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    Agri-tourism as enterprise diversification in rural Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2008) Davender Kumar; Mehta, S.K.
    Tourism is termed as instrument for employment generation, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development. The state of Haryana has location advantage being nearer to national capital of country, Delhi. There are five National Highways that pass via Haryana to different states of the country. Moreover, the farmers of Haryana are resourceful and innovative and have capability to start this new concept of agri-tourism, therefore. This project on agri-tourism was planned to be studied in Haryana state. Agri-tourism being new concept; it was difficult to find large number of farmers for this profession. A list of 80 farmers was prepared, who were either registered with Haryana tourism or were having equivalent capacity to provide all types of facilities on their farms. They were taken as the respondents of the study. The data revealed that majority of the respondents were belonging to medium category regarding almost all the independent variables viz. age, family education, land holding, socio-economic status, mass media exposures, risk bearing capacity, innovativeness, extension contacts, source of income, man power availability and irrigation facility. The owners of the agri-tourism farms were either already providing or they were ready to provide various kinds of facilities on demand, which were very common and people usually asked for ,while majority of the owners were not providing the facilities which were not commonly asked by the visitors. Regarding visits paid by the various groups it was recorded that as many as 3290 visitors in all, visited various agri-tourism units at different places under study, out of which there were 9 International visitors, 488 national visitors. There were as many as 1698 visitors from the surrounding city areas which come to be the 51.61 per cent of the total population of visitors. In total about two fifth of the total tourists visited different agri-tourism units at different places under study were the children. The number of visitors who visited agri-tourism units in the winter season was more than twice of the visitors who visited in the summer season. Among various kinds of tourism, agri-tourism was found very much related with rural tourism. The findings depicted that majority of the respondents were either self motivated or motivated by their family members. When asked about their interest and needs for various training programme, almost all the farmers showed their interest in obtaining the trainings for the diversification and development of their farm in to agri-tourism and none of the respondents preferred a training of more than a fortnight duration. More than three-fourth of the respondents agreed upon that diversification of traditional farming into agri-tourism was beneficial and it will add to their present income. Also the majority were in favor of that agri-tourism provides a natural environment and it is very eco-friendly. When asked about the benefits of agri-tourism it was found beneficial in many regards such as their status in the society will be increased. A massive majority said that additional income from the agri-tourism was the most important prospect. The major constraint in the development of agri-tourism was the difficulty in getting a loan or the lack of financial facilities.