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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Gene effects and characters association among the seed yield and it’s attributes in black gram (Vigna mungo L. hepper)
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Sukhwinder Singh; Lather, V.S.
    The present investigation was aimed to study gene effects of seed yield and other important characters and also study the characters associations among seed yield The genetic variation for yield and some important yield components was assessed in three sets of crosses involving four parents through generation mean analysis. The mean data of six populations (both parents, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) were subjected to joint scaling test. In the presence of epistasis, six-parameter model was used to detect all types of gene effects. All three crosses had shown complex genetic behaviour for all the traits examined. The additive (d) and dominant (h) components of genetic variation were significant for all the traits in all the crosses except days to 50% flowering and days to maturity, but additive (d) component was non-significant for branches per plant in cross UH-04-06 X IPU-94-1 and UH-04-08 X IPU-94-1, for plant height in cross UH-04-08 X IPU-94-1. The duplicate type of non allelic interactions was found for all the characters except days to 50% flowering and days to maturity in all the crosses. The complementary type of non-allelic interaction for plant height was found in cross UH-04-04 X IPU-94-1. The F2 plants showed inbreeding depressions for almost all the characters in all the three crosses. A stable trend of positive correlation was observed among plant height, branches per plant, clusters per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and yield per plant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variation among disomic chromosome substitution lines of wheat variety C591 for grain yield attributes and nutrient uptake
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Surya, Aditya Kumar; Behl, R.K.
    disomic chromosome substitution lines of C591 in the background of Chinese Spring. The experiment was laid out in RBD with two treatments and replicated thrice in blocks under field condition. The data were recorded for different plant morphological characters, nutrient contents of all disomic lines and their parents and root characters of C591 and six DCS lines selected on the basis of grain weight Analysis of variance showed the presence of significant variability in the materials under study. Observations recorded on yield and its attributing traits and N, P, K and Zn contents showed genotype and chromosome specific variation. Correlation coefficients revealed highly significant to significant positive association among most characters. Highest magnitude of correlation coefficient was observed between P content (mg/plant) and grain yield per plant (g) and lowest for N content (mg/plant) and flag leaf area. On the basis of genotypic performance under various treatments for different plant characters, macro N, P, K and Zn uptake, DCS lines 2D, 4D, 1B performance were promising. Thus, It could be postulated that the quantitative traits loci for high N, P, K and Zn uptake were present on 2D, 3D chromosomes and for response on 6D. Data also showed that response genes and gene for performance are located on different chromosome. This indicated good scope for wheat improvement through analytical breeding at chromosome level.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability for grain quality attributes and HMW proteins in bread wheat, durum wheat and triticale
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Raosaheb, Magar Dhanaji; Chhabra, A.K.
    Genetic variability analysis is an important aspect of wheat and triticale grain quality improvement. The present study was conducted to analyze genetic variability in grain quality traits and HMW proteins. It was resolved into two experiments. The first experiment was conducted to assess the genotypic variation for grain quality traits of wheat and triticale genotypes. The observations on physico-chemical characteristics of wheat were recorded. These are directly or indirectly related to end-use quality, viz., grain weight (g), grain density (g/cc), grain crushing hardness (kg/seed), hectolitre weight (kg/hl), protein content (%), starch content (%), reducing and non-reducing sugars (%), total lipids (%), sedimentation value (ml), pelshenke value (min.), minerals [Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn (ppm)] and crude fibre (%). The data revealed significant genotypic variation for all the physico-chemical parameters of grain quality, viz., grain weight, grain density, grain crushing hardness, hectolitre weight, protein content, starch content, reducing and non-reducing sugars, total lipids, sedimentation value, crude fibre, pelshenke value, and all the minerals [Fe, Mn and Zn] except Cu content. The second experiment aimed at characterization of genotypes by protein profiling of seed storage proteins through electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The HMW subunit composition of 10 T.aestivum genotypes was determined and HMW glutenin subunits were identified and numbered. Overall quality scores of the HMW glutenin sub-units (Glu-1 quality scores) for a given genotype could thus be obtained as the sum of the scores were calculated. Allelic variations for HMW-glutenins were observed at each of the three complex loci i.e. Glu-1A, Glu- 1B and Glu-1D. The results revealed that the HMW glutenin subunit 5+10 was invariably associated with good bread making quality as inferred from grain quality score. The cluster analysis based on protein banding pattern broadly divided the wheat and triticale genotypes into two groups. Ten genotypes were differentiated from each other. Implication of results obtained in the study is discussed for wheat and triticale breeding.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genotypic diversity and stability analysis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Yadav, Asha; Yadav, C.K.
    Fifty genotypes of chickpea were evaluated in three different environments for the nature of variability and stability for eleven traits viz., days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height , number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, biological yield, seed yield per plant, harvest index (%), 100 seed weight and protein content ( %). Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters studied. The highest GCV and PCV were observed for number of branches per plant followed by 100 seed weight, number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant. The highest heritability value was registered for protein content (%), plant height, days to 50% flowering, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant. Genetic advance as % of mean was highest for 100 seed weight in E1 and E2 followed by seed yield per plant for number of pods per plant in E3 followed by number of branches per plant, harvest index and seed yield per plant. In the present study high heritability estimates accompanied with high genetic advance were observed for 100 seed weight in all the three environments. These genotypes were grouped into eight clusters each in first two environments (E1, E2) and into nine clusters in environment three (E3). On overall basis genotypes HC-3, HK-3, HK06-169, HK06-151, H05-10, H06-07, H06-32 and H07-23 were observed quite divergent in all the environments and could be used in hybridization programme for obtaining superior recombinants. Pooled analysis indicated wide differences between environments and differential behaviour of genotypes in different environments. Stability analysis showed that a major portion of genotype × environment (G × E) interaction was accompanied by linear component for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, biological yield, seed yield per plant, 100 seed weight, whereas, non-linear portion predominantly contributed towards plant height, number of branches per plant, harvest index and protein content (%). Environment two (E2) was observed to be best for most of the yield attributing traits. Based on stability parameters genotypes H06-79, H04-31, HK05-151, HK06-162, HK06-170, HK06-171, HK-2, HK-3, H06-32 were found stable in better environmental conditions, genotype HC-3 for poor environment and genotypes H05-10, HK06-152, HK06-155 across the environments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on genotypic performance and genotype x environment interactions in rice in different production systems
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Ghritlahre, Surendra Kumar; Sarial, A.K.
    In any breeding program, it is necessary to screen and identify phenotypically stable genotypes that could perform uniformly under different environmental conditions. Such a breeding effort requires basic information of g x e interaction. Twenty genotypes comprising released varieties and elite lines including hybrids and aromatic were evaluated in two production systems viz; System of rice intensification (SRI) and normal cultivation environments during kharif 2009 at CCS HAU, rice research station, Kaul. Eight environments E1 – E4 in SRI and E5 - E8 in normal production system were created through different combinations of seedling age, spacing and seedling per hills. The experiment was laid down in RBD with two replications in a plot of 1 m2 In SRI production system young seedling of 15-days old were transplanted at one seedling per hill in wide spacing of 25 x 25 cm2 . While in normal production system old seedlings of 25 days age were transplanted at 2 seedlings per hill in narrow spacing of 15 x 15 cm2. Results revealed that normal production system with wide spacing and 1-2 seedlings/hill was found to be the best followed by SRI with wide spacing and 1 seedling /hill. Normal production system with narrow spacing and 2 seedlings /hill was the poorest. Varieties responded differentially for various traits under SRI production systems. In general, there was reduction in days to flowering & increase in days to maturity for all varieties, increased plant height in 10 out 20 and decrease in others, increased panicle length and panicle weight in 8, spikelets /panicle in 9, per cent filled spikelets in 6 & test grain weight in 8.. Irrespective of age of seedlings, all genotypes recorded almost double the number of tillers under wide spacing than narrow. Increase in biological yield per plant, grain yield per plant and harvest index only in 4 namely IR64, HKR 46, Pusa 112 and HKRH 1094 . These varieties also showed increased test grain weight and tillers number. The increase in yield ranged from 11.78.to 24.31%. Confirmatory experiments of these varieties for recommendation for SRI cultivation are required to be conducted on larger plot size over locations and years. Pooled analysis for g x e interaction and stability revealed that the genotypes and environments were highly significant (p < 0.01) for all twelve characters studied. The genotype x environment interaction was significant for days to flowering, per cent filled spikelets, grain yield per plant, days to maturity, test grain weight and biological yield per plant but non-significant for remaining six traits. Partitioning of variance into linear and non-linear components showed that both contributed towards g x e interaction. All key components of SRI except tillers no. exhibited g x e interaction. Stability parameters identified the following genotypes as stable; HKR-47 for days to flowering & days to maturity, PR 114 for days to flowering & % filled spikelets, HKR-48 & HKR-46 for test grain weight & days to flowering, HKR-126 for days to maturity, HKR-127, HKR-120, CSR 30, Pusa-1121& IR 64 for test grain weight. Genotypes identified suitable for favourable environments were HKR 126 for days to flowering & test grain weight, HSD 1 for days to flowering, PAU 201 for test grain weight, Govind for % filled spikelets & days to flowering. Genotypes identified suitable for unfavourable environment were HSD 1 for test grain weight, HKRH 1094, HKR 48 for days to maturity, PAU 201 for days to flowering. The varieties identified as stable and suitable for favourable environments for yield and other traits need to be tested in macro environments over space & time. These could be utilized for direct cultivation as well as for improvements of other cultivars.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutrient uptake and use efficiency of wheat and triticale genotypes under low and optimum input conditions
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Vats, Akshay Kumar; Dhanda, S.S.
    The objectives of present investigation were to study the genotypes of wheat (T.aestivum, T.durum, synthetics and triticale) for various characters under low and optimum input conditions, to determine the genotypic and phenotypic variability and indices of yield and its components for nutrient uptake and use efficiency. Results revealed that the mean squares due to genotypes were significant for all the characters except for spikelets per spike. Genotype × fertilizer (G × F) interaction was significant for majority of the characters in T.aestivum, T. durum, triticale and synthetics. Correlation coefficients revealed that the genotypes having high grain yield also had more tillers per plant, high 100–grain weight, lower plant height and high harvest index under both optimum and low input conditions. But the correlations of grain yield with grains per spike and biological yield was not similar under both conditions, the grains per spike was important component of grain yield under optimum input conditions, while biological yield under low input conditions. This may be due to the fact that some genotypes adaptable to low input conditions might have more responded fertilizer dose by increasing the vegetative phase and decreasing the productive phase under optimum input conditions leading to non-significant correlations with biological yield. The grains per spike and tillers per plant were contributed more towards grain yield under optimum input conditions, while biological yield was more important under low input conditions. The mean performance of genotypes for N content in grains in various groups from low to optimum input conditions was the highest in T.aestivum group followed by T.durum group, triticale group and synthetic wheat group. The mean performance of the genotypes for P content in grains from low to optimum input conditions in various groups was the highest in T.aestivum group followed by synthetic wheat group, T.durum group and triticale group. The genotypes Lok1 in T.aestivum group, P 7531 in T.durum group, TL 2968 in triticale group and Syn 24 in synthetic wheat group were highly responsive for Zn content in grains. With regard to their comparative response for nitrogen use efficiency from low to optimum input conditions, T.durum had the highest mean response followed by triticale then synthetic wheat and T. aestivum. With regard to phosphorous use efficiency, percentage of response from low input to optimum input conditions. T. aestivum had the highest response followed by synthetic wheat, triticale and T. durum. With regard to response of zinc from low to optimum input conditions, T. aestivum had the highest response followed by synthetic wheat, triticale and durum. The T.aestivum group in general had better response followed by synthetics, triticale and durum groups for Nitrogen, phosphorous and Zinc use efficiencies, which may probably be due to high selection pressure on T.aestivum and T.durum for fertilizer responsiveness.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability for important quantitative traits contributing to seed yield and physiological efficiency in Cyamopsis spp. under water deficit conditions
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Jitender; Verma, Naresh
    The present study was undertaken to determine the genetic variability for quantitative traits and their association contributing to seed yield and physiological efficiency under water deficit conditions with the objective of exploring possibilities of water stress tolerant and physiologically efficient genotypes. The material for present investigation comprised of 25 guar genotypes. The experimental material was grown at research area crop physiology (agronomy), CCSHAU, Hisar during Kharif 2010 in randomized block design with three replications. Observations were recorded for 18 morphophysiological and biochemical characters. Considerable amount of variation was found for all the characters studied, seed yield was found positively correlated with number of pods per plant, dry weight, 100-seed weight, harvest index, seeds per pod, chlorophyll fluorescence, canopy temperature depression, leaf area index, plant height and negatively correlated with rate of water loss from excised leaf. Path analysis revealed maximum positive direct effect of dry weight on seed yield followed by harvest index while plant height, branches per plant and 100-seed weight had negative direct effects. Genotype HG 2-20, HG 884, HG 2-1exhibited highest yield and physiological efficiency evaluated on the basis of seed yield and dry matter accumulation per day. These genotypes can be considered as physiologically efficient and water stress tolerant and can be used for future breeding porgrammes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genotypic variability for morpho-physiological parameters of grain yield in wheat
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Laxman; Redhu, A.S.
    The present study was undertaken to estimate the genotypic variability in twenty five wheat genotypes grown in randomized block design with three replications at CCS, Haryana Agricultural University (Hisar), Research Farm under late sown environment i.e., second week of December in 2009. Observation were recorded on days to 50% heading, days to maturity, plant height (cm) spike length (cm), peduncle length (cm), number of grains per spike, thousand grains weight (g), number of tillers per meter length, flag leaf area (cm2), biological yield per meter (g), grain yield (g), harvest index (%), grain growth rate (mg/ grain/day) and canopy temperature depression (0C). The mean squares due to genotypes were found to be highly significant for all the sixteen characters studied. This indicated the presence of enough genotypic variation in material under study for further selection and improvement. Wide range of variation, high coefficients of variation, heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean were observed for plant height, number of grains per spike, grain yield, heading days, grain weight, maturity days and canopy temperature depression revealed the possibility of further improvement for these traits. Breeders consider this aspect especially in late sown environment, for genotype WH 730 and WH 157 having great stress tolerance capability. On the basis of grain growth rate genotype Sonak and LOK I were found fast grain matter accumulation at 14 to 28 days after anthesis.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetics of Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) resistance in advanced lines of cluster bean
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Anil Kumar; Kadian, S. P.
    The present study was conducted on segregating populations of two crosses viz. HG 563 (Resistant) X PNB (Susceptible) and HG 75 (Resistant) X PNB (Susceptible) grown during kharif 2010 to screen advanced F3 and F4 progenies for bacterial leaf blight resistance under artificial inoculated conditions, F2 populations for number of gene governing resistance and to perform diversity analysis in advance lines for resistance and yield components. Observations were recorded on plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, seed yield per plant, bacterial leaf blight disease incidence, days to 50 per cent flowering, days to maturity, crude protein content, gum content and total phenol. In F2 populations of both crosses, a ratio of 13 : 3 was observed which indicated the presence of epistatic (Inhibitory) interaction. Hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that Clusters I and III gave the best performance for yield and its components in cross HG 563 X PNB and clusters I, III and V were found better in cross HG 75 X PNB. In principal component analysis, first principal component explain 78.93 per cent and 78.47 per cent variability in crosses HG 563 X PNB and HG 75 X PNB, respectively. In cross HG 563 X PNB, variables exhibited high loading of different factors in such a manner that principal factor I and principal factor III could be designated as yield factor and disease factor, respectively. In another cross HG 75 X PNB, principal factor I and principal factor II could be designated as maturity factor and yield factor, respectively. Total phenolic content was increased as disease reaction increase in plants.