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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the rice swarming caterpillar , Spodoptera mauritia boisduval in Kerala
    (Division of entomology ,Agricultural college and research institute ,Vellayani., 1967) Thomas, B; KAU; M R G K Nair
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the formulation of selection index for yield in chillies (Capscicum annum, L)
    (Division of agricultural botany, Agricultural College & Research Institute Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1967) Sankara Narayana Pillai, R; KAU; Kumara Pillai, P
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Air spora over rice crop with special reference to Piricularia oryzae Cav.
    (Division of plant Pathology ,Agricultural College and Research Institute ,Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1967) Maheswari Amma, S; KAU; Sam Raj, J
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the effect of plant nutrient on insect infestation on Abelmoschus esculentus monech
    (Division of entomology ,Agricultural college and research institute ,Vellayani.Trivandrum, 1967) Viswanath, B N; KAU; M R G K Nair
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on inter-varietal hybrids of rice (Oryza sative Linn.) with special reference to hybrid sterility and heterosis
    (Division of agricultural botany, Agricultural College & Research Institute Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1967) Narayanan Unnithan, K; KAU; Kumara Pillai, P
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Mosaic disease of Dolichos bifforus L., transmission , host range and effect of the virus on the host
    (Division of plant Pathology ,Agricultural College and Research Institute ,Vellayani, Trivandrum, 1967) Sukumara Dev, V P; KAU; Sam Raj, J
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the nematodes associated with banana in Kerala
    (Division of Entomology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani, 1967) Varghese, K C; KAU; Nair, M R G K
    A total of 120 samples of soil and 120 samples of roots of banana were collected from 15 localities between Vellayani in the south and Trichur in the north and their nematode fauna extracted and examined to asertain:- a) The genera of parasitic nematodes associated with banana and their distribution. b) Population of the nematodes (parasitic and non- parasitic) in the roots and soil of banana in relation to whether the plant is healthy or diseased, the type of soil and rainy or rain less seasons. The population of both parasitic and non-parasitic forms present in the soil is high during rainy season than during rainless season , irrespective of the soil type and whether the plant is diseased or healthy. The soil population of parasitic forms is high in association with diseased plants in both the seasons and in all the five soil tracts surveyed. The population of non-parasitic fauna in the soil does not show much variation with respect to the condition of the plant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the feeding potential and food requirements of some aphidivorous insects
    (Division of Entomology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani, 1967) Sarala Devi, B; KAU; Nair, M R G K
    Studies have been made on the feeding potential and food requirements of the grubs and adults of chilomenes sexmaculata Fabr, and the feeding potential of adults of Scymnus quadrillum Motsch, and Pseudaspidimerus circumflexa and the maggots of the syrphid, Xanthogramma scutellare Fb. The firstinstar grub of C.sexmaculata feeds on an average of 3.48 aphids of Aphis craccivora during its first day and 4.92 aphids during its second day and on a total of 8.98 aphids during the whole instar. The first instar lasts for an average of 2 days and suffers a mortality of 32.5% under laboratory conditions. The second instar grub feeds on a average of 5.48 aphids on its first 5.62 on its second, 5.76 on its third and 5.94 on its fourth day.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the toxicity of some insecticides to grubs of Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius
    (Division of Entomology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Vellayani, 1967) Jayakumari, R; KAU; Nair, M R G K
    Dosage mortality relationships between the insecticides DDT, BHC, parathion, malathion and sevin and the three instars of the grubs of E. vigintioctopunctata were ascertained. The orders of susceptibility of the three instars to the different insecticides based on their ld-p-lines are as follows:- After 24 hours of contact DDT III > I > II BHC II > I > III Parathion I > II = III Malathion III > I > II Sevin III > II = I After 48 hours of contact DDT III > II > I BHC II > III > I Parathion I > II > III Malathion III > II = I Sevin III > II = I