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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Epidemiology and management of stemphylium blight of onion (Allium cepa L.) caused by stemphylium vesicarium (Wallr.) simmons
    (CCSHAU, 2009) Vinod Kumar; Gupta, Anil
    In epidemiological studies temperature (maximum) 20.3 to 250C, temperature (minimum) 0.3 to 4.00C, relative humidity (morning) more than 82 to 89 per cent, relative humidity evening 25 to 28 per cent have been observed congenial for the progression of the disease. The regression analysis of disease severity with weather variables showed that temperature (maximum ) and temperature (minimum) were most contributing factors with R2 values 0.91,0.94,0.94 and 0.92 in four dates of transplanting respectively. The correlation coefficient analysis of disease severity concluded that temperature (Maximum) and temperature (minimum) were significant and positively correlated with disease development. However, relative humidity (evening) was found to be non significant, relative humidity (morning) also had a role in disease development. The stepwise regression analysis showed that all the five weather variables produced maximum R2 value in all the four dates of transplanting (0.95-0.98). However the two variables temperature (maximum) and temperature (minimum) were most contributing factor and produced maximum R2 value in all the four dates of transplanting (0.91-0.94). In survival experiment during the month of December no viable spores could be seen in the debris kept under field and lab conditions. However the survival of the pathogen could be noticed in freeze conditions only upto 17.5 per cent. Seven varieties/lines /genotypes were tested against Stemphylium blight of onion. None of these varieties/lines /genotypes showed resistance against Stemphylium blight of onion. The effect of leaf extracts on mycelial growth of the fungus under in vitro conditions revealed that neem leaf extract was best with 71.01 per cent inhibition. Among the fungicides/chemicals mancozeb 0.2 per cent gave highest (76.19 per cent ) disease control. Benefit cost ratio was also calculated on the basis of increase in yield over control and found that mancozeb proved better. However , among the non-traditional chemicals neem leaf extracts or neem seed extracts gave highest benefit cost ratio.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status of quality seed production and its impact on crop production in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Vinod Kumar; Deswal, D.P.
    The performance of the agricultural sector influences the growth of the Indian economy. The growth of agriculture and allied sectors is still a critical factor in the overall performance of the Indian economy. Agriculture not only providing 58.2 per cent employment to the total work force in India but also is a key supplier of food, fodder, and raw materials for a vast segment of industry. Hence the growth of Indian agriculture can be considered a necessary condition for ‘Inclusive Growth’. Presently, Haryana is next only in country, after Punjab in terms of farm productivity and contribution of food grains to the central pool in the year 2009-10. The future increase in agricultural production in India is much depends on increase in productivity because the acreage expansion under crops has been at plateau. Now the solution to meet the increasing food grain demands to produce more from limited land resources by the efficient use of improved agricultural technology as well as improvement in soil health and management of resources available to the production. For the sustainable as well as accelerated growth of any enterprises, information on this current status and likely to be future scenario in terms of demand and supply as well as its importance on national economy is of paramount importance. Therefore in the present study an analytical approach was made to examine the status, impact and future scenario of quality seed in the state of Haryana with the four objectives i.e., by examining the present status of quality seed and its replacement rate and the relationship of quality seed with actual crop production, then find out the share of public and private sector in quality seed production finally by estimating estimate the future demand and supply of quality seed. Analysis of secondary data shows that there is a increment in area, production as well productivity in almost all crops except in barley (area), gram (production), pea (productivity) during 2009-10 in compared to 1990-91(base year). The production of foundation seed by public sector has been increased in barley, green gram, rapeseed & mustard, paddy, whereas in case of wheat, gram, pea, pearl millet and cotton, there was decrement in production during 2009-10. The production of certified seed by public sector has been increased in barley, rapeseed & mustard, pea, green gram, cotton, paddy whereas there is decrement in certified seed production in wheat, gram and pearl millet during 2009-10. Private sector accelerated in the production. The seed replacement rate of wheat, barley, rapeseed and mustard, gram, pea, paddy, pearl millet, green gram and cotton was still low except in wheat as compared to the desired seed replacement rate. The quality seed sale has increased in barley, wheat, rapeseed & mustard, paddy, pearl millet, green gram, while the sale has decreased in pea and cotton during the year 2009-10. The share in foundation seed production by public sector of wheat, paddy, barley, pearl millet, rapeseed and mustard, gram, green gram, pea and cotton was 12.76, 3.31, 14.04, 0.00, 96.00, 93.42, 70.76, 68.77 and 84.61 per cent respectively during 2009-10. The share in certified seed production by public sector of wheat, paddy, barley, pearl millet, rapeseed and mustard, gram, green gram, pea and cotton was 3.11, 7.27, 18.59, 0.50, 47.28, 99.58, 54.81, 100 and 50.00 per cent respectively during 2009-10.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Life cycle and pathogenicity of root-knot nematode, meloidogyne graminicola (Golden and birchfield) on rice
    (CCSHAU, 2015) Vinod Kumar; Verma, K.K.
    Investigations were carried out on life cycle and pathogenicity of Meloidogyne graminicola on scented and non-scented rice varieties under screen house conditions. In life cycle and development experiment, life cycle of M. graminicola was studied on var. Pusa 1121 and. PR 114. The j 2 of M. graminicola penetrated into rice roots after 24 h in scented rice while in non-scented rice in 72 h. The third stage (j3 ) appeared on 7 DAI in scented rice as compared to non-scented rice in 9 DAI. Young females were first noticed on 11 DAI and 15 DAI for scented and non-scented rice, respectively. Further, egg deposition started as 19 DAI and 23 DAI inside the roots in scented and non-scented rice, respectively. Nematode completed its life cycle in 21 days in scented rice and 25 days in non-scented rice. The experiment on pathogenicity of M. graminicola was carried out in three different types of soil (clay loam, sandy loam and loamy sand) by using different inoculum levels such as 0 (non-inoculated check), 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 j 2 /kg soil. The results revealed that growth of both varieties of rice (scented and non-scented) was significantly improved in clay loam soil followed by sandy loam and loamy sand irrespective of inoculum levels. In case of inoculum levels, maximum plant growth was observed in non-inoculated check which was statistically at par with 10 j2. Plant growth parameters were decreased significantly as inoculum levels increased from 10-10000 j 2 irrespective of soil types. Significant reduction in growth parameters was observed from inoculum level of 100 j 2/kg soil onwards. Observations on nematode reproduction and multiplication revealed that maximum and significant reduction in number of galls, number of eggs per plant and final nematode population was observed in clay loam followed by sandy loam and loamy sand irrespective of inoculum levels. Nematode multiplication and reproduction was increased as inoculum levels increased from 10-1000 j 2 but decreased abruptly at 10000 j 2 . Maximum and significantly highest multiplication and reproduction was observed in 1000 j2 of M. graminicola. Nematode growth parameters at 100 j2 were significantly different from non-inoculated check and other inoculum levels which can be termed as pathogenic level of M. graminicola on rice.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed quality assessment in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2015) Vinod Kumar; Malik, T. P.
    Seed quality plays an important role in the crop establishment and overall performance of the crop .The present investigation was carried out on fenugreek seeds having fifteen genotypes viz., DH- 333-1, DH-336, DH-337, DH-338,DH-339, DH-340, DH-341, DH-343, DH- 344, DH-345, DH-352-1 and Hisar Anand, Hisar Sugandh, Hisar Bhoomit, Hisar Surbhi. Three seed lots of each genotype included the freshly harvested, one year old and two year old stored under ambient conditions. All the fifteen genotypes of coriander having diversity in seed size and colour were taken to evaluate the seed viability/vigour parameters, to determine the inter-relationship between laboratory and field parameters, to assess the efficacy of different seed vigour tests as a predictor of field potential and to determine the speed of germination. All the seed lots were subjected to various viability, vigour tests with four replications, and observations were recorded on standard germination, seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, vigour index-I, vigour index-II, seed weight, electrical conductivity, dehydrogenase activity, tetrazolium test,pH exudates test, accelerated ageing test and field emergence(%). It was observed that freshly harvested seed lot showed highest mean value for all the parameters except electrical conductivity. Among the genotypes DH-339 and Hisar Surbhi were observed to be superior for seedling length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, vigour index-I, vigour index-II, dehydrogenase activity and tetrazolium tests. The genotypes which could bear larger stress reduced more formazan and vice versa. Simple correlation studies indicated that all the viability and vigour parameters (except test weight) were positively associated among themselves. Higher the values of above said parameters, better was the seed quality and vice-versa. Electrical conductivity test showed negative association with seed quality indicating the status of membrane integrity. Genotypes DH-339 and Hisar Surbhi show better performance while genotype DH-352-1was found to be inferior under laboratory as well as field conditions than other genotypes.The standard germination, seedling vigour index-I, tetrazolium test, dehydrogenase activity test and pH exudates test emerged as reliable predictors of field emergence(%). MAJOR
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the myrothecium leaf spot disease of cotton caused by myrothecium roridum tode exFr
    (CCSHAU, 2014) Vinod Kumar; Beniwal, Jagdish
    Studies on Myrothecium leaf spot disease and management through fungicides and nonconventional chemicals were carried out with M. roridum causing Myrothecium leaf spot of cotton. In vitro studies revealed that the maximum disease development was recorded at 25˚C± 1 in both Bt cotton hybrid MRC -6304 Bt and non Bt cotton H-1098 (64.70 & 40.70% respectively). Under screen house conditions pre and post inoculation moist period studies revealed that minimum post inoculation moist period required for initiation of disease was 12 hours and maximum disease infection was found at 48 hours before and after inoculation. However, pre inoculation moist period resulted in increased infection but was not as effective as post inoculation period for disease development under screen house condition. In vitro studies with fungicides and non-conventional chemicals indicated that propiconazole and cobalt chloride at 100 and 1000ppm concentration gave 100 and 87.9% growth inhibition of M. roridum respectively. Foliar spray of propiconazole and salicylic acid at 0.1% and 0.01% concentrateion effective in controls disease significantly found7.60 and 23.95% disease intensity respectively over check in Bt cotton hybrid MRC -6304 Bt and under field conditions. Two spray of fungicides and non– conventional chemicals significantly increased the seed cotton yield and its quality parameters. Fifty seven germplasm lines were found highly resistant to Myrothecium leaf spot disease which can be further used in breeding disease resistant programme.