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M. Sc. Dissertations


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Leaf curl virus disease in cotton in relation to microclimate under two growing environments
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Ved Prakash; Ram Niwas
    The present investigatio n was undertake n for evaluation Leaf cur l virus disease in cotton in relatio n to mic roclimate unde r two growing e nviro nme nts . The mate r ials for the present investigation compr ised of 3 cotton cultivars, including two dates of sowing Viz. 30 th Apr il and 30 th May . The exper imental materials was grown at the Research Farm of the Depar tment of Genetics and Plant Breeding during Kharif 2011 in a factor ial randomized block design with four replications. The estimates of crop sown on 30 th April unde r protected (sprayed) conditio ns were the most ideal for control of leaf cur l virus disease. It exhibited stable per formance of the cultivar RASI 134 for dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, number of branches and bolls plant - 1 , boll weight and seed cotton y ield also. Correlation study revealed that leaf curl virus disease was signif icantly and positivel y cor related with suns hine hours, vapour pressure def icit at evening and negativel y signif icant with minimum temperature, relative humidity at evening, wind speed and vapour pressure def icit at morning in both growing e nvironments. The regression analysis suggested that maximum var iability in leaf cur l virus disease can be explained upto 81 percent by vapour pressure def icit at morning for RASI 134 and accuracy could be improved with addition of wind speed. The inte nsity of leaf cur l disease was found in HS 6 as compared to MRC 6304 and RASI 134, due to succulent broad leaves and none of the genoty pes was resistant to leaf cur l virus disease.