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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Communication gap and constraints in kinnow production technology
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Kamboj, Moji; Mehta, S.K.
    The present study was conducted in Sirsa and Hisar districts of Haryana state with 80 farmers as a sample for the study. The major thirst of the study was upon the communication gap and communication behaviour of the farmers in relation to getting information for scientific cultivation of kinnow crop. The findings revealed that majority of the farmers were from middle aged group and from the dominant caste, having high socio economic status and more than ten acres of land, educated up to high school, having farming as their main occupation and they mainly came from joint family setup. The DHO and its officials were the most preferred with a maximum credibility and trustworthiness. The university scientists topped the list of information sources from the point of view of level of satisfaction derived by the kinnow growers. The farmers were having a large communication gap of 46.75 with the university scientists and a narrow communication gap of 17.75 and 18.50 with the input dealers and DHO/HDOs, respectively. However, the largest communication gap of 76.67 was found in case of radio. The higher caste and the well educated farmers considered university scientists a more reliable source and therefore seized to opt for input dealers. The major constraints in using radio and television were that most of the programmes broadcasted from the radio and television did not relate to their farming system. The important constraints faced by the kinnow growers in utilizing DHO/HDO were regarding their availability and poor knowledge of horticulture. The farmers faced difficulty to visit the university and search the scientist and they said that few scientists have got expertise on kinnow crop. Non-availability of quality inputs, high cost of insecticides/pesticides and fungicides, inadequate weed control in kinnow production, low production due to unfavorable weather condition, absence of agro-processing units, lack of knowledge of current advances on kinnow production, lack of guidance for controlling insect pests/diseases were considered the most serious constraints by the kinnow growers. All these constraints can be minimized by providing trainings to the farmers and by distributing literature regarding technical know-how to the farmers as it requires specialized skills in certain operations. The facility of modern communication technology can also play an important role in mitigating these constraints.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Problems and prospects of kinnow production under drip irrigation system in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Rajnish Kumar; Hudda, R. S.
    India is the second largest producer of fruits after China, with a production of 71516000 MT of fruits from an area of 6329000 hectares. Haryana ranks 13th in citrus production. Drip Irrigation is basically precise, slow and artificial application of water in the form of discrete continuous drops, hence, is economic method of irrigation. In Haryana 3112 ha. has been covered under Drip Irrigation System and sprinkler irrigation form essential input for improving productivity and quality of horticultural produce. The present study entitled “Problems and prospects of Kinnow production under Drip Irrigation System in Haryana” was undertaken in the Sirsa and Hisar districts of Haryana state with the following specific objectives:- To measure the attitude of Kinnow growers towards Drip Irrigation System; To study the prospects of Kinnow production under Drip Irrigation System; To identify problems encountered by the Kinnow growers under Drip Irrigation System; To establish association between attitude and personality traits of Kinnow growers. From each districts two blocks were selected purposively, twenty respondents using Drip Irrigation System technology were selected from each of the four selected blocks thus making total sample size of 80 respondents. A sample of 20 Kinnow experts was also taken randomly from scientists working under KVK of selected districts, department of horticulture, college of Agriculture, Hisar, extension functionaries working in district Horticulture office as respondents for the study. The study highlighted that majority of the respondents were in middle to old age groups, belonged to high to medium education status, social participation and extension contact, with high mass-media exposure, risk orientation, irrigation facilities, change proneness and fatalism/ scienticism, having medium socio-economic status. The majority of Kinnow growers had most favourable attitude towards Drip Irrigation System. The remaining were having favourable attitude towards Drip Irrigation System. It is further highlighted that risk orientation, fatalism scienticism and change proneness were found highly significant and positively associated with the attitude. Whereas education were found significantly and positively associated with the attitude of farmers toward Drip Irrigation System. The problems such as initial cost of Drip Irrigation System and its maintenance cost is very high. The problems related to technical aspects were installation of drip system is very cumbersome, the drip lines chocked due to salt in water. The present study shows that more than half of Kinnow growers perceived high level of prospects towards Drip Irrigation System. However, the few of them were having medium and low level prospects. Whereas, a great majority of the Kinnow experts perceived medium level of prospects of Kinnow production under Drip Irrigation System followed by one third Kinnow experts perceived high level of prospects. None of the Kinnow experts perceived low level of prospects of Kinnow production under Drip Irrigation System.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Awareness and perception of farmers towards weather forecasting advisory services in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Rajesh; Godara, Ashok Kumar
    Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the state of atmosphere for the future time and a given location. The main advantage of weather forecasting advisory services is to help farmers, maximize profit by decreasing weather related losses and increasing the timeliness of farm production, Indian farmers are still depend on the seasonal rains which are highly variable both in time and space including weather event like drought, flood, heat waves, and tropical storms cyclones severely effects the agriculture production. With this idea in mind present investigation was conducted in purposively selected Hisar from western zone and Kaithal districts from eastern zone of Haryana state with the following objective:- to assess the awareness level of farmers about weather forecasting advisory services, to know the farmers’ perception about weather forecasting advisory services, to find out the constraints associated with the use of weather forecasting advice, o ascertain the impact of weather forecasting advisory services in decision taken in field operation. The study can be concluded that majority of them were in middle to old age groups, belonged to high to medium education status, social participation and extension contact, with high mass-media exposure, risk orientation, irrigation facilities, change proneness and fatalism/ scienticism, having medium socio-economic status. The study shows that near to half of the respondents had negative perception about weather forecasting advisory services. While about, one third of respondents perceived. The aspect wise perception of respondents about weather forecasting advisory service reveals that majority of the respondents were fully agreed farmer.It was found that great majority of the respondents were fully agreed that Radio , TV broadcasting about weather forecast advisory services is useful to the farmers. However, majority of the respondents were fully agreed that telephone weather services will be useful to the farmers if the call made is free and timely, weather forecasting advisory services help farmers in reducing farm losses, weather forecasting is helpful in managing the operation and activity on the farm /home and Weather forecast affects the farmer’s decision. The most of farmers could not understand SMS on mobile due to lack of knowledge’ was considered the most serious constraints followed by weather forecast information is not location specific, due to flexibility in weather condition information is not right at every time’ was third in rank and the problem of weather forecasting is not timely at the time of flood and drought and all the constraints may be minimized by providing guidance to the farmers and by distribution literature and training regarding technicality of weather forecasting advisory services to the farmers. The problem of belief about traditional weather forecast is more powerful than modern weather forecasting in farmers’ view, weather forecasting an advisory service is brief hence can not be understood by majority of farmers and farmers are not able to know the economic benefit of weather forecasts majority of the farmers are not adopting according in weather forecasting advisory services were also some of the serious problems. The majority of the respondents fully were agreed with the statement that the seed sowing process affected on the basis of weather forecasting information change in cultural operation due to weather forecasting information and it also the irrigation schedule. The source of communication of the farmers regarding the weather forecasting advisory services, two of the major indicators of source of communication of the farmers were the credibility and utilization of source of communication regarding weather forecasting advisory services. It was found Television (ranked 1st) , Radio (ranked 2nd) had mostly used by the respondents as credible channel for weather forecasting information while Mobile SMS facilities by CCS HAU, Newspaper were ranked IIIrd and forth in terms of utilization. As for weather forecasting information Internet facilities ranked last alternate of information in view of respondents as credible channel for weather forecasting information.