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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on two-sex parity dependent population growth model
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Rout, Manoj Kumar; Gupta, S.C.
    The classical model of Lewis and Leslie (1945, 1948) has been extensively used for the study of population growth in various fields. However, complex growth structures require the use of more general models. The model of Kapur (1979) allows harvesting in the system, is an initial step to move in this direction. However, the need is being felt to develop more general models considering the effect of harvesting on the reproductive structure of living organisms. In the present work, a two-sex parity dependent population growth model is proposed where birth, death and harvest rates of males and females are the functions of two parity groups viz. zero parity and non-zero parity. The conditions for growth, extinction and stability of the population have also been derived. The model has been applied on the crossbred cattle population by taking 11 years data (2000-2010) collected from Department of Animal breeding, CCS HAU, Hisar. The sex-wise projected cattle population in two parity groups have also been found and the validity of model has been tested by applying chi-square for goodness of fit and found that the model fits well. A uniform harvesting strategy have also been derived for stable population structure. Observed and projected cattle population structure for males and females of two parity groups under different harvesting situations have also been shown by tables and graphs.