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Master Degree Theses


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of Ravi Fennel (Toeniculum Oulgare mill.) To Conjunctive Use of Bio-organics and Inorganic Fertilizers Under South Gujarat Conditions
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2005-12) Ishwarbhai, Patel Vikramkumar; Arvadia, M. K.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Soil Conditioners with Different Levels of Nitrogen on Growth and Yield of Onion (Allium cepa L)
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2000-08) Patel, Ajaykumar Pravinbhai; Damame, H. S
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of Summer Blackgram (Phaseolus mungo (L.) Hepper) to Irrigation Levels and Weed Management Practices Under South Gujarat condition
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2002-12) Patel, Vinaykumar Manubhai; Thanki, J. D.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated Nutrient Management in Summer vegetable Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. Taub.) Under South Gujarat Condition
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2010-08) Bajaba, Vidhate Onkar; Thanki, J. D.
    A field experiment was conducted during summer sea son of 2009 at c::;ollege Farm, Navsari Ag ricultural University , Navsari to study " Integrated nutrient management • In summer vegetable clusterbean [Cyamopsis lelragonolaba (L.) Taub.] under south Gujarat condition" . The soil of the experiment field was clay ey in texture, low in available nitrogen (212.5 kg ha- I ), medium in available phosphorus (32.20 kg ha- I ) and fairly rich in available potassium (344.00 kg ha- I) with 7 .55 pH. Twelve treatment combinations comprising two levels of organic manure (FYM) viz .. , Control (Mo) and FYM @ lOt ha· 1 (M I), three levels of inorganic fertilizer i.e. 50 % RDF (FI)' 75 % RDF (F 2 ) and 100 % RDF (F)) as well as two levels o f biofertilizer viz., Control ( 8 0) and Rhizobium inoculation (8 1) were evaluat ed in factorial randomi zed block design with three replications. Recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) is 20 : 40 : 00 NPK kg ha- I . The results revealed that green pod and stover yields as well as most of the growth and yield attributes, quality of clusterbean pods, available nutrient status and nutrient uptake by the plant were significantly increased by the application of FYM @ 10 t ha- I (M I). Significantly the highest green pod (4816.28 kg ha-I) and stover (2875.78 kg ha- I) yields were recorded with application of FYM @ 10 t ha- I (Md which was 12.25 and 13.68 % higher over control (Mo), respectively. Between the levels of inorganic fertilizers, 100 % RDF (F3) out rightly dominated and established its significant performance with respect to almost all the growth and yield attributes. Appl ication of 100 % RDF (F 3) produced significantly higher green pod (4846.42 kg ha- I) and stover (2891.19 kg ha- I) yields over 50 % RDF (FI)' The increase in green pod and stover yields under application of 100 % RDF (F 3) was to the tune of 13.22 % and 14.55 % over 50 % RDF (F I), respectively. Crop fertilized with 100 % RDF (F3) recorded significantly the higher protein content and significantly the highest protein yield as compared to 50 % RDF (Fd. Similarly, 100 % RDF (F3) also recorded significantly maximum available nutrient status in soil (N and P) after the crop harvest as well as total nutrient (N and P and K) uptake by the plant. The highest net return of Rs. 35070.32 ha- I with BCR val ue of 3.56 was recorded with 100 % RDF (F 3)' ihe results further revealed that some of the growth and yield attributes, quality of clusterbean pods were significantly increased by the rhizobium inoculation (Bil. The highest green pod (4711.95 kg ha- I) and stover (4395.00 kg ha- I) yields were ;}£sstract recorded with rhizobium inoculation (B,). The highest net return of Rs. 35196.69 ha" with BCR value 3.88 was obtained with rhizobium inoculation (B,). On the basis of experimental results, it can be concluded that to obtain higher yield of summer vegetable clusterbean cv. Pusa Navbahar and for maintaining soil fertility, the crop should be applied FYM @ 10 t ha" and fertilized with 100 % RDF along with rhizobium inoculation under south Gujarat condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    response of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. Sacchrata) to Weed Management and Nitrogen Levels Under South Gujarat conditions
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2010-07) Bhagubhai, Tandel Bhumikaben; Raj, V. C
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Inorganic and Organic Sources of Nitrogen on Summer Soybean [glycine max (l.) merr.] Under South Gujarat condition
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2004-09) Karshanbhai, Talati Prakashkumar; Thanki, J. D.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of Rabi Maize (Zea Mays L.) to Integrated Nitrogen Management with And Without verminwash Under South Gujarat Condition
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 2011-05) More, Santosh Mahadeo; Prajapati, D.R.
    A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2009·10 at the College Farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari to study the response of rahi maize (Zea mays L.) to integrated nitrogen management with and without vermiwash under South Gujarat condition. The soil of the experimental plot was clayey in texture, low in nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus, fairly rich in available potassium and slightly alkaline in reaction. Total eight treatment combinations comprising of four nitrogen trea'tments (N I: 100 % RDN through chemical fertilizer, N2 : 75 % RDN through chemical fertilizer + 25 % through bio-compost, N,: 75 % RDN through chemical fertilizer + 25% through vermicompost, N4 : 50% RON through chemical fertilizer + 25 % through hiocompost + 25 % through vermicompost) and two treatments of vermiwash (VI: No sprays of vermiwash. V2: Three sprays of vermiwash) were evaluated in factorial randomized block design with three replications. The maize Cv. Gujarat maize-3 was sown with application of 40 kg phosphorous and 80 kg of nihogen was app l ied according to different treatments .. Almost all the growth and yield attributes such as plant height , dry matter accumul ation plane', leaf area index, length of cob, girth of cob, number of grains cob" , days to SO % tas seling and s ilking and test weight were s ignifi cantly inOu enced under varying nitrogen treatment s. In mos t o f cases the treatment of SO % RON through chemica l fertili zer + 25 % throu gh bi ocompost + 2S % through vermicompost (N ~ ) showed superiority over the treatment of 10.0% RON through chemi ca l fertilizer (N,). The tre atments of 75 % RDN through chemical fe rt il izer + 25 % through .vermi co mpost (N :) and 75 % RDN through chemica l fertilizer + 2S % through biocomposl (N l ) we re at par with .50 % RON through chemi cal fertilizer + 25 % through bi ocompost + 25 % thro ugh vermicompost (N ~ ). Treatment N4 recorded significantly high er grain (5 261 kg ha" ) and straw yield (7405 kg ha·1 ) however treatment N 2 and NJ remain statistically at par and re gistered 14.4 and 15 .0, 16.7 and 19.2 per cent higher grain and straw yield , respectively over 100 % N applied through chemical fertilize r (N d . Harvest index in maize was remained unaffec ted by nitrogen treatments . This treatment also ad vanced las.seling and s ilking by aboul a week. ov er 100 % RDN through chemical fertilizer (N d. Quality parameters like protein content and protein yield in mai ze grain recorded higher (11.60 per cen t and 613 kg ha"I, re spectively) in the treatment N4 . Soil physico· chemi ca l properties like available N. PIOS and K!O, o rganic carb on, WHC. po ros ity was record ed maximum and bulk de ns ity was low in treatment of 50 % RDN through chemical fertili zer + 25 % through biocompost + 25 % through vermicompost (N4 ) . However treatment of 75 ~% RON through chemical fertilizer + 25 % through biocompost
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of Maize (Zea Mays L.) to Split Application of Nitrogen in Summer Season Under South Gujarat Conditions
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 1983-09) Babreshia, Ramniklal L.; Patel, P. G.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated Weed Management in Summer paddy (Oryza sativa L.) under South Gujarat Condition
    (Agronomy Department, N. M. College of Agriculture Gujarat Agricultural University, 1985-05) Madhubhai, Patel Maheshkumar; Damame, H. S.