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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (dbskkv., Dapoli, 2019) GARAD, MONALI ARUN; Rane, A. D.
    The present investigation entitled, “Standardization of potting mixture and foliar spray of nutrients for enhancement of seedling growth in Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.)” was undertaken at College of Forestry, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra during the year 2018-2019 in Factorial Randomized Block Design Treatments comprising of seven potting mixtures i.e. ratio (P1- (Soil + FYM + Cocopeat) at (60:20:20), ratio P2- (Soil + Biochar) at (60:40), ratio P3- (Soil + Cocopeat) at (60:40), ratio P4- (Soil + Cocopeat + Biochar) at (60:20:20), ratio P5- (Soil + FYM),at (60:40), ratio P6 (Soil + FYM + Biochar) at (60:20:20), and ratio P7-( Soil) at (100%) and ten Foliar each of Spray of nutrients i.e. F1-(0.05% each of Urea + SSP +MOP), F2-(0.10% each of Urea + SSP + MOP each), F3-(0.15% each of Urea + SSP + MOP each), F4-(0.05% each of ZnSO4 + Borax + CuSO4 + MgSO4 each), F5-(0.10% each of ZnSO4 + Borax + CuSO4 + MgSO4) , F6-(0.15% ZnSO4 +Borax +CuSO4 + MgSO4), F7(Combination of F1 +F4), F8 (Combination of F2 +F5), F9 (Combination of F3+F6) along with control (F0), which were used to understand their influence on the growth performance of Sandalwood seedlings at different growing period in nursery. The effect of different potting mixture on growth of sandalwood seedlings studied up to 300 DAT and showed that the potting mixture of Soil + FYM + Biochar in the ratio of 60:20:20, respectively (P6) are best performer in term of maximum seedling height (37.88 cm at 300 DAT), collar diameter (3.00 mm at 300 DAT) and number of leaves per plant (37.71 at 300 DAT). Further, physiological parameters viz., maximum leaf area index (2.91 at 300 DAT), higher values of total chlorophyll content (0.97 mg/g at 300 DAT), lower values of leaf water potential (-4.40 bar at 300 DAT) also found in the same treatment (P6). Influence of foliar spray of macro-nutrients (NPK) and micro-nutrients (Zn, B, Cu and Mg) in combination on growth of sandalwood seedling was recorded. Among various treatments provide best treatment details here reflects the maximum plant height (37.23 cm at 300 DAT), collar diameter (2.95 mm at 300 DAT) and number of leaves per plant (37.30 at 300 DAT) and the physiological parameter viz., higher number of leaf area index (2.73 at 300 DAT) and lower values of leaf water potential (-4.95 bar at 300 DAT) were recorded in foliar spray F9 [(F3 (0.15% Urea + SSP + MOP each) + F6 (0.15% ZnSO4 + Borax+ CuSO4 + MgSO4 each)]. The present study reflects that in order to obtain healthy and quality planting stock of Sandal wood from nurseries under coastal Konkan conditions, It is Suggested to use potting mixture of Soil + FYM + Biochar in the ratio of 60:20:20, following and foliar sprayed of nutrient i.e., 0.15% each of Urea + SSP + MOP) + 0.15% each of ZnSO4 + Borax + CuSO4 + MgSO4) for raising quality seedlings for successful plantations in the field with better survival and establishment. Place: Dapoli Date : /05/2019 (Monali A. Garad)
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (dbskkv., Dapoli, 2019) DEVKATE, UDDHAV NAMDEV; Patil, V. K.
    Western Ghats is home to different ecosystems. Birds are among the best known components of the Earth’s biodiversity. India holds nearly 11 per cent of bird biodiversity. Out of 11,126 bird species in the world, there are 1,211 birds species found in India. Maharashtra state in India is home to 568 bird species recorded under 83 families and 20 orders. On the basis of eBird database, 418 bird species are found in Konkan region. It was decided to cover the entire Konkan region. So, bird diversity was assessed in total 19 forest preservation plots of Maharashtra Forest Department viz. Chahade, Sarani, Talvali, Ogda Parali, Tansa, Vehlonde, Dolkhamb, Vihigaon, Yeoor, Matheran, Karnala, Insuli, Amboli, Tamboli, Bambarde, Morle, Hewale, Ugade, Narur. In addition, survey was conducted to assess the regional status of threatened bird species in Konkan region using snow-balling techniques in which a datasheet was filled by collecting information from local people while travelling and birding experts through a Google Form. Bird census was conducted on 5 line transects of 100 m each. Similarly, census was conducted at 5 points in each preservation plot. A total of 103 bird species representing 15 orders and 44 families were recorded in the study including those recorded in preservation plots and other areas during travels. In the preservation plots, 72 species belonging to 12 orders and 32 families were recorded using point count and transect count methods. Passeriformes was the most dominant order with 46 species. Similarly, Muscicapidae, Nectariniidae and Campephagidae were the most dominant families with 6, 5 and 4 species respectively. In preservation plots, number of bird species recorded in descending order were in Tamboli (29), Amboli (29), Ugade (28), Insuli (26), Vehlonde (26), Sarani (26),Yeoor (25), Karnala (25), Morle (25), Narur (24), Bambarde (22), Tansa (22), Talvali (21), Hewale (21), Ogda Parali (20), Chahade (18), Vihigaon (18), Dolkhamb (16) and Matheran (15). Maximum number of orders were recorded in Hewale (10) and Tansa (10) followed by Ogda Parali (9) and Tamboli (9) with lowest recorded in Dolkhamb (04), Matheran (04) and Insuli (04). Forest owlet, Malabar Pied Hornbill and Woolly-necked Stork were the threatened species recorded in the present study. On the basis of point count method maximum number of species were found in Sarani (23) and minimum species found in Dolkhamb (11), Matheran (11), Narur (11). Higher number of Individual found in Talvali (99) and lower in Narur (29). The dominance index was considerably highest in Sarani (0.6) whereas lowest in Narur (0.19). Simpson Index is maximun in Sarani (0.93) and minimum in Narur (0.80). Shannon Index is highest in Sarani (2.89) and lowest in Narur (1.96). Evenness is maximun in Dolkhamb and Matheran (0.90) and minimum in Chahade (0.62). Fisher’s alpha is Maximum in Sarani (11.44) and minimum in Ogda Parali (3.96). Chao-1 is higher in Insuli (32) and lower in Dolkhamb and Matheran (11). On the basis of line transect method maximum number of Species found in Amboli, Tamboli and Ugade (16) and minimum Species found in Matheran (05). Higher number of Individual found in Amboli (61) and lower in Ogda Parali (14). The dominance index was considerably higher in Tamboli (0.7) and lowest in Matheran (0.48). Simpson Index is maximun in Tamboli (0.92) and minimum in Matheran (0.51). Shannon Index is higher in Tamboli (2.64) and lower in Matheran (1.05). Evenness is maximun in Yeoor (0.88) and minimum in Bambarde (0.43). Fisher’s alpha is Maximum in Tamboli (12.24) and minimum in Matheran (2.29). Chao-1 is higher in Ugade (25.33) and lower in Talvali (6). On the basis of point count method maximum spatial turnover was found in Ogda Parali-Morle (1.00), Dolkhamb-Hewale (1.00) and Matheran-Hewale (1.00) but minimum species turnover found in Talvali-Ogda Parali (0.40). On the basis of line transect method maximum spatial turnover found in Tansa-Matheran (1.00), Vehlonde-Matheran (1.00), Yeoor-Matheran (1.00), Vihigaon-Bambarde (1.00), Matheran-Hewale (1.00) and Matheran-Narur (1.00) but minimum species turnover found in Amboli-Morle (0.43). In Konkan region 35 threatened bird species are known to occur from various sources. These include three Critically endangered, four Endangered, eight Vulnerable and 20 Near-threatened species. In layman survey 186 local people from various villages in Konkan region were asked for information related to threatened bird species. Respondents reported in higher proportion the presence of Malabar paid hornbill (45.7%), Woolly necked stork (41.4%), Great Hornbill (39.78%), Oriental darter (38.71%), Black-Headed Ibis (37.63%) followed by Eurasian curlew (35.48%). Respondents’ information on seasonality of threatened species was not very accurate. Almost invariably, respondents reported the frequency of most threatened species as rare and the abundance as low. All respondents reported absence of the bird species Egyptian vulture, White-Rumped Vulture, Red headed vulture, Black bellied tern, Indian skimmer and Lesser Flamingo. This is probably due to extreme rare occurrence of this species.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli , Dist : Ratnagiri, 2017-08) HIROLE, SAGAR KUNDAN; Rane, A.D.
    The present study was undertaken in Konkan region of Maharashtra to know the differences in structural and phytochemical parameters of flowered and non flowered Manga bamboo at different stages based on morphological, physical, mechanical and phytochemical parameters. Dendrocalamus stocksii (Manga) is one of the commercially important bamboo species recommended by National Bamboo Mission (Banik, 2008). It is widely distributed in Konkan region of Maharashtra and preferred by farmers for large scale plantation on farm lands and home stead garden. This species, being endemic to Central Western Ghats, is distributed in Karnataka, Goa, Kerala and Maharashtra. The samples of Dendrocalamus stocksiiwere selected from a plantation established in 2007 at Tetawli B Block of Central Experimentation Station, Wakavli under Dr.Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Five clumps of different flowering and non-flowering stages were selected from bamboo plantation for study. These five culms from each stage were assess for morphological properties (clum height, fifth internode diameter and length, basal diameter), mechanical properties. (moisture content and specific gravity). And by harvesting each culm are categorized into different parts i.e., rhizome, roots, leaves, flowers and stem. All these plant parts were air dried and then after powdered in (IKA Tube Mill). 10-15 gm powder of each sample was collected. Then each powder bag is labeled by their clump growth stage and used for phytochemical analysis. (protein, starch, reducing sugars, total phenols, crude fat) and GA3 content by HPLC. Among the parameters recorded for bamboo variation stage, height of bamboo, culm basal diameter, diameter at fifth internode and length at fifth internode are presented. The culm height of bamboo of different stages observed significant variation. The highest height of culm was found in full flowered culm of university station (7.89 m), full flowered culm of farmer‟s showed highest basal diameter ( 43.87 mm), diameter of fifth internode was found highest in full flowered culm of farmer‟s field (36.89 mm), the maximum length was found in mm in culm of null flowered stage(33.60 cm). In physical properties specific gravity did not shown significant variation; however, it was highest in culm of full flowered stage of farmer‟s field (0.86), Moisture content showed significant variation and it was highest in culm of initial flower stage among all stages of culm. In mechanical parameters of bamboo culms the modulus of elasticity of static bending did not showed significant variation, Fibre stress at elastic limit was highest in culm of rejuvenated stage (34.49 kg cm-2), Modulus of rupture was found to be highest in culm of null flowered stage (3.98 kg cm-2), In case of compression maximum crushing stress was found to be highest in culm of rejuvenated stage (356.08 kg cm-2) and in tensile maximum force did not varied significantly. In phytochemical parameters, all the parameters shown significant variation expect crude fat for all the stages of bamboo. It was observed that highest protein percentage was found in leaves of initial flowered clum (4.46 %), highest starch percentage was observed in roots of full flowered culm of farmer‟s field (26.94 %), highest reducing sugar percentage was observed in flowers of full flowered culm (2.75 %), highest total phenol percentage was observed in leaves of full flowered clum (28.47 %), are higher crude fat percentage was observed in rhizome of null flowered clum (0.44 %) Significant amount of GA3was observed in the underground parts of D. stocksii in the rejuvenated clumps(2.28 μg ml-1).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Dr. B. S. KKV., Dapoli, 2017-05) Indulkar, Savitri Rajan; Rane, A. D.
    ABSTRACT Present investigation was aimed to produce disease and virus free plantlets by standardizingnodal explant sterilization treatment and media combinations for in vitro initiation, multiplication and root induction of Dendrocalamus stocksii was conductedin Factorial Completely Randomized Design atPlant Biotechnology Centre, Dr. BalasahebSawantKonkanKrishiVidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.) during the academic year 2014-2017. Surface sterilization treatment involving Tween 80 (1%) for 5 min, Bavistin (0.1%) for 10 min, alcohol (70%) for 30 sec andHgCl2 (0.5%) for 5 min duration recorded maximum aseptic culture establishment (100%) with 100% survival rate followed by treatment involving 1%Tween 20 for 5 minutes, 0.1%bavistin for 15 minutes, 70% alcohol for 30 seconds and 1%sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes with 86.67% success rate.Among the different media combinations experimented to establish multiple shoot induction from nodal explant, MS liquid medium fortified with additives: ascorbic acid (50 mg/l) + citric acid (25 mg/l) + cysteine (25 mg/l) + glutamine (100 mg/l) + TDZ (0.25 mg/l) + NAA (0.25 mg/l), proved to be the best treatment in terms of number of shoots/explant induced.MS liquid medium with additives + NAA (0.25 mg/l) + BAP (2.5 mg/l) proved best for shoot multiplication rate(32.23 shoots/clump) and maximum shoot length (6.58 cm).MS/2 basal salt agar gelled medium containing NAA (1.0 mg/l) proved best for maximum (100%) root induction followed by NAA (1.5 mg/l) (88.89%) after five weeks period. Whereas, MS/2 basal agar gelled medium fortified with NAA (1 mg/l) showed maximum number of root (5.78) per explant followed by NAA (2 mg/l) with 4.89 roots per explant. MS/2 basal agar gelled medium fortified with NAA (1.5 mg/l) showed maximum elongation (4.25 cm) of root per explant followed by NAA (1 mg/l) (4.12 cm). Key words: Dendrocalamus stocksii, micro-propagation, nodal explant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (DBSKKV DAPOLI, 2017-05) Indulkar, Savitri Rajan; Rane, A. D.
    Present investigation was aimed to produce disease and virus free plantlets by standardizingnodal explant sterilization treatment and media combinations for in vitro initiation, multiplication and root induction of Dendrocalamus stocksii was conductedin Factorial Completely Randomized Designat Plant Biotechnology Centre, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.) during the academic year 2014-2017. Surface sterilization treatment involving Tween 80 (1%) for 5 min, Bavistin (0.1%) for 10 min, alcohol (70%) for 30 sec andHgCl2 (0.5%) for 5 min duration recorded maximum aseptic culture establishment (100%) with 100% survival rate followed by treatment involving 1%Tween 20 for 5 minutes, 0.1%bavistin for 15 minutes, 70% alcohol for 30 seconds and 1%sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes with 86.67% success rate.Among the different media combinations experimented to establish multiple shoot induction from nodal explant, MS liquid medium fortified with additives: ascorbic acid (50 mg/l) + citric acid (25 mg/l) + cysteine (25 mg/l) + glutamine (100 mg/l) + TDZ (0.25 mg/l) + NAA (0.25 mg/l), proved to be the best treatment in terms of number of shoots/explant induced.MS liquid medium with additives + NAA (0.25 mg/l) + BAP (2.5 mg/l) proved best for shoot multiplication rate(32.23 shoots/clump) and maximum shoot length (6.58 cm).MS/2 basal salt agar gelled medium containing NAA (1.0 mg/l) proved best for maximum (100%) root induction followed by NAA (1.5 mg/l) (88.89%) after five weeks period. Whereas, MS/2 basal agar gelled medium fortified with NAA (1 mg/l) showed maximum number of root (5.78) per explant followed by NAA (2 mg/l) with 4.89 roots per explant. MS/2 basal agar gelled medium fortified with NAA (1.5 mg/l) showed maximum elongation (4.25 cm) of root per explant followed by NAA (1 mg/l) (4.12 cm). Key words: Dendrocalamus stocksii, micro-propagation, nodal explant.