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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2024) ARVIND PRAJAPATI; (Dr. Jitendra Singh)
    A field experiment entitled “Study on inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers on growth and production of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Red Lady,, was conducted during the year 2023-24, at the Instructional Field, Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar. The experiment consisted of 11 treatments laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Among different treatments, soil application of T3 (75% RDF +50g Azotobacter + 50g PSB + 50g KSB) to individual plant was found significantly superior over other treatments with respect to growth and production parameters like plant height (244.50cm, 166.65%), plant girth (32.15cm, 71.55%), plant spread E-W (153.85cm, 50.61%), plant spread N-S (154cm, 51.43%), number of leaves/plant (61.45, 207.25%), number of nodes (70.95, 254.75%), leaf area (1925.33cm2, 375.23%), and leaf area index (4.99, 252.56%). Yield parameters like fruit weight (1570.65g), fruit length (26.35cm), fruit diameter (39.85cm), fruit circumference (60.18cm), fruit volume (1750.95cc), pulp wight (1385.75g), pulp thickness (30.99mm), pulp/peel ratio (18.25), and yield/plant (89.75kg) were also better in this treatment. The quality parameters like total sugar (9.23%), reducing sugar (7.66%), non-reducing sugar (1.92%), ascorbic acid content (51.50mg/100g) and TSS (11.72oBrix) were found improved significantly in T3 (75% RDF +50g Azotobacter + 50g PSB + 50g KSB). The soil application of T3 (75% RDF +50g Azotobacter + 50g PSB + 50g KSB) had significant effect on soil parameters like pH (7.17), EC (0.38 dSm-1) and organic carbon (0.57%). The leaf parameters like chlorophyll content (145.25mg/g), leaf N (2.45%), P (0.60%) and K (3.36%) contents were observed maximum in treatment T3 (75% RDF +50g Azotobacter + 50g PSB + 50g KSB) at the time of final observation during March. From the present investigation, it may concluded that T3 (75% RDF +50g Azotobacter + 50g PSB + 50g KSB) proved superiority over all treatments in improving growth and production parameters of papaya plant and also in improving soil and leaf parameters. However, it requires more study for further confirmation of results
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2024) KULDEEP SINGH DAGAR; Dr. I. B. Maurya
    The present investigation entitled “Effect of Spacing and Liquid Bio-enhancer on Growth, Yield and Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse” was conducted during Rabi, 2024 at Protected Cultivation Unit of the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar. The experiment consisted of 10 treatments including two levels of spacing (60 x 30 cm and 60 x 45 cm) and five levels of liquid bio-enhancer i.e. Panchagavya (0%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%). The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replications. Data were collected on 18 different growth, yield and quality contributing characters of cucumber. The spacing and liquid bio-enhancer (Panchagavya) had a significant effect on growth, yield and quality parameters individually whereas their combined effect did not significantly influence the growth, yield and quality parameters. The 60 x 45 cm spacing (S2) significantly increased the vine length at 75 DAT (255.81 cm), internodal length at 75 DAT (11.52 cm), no. of leaves/plant at 75 DAT (47.37), no. of branches/plant at 75 DAT (9.13), leaf area at 75 DAT (375.75 cm2), total chlorophyll content (0.80 mg/g), no. of fruits/plant (36.62), fruit length (16.90 cm), fruit diameter (3.53 cm), average fruit weight (168.34 g), fruit retention (86.63%), marketable fruit yield/ plant (3.73 kg), TSS at 1st picking (2.79 oBrix), ascorbic acid (2.64 mg/100g), PAR (991.20 μmol m-2 s-1) as compared to 60 x 30 cm spacing (S1); reduced the unmarketable fruit yield/plant (0.28 kg) and took minimum days to first harvest (49.29). Amongst the five levels of bio-enhancer, the application of treatment P2 - (Panchagavya @6%) significantly increased the vine length at 75 DAT (275.91 cm), internodal length 75 DAT (12.25 cm), no. of leaves/plant at 75 DAT (52.36), no. of branches/plant at 75 DAT (9.96), leaf area at 75 DAT (434.64 cm2), total chlorophyll 116 content (1.00 mg/g), no. of fruits/plant (38.90), fruit length (18.18 cm), fruit diameter (3.76 cm), average fruit weight (181.23 g), fruit retention (91.41%), marketable fruit yield per plant (4.30 kg), TSS at 1st picking (3.05 oBrix), ascorbic acid (2.79 mg/100g), moisture content (94.37%), PAR (1003.50 μmol m-2 s-1) as compared to control (P0). It also reduced the unmarketable fruit yield/plant (0.23 kg) and took minimum days to first harvest (47.03). However, the treatment P2 was at par with P1. In the present study, wider spacing (S2 = 60x45 cm) and application of Panchagavya (6% at par with 4%) alone enhanced the growth, yield, and quality parameters significantly and treatment combination S2P2 (60 x 45 cm spacing + Panchagavya @ 6%) had the highest fruit yield per plant (4.54kg). However, treatment S1P1 (60 x 30 cm spacing + Panchagavya @ 4%) showed higher net returns (₹1508.3 per 4.5m2) and a better B:C ratio (4.54). Thus, it can be concluded that wider spacing (60x45 cm) may increase the growth, yield and quality parameters to a greater extent than closer spacing (60x30 cm) due to improved space, aeration, and light conditions, but planting at narrow spacing (60x30 cm) and the use of Panchgavya @4% (S1P1) was found to be better from the economic point of view.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2024) SUNIL KUMAR BAIRWA; Dr. Prerak Bhatnagar
    A field experiment titled “Response of GA3 and growth promoting chemicals on growth and production of acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle.) cv. Kagzi” was conducted at the Instructional Farm, Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, during June 2023 to December 2023. The experiment consisted of nine treatments, viz. T0 (control), T1 (GA3 @ 50 ppm), T2 (GA3 @ 100 ppm), T3 (GA3 @ 50 ppm + KNO3 @ 1%), T4 (GA3 @ 100 ppm + KNO3 @ 2%), T5 (GA3 @ 50 ppm + Thiourea @ 1%), T6 (GA3 @ 100 ppm + Thiourea @ 2%), T7 (GA3 @ 50 ppm + Salicylic acid @ 100 ppm) and T8 (GA3 @ 100 ppm + Salicylic acid @ 200 ppm). The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with three replications. Among the various foliar treatment combinations, T4 treatment (GA3 @ 100 ppm + KNO3 @ 2%) was recorded maximum increment in plant height, plant spread [E-W and N-S], canopy volume, leaf area index, relative water content (%), leaf osmolality (mmol/kg) and total chlorophyll (mg g-1). The results indicated that the foliar application of T4 treatment (GA3 at 100 ppm + KNO3 at 2%) was found significantly superior over other treatments in which minimum days to first flowering, the minimum total span of flowering, the maximum number of flowers per shoot and the maximum percentages of fruit set besides fruit retention more recorded. The results further manifested that the foliar application of treatment T4 (GA3 @ 100 ppm + KNO3 @ 2%) was the most effective in increasing the fruit length (cm), fruit breadth (cm), fruit juice percentage, TSS content, ascorbic acid (mg/100 ml), reducing sugars (%), non-reducing sugars (%), total sugars (%), specific gravity, osmolality in juice (mmol/kg), number of fruits tree-1, fruit weight (g) and yield (kg/tree). It also reduced peel thickness (mm), the number of seeds per fruit, the weight of seed per fruit and titratable acidity (%). Conclusively, the treatment T4 (GA3 @ 100 ppm + KNO3 @ 2%) was overall best in impacting growth and production of acid lime trees.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2022) GEETA YADAV; Dr. I. B. Maurya
    The study was carried out at Protected Cultivation Unit, Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar during Rabi season from December 2021 to April 2022 to investigate the “Effect of nano-particles of Zn and Fe on growth, yield and quality parameters of parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under polyhouse condition” The experiment consisted of 2 different nano-particles with different doses i.e. Zn and Fe including control. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Data were collected on different growth, yield and quality contributing characters of cucumber. Results revealed that the treatment T28 (seed treatment with Zn NPs @ 400 ppm + Foliar spraying with Fe NPs @ 400 ppm) gave the maximum, vine length at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT (0.39 m, 2.38 m, 3.69 m and 4.83 m), stem diameter at 45 and 90 DAT (0.88 cm and 0.92 cm), minimum days taken to first flowering (36.96 days), inter-nodal length at 45 and 90 DAT (7.46 cm and 13.01 cm), number of leaves per plant at 45 and 90 DAT (61.82 and 136.99), leaf length at 45 and 90 DAT (14.98 cm and 16.95 cm), leaf width at 45 and 90 DAT (16.74 cm and 19.06 cm), Leaf Area Index (3.52), number of branches per plant at 45 and 90 DAT (10.33 and 19.30). minimum number of days taken to first harvesting (48.22 days), number of fruit per plant (39.18), fruit length (18.66 cm), fruit diameter (4.09 cm), average fruit weight (187.04 g), marketable yield per plant (5.07 kg), minimum unmarketable yield per plant (0.152 kg), fruiting span (43.69 days), and also the total soluble solids (3.93 ºBrix), chlorophyll content of leaf (3.14 mg/100g), ascorbic acid (2.83 mg/100g). Overall acceptability 7.59 (9 point hedonic scale) were found, as compared to control. This study suggest from the results that (seed treatment with Zn NPs @ 400 ppm + Foliar spraying with Fe NPs @ 400 ppm was found most effective in growth, yield and quality attributes. The treatment T28 (seed treatment with Zn NPs @ 400 ppm + foliar spraying with Fe NPs @ 400 ppm) was found most effective in increasing the net return (Rs. 246450/ 500 m2) with higher B:C ratio (5.11).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2022) RITU CHOUDHARY; Dr. Virendra Singh
    A field experiment entitled “Effect of foliar spray of boron and zinc on growth and development of Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) cv. Goma Priyanka” was conducted during the year 2021-22, at the Instructional Farm, Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar. The experiment consisted of 16 treatments laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications. Among different treatments, application of T15 (Borax @ 0.50% + ZnSO4 @ 0.50%) to individual plant was found significantly superior over other treatments with respect to growth and development parameters such as per cent increase in rootstock girth (9.73%), scion girth (9.31%), plant height (39.97%), number of leaves/shoot (26.19%), number of shoots/branch (33.61%), petiole length (27.89%), length of internodes (13.55%), leaf length (29.48%), leaf width (12.54%), leaf area (45.73%), canopy volume (8.13%), canopy spread North-South (15.58%), canopy spread East - West (7.06%), relative water content (15.53%) and chlorophyll content (1.78%). From the experiment it may be summarized that T15 (Borax @ 0.50% + ZnSO4 @ 0.50%) proved superiority over all individual as well as treatments in combination in improving growth and development parameters of jamun plant. However, it requires further study for confirmation of results.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2022) HANUMAGOUDA BHARAMAGOUDRA; Dr. Ashutosh Mishra
    The present investigation “Efficacy of Herbicides on weed control in African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Kalkatia Laddu” was conducted during 2021-22 in the instructional farm of the Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar. The experiment consisted of eleven treatments replicated thrice in Randomized Block Design. Among the herbicidal applications, pre-emergence application of Oxyfluorfen @ 1.5 kg a.i/ha recorded minimum number of grass weeds, Broad leaves weeds, Fresh and Dry biomass of weeds at 30 DAT (2.62, 1.36, 3.68 g/m2 and 1.23 g/m2) and at 60 DAT (5.06, 2.72, 6.84 g/m2 and 2.28 g/m2). However, at later stage of crop growth i.e., 90 DAT minimum number of grass weeds (7.32), Broad leaves weeds (3.69), Fresh and Dry biomass of weeds (9.65 g/m2 and 3.21 g/m2) was observed in Weed free (Manual weeding) treatment. The maximum values for these parameters were recorded in control treatment. Similarly, maximum weed control efficiency (83.41% at 30 DAT and 77.24% at 60 DAT) was observed in Oxyfluorfen @ 1.5 kg a.i/ha. However, it was maximum (75.80%) in Weed free treatment at 90 DAT of marigold crop. The minimum weed index (0.00%) recorded in weed free treatment. However, control treatment recorded maximum values for these parameters. Similarly, application of Oxyfluorfen @ 1.5 kg a.i/ha resulted in the maximum plant height (29.16 cm, 54.22 cm and 73.74 cm at 30, 60 and 90 DAT, respectively), plant spread (21.56 cm, 51.31 cm and 67.02 cm at 30, 60 and 90 DAT, respectively), number of primary branches (8.48, 17.26 and 20.64 at 30, 60 and 90 DAT, respectively), stem diameter (7.49 mm, 11.26 mm and 14.26 mm at 30, 60 and 90 DAT, respectively), Fresh and Dry biomass of plants (483.52 g and 101.02 g), days taken to bud visibility (54.51 days), days taken from bud to flower opening (6.15 days), days to 50 % flowering (69.38 days) and maximum B:C ratio (4.49). The maximum fresh and dry weight of flowers (45.59 g and 5.71 g), chlorophyll content (1.82 mg/g), xanthophyll content (2.97 mg/g), essential oil content (0.167 %), number of flowers per plant (84.49), Flower yield per plant, plot, square meter and hectare (325.02 g, 8.12 kg, 2.02 kg and 203.13 q) recorded in Weed free treatment. The maximum flower diameter 91 (4.84 cm) was recorded in Atrazine @ 1.5 kg a.i/ha treatment. The minimum values for these parameters were recorded in control treatment. On the basis of present investigation, it can be concluded that, cultivation of marigold with application Oxyfluorfen @ 1.5 kg a.i/ha was found effective in controlling weeds and enhancing growth, flowering and yield of marigold crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2022) NILESH TAILOR; Prahlad V.C.
    A field experiment entitled “Characterization of aerial roots of Ficus benghalensis Linn. with respect to tree growth characters” was carried out during the year 2021-2022 by selecting total 80 numbers of trees from 4 size of diameter classes D1 (<30cm), D2 (30-60cm), D3 (60-90) and D4 (>90cm) from Jhalawar locations. The vital tree growth characters, characterization of aerial root forming trees and their soil character were studied as part the investigation. The open grown trees in absence of neighbour competition utilized unlimited light and space, resulted in wider crown spread, lesser crown height branched profusely to provide stability and mechanical strength. The higher slenderness index of D1 and D2 class indicates decreased stability there by more vulnerable to damage in comparison to big trees which intern seems to be producing aerial roots in initial period itself for their survival that persisted in subsequent diameter classes. Though aerial roots formation reported both from primary and secondary branches but 98% of primary and secondary branches reported to form aerial roots in D4 class while 85% and 88% in primary and secondary branches respectively from D2 class. Further, 38% of buttress root formation in our study that too 45% each in D3 and D4 class has also expressed an explicit interrelation with aerial root formation. A strong correlation exists between cluster distance, base height of aerial roots with trees and crown size where minimum 41.59 to maximum 146.15 aerial root cluster per trees were reported to spread distance from 0.16m to 8.09m from the centre of the stem axis. Also, the base height of aerial roots in taller trees (D4 class) begin to cling above ground from minimum 3.11m to 6.75m compared to trees of lesser height (D2 class) that found clinging from 2.07m to 3.83m. Regarding the gap length of aerial roots, the bigger trees reported to produce longer aerial roots just short of 3.86m (D1 class) to 1.03m (D3 class) vertical length to reach the ground. The diameter and moisture % of aerial roots showed positive relation with tree size where the smaller root diameter(5.18mm) reported lesser moisture% (43.15%) compared to higher moisture% (47.15%) from higher diameter of aerial root (7.52mm). The soil analysis of current study reported the higher content of available Nitrogen (218.17kg/ha), available Phosphorus (35.18kg/ha), available Potassium. (316.87kg/ha), pH (7.19), EC(0.49dS/m) and bulk density (1.41g/cc) in D1 class. While highest soil moisture (10.01%) and organic carbon (0.6%) found in D4 class. Keywords- Aerial roots, base height, cluster distance, crown projection ratio, gap length, moisture percentage, slenderness index.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2022) RAM LAKHAN DHAKAR; Dr. Bhuvnesh Nagar
    Genetic variability, correlation and path analysis were studied in a set of 14 genotypes of Isabgol grown in a randomized block design with three replications at the College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar during Rabi season of 2021-22. Analysis of variance revealed significant genotypic differences for all the characters under study. Highly significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters indicate that variation among the genotypes is heritable. The genotype Jawahar recorded maximum seed yield per plant (5.95 g) and also the performance of this genotype was better for other yield attributes characters. The genotypes Mayuri (5.81 g), PB-6-3 (5.04 g) and Niharika (4.35 g) recorded higher seed yield per plant. Phenotypic coefficient of variation is higher than genotypic coefficient of variation for all the characters under study, so it could be concluded that phenotypic selection would be more effective. The character association studies indicated that the advantages of upgrading Isabgol genotypes through simultaneous selection for plant height at maturity, number of tillers per plant, number of spikes per plant, number of seeds per spike, husk content per plant percent, husk content per plant and swelling index. The data pertaining to path coefficient revealed that husk content per plant (g), days to 50% flowering, swelling index and seed moisture indicating that selection should be made on the basis of these traits for improvement in seed yield of Isabgol.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar, 2024) MONIKA KUMARI MEENA; Prerak Bhatnagar
    A field experiment was carried out during (2021-22 and 2022-23) with the object of assessing the effect of potassium silicate and humic acid on growth and development of Jamun (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels.) cv. Goma Priyanka. Four doses of potassium silicate (KS) viz. 0, 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm, four doses of humic acid (HA) 0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm and their combinations viz. KS (1000 ppm) + HA (1000 ppm), KS (1000 ppm) + HA (2000 ppm), KS (1000 ppm) + HA (3000 ppm), KS (2000 ppm) + HA (1000 ppm), KS (2000 ppm) + HA (2000 ppm), KS (2000 ppm) + HA (3000 ppm), KS (3000 ppm) + HA (3000 ppm) were tried in 16 treatment combinations in factorial randomized block design. The foliar application of potassium silicate KS3 (3000 ppm) treatment resulted in increased plant growth attributes viz. rootstock girth, scion girth, plant height, canopy volume, canopy spread E-W, N-S, number of nodes shoot-1, internodal length, number of leaves shoot-1, number of shoots primary branch-1, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length and leaf area index of Jamun cv. Goma Priyanka plants as compared to other treatments. The foliar response of KS3 (3000 ppm) also improve the physiological variables viz. relative water content, total chlorophyll, membrane stability index, photosynthetic active radiation, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and relative humidity in leaves and also cause decline in proline content of Jamun cv. Goma Priyanka plants. The foliar response of humic acid HA3 (3000 ppm) treatment registered relatively better plant growth parameters viz. rootstock girth, scion girth, plant height, canopy volume, canopy spread E-W, N-S, number of nodes shoot-1, internodal length, number of leaves shoot- 1, number of shoots primary branch-1, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, petiole length and leaf area index of Jamun cv. Goma Priyanka plants. The foliar application of HA3 (3000 ppm) level improved the physiological parameters viz. relative water content, total chlorophyll, membrane stability index, photosynthetic active radiation, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and relative humidity in leaves and also manifested decline in proline content of Jamun cv. Goma Priyanka plants. The interaction effect of potassium silicate and humic acid response was found maximum in T15 treatment comprising (KS 3000ppm + HA 3000 ppm) with respect to augmentation in plant growth parameters and physiological variables. The foliar application of T15 treatment recorded maximum increase in plant growth parameters as well as majority of physiological variables except proline content which was observed minimum in this treatment.