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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Problems and prospects of strawberry cultivation in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2016) Bachhal, Gurpreet Singh; Chahal, Pardeep Kumar
    The study was conducted in Hisar and Bhiwani districts of Haryana state during 2015-2016. A total number of 50 respondents constituted the sample of the study. The information about respondents’ socio-personnel traits, adoption level, constraints and prospects regarding Strawberry cultivation were collected with the help of structured interview schedule. The study revealed that adoption level of Strawberry growers regarding conservation technology, method of propagation, packaging, timely irrigation, time of planting, varieties used for planting, proper planting depth and mulching were high whereas, they had least adopted or not adopted practices like proper harvesting practices, insect-pests and their control, diseases and their control, manures and fertilizers, intercultural operations and control measures for fruit drop. The study indicates that 54 per cent of respondents had medium level of adoption. Regarding serious constraints faced by strawberry growers included high labour charges, nonavailability of quality runners, high cost of runners, high cost of production due to unsuccessful sprouting of runners, attack of plant diseases, non availability of agro-processing industries, no MSP, no storage facilities in village, high fruit perishability, lack of marketing facilities in the village, lack of transparency, high transportation cost, no package of practices at regional level, no guidance about post harvest technology, no guidance about controlling insect-pests and diseases, inadequate subsidy, high cost of Hi-Tech greenhouse establishment, lack of experts, lack of proper procurement policy of government, self marketing: a problem, no trained field extension staff to provide technical support throughout cultivation process and high cost of runners from govt. agencies. In Haryana, majority of farmers agreed that better economic returns in comparison to other fruit crops, demand is increasing day by day, purchasing power of people is increasing, food habit of people is changing and suitable for agro-processing. The agricultural authorities should look into the problems faced by farmers in strawberry cultivation and adequate action should be taken to ensure marketing facilities, package of practices, storage facilities for strawberry, strawberry expert and Hi-tech greenhouse or tissue culture lab for quality runners.