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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Diversification in agriculture for high valued crops for sustainable development
    (CCSHAU, 2009) Laxman Singh; Sehrawat, P.S.
    A study entitled, ā€œDiversification in agriculture for high valued crops for sustainable developmentā€, was carried in Faridabad and Gurgaon districts of Haryana with the objectives of (i) to identify alternatives to those current farm practices those have the greatest potential to harm the environment, (ii) to identify new crops for crop rotation to fit in farmers cropping system, (iii) to ascertain the training needs of farmers for high valued crops diversification in farming system and (iv) to identify constraints and prospects in the process of diversified sustainable agriculture. A total of 160 farmers were selected as respondents and appropriate statistical tests were used to draw meaningful inferences. The study revealed that maximum respondents were in middle age category. Majority of the farmers were in high school level of education. Maximum respondents were of medium level of SES. In land holding the frequency of marginal farmers were high. Wheat based crop rotation is maximum followed by gram, mustard, vegetable and orchard in rabi season, and rice based crop rotation is maximum followed by bajra, vegetable, jowar and orchard in kharif season. Maximum of the respondents were used tubewell as source of irrigation. The farmers had high level of extension contacts. Cultivation farming is the main source of income. In case of man power availability, males are in major category as compare to female. In case of irrigation facility, mostly the farmers used sprinkler system. In case of other facility available, 50 per cent of the primary agricultural implements were owned and 50 per cent were hired. Regarding secondary agricultural implements, the frequency of hired is maximum as compare to owned and the respondents had less number of storage system as compare to transport facilities. The major prospects towards diversification were high price in diversified crops/enterprises, better economic returns, demand is increasing, better technical support is available and better credit facilities are available at present. The major constraints towards diversification were lack of technical guidance, constraints related to production, constraints related to inputs and finally constraints related to marketing. In case of training needs the respondents were eager to take training mostly in vegetable growing followed by dairy farming, flowers, mushroom growing, pulses, poultry and sugarcane. The status of farmer was found to be medium towards diversification. Age, family education, crop rotation pattern, man power availability and irrigation facilities were positively correlated with prospects. Family education, man power availability and irrigation facilities were positively correlated with the training needs. Family education, source of irrigation, man power availability and irrigation facilities were positively correlated with the constraints. Family education, crop rotation, source of irrigation, extension contacts, man power availability and irrigation facilities were positively correlated with the status of the farmers. Age, land holding, socio-economic status, crop rotation pattern, extension contacts, source of income and other facilities available were negatively correlated with constraints. Age, land holding, socio-economic status, source of income and other facilities available were negatively correlated with status of farmers. Land holding, socio-economic status, source of irrigation, extension contacts, source of income and other facilities available were negatively correlated with the prospects. Age, land holding, socio-economic status, crop rotation pattern, source of irrigation, extension contacts, source of income and other facilities available were negatively correlated with the training needs. All the eleven independent variables contributed to the extent of 74.36 per cent towards the prospects, 85.16 per cent to the training needs, 90.37 per cent to constraints and 75.69 per cent to the status of farmers towards diversification. All the respondents were aware of zero tillage machines, tested their soil and water samples, practice seed treatment and maintaining farm records but were less aware of crop insurance scheme, laser land leveler, vermicompost and storage facilities. In case of new crops for crop rotation wheat, mustard, gram, vegetables and orchards were the crops which were prevalent in the crop rotation in rabi season and rice, vegetable, jowar, bajra and orchard in kharif season.