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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management of bitter gourd mosaic by enhancing host resistance
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2015) Ashwini, K N; KAU; Vimi, Louis
    Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is one of the important vegetable crops that occupy a pivotal position among fruit vegetables, particularly in south India. The fruits of this crop which have high commercial value and are being used for culinary preparations and various medicinal preparations. In spite of the economic importance of this vegetable, the research work carried out on protection of crop from viral disease is quite scanty. In many case, cent per cent mosaic incidence was recorded in the crop resulting in substantial economic loss. So the present study was focused on screening of bitter gourd accessions and management of bitter gourd mosaic by enhancing host resistance using defense inducers. The three different viruses causing mosaic in bitter gourd are cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potyvirus and bitter gourd distortion mosaic virus (BDMV). As these viruses causes mixed infection in field, the separation of individual viruses was carried out using systemic indicator host plants. For separation of CMV and potyvirus, systemic indicator host plants used were cosmos and papaya respectively. BDMV was separated by white fly transmission. The pure cultures of viruses were maintained on the susceptible bitter gourd variety Preethi. The symptoms developed by different viruses were recorded under natural and artificial conditions were recorded CMV produced mosaic specks, yellow-green mosaic patches, leathery leaves and downward rolling of leaf margin. Symptoms of potyvirus infection were vein clearing, puckering, malformed leaf with reduced leaf size and rugosity. BDMV infection produced mosaic, puckering, leaf distortion, hairy growth on leaves and vines with reduction in leaf size and internodal length. For the screening of bitter gourd accessions against CMV and potyvirus, potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.0 was found to be the most suitable buffer. Among 22 accessions screened, three accessions viz., TCR 285, TCR 39 and TCR 53 were highly resistant to CMV; one accession Biliagala was highly resistant to potyvirus and 11 accessions viz.,TCR 285, TCR 39, TCR 493 ,TCR 416, TCR 492, TCR 494,TCR 380, TCR 202 and TCR 149, Green long and Biliagala were highly resistant to BDMV. The field experiment was undertaken with the objective of management of bitter gourd mosaic by using defense inducers. The three different defense inducers viz., salicylic acid 25 ppm, barium chloride 0.1% and Pseudomonas fluorescens 2 % were evaluated on the moderately resistant cultivar white long and susceptible variety Preethi. The mosaic symptom was recorded after 51 days of sowing in salicylic acid treated plants and after 40 days of sowing in control. A time gap of 5-10 days after spray of defense inducer was required for development of resistance in plants. The lowest disease severity was observed in cultivar White long treated with salicylic acid. The highest yield was recorded in Preethi treated with Pseudomonas fluorescens.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and quality evaluation of microencapsulated banana pseudostem juice powder
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Saranya, S; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    Banana pseudostem, often discarded after the harvest of bunch is very good for health. Its disposal in the field lead to unhygienic surroundings and environmental pollution. Juice from banana stem is a well-known remedy for urinary disorders. But the major problem associated with the pseudostem juice is its perishability and immediate browning reactions which lead to reduction of its acceptability by consumers. Considering these facts, a study was undertaken to obtain powdered products from pseudostem juice. The intention of the study was to develop a process protocol for microencapsulated banana pseudostem juice powder, standardisation of the spray drying parameters, and quality analysis of developed product. Three powder based products were developed from banana pseudostem juice by spray drying technology. Product-I comprised of pseudostem juice-sugar combination with ginger as flavourant. Product-II consists of a blend of banana pseudostem and horse gram with ginger extract. However, the third product from banana pseudostem juice was fortified with milk, horse gram extract and cardamom flavour. The process parameters were optimised as inlet temperature of 180ºC and outlet temperature of 65-68ºC for product-I & II, whereas inlet air temperature of 185°C and outlet temperature of 74-92°C were chosen for Product-III. The feed pump rpm of 15 and main blower rpm of 1800 were kept constant for developing all three products. The physicochemical characteristics, reconstitution and flow properties were determined. Standardised products were stored in aluminium pouches and quality parameters of product-I and II were analysed up to six months at an interval of two months and Product- III was stored up to three months for verifying its stability during storage. Based on quality analysis and sensory evaluation, best samples were selected from product-I, II and III i.e., T6-180°C (15% sugar + 25% maltodextrin + 56% pseudostem juice), T6-180°C (25% maltodextrin + 30% horse gram extract + 43% pseudostem juice), and T12-185°C (50% milk + 30% horse gram extract + 20% pseudostem juice), respectively. Cost analysis of the products was done and cost of production of one kilo gram was estimated as Rs.195/-, Rs.208/- and Rs.243/- for product I, II and III, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of a jackfruit peeler cum corer
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering , Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Hareesha Shidenur, T; KAU; Santhi Mary, Mathew
    India is the largest producer of jackfruit followed by Bangladesh and Thailand. Kerala, which lies in the southernmost part of Western Ghats, is well known for its diversity in jackfruit with cultivated area of 90,225 ha and production of 294 million fruits per year. Peeling, coring and bulb separation of jackfruit are time consuming, causes drudgery and very tedium in manual operation. However, a major chunk of the production is wasted due to lack of post-harvest technological interventions, andhence jackfruit isconsidered as underutilized fruit. The present study aims at development and evaluation of a jackfruit peeler cum corer machine. The principle operation of the machine is, as the jackfruit rotates peeling was done helically due to the linear motion of the blade from bottom to top. Similarly cutting-coring operation was performed by screw mechanism which pressed the core removing tool against the fruit and cut into four portion. Finally bulbs were separated manually. Performance evaluation of the machine was conducted in the laboratory to optimize the speed of fruit holder (90, 120 and 150 rpm) and corer pulley (110, 130 and 150 rpm) with three size of jackfruit, by considering the minimum processing time and bulb wastage with higher efficiency. The peeling operation at optimized speed (90 rpm) showed minimum bulb wastage for small (7.85%), medium (7.24%) and large (6.20%) sized fruits with high peeling efficiency of 85.27, 83.51 and 80.64% with a trend of increasing operational time of 38.24, 44.58 and 50.34 secrespectively. Similarly coring operation at optimal speed (130 rpm) showed processing time of 16.98, 22.39 and 24.83 sec and high coring efficiency of 92.85, 90.32 and 82.03% with bulb wastage of 10.337, 7.81 and 6.09% respectively. The average power consumption of optimal operational speeds for medium size jackfruit with load was found as 0.0149±0.0029 kWh/fruit whereas in without load condition was found to be 0.0104±0.0007 kWh/fruit. As per the comparative study, the average time taken for peeling, cutting-coring and bulb separation was more (28.8 min/fruit) during manual operation and in case of mechanical operation it was only 13.3 min/fruit. The maximum throughput of machine was 37.5 kg/h, whereas in manual operation 17.36 kg/h. The cost of the machine has been estimated as Rs. 46950/-. The operational cost of the machine was Rs. 52.97/h whereas, in manual operation, it wasRs. 47.5/h. The benefit-cost ratio of the developed machine was 2.32:1 and in case of manual operation, it was2.66:1.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on the financial performance of Thrissur district co-operative bank Ltd.(TDCB) before and after computerization
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Bineesha, C P; KAU; Deepa, Paul
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Customer perception of dheedhi shampoo in Ernakulam district
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Anchana, Thulasidas; KAU; Binoo Bonny, P
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Employee satisfaction on safety, health and welfare measures. A case study of Sobha limited, Thrissur
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Vineeth, V; KAU; Sherief, A K
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    E-Payment to SHGs-issues and challenges: A study on NABARD financial services Ltd.
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Jibinlal, K M; KAU; Sakeer Hussain, A
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on time utilisation by employees of mooply CL factory at harrisons malayalam limited
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Suruthi, Sunil; KAU; Sukumaran, V S
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on employee engagement in vegetables and fruit promotion council Keralam- krishi business kendra
    (College of co-operation, banking and management, Vellanikkara, 2016) Densymol, K S; KAU; Sherief, A K