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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of innovative quilt cover designs
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Nameeta; Rose, Neelam M.
    The present study was conducted to develop innovative quilt cover designs. To attain the specific objectives, 30 respondents were selected from I.C College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar for selection of created designs and placements. For assessment of developed quilt covers and to explore existing usage and purchase practices, 30 consumers were purposively selected from I.C. College of Home Sciences and campus of HAU, Hisar. To know the existing practices followed for quilt covers regarding the types of quilt covers available in the market, types of quilt covers used, problems faced by the respondents with the readymade quilt covers, place of purchase, mode of procurement an interview schedule was prepared. Preferences of respondents were sought for fabric, colour of fabric, place, size, side for opening and fasteners, surface decoration techniques, colour of decoration etc. using self- structured preferential choice index. Ten designs for each four top preferred surface decoration technique i.e. appliqué work, patch work, fabric painting and stencil printing were created in CorelDRAW. From the total of forty designs, eight designs two for each preferred technique were selected for placement of designs. Eight selected designs with most preferred placement were used for development of quilt covers. A design catalogue comprising of created designs and their placements was prepared for documentation. Green coloured cotton fabric with light intensity and under side opening alongwith half of length with zipper was preferred for the development of quilt covers. Design 2, 10 for appliqué work, design 4, 7 for patch work, design 2, 7 for fabric painting and design 1, 10 for stencil printing were eight top preferred designs. Preferences of respondents for placements of selected designs were design 2 and 10 of appliqué work in placement I for front and placement III for back side respectively, design 4 and 7 of patchwork in placement II and I for front and placement II for back side respectively, design 2 and 7 of fabric painting in placement II for both front and back side respectively and design 1 and 10 of stencil printing in placement III and I for front side and placement III and I for back side respectively. The consumers have high opinion about the developed quilt covers in relation to surface decoration techniques, designing features, design innovation etc. The cost of the innovative quilt cover rated appropriate by the majority of the respondents.