B.melitensis by bacteriological tests and PCR. Among three genus specific primer pairs viz., bcsp 31, omp2a and omp2b, the bcsp 31 primer pair was found to be more specific and suitable for confirmation of Brucella isolates by PCR. All the sero negative animals and risk persons were found negative for brucellosis by isolation and PCR assays. The polymorphism was detected in omp2a gene of isolates by PCR-RFLP, RE, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The higher percentage of PCR positivity detected in vaginal samples using bcsp 31 primer pair indicated the suitability of the sample for direct detection of Brucella by PCR. The species specific primer pairs also detected the Brucella at species level which could aid in control of brucellosis at species level. In view of several advantages of PCR such as speed, safety, high sensitivity and specificity over the conventional methods for the diagnosis of Brucella, the PCR assay can be considered for routine laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Pyoderma in Dogs
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2006-08-04) Ansar Kamran, C.; Yathiraj, S.; Narayana Bhatt, M.; Upendra, N.B.; Vijayasarathy, S.K.; Krishnamurthy, G.V.
    Analysis of Veterinary College Hospital records revealed an overall incidence of 10.98% for skin disease. Among these pyoderma was the second highest (24.19%) skin disorder after external parasitsm (43.93%). Among the affected dogs 60 per cent were males and 40 per cent were females. Among the different breeds with regard to pyoderma the highest incidence was recorded in Labrador Retreivers (27.5%) and lowest was in Boxers and Doberman Pinschers (5.0%). The clinical signs of pyoderma observed were alopecia (100%), papules (100%), epidermal collarettes (80.0%), pustules (62.5%), erythema (40%), hyperpigmentation (22.5%), moth eaten appearance (20%) and scales (12.5%). The lesions were mainly distributed over the trunk (65.0%), lower abdomen (60.0%), medial thigh (40.0%), axilla (30.0%) and groin (30.0%). Among the 25 dogs subjected for isolation and identification of bacteria Staphylococcus intermedius was isolated from all the 25 samples (100%), E. coli from 9 (36%), Proteus from 4 (16%), Pseudomonas and Klebsiella from 2 (8%) each. It was concluded in the present study that S. intermedius is the primary pathogen and the other Gram-negative organisms as secondary invaders. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on all the isolates for 10 antibiotics namely Cefazolin, Cefadroxil, Ciprofloxacin, Cephalexin, Enrofloxacin, Amoxyclav, Erythromycin, Gentamicin, Lincomycin and Co-trimox. Staphylococcus intermedius isolates were susceptible to Cefadroxil (100%), Cephalexin (100%), Cefazolin (96.0%), Ciprofloxacin (80.0%) and Enrofloxacin (72.0%) and there was no significant difference (P<0.05) between these. Co-trimox (48.0%) showed least susceptibility. The nine isolates of Escherichia coli were susceptible to fluoroquinolones, Ciprofloxacin and Enrofloxacin with mean susceptibility of 100 per cent each. Proteus sp. with four isolates were susceptible to Gentamicin (100%), Ciprofloxacin (75.0%), Amoxyclav (75.0%), Cefadroxil (100.0%). ABST pattern of isolates of Pseudomonas and Klebisella could not be extrapolated as the sample size was too small. Treatment trial consisted of four groups including the control. Group II was treated with antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Cephalexin) and chlorhexidine shampoo 2.5%, Group III with antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Cephalexin) and benzoyl peroxide shampoo 2.5% and Group IV with antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Cephalexin) and autogenous bacterin injections. Group I which consisted of only antibiotic treatment was the control group. The effect of treatment was significantly different between groups (P ≤ 0.05). The best response to treatment was achieved in Group II which was 80 per cent. The second in order in response to treatment was noticed in Group III where antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide shampoo 2.5% was employed. The response was 70%. In Group IV animals treated with antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Cephalexin) and bacterin injection, the response was 60 per cent with a mean score of 29. In the control group (Group I), which were treated with antibiotics (Cefadroxil and Cephalexin) alone the response was 50 per cent with a mean score of 28. There was no difference between Group IV and Group I in terms of response to treatment. Results of therapeutic studies indicated that autogenous bacterin was not found effective while shampoos containing Chlorhexidine or Benzoyl peroxide gave encouraging results. It is concluded from the treatment trials that adjunct shampoo treatment along with antibiotics was useful in the long term management of pyoderma.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Therapy of Bubaline Mastitis
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2014-08-21) Jouher Sulthana, C.M.; Narayan Bhatt, M.; Yathiraj, S.; Ramesh, P.T.; Rathnamma, D.; Shrikrishna, Isloor; Nagendra R. Hegade
    A total of 296 quarter milk samples were collected from 74 buffaloes of different age groups, parity and stage of lactation from two adjoining districts Tumkur and Chitradurga of Karnataka state. Data regarding the pattern of milking and type of flooring of the shed was also collected during sampling. Overall occurrence of bubaline clinical and subclinical mastitis was 10.13% and 63.15% respectively. Occurrence of clinical mastitis was higher in age group of 9-11 years whereas, occurrence of SCM was higher in 3-5 year age group. Occurrence of bubaline mastitis was higher in higher parity buffaloes. Occurrence of bubaline mastitis was higher in early lactation. Occurrence of bubaline mastitis was higher in hindquarters but there was no significant difference in occurrence when compared to quarters. Bubaline mastitis was higher in buffaloes which are housed in kaccha (soil) flooring and milked by knuckling method. In the present study high correlation coefficient was seen between SCC and NAGase activity and low correlation coefficient was seen between BTB with EC and CMT. CMT was highly sensitive and NAGase activity measurement was highly specific test. EC and BTB may not be useful as a single diagnostic technique. There was increase in protein% and decrease in fat% and SNF% in SCM milk samples. Coagulase-negative Staphylococci were the most prevalent organisms isolated from subclinical mastitis. Bacterial isolates were highly sensitive to Chloramphenicol and least sensitive to Penicillin-G. SCM cases need to be treated with vitamin E and selenium and trisodium citrate to prevent infection. The supplementation of vitamin E and selenium or trisodium citrate were found to be more effective, economical and safe for animals. Further, milk was also safe for human consumption.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of Cardiac Biomarkers and Echocardiography in the Diagnosis and Prognostication of Mitral Valve Disease and Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2015-05-15) Deepti, B.R.; Yathiraj, S.; Ramesh, P.T..; Ansar Kamaran, C.; Ranganath, L.; Narayan Swamy, H.D.
    The present study was undertaken to study the occurrence of cardiac diseases in the dogs presented to Veterinary College, Bangalore and to evaluate the diagnostic/ prognostic potential of cardiac biomarkers like cardiac troponin I and amino terminal B-type natriuretic peptide. Diagnosis of congestive heart failure (CHF) due to mitral valve disease (MVD) or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) was done by history, physical examination, routine blood tests, electrocardiography, radiography and echocardiography. The occurrence of CHF was 0.45% with 76 % of dogs suffering from DCM and the rest 24% from MVD. Male dogs were more commonly affected than females. Dogs 5-10 years old were most commonly affected. The breeds most commonly affected were the Labrador Retriever (42.37 %), Non-descript dogs and Golden Retrievers with DCM and Pomeranian (42.12 %) and Non-descript dog with MVD. The Canine Heart failure International Expert Forum (CHIEF) system was followed for classification of the clinical cases. Common clinical signs were cough and ascites with tachycardia and murmurs often found on auscultation. Electrocardiogram commonly revealed sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and tall R waves. Common radiographic findings were cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Hematology and biochemistry results were useful in ruling out the presence of other problems or diagnosing concurrent diseases. Cardiac troponin I and amino terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide canine specific ELISA tests were able to diagnose 10 out of 36 CHF cases and human immunochromatography kit was validated for canine cTnI and found to be sensitive. Echocardiography was useful in characterising cardiac diseases and quantifying the functional disturbances. Treatment trials with pimobendan and nutraceutical revealed that they were beneficial in the management of CHF cases, over the conventional protocol. KEY
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Visceral Gout in BroilerChicks
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2014-05-15) Poonam Vishwakarma; Upendra, N.B.; Ansar Kamran, C.; Shrikrishna Isloor; shridhar, N.B.; Mumiyrllappa, H. K.; Suryanarayana, T.
    The present study was undertaken to study the prevalence and epidemiological aspects of visceral gout in broiler chicks, identification of etiological factors responsible for visceral gout and to study the effect of immunoglobulin administered in visceral gout affected chicks. Biochemical parameters, feed sample analysis, antibody titre estimation and RT-PCR were done on the samples collected from fifty two visceral gout affected broiler chick flocks. Experimental trial was carried out to study the effect of immunoglobulin administered in visceral gout affected chicks. In the present study the total mortality observed due to visceral gout was 5.65% ranging from 0.23-18.28%. The per cent of mortality due to visceral gout increased with increase in flock size, during first week of age, with poor brooder and litter management, with low as well as high brooder temperature and when charcoal type of brooding was employed. Increased mortality due to visceral gout in flocks was further found to be associated with higher aflatoxin B1 level and high as well as low crude protein levels in their broiler starter feed and increase in uric acid level, creatinine levels and total serum protein levels estimated in serum samples. The RT-PCR study conducted on the tissue samples on the visceral gout affected birds indicated that all of the fifty two flocks under study failed to exhibit IBV, IBDV and NDV. The result of the experimental trial indicated that passive injection of immunoglobulin to visceral gout affected chicks reduced the mortality in broiler chicks and caused increase in mean body weight. There was a statistically significant decrease in mean uric acid levels and mean GGT level and a statistically significant increase in mean total serum protein level in immunoglobulin treated visceral gout affected broiler chicks.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Epidemiological, Clinical and Molecular Diagnosis of Leptospirosis in Dogs
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2014-05-15) Nandini, M.K.; Ramesh, P.T.; Yathiraj, S.; Anilkumar, M.C.; Narayan Swamy, M.; Honnappa, T.G.
    The present study was undertaken to evaluate the risk factors for Leptospirosis. Hematological, biochemical and urinary parameters were studied in the affected dogs. Culturing and PCR were carried out to isolate and identify leptospires from affected dogs and also to study the sonographic changes in liver and kidney of confirmed dogs. In the present study young age, summer monsoon, presence of rodents, contact with stray dogs, green area in dog‘s territory and time spent outside the house were significantly associated with canine Leptospirosis. There was neutrophilic leukocytosis, lymphopenia, monocytopenia and eosinopenia in confirmed cases. A reduction in RBC, Hb, PCV and platelet counts were observed. There was elevated ALT, ALP, GGT, total protein, globulin, bilirubin, BUN, creatinine and decrease in albumin in confirmed cases. Majority of confirmed cases had hyperosthenuria, proteinuria, bilirubinuria, haematuria and glucosuria. It is noticed that 0.66 (1/150), 3.33 (5/150) and 12 (18/150) per cent of urine samples were positive by DFM, culture and PCR, respectively. Further, 23.33 (35/150) per cent of blood samples were positive by PCR. PCR was most sensitive (100%) and specific (91.03%) when compared to microbiological culture. Leptospiral spingomyelinase 2 was detected in seven of 14 reference strains and in five of 47 confirmed cases. Sonographic changes of liver and kidney revealed hyperechoic liver, ascites, distended gall bladder, thickened gall bladder wall, indistinct corticomedullary distinction, medullary band and hyperechoic medullary rim. Seroprevalence by MAT revealed highest prevalence of autumnalis followed by pyrogenes, icterohaemorrhagiae, canicola, hebdomadis, pomona, grippotyphosa and australis. The serovar autumnalis was most prevalent.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cytological Studies on Dermatological Disorders in Dogs with Emphasis on Treatment of Pyoderma
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2013-04-12) Kshama, M.A.; Yathiraj, S.; Narayana Bhatt, M.; Satyanarayana, M.L.; Girish Kumar, V.; Ramachandra, S.G.; Shrikrishna Isloor
    The present research work was undertaken to study various aspects of dermatological disorders especially pyoderma in dogs with the objectives of evaluating different cytological techniques for diagnosis, the Staphylococcal organisms involved in pyoderma in dogs with emphasis on methicillin resistant strains, the immune status of dogs with pyoderma and the efficacy of Clindamycin alone as well as combination of Clindamycin along with topical preparation of Silver sulphadiazene and Chlorhexidine gluconate in the treatment of pyoderma. The efficacy of the two diagnostic techniques, cytology and punch biopsy was compared. The results of the two techniques correlated as far as bacterial and inflammatory diseases of the skin were concerned. Cytology was found to be a simple and inexpensive tool for diagnosis of dermatological disorders. Cutaneous punch biopsy was found to be a reliable diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of neoplastic conditions and in conditions where there was ambiguity regarding etiology and diagnosis. As for the etiology of pyoderma, S. intermedius was found in 81.81 per cent, S. aureus in 18.18 per cent and coagulase negative staphylococci in 3.03 per cent of isolates examined. Methicillin resistant staphylococci were observed phenotypically in 15.91 per cent of isolates of which 5.68 per cent were S. aureus and 10.23 per cent were S. intermedius. Six of these isolates were subjected to DNA extraction and PCR and four of the isolates yielded 304 bp amplification encoding for mecA gene specific for methicillin resistance. Further, no evidence of immunodeficiency was observed in dogs with pyoderma. Therapeutic trials with Clindamycin @ 11mg /kg sid orally for 15 days and combination of Clindamycin @ 11 mg/kg sid orally along with topical application of Silver sulphadiazene and Chlorhexidine gluconate cream sid and bid for 15 days and the topical preparation alone once and twice daily were used. Clindamycin alone and in combination with the topical preparation was found to be useful in the treatment of pyoderma (92.40-97.20% efficacy) and the topical preparation was found to be moderately effective in pyoderma (41.98-66 % efficacy). It was thus concluded that Clindamycin is an effective antibiotic for treatment of pyoderma in dogs and that the topical preparation can be used as an adjunct therapy for treatment of pyoderma.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Myocardial, Valvular and Congenital Heart Disorders in Dogs
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2013-04-12) Rajakumar, K.; Ansar Kamaran, C.; Usha Narayan Pillai; Yathiraj, S.; Upendra, H.A.; Ranganath, L.; Honnappa, T.G.
    Cardiac diseases are the most commonly encountered diseases in canine practice. Dilated cardiomyopathy was one of the most common acquired cardiovascular diseases of dogs followed by mitral valve disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Among the congenital diseases, patent ductus arteriosus was one of the most commonly recognised congenital diseases followed by aortic stenosis and atrial septal defects. Haematology values were within the normal range and elevated creatine kinase muscle brain isoenzyme values suggested myocardial damage. Troponin I concentration was elevated in only 20 per cent of cardiac cases suggested that its concentration increases with increased severity of the disease. Serum sodium concentration may be indicative of animals that are in more advanced stages of heart failure. The electrocardiogram and the presence of electrocardiogram abnormalities have limited value in the diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy, but an electrocardiogram is essential for the evaluation of arrhythmias. The vertebral heart score was found to be reliable in diagnosing cardiomegaly. Left atrial enlargement was a major indicator of severity and chronic nature of mitral valve disease. The end systolic volume index has been shown to be a relatively load independent predictor of systolic dysfunction in dilated cardiomyopathy affected dog. Determination of the index of sphericity is an indication of the degree of rounding of the left ventricle. Two dimensional (Simpson method of disc), M-mode (left ventricle dimension, mitral annulus motion, E point to septal separation), colour flow Doppler and pulsed wave Doppler Echocardiography which includes aortic flow, mitral inflow, pulmonic outflow, pulmonary venous flow, tei index, pulmonary to systemic flow ratio is necessary for the accurate diagnosis, assessment, and prognosis of dogs with cardiac diseases. It is concluded that Enalapril and Pimobendan treated dogs had favourable outcome.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Detection of Subclinical Mastitis and Evaluation Of Different Treatment Regimens in Bovines
    (Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar, 2013-05-15) Sripad, K.; Upendra, H.A.; Nanbi, A.P.; Yathiraj, S.; Ramesh, P.T.; Shrikrishna Isloor; Suryanarayana, V.V.
    Subclinical mastitis is a very important disease condition of economic importance, affecting dairy cows. It can be diagnosed only by laboratory tests, as there would be no manifestation of clinical symptoms. The present study was carried out with the objectives to detect and study the prevalence of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows, carry out antibacterial sensitivity test of 42 milk samples collected from cows positive for subclinical mastitis and evaluation of different treatment regimens in dairy cows. A total of 239 bovine milk samples were collected from five organized dairy farms located in and around Bangalore and screened for SCM by Electrical Conductivity, Somataic Cell Count, N-acetyl D glucosaminidase and Liquid Phase Blocking ELISA. The percentage prevalence of SCM based on EC, SCC, NAGase and LPB ELISA were 77.41, 55.65, 68.62 and 24.89 respectively. EC was positively correlated with SCC and NAGase estimation, SCC was positively correlated with NAGase estimation, NAGase was positively correlated with SCC and negatively correlated with LPB ELISA. In the prevalence study LPB ELISA was employed as the diagnostsic test. The prevalence of SCM was more in HF cross and Jersey cross breeds than in local breeds, prevalence increased with increase in the age and is highest in cows aged more than 8 years and prevalence was lowest in first lactation and increased with the increase in the number of lactations. Highest prevalence of SCM was noticed in fourth lactation. Based on ABST, Chloramphenicol, Enrofloxacin and Ceftrioxone/sulbactam were found to be highly sensitive and low sensitivity was observed for Ampicillin Sulbactam, Penicillin and Cefotoxin. None of the milk samples were found sensitive to Methicillin. Treatment with Enrofloxacin + Ampicillin sulbactam + Organic selenium resulted in comparatively better therapeutic recovery in SCM in dairy cows. Further it was noticed that therapeutic effect was better when combination of Enrofloxacin + Ampicillin sulbactam was employed rather than Enrofloxacin alone.