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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on domestic violence against married rural women in Hisar district
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Gaitri; Dahiya, Manju
    The study was conducted in Hisar district of Haryana state. The secondary data was taken from Protection officer, mini secretariat Hisar and blocks and villages were selected on the availability of the respondents by telephonic and their regular visit to the protection office. A sample of 60 respondents was taken. In addition to the secondary data, data was also collected personally with the help of the well structured interview schedule. The investigator paid 3-4 visits to bring the victims in comfort zone. Result revealed that majority of the respondents were facing all five types of violence but emotional violence was the most prominent among them, followed by verbal type of violence and physical violence. Majority of the respondents belonged to age group of 20-30 years and from Low caste having, joint type and medium size family. With no work and faced violence by their husband in form of emotional (100%), verbal (96.66%), physical (95.10%), economical (88.33%) and sexual (41.67%) violence. Majority of the respondents belonged to three categories i.e. Illiterate, high school and senior secondary level of education having no source of income and were not involved in financial matters and their source of information was from relative with almost no social participation because they have low mass media contact. Among the various type of physical violence faced by the respondents slapping ranks Ist, followed by beating (II), twisting (III), pulling of hair (IV),Whereas among verbal type of violence, Name calling ranks at First, followed by Sarcastic words (II), Angry out burst (III) and Taunting (IV). Forcing to get out of house ranks at first followed by disposing stridhan (II) and non payments of bills (III) were the main economic violence. As far as sexual violence is concerned humiliation/ degrading the victims dignity ranks at First position followed by forced intercourse and entertain others. Constant criticism (I), Ignoring, dismissing (II) and denying the basic facility (III) were the main cause of emotional violence. Information regarding marital status revealed that only 5 percent respondents were divorcee and 3.33 percent were widows. As far as Psychological variable is concerned majority of the respondents reported that they were not allowed to leave the home and faced forced isolation in the family, Among the social and cultural causes affecting the domestic violence, male dominance in the society was the main cause (96.00%), followed by Alcohol (86.34%),dowry/bride price(81.67%) and extra marital relationship (75.00%), Whereas among the economic causes, economic dependence was faced by almost all the respondents, followed by keeping an account of single penny. Consequences of domestic violence faced by the respondents in the form of mental out comes revealed that majority of the respondents were under depression (33.33%) followed by anxiety (23.33%) and eating disorders ((13.33%). At physical level, physical injuries (30.00%), followed by headache (16.66%) and miscarriage (13.33%) were the major outcomes faced by the respondents. At family level, lack of interaction among the family members was the major out come. Lack of intimacy with husband (25.00%) and unsuitable atmosphere for the children were the other major out come at family level faced by the respondents. At societal level majority of the respondents faced humiliating or undermining remarks by the society (63.33%), followed by neglected by friends (20.00%) and deprived of leading a normal life (16.67%).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Feasibility of vermicomposting as an enterprise for rural women
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Tayal, Ankita; Varma, Shashi Kanta
    For assessing the feasibility of vermicomposting for rural women, two blocks namely Hisar-I and Hisar- II of Hisar district of Haryana state were selected randomly. Out of the selected blocks, two villages namely Harikot and Tokas patan were selected at random. A sample of 100 rural women i.e. 50 from each village was drawn and 30 women i.e. 15 from each selected village were selected who were interested in having training on vermicomposting. Various socio-personal, economic, psychological and communication variables constituted the independent variables and knowledge, attitude, skill and symbolic adoption constituted the dependent variables for the study. Data were collected with the help of pre-tested structured interview schedule. The inferences were drawn on the basis of frequency, percentages, paired ‘t’ test, weighted mean score, impact assessment index and correlation. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the respondents belonged to younger age group, were illiterate, married, having nuclear family, had farming as their main occupation and belonged to middle caste having annual income between 40,001-60,000 possessing marginal with negligible social participation, owning mixed type of houses and small herd size. Most of the respondents had medium change proneness, high economic motivation and low risk orientation. Intra family decisions were taken mostly by husband alone while entrepreneurial decisions were taken jointly by most of the respondents. Majority of the respondents had low mass media exposure. Awareness of rural women regarding vermicomposting was very low at pre-exposure stage but awareness was very high at post-exposure stage. Sufficient gain in knowledge and change in attitude was recorded for all the sub-components of vermicomposting after exposure to training which was highly significant at 0.05 per cent level of significance. Impact assessment of vermicomposting training was found to be of moderate level. Most of the respondents had acquired medium skills after exposure to training. Majority of respondents had high symbolic adoption and were willing to adopt vermicomposting with somewhat difficulty and had high overall acceptability. Most of the respondents perceived marketing and economic constraints at 1st and 2nd rank. No significant relationship of independent variables with dependent variables was recorded.