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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the pathogenicity of tetrameres mohtedai and acuaria spiralis of fowl
    (Department of parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1977) Ramaswamy, K; KAU; Sundaram, R K
    Controlled experiments were conducted at three levels of monospecific and dispecific infections with two commonly occurring spirurid worms of fowls viz. Tetrameres mohtedai and Acuaria spiralis. The blood studies conducted in monospecific T. mohtedai infection revealed a normocytic normochromic anaemia and eosinophilia during the initial phase and later a macrocytic anaemia, heterophilia and slight monocytosis by 66th day post infection. The infected birds lost considerable amount of their body weight. In layers there was a great delay in sexual maturity and poor feed efficiency as indicated by greatly reduced egg production. The percentage of establishment of worms in these experiments were found to be inversely proportional to the number of juveniles administered. The pathological changes in the affected proventriculi indicated an acute inflammation during the invasive phase of juveniles, followed by a chronic reaction which by 55th day post infection was well established indicating the development of a host – parasite balance towards the later stages of infection. Among the blood changes in monospecific A. spiralis infection, eosinophilia was evident initially followed by a marked leucopenia and development of a macrocytic hypochromic anaemia. Other effects due to parasitism were, delayed maturity, reduced rate of egg production, poor feed efficiency, loss of weight, emaciation and a mortality rate of 25% in chicks. The gross pathological changes in Acuariasis included the appearance of an irregular whitish patch on the serosa and formation of nodular growths in the mucosa which in heavy infections occupy the whole of the mucous membrane. Juveniles of A. spiralis were found to invade the compound glands in very heavy infections. The microscopic changes indicate a severe acute inflammation during the initial stages. Later as the disease became chronic pedunculated fibro – adenamatoid growths were evident on the mucous membrane. In dispecific infections with T. mohtedai and A. spiralis the haematological changes observed were eosinophilia during the early stages followed by a l eucopenia and heterophilia. As the disease progressed a macrocytic hypochromic anaemia developed. There was a great decrease in the live body weight of the infected birds. A mortality of 33.33% were observed in chicks with heavy infection. In layers the sexual maturity was delayed and egg production was greatly suppressed with consequent poor feed utilization. The gross and microscopic changes found in the affected proventriculi indicated a combination of lesions observed under monospecific infections of both the parasites. The results obtained show that the loss due to morbidity (mainly as a result of decreased body weight and reduced rate of egg production) was considerable. These facts indicate that both T. mohtedai and A. spiralis are economically important.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of the antifertility property of ocimum sanctum
    (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1979) Girisdan, K; KAU; Jacob Cheeran, V
    A study was carried out in rats, to assess the antifertility property of the benzene fraction of the leaves of the plant Ocimum sanctum. Premating treatment was done in female animals at does levels of 200 and 400 mg per kilogram body weight for a duration of eight days. Male animals were subjected to the treatment at a dose level of 200 mg per kilogram body weight for 20 days . The experimental animals were allowed to mate with untreated animals of the opposite sex. Histopathological examination of the organs – pituitary, ovary, tests, liver and kidney were carried out. Results of the study suggested considerable reduction of fertility in both the sexes. This can be attributed to the impaired release of gonadotrophic hormones and the resulting improper functioning of the gonads. Administration of the extract showed no toxic effects in the treated rats as well as in their offspring.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the nutrient requirements of kids
    (Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1979) Mercy, A D; KAU; Sivaraman, E
    An investigation was carried out to find out the nutrient requirements for optimum growth in kids. Twenty four Alpine – Malabari crossbred kids of 3 4 months of age formed the experimental subjects for the study. The animals, divided into three identical groups (groups 1, 11 and 111), were maintained on three different levels of nutrient intake for over a total period of 4 ½ months, the parameters recorded during the course of the study being average daily body weight gain, drymatter intake, feed conversion efficiency, digestibility coefficients of nutrients, nitrogen balance, mineral balance and haematological constituents. The average daily gain and feed conversion efficiency recorded for animals in the three groups 1, 11 and 111 were found to be 63.7 + 5.3, 64.4 + 5.0 and 67.6 + 2.0 g and 7.0 + 0.7, 7.5 + 0.5 and 7.9 + 0.3 respectively. The average drymatter consumption of animals were 3.1 + 0.2, 3.5 + 0.3 and 3.6 + 0.3 kg per 100 kg body weight respectively for the three groups 1, 11 and 111. The data collected for the haematological constituents were found to lies within the normal range for the species indicating that all the animals under the three dietary regimes were maintaining normal and sound nutritional status. The requirements arrived at for protein and energy for unit gain in body weight were 0.86 + 0.06 0.90 + 0.06 and 0.89 + 0.03 kg D. C. P. and 4.84 + 0.4, 5.20 + 0.30 and 5.31 + 0.19 kg T. D. N. for the animals in groups 1, 11 and 111 respectively. The requirements of D. C. P., T.D. N., calcium and Phosphorus arrived at from the results obtained during the course of the experiment are considered optimum for normal growth in Alpine – Malabari crossbred kids.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on mastitis in goats
    (Department of Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1978) Venugopal, K; KAU; Paily, E P
    In the present investigation, milk samples from 56 clinical and 379 apparently normal goats were examined. Staphaurous was isolated from 52 percent of clinical cases. The other organisms isolated were, starph. Epidermidis, str, agalactiae, C.pyogenes, K.pneumoniae, Esch. Coli, Ent.aerogenes and P.aeruginosa. The samples examined from apparently normal goats revealed an incidence of 47 percent subclinical mastitis. Mastaid Test conducted on milk samples from apparently normal goats revealed that this test was 96.5 percent efficient in detecting subclinical mastitis. From the somatic cell counts performed on milk samples, it was observed that normal milk (CMT Zero) had a mean cell count of 0.9 lakhs per ml. The cell counts of 5 to 10 lakhs (CMT + ) represented subclinical mastitis. When a comparative study was conducted study was conducted with mastrid test, whiteside test and tcepol mastitic test it was observed that mastaid reagent could only be relied upon in detecting subclinical mastitis. Chloramphenicol was found to be the drug of choice in goat mastitis, as evidenced by the in vitro sensitivity tests. Erythromycin, Ampicillin, Terramycin and Pencillin were moderately efficient. Results of the treatment with sensitive drugs on 40 selected clinical cases have been discussed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of productive performance of desi ducks reared in vconfinment
    (Department of Poultry Sciences, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1978) Andrews, C V; KAU; Venugopalan, C K
    This thesis embodies the results of an evaluation of the productive performance of Desi ducks reared in confinement. One hundred ducks of 135 days old were reared in two groups of 50 each under intensive and semi intensive system of management. The results revealed that the ducks reared under intensive system returned better hen-day egg production and also consumed less feed than those under semi intensive system. The efficiency of feed conversion did not differ, between treatments. The pattern of the body weight maintenance was similar in both the systems and the survival rates were excellent in both systems. The two systems of rearing did not appear to exert any influence on the egg size or egg quality in terms of albumen, yolk and shell percentages. Fertility and hatchability of eggs were better in the semi intensive system. It was concluded from the above results that the intensive system of rearing Desi ducks may be adopted for table egg production while for breeding purposes, semi intensive system may be better choice.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the efficiency of intra - uterine administratuion of antibiotics to improve breeding efficiency in cows
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1978) Ramadas, K; KAU; Surendra Varma Raja, C K
    The object of the study was to investigate the usefulness of intra – uterine antibiotic therapy at the very first breeding in bovines so as to improve the chances of conception. The experiment was conducted on animals brought for insemination at the artificial insemination centre, Trichur attached to the Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy. The animals were divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The first group of 166 cows and 56 heifers was given one vial each of Dicrysticin – S in 30 ml of distilled water after 24 hours of insemination. The second group of 47 cows and 31 heifers was treated with Mastalone – U in the say way. The control group of animals (300) did not receive any treatment either before of after insemination. The conception rate of the animals treated with antibiotics was significantly higher than that in control group. Dicrysticin - S–and Mastalone – U did not show any specific advantage over the other in improving the conception rate. The rate of conception increased on repeating the therapy at the subsequent heat. The overall conception rate in heifers was significantly lower than that in cows. Also the conception rate in dry animals was lower than that of lactating ones. To sum up, it may be stated that antibiotic infusion of uterus 24 hours after insemination could be considered as a routine measure under field condition for the overall improvement of breeding efficiency in cows.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on utrine pathology in repeat breeding cattle
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1979) Aravinda Ghosh, K N; KAU; Bharathan, T R
    An investigation was undertaken to study the uterine pathology in repeat breeding cows employing uterine biopsy as a diagnostic technique. The studies were carried out in 26 repeat breeding cross bred cows from the herd of University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy using a biopsy instrument which was a modification of one designed by Minocha et al. (1964). Four cows which settled at first insemination served as control animals for comparison. From all the animals biopsy was taken during the early part of heat and was inseminated 8 to 12 hours after biopsy followed by intrauterine antibiotic therapy after 12 to 24 hours. Seven out of 17 animals which failed to conceive even after biopsy and treatment were slaughtered and their genitalia were subjected to detailed studies. Nine out of 26 repeat breeders and all the four control animals conceived at inseminations in the same heat of biopsy explaining the fact that biopsy operation did not affect the functional status of uterus. Pathological changes in the endometrium were observed in 14 out of 26 (53.85%) repeat breeding cows. Changes in the uterus observed in the biopsy were significant and consisted of infiltration with various types of inflammatory cells, periglandular fibrosis, cystic dilatation of glands, glandular hypertrophy, stromal hyalinization and sclerosis. It was seen that endometritis constituted the most important lesion. The experimental animals were classified into three groups based on histological findings; group I showing normal or nearly normal endometrium, group II with more extensive inflammatory changes and group III with severe inflammatory and fibrotic changes. Group I and II had a conception rate of 58.33 and 25 per cent respectively. In group III, none conceived. Results of insemination revealed that uterine lesions characterized by severe cellular infiltration and glandular changes affected the changes of conception adversely. The lesions in the slaughtered animals correlated with biopsy findings in general.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Lice Infesting Domestic Animals And Birds
    (Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1979) Mohan, M C; KAU; Sathianesan, V
    In a study on the lice of animals and birds in and around Trichur and their control, cattle was found to be infested with Haematopinus, quadripertuous and linognathu vituli. Buffaloes with haematopinus tuberoulatus, goats with linognathus africanus and damalinia cappre dogs with heterodoxus longitatsus. Elephatnts with haematomyzus elephantis and poultry with Menacanthus stramineus menopon gallinae, Goniodes gigas and Lipeurus caponis. Their incidence and intensity were maximum in winter and minimum in summer. Their morphology has been described in detail. For their control, Nuven, Malathion and sevin were tried and Nuven (0.05 percent) was found to be superior to the other two insecticides, with 100 percent efficacy.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on growth response, feed efficiency and carcas characteristics of pigs reared up to different market weight on two dietary treatments
    (Department of Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1977) Ramachandran, P; KAU; Sivaraman, E
    A detailed investigation was carried out to study the growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass quality and economics of production of fattening pigs maintained on two dietary treatments differing in protein levels and reared upto three different body weights. Thirtysix weaner pigs of Large White Yorkshire breed belonging to the University Pig Breeding Farm, Mannuthy were distributed under two dietary treatments and divided into three groups 1, 11 and 111 of six animals each, the animals in the three groups being slaughtered at body weights of 55, 70 and 85 kg.respectively. Higher dietary protein level of 18 per cent promoted better weight gains in pigs during the initial period of their growth. Lowering of protein level in the finishing ration reduced the weight gain and feed efficiency of the animals. A dietary protein level of 16 per cent throughout the feeding period brought about linear increase in overall average daily gain at all body weights studied. Though the protein level does not seem to influence any of the carcass characteristics studied, the dressing percentage, carcass length, backfat thickness and eyemuscle area are positively correlated with body weights under both the dietary treatments. Fat constants are not affected either by protein levels or by live weights. The overall results obtained during the course of the present investigation indicate that the unit cost of production of fattening pigs is least at 55 kg live weight on the dietary treatment A having 18 – 16 – 14 per cent protein and at 85 kg live weight on the dietary treatment B having 16 per cent protein level throughout.