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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Invitro propagation in ashoka : saraca asoca (Roxb.) de wilde.
    (Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2011) Brindha Devi, I; KAU; Sreenivasan, E
    Asoka (Saraca asoca) is an important medicinal and ornamental tropical tree currently facing the threat of extinction due to overexploitation of trees occurring in forests and other natural habitats. Unscientific and destructive extraction of bark from trees has lead to acute shortage of raw bark by ayurvedic industries. Hence, the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) has listed this species under ‘globally vulnerable’ category. It is also enlisted among the 36 threatened and endangered medicinal plants of India. It is considered as the sacred tree of buddhists and Hindus. Literally the term ‘asoca’ means ‘sorrow-less’ and the tree is believed to remove the grief and unhappiness. The tree has immense medicinal properties. Its bark is considered as the primary medicinal part. Due to its acute short supply compared to its demand, various development and research activities are being prioritized to conserve, utilize and improve this species. It is mainly propagated by seeds. Due to heterozygous and cross pollinated nature of the species, it never gives a true to type progeny. Therefore the present study was undertaken to standardize the technique of in vitro propagation of Saraca asoca. Standardization of suitable explants, surface sterilization procedures and culture establishment protocol, Induction of multiple shoots and Elongation of root, hardening and planting out are the major objectives of the study. Nodal segment, Internodal segment and shoot tip were the three explants tried. Various surface sterilization procedures were tried using Chloramphenicol, ethyl alcohol, 0.1% mercuric chloride and combination of ethyl alcohol and mercuric chloride in various concentration and duration, using nodal segments as explant. Surface sterilization using 70% ethyl alcohol for 3 minutes followed by 0.1% mercuric chloride for minutes proved to be the best, which gave the maximum survival percentage of 80.   The next part of the study was standardisation of suitable explants for culture establishment. Among the three explants, Nodal segments gave maximum response of 60 per cent in ½ MS medium with BAP 0.5mg/l. This was followed by shoot tips in the same medium, which gave 10 per cent response. Internodal segments did not respond in any of the media used. Standardisation of basal media for culture establishment was done using nodal segments as the explants. Three media supplemented with BA 0.5 mg.l-1 were tried viz. MS, Half strenght MS, Woody plant media. Among the three, ½ MS media was identified as the best basal medium followed by MS medium. No response was seen in WPM medium. Culture establishment as well as Shoot bud initiation was attempted in ½ MS and MS media with various growth regulator combinations. Maximum response of 60 per cent was obtained in ½ MS medium containing BAP 0.5 mg/l followed by 30 percent in the same medium containing BAP 1.5 mg/l. There were no response with 2,4-D. The response obtained was callusing in all cases. Induction of multiple shooting was tried in ½ MS medium supplemented with BAP, and Kn alone as well as combinations of BAP, IAA at various concentration. Here highest response of 30 per cent of single shoots was recorded in ½ MS media containing BAP 0.5 mg/l. Response was in the form of single shoot. The single shoots with a mean length of about 1.5mm after one week of growth was obtained. With BAP 2.0 mg/l, single shoots were produced in about 5% of cultures within 54 days. Effect of Kn in various concentration ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/l was found to be low in shoot induction. The maximum length of shoot of about 1.6 cm was recorded in combination of BAP 0.5 mg/l and IAA0.5 mg/l. Various combinations of IAA and IBA at different concentrations were tried for rooting of in vitro shoots. However there was no response in any of the combinations tried.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of wood quality of selected tropical pines raised in the high ranges of Kerala, for pulp and paper making
    (Department of Tree Physiology and Breeding,College of forestry,Vellanikkara, 2010) Ajayghosh, V; KAU; Anoop, E V
    A study entitled “Evaluation of wood quality of selected tropical pines raised in the high ranges of Kerala, for pulp and paper making” was conducted in the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period 2008-2010. The objective of the study was to evaluate the wood quality of Pinus caribaea Morelet, Pinus patula Schl. et Cham. and Pinus oocarpa Schiede grown in research trials of the Kerala forest department in the high ranges of Idukki district of Kerala. Increment core wood samples were collected at breast height from trees, selected at random, from each plot representing each species belonging to different age levels. These samples were then subjected to intensive investigations to find out radial variation (pith, middle and periphery), species variation and influence of age on different wood physical, anatomical and chemical properties. The study revealed that many of the characters studied were influenced by species and age interaction. Radial variation was also found to have significant difference within the species for characters studied. As a whole, under the present climatic condition P.caribaea was found to perform better with wood properties within the accepted range suitable for pulping and paper making. On the other hand, P. patula and P. oocarpa were also found to be promising species for pulping and papermaking with better derived fiber ratios. However, P. oocarpa had specific gravity value slightly more than that is recommended for pulp and paper making. Studies on chemical composition revealed that P. ooccarpa had better performance with higher cellulose and lower lignin content. So what needs to be determined is the relationship, if any, between wood and tracheid properties of these species and the products which can be manufactured from this renewable resource. For this, more extensive study is needed for which the results of this study could be used as a base line data for future tree improvement aspects of these species with reference to wood quality and to bring out their potential utility for future afforestation programmes and timber utility.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Site specific nutrient management for chilli (Capsicum annum.L) in kalliyoor panchayath of kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2011) Priya, U K; KAU; Sudharmai Devi C R
    Site Specific Nutrient management is a technology in precision fanning that offers chance for farmers to achieve the targeted yield taking into consideration the potential yield of the crop by application of apt amount of fertilizers. The technology is farmers' friendly, eco-friendly and also consumer friendly. In Indian scenario wherein farmers are suffering from yield losses up to 40% due to micronutrient deficiency of soils mainly zinc and boron deficiencies are the yield limiting factors of production. Kerala the soils are low in basic ions that are posing serious threat to crop production. The Judicious application of chemical fertilizers along with micronutrients is necessary for sustainable crop production. The present study "Site Specific Nutrient Management in" Chilli (Capsicum annuum.L.) in Kalliyoor Panchayath Of .Kerala" was carried out to satisfy the objectives viz. study the spatial variability of area, to find outtheindigenous nutrient supply via omission trials, fix a target yield based on the potential yield of the crop and formulate a site specific nutrient recommendation to obtain the targeted yield. In order to understand the spatial variability survey was conducted at 25 sites of Kalliyoor panchayath. The results of survey showed that the soils showed wide variation in terms of soil physical and chemical properties. Soil phosphorus status , was high in all cases other nutrient concentration ranged from low to high. The spatial variability necessitated carrying out the omission trials at four different sites that were ranked according to the nutrient status into high, medium first level, medium second level and low fertility soils. From the omission trials the recovery fraction and, indigenous nutrient supply were calculated. Utilising all these parameters in QUEFT model SSNJ\:1.--tre tments were fixed. /' / / - :l.33- The high yield target was fixed at 16 t ha that was 50% of the potential yield. The nutrient recommendation generated for HYT was 104.8: 13.6: 201 kg N, P205 and K20 ha-I. Medium yield target was fixed at 168:51: 230 kg N, P205 and K20 ha- I. Taking into account micronutrient and secondary nutrient deficiencies in the soil. In high yield target soil application of micro nutrients and secondary nutrients along with application of 1 % foliar spray of boron was recommended. Micronutrients for soil application were boron @ 5 kg ha-I in form of borax, zinc @ 20 kg ha-I in form of zinc sulphate. Secondary nutrients applied were calcium @ 30 kg ha-I in form of CaS04, magnesium @ 7.5 kg ha-I in form of MgS04. The requirement of sulphur was met from soil applied zinc sulphate, calcium sulphate and magnesium sulphate. In medium yield target only soil application of micro and secondary nutrients along with the application of QUEFT generated recommendations for the crop; POP + micronutrient recommendations were evaluated. Simultaneously an absolute control was also carried out. Soil analysis was carried out for all the physical and chemical properties of the soil initially before the crop was raised, and after each harvest. So that change in soil properties as a result of application of treatments could be evaluated, since the application of fertilizer coincided with each harvest. The results derived from the experiment proved the superiority of SSNM over other treatments with respect to the yield major nutrient and micronutrient uptake. , Where high yield target registered a cumulative yield of 17. 32 tons, medium yield target registered a cumulative yield of 11.75 tons this was _much superior to POP+SNMN that registered an yield of 9.83 tons, or the package of practice recommendation that registered an yield of only 8.3 tons . Farmers practice registered inferior yield data of only 5.2 tons. The study revealed that the site specific nutrient management is an efficient technology to increase the yield of crops and hence provide additional income to the farmers; this technique also provides a -134 - scope of increasing the yield without over application of fertilizers that would result in deterioration of the soil physical and chemical properties in long run.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of processing methods for production of quality white pepper.
    (Department of Processing Technology,College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2011) Shameena Beegum, P P; KAU; Vasanthakumar, K
    The research entitled “Standardization of processing methods for production of quality white pepper”was conducted at the Department of Processing Technology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani . The study was undertaken with the objective of producing good quality white pepper using improved processing methods. The experiment was divided into three parts viz., chemical method of white pepper production, microbial fermentation method and organoleptic evaluation of the resultant products. The experiment was laid out in CRD with three replications. Seven promising bleaching agents were selected for the chemical experiment. Berries with calcium hypochlorite, calcium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, benzoyl peroxide and the conventional retting (control) constituted the eight treatments. Effects of these treatments on the physical and chemical properties of white pepper berries were analysed. All the physical properties except sizes of berries were significantly influenced by the treatments. Treatment with sodium perborate recorded maximum specific gravity followed by sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide. The highest value for 1000 berry weight was reported from berries treated with sodium hypochlorite. Treatment with calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite had registered a significantly higher value for 1000 berry volume. Calcium hypochlorite treated berries were having the highest yield. Berries produced by conventional retting process (control) found to be superior in volatile oil, oleoresin, piperine and non volatile ether extract and treatment with calcium hypochlorite was on par with control in all chemical parameters. Residual level of bleaching agents was found to be in a safe range for consumption. The microbial fermentation work was consisted of, isolation of organisms through enrichment culture technique, evaluation of available cultures and standardization of retting process for white pepper production. Seven isolates of bacteria IsB1 to IsB7 and eight fungal isolates IsF1 to IsF6 were obtained. Evaluation of isolates was done by assessing the pectinolytic and cellulolytic activities. The isolates IsF1 and IsF3 were also capable for degrading pectin. Degradation of cellulose was maximum in IsF3, Ay1 and Mycophyta. Bacterial isolates did not produce any zone for both asparagine and MP-5 media. Compared to bacterial isolates fungal isolates was faster in retting. Isolate IsF3, Ay1and Mycophyta were the most promising and recorded 100 percentage retting without any damage by third day itself. Amongst all the isolates, considering the retting process and quality of the product, the isolates IsF3 and Ay1 were found to be the most superior. Berries treated with sodium perborate recorded maximum over all acceptability for Organoleptic qualities eventhough it resulted poor chemical qualities. Amongst all the eight treatments, considering quality parameters and quality of developed product, treatment with calcium hypochlorite was found to be the most superior. The above study could be concluded with the findings that, prolonged retting period can be shortened to three to four days using microbial fermentation method with promising isolates IsF3 and Ay1. While opting for a better colour, bleaching with a promising chemical bleaching agent like calcium hypochlorite (0.2%) can be recommended.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Reliability of united score card for crossbred dairy cows of Kerala
    (Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2010) Dhanya, K; KAU; Anil, K S
    The research work was conducted to assess the reliability of Unified score card for cross bred cows of Kerala. One hundred and ninety six animals of University cattle farms of Mannuthy, Thumbunnuzhi and Thiruvazhamkunnu were selected for the study. As per the Unified score card by Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, the animals were judged for frame, dairy character, body capacity, feet• and legs and udder. The type components were again subdivided as described in the scorecard to improve the accuracy of judging score. The body measurements of individual animals like height at withers, body length, chest girth, height at withers, height at pins, length of quarter, width between angles of hook and slope of rump were taken. The animals were categorized into four age groups, four parities and three stages of lactation. The emphasis of each of the components of unified score card to milk production was compared and statistical analysis was carried out as per methods suggested by Snedcor and Cochran (1994). Effects of age, stage of lactation and parity on judging using Unified Score Card were worked out. The body measurements were also correlated with the score and milk yield. Age, parity and stage of lactation were found to be nonsignificant for final score. The scores of frame, dairy character and udder for different age groups showed no significant difference, whereas, scores of body capacity and feet and legs differed significantly. The scores of dairy character and body capacity differed significantly with parity. No significant difference was shown for scores of frame, feet and legs and udder. Frame was found to be positively correlated with other components, the least being with udder (r=0.127) and highest with feet and legs (r =0.254) which was highly significant (p<0.01). Dairy character was significantly correlated with body capacity (r=0.169) and feet and legs(r=0.2S4) in addition to frame. Feet and legs was the only component to which udder showed positive significant correlation (pAge was found to be not significant for lactation yield (P~O.OS). The means of lactation yield differed significantly for different parities. All the type components were found to be positively correlated with lactation yield, all being significant. The standardized partial regression coefficients were highly significant for dairy character, udder. and body capacity whereas non significant regression coefficients were obtained for frame and feet and legs. Udder depth was having the highest regression coefficient (~=0.312) which was highly significant (p<0.01). Regression coefficients were significant and positive for skin (0.229), withers (0.188), ribs (0.174) and thighs (0.162). Both age and parity had significant positive correlation on body weight. Body weight was significantly (p<0.0 1) correlated with lactation yield with r=0.244. Height at withers, length, hip width girth and height at hook showed significant difference with age (p:SO.OS).The height at pins and slope were found to be not affected significantly by age. All the measurements except slope were significant and positive in correlation with body capacity. All height measurements, length and girth was found to be positively correlated with frame (p<0.0 1). Final score was having significant positive correlation with all height measurements (p:SO.OS). It was concluded that although the score card was found to be reliable on the production of crossbred cows of Kerala, the emphasis placed on type components was not in full agreement with what was prescribed by the purebred Dairy Cattle Association Dairy Cow Unified Score Card. Hence it was suggested that more weightage could be given to body capacity and dairy character compromising weightage on frame and feet & legs which necessitated further studies in this regard.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Recovery of solids from surimi wash water and preparation of a fish feed with the recovered solids
    (Department of Processing Technology,College of Fisheries, Panangad, 2010) Jibina, M.M; KAU; Krishnakumar, S
    A study was conducted aimed at testing the efficiency of pH reduction and heat coagulation in the recovery of solids from surimi wash water (SWW) generated during water leaching of the meat of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) and to reduce the nutrient load in SWW. The study also included the preparation of a fish feed with the recovered solids. Temperature for heat coagulation was optimized among four different temperatures viz., 65oC, 70oC, 75oC and 80oC. Optimum temperature that provided maximum recovery was 75 oC. Isoelectric precipitation was optimized using four different pH levels viz., 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5. Optimum pH which yielded maximum recovery was pH 5.0. By heat coagulation 1.97% solids with respect to SWW was recovered whereas isoelectric precipitation yielded only 1.41% solids. In relation to surimi the yield was 1.22% and 0.88% respectively. Heat coagulation reduced crude protein, crude fat and ash of SWW by 53.49%, 68.75% and 38.57% respectively whereas isoelectric precipitation reduced these parameters by 33.72%, 43.75% and 38.57% respectively. Heat coagulation reduced BOD and COD of SWW by 59.51% and 69.35% respectively whereas isoelectric precipitation reduced their levels by 52.92% and 63.9% respectively. Analysis of proximate composition of fish feed showed that the control using clam meat and the two feeds using recovered solids showed similar composition. Thus the use of these recovered solids in fish feed as an animal protein source is a possibility. This study recommends to surimi industry, two methods that are comparatively cheap and easy to implement for recovering solids from SWW. Heat coagulation and isoelectric precipitation can effectively recover solids from SWW and improve its quality. However, heat coagulation is the more efficient method of the two. After solid recovery, the wash water effluents are rendered safer. The recovered solids can serve as a good substitute to clam meat in the fish feed preparation even though the quantum of proteins recovered are relatively small.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Indebtedness of farmers in mullankolly panchayath of Wayanad district
    (Department of Rural Banking and Finance managementCollege of Co-operation,Banking &Management, Vellanikkara, 2010) Nataraja Subramanian, S; KAU; Padmini, E.V.K
    The study entitled “Indebtedness of Farmers in Mullankolly Panchayat of Wayanad District” was conducted with the following objectives: (1).To assess the extent and magnitude of indebtedness of farmers in Mullankolly Panchayat of Wayanad district. (2).To identify the reasons for the indebtedness of the farmers. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data was collected from 90 farmers of Mullankolly Panchayat through conducting a survey by administering a pre-structured schedule. Farmers were classified into small, medium and large. The list of farmers was collected from three banks (i.e. Canara Bank, Co-operative Bank and North Malabara Gramin Bank) of the Panchayat. The sample size included 90 respondents i.e., 30 borrowers from each bank at random, of which 20 were defaulters and five were non-defaulters or prompt payers. Twenty officials (including secretaries and BoDs) from each bank were also interviewed to collect information on the effectiveness of the loan recovery system of the banks. Secondary data on selected performance indicators of the banks which were collected from books and accounts and annual reports of the above three banks were also used for the study. Statistical tools like Average Annual Growth Rate (AAGR), simple averages, percentages, simple growth rate, chi-square test, efficiency index, priority index and bi-variate tables were used for the analysis. The analysis of the overdue amount of the selected banks revealed that during the reference period, Co-operative Bank of Mullankolly Panchayat (Co.BMP) had the highest amount of overdues. Profits of all banks eroded due to provisioning for accumulated overdues. Ca.BMP has shown the best performance in terms of lower overdues and higher profits when compared to the other banks. There has been an increase in the demand for agricultural loans as well as non-agricultural loans in all the banks, especially the scheme loans and non-farm loans respectively. Along with the increase in demand, the contribution of the overdues of non-agricultural loans to the overdues was also increasing tremendously in the case of Co.BMP and NMGBMP, whereas the contribution of the overdues of agricultural loans to the overdues was in creasing tremendously in the case of Ca.BMP. The overdues above four years were growing tremendously over the years for Co.BMP and NMGBMP whereas Ca.BMP has the highest amount of overdues in the age group of indebtedness of 1 to 2 years. The study found that in non defaulters’ case majority of the borrowers belong to monthly income group of more than Rs.10000 category (56.7%). In low, medium and high defaulters case, majority of the farmers belong to income group of below Rs.5000 i.e. 50 percent, 57.1 percent and 60 percent respectively. This may be due to the reason that majority of the farmer defaulters belong to farming community. Their major source of income is agriculture and agriculture has become a loss making proposition in the area year by year because of the price fluctuations in the market for their produce. The reasons for growing volume of indebtedness were multifarious in nature. The defaulters were of the view that inadequate income, fixation of unrealistic dues, lack of access to consumption loans, diversion of income, misutilisation of loans, ill health of borrowers and family members, faith in loan waiver policy and defective loan policies resulted in non-repayment of the loan amount. Since the loan repayment mechanism of these banks were not linked to the salary deduction scheme, it led to greater chances of willful default. Those borrowers who received adequate income had a tendency for conspicuous consumption which added to the magnitude of willful default. Misutilisation of loan amount was least in Ca.BMP, which indicates the presence of effective supervision and monitoring mechanism in the bank. From the inter-bank comparison on the effectiveness of the present loan recovery management system, it was found that Ca.BMP showed an outstanding performance in this regard, whereas NMGBMP revealed to be the least efficient bank. According to the officials and employees of three banks, the reasons for poor recovery included poor member relations, lack of modern management techniques and absence of Management Information System, lack of staff training programme, lack of infrastructural facilities, inadequate quality of work environment and ineffective legal machinery for recovering dues from the borrowers. As a remedial measure to minimise overdues, legal machinery has to be made effective and legal action should be imposed on defaulters promptly. The suggestion shows that the analysing credit worthiness of the borrowers is the important thing from bankers’ point of view. They were of the opinion that coercive action against willful defaulters would be an essential element for a better recovery system. Formation of special recovery cell has also been emphasised. Identification of the beneficiaries by the bank field level functionaries, incentives for prompt repayment, formation of special recovery cell using the existing staff and Board of Directors are the other suggestions suggested by the three bank officials. The banks must therefore perceive that prolonged existence of this disease is not beneficial to the organisation and a strong mechanism to check this menace has to be created.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of coconut oil on lipid profile and antioxident status in rats
    (Department of Veterinary Biochemistry,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2010) Sreeji, K.P; KAU; Sisilamma, George
    The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various preparations of coconut oil (copra oil, seasoned coconut oil and virgin coconut oil) and fish oil on lipid profile and antioxidant status in rats. Adult male Wistar rats (180-220 g) were randomly divided into five groups and administered with oils as follows: G1 – normal control (NC), G2 – copra oil (CO), G3 – seasoned coconut oil (SCO), G4 - virgin coconut oil (VCO) and G5 – fish oil (FO). Oils were administered orally to rats at a dose of 16.4g/kg body weight per day using an orogastric tube for a period of 90 days. Blood samples were collected on day 0 (before oil administration), 45 and 90 and serum was separated. Body weight was also recorded on the above days. Animals were euthanized on day 90; liver and heart were separated and weighed. Serum were analyzed for biochemical parameters viz., TAG, TL, TC, HDL, LDL and VLDL and tissues for TC, TAG, LP and GSH. Liver glycogen was also estimated. Representative samples of liver and heart tissues were subjected to histopathological examination. Administration of CO and SCO for 3 months did not show any significant variation in body weight. VCO administration significantly (P< 0.05) decreased whereas, FO administration significantly (P< 0.05) increased the body weight, when compared to NC. Serum TAG and VLDL were significantly (P< 0.05) increased while, LDL was decreased by CO administration. Serum TL, TC and HDL were similar to that of NC. SCO administered rats showed significantly (P< 0.05) higher levels of TL, TC, TAG, HDL, LDL and VLDL. VCO administration significantly (P< 0.05) increased the level of HDL and decreased LDL. Moreover, VCO administered rats did not show any significant variation in the levels of TL, TAG, TC and VLDL. Administration of FO showed the levels of TC, HDL and VLDL similar to that of NC, but TAG increased significantly (P< 0.05) and TL and LDL showed a significant (P< 0.05) reduction. When HDL/LDL ratio was compared, CO, VCO and FO administered rats showed higher values when compared to NC. SCO administered rats, showed a value similar to that of day 0 but VCO administered group showed the highest value. Administration of CO and FO significantly (P< 0.05) increased the weight of liver and heart while VCO administration did not show any significant variation from that of NC. SCO significantly (P< 0.05) decreased weight of liver whereas, weight of heart was similar to that of NC. Level of liver glycogen decreased significantly (P< 0.05) in all oil administered groups except VCO, which showed a level similar to that of NC. Administration of CO significantly (P< 0.05) increased the level of TC in heart and TAG in both the tissues, while TC in liver was similar to that of NC. SCO administration significantly (P< 0.05) increased TC whereas, the TAG levels were similar to that of NC in both the tissues. VCO consumption significantly (P< 0.05) decreased the level of TC in both the tissues, while it increased TAG in heart without affecting liver TAG. FO administration did not show any significant variation in the level of TC and TAG in heart, but it significantly (P< 0.05) decreased the level of TC without affecting liver TAG. Administration of CO and FO significantly (P< 0.05) increased the levels of LP and GSH in both the tissues except for liver GSH in FO group, which was similar to that of NC. Feeding SCO maintained the level of LP in both the tissues, while GSH increased significantly (P< 0.05) in heart while its level in liver was unaffected. VCO intake significantly (P< 0.05) reduced the level of both LP and GSH in heart, but maintained the normal level in liver. Hepatocytes of rats administered with CO showed diffused necrosis with vacuolation and central venous congestion and lesions in heart were characterized by congestion and moderate hyalinization. SCO administered rats showed dilatation of sinusoids and diffuse congestion of liver but histological architecture in heart tissue was normal. VCO and FO administration exhibited normal histological architecture of both liver and heart except for a mild degeneration of hepatocytes in VCO consumed group. Based on the above observations it could be suggested that long term consumption of VCO and FO might not cause any adverse effects on serum and tissue lipid profile except for oxidative stress by FO. CO and SCO feeding revealed some adverse effects, but it is worth mentioning that the dose of oil administered (16.4 g/kg body weight, i.e. 30 kg/head/year) was very high, which stands in between per capita world average consumption (17.8 kg/head/year) and consumption of developed western world (44 to 48 kg/head/year), also which is more than double the per capita coconut oil consumption in Kerala (14 kg/head/year). Therefore, consumption of CO and SCO at a lower dose or the per capita consumption in Kerala as stated above might not elicit adverse effects as observed in the present study.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biodiversity analysis of traditional mango types of Kerala and studies on the reproductive biology of selected popular types
    (Department of pomology and floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2011) Mannambeth Renisha, Jayarajan; KAU; Parmeswaran, N K
    The present investigations entitled “Biodiversity analysis of traditional mango types of Kerala and studies on the reproductive biology of selected popular types” were undertaken at the Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during 2009-2011. Major objectives of the study were to assess the biodiversity status of traditional mango types in selected villages of Thrissur and Palakkad districts of Kerala by applying participatory tools and studying the floral biology, pollen characters, pollination and self and cross compatibility factors in six mango varieties commonly grown in the homesteads of Kerala. These studies formed a part of the departmental project entitled “Hybridization of mango varieties of Kerala” and were taken up under two broad components during implementation. Component I: Primary assessment of indigenous mango types was initiated by surveying homesteads in Vallachira and Pazhayannur GP‟s of Thrissur district and Kollemgode and Muthalamada GP‟S of Palakkad district. Homesteads were selected by snowball sampling. Dominant local types in these homesteads were Muvandan in Pazhayannur and Chandrakkaran in Vallachira GP of Thrissur whereas Muvandan, Priyur, Chandrakaran and some unnamed landraces in Kollemgode and Muthalamada GPs of Palakkad district. Final village level biodiversity assessment was done in Maruthampadam in Pazhayannur GP (Thrissur Dt) and Erippadam in Muthalamada GP (Palakkad Dt.). Farmer participatory 4- cell analysis (FCA) and focus group discussions (FGD) were made by organizing farmers interface in these villages. Data recorded showed that Maruthampadam village was richer in crop diversity than Erippadam. Based on the FCA, Muvandan, Pulimanga and Gomanga could be grouped as the „common‟ types of the Maruthampadam village while the „rare‟ types included Karpuramanga, Ganapatimookan, Kilichundan, Chandrakaran, Kottamavu, Sindhuram, Marathakam and Mundappa . „Common‟ mango types in Erippadam village were Alphonso, Banganapalli, Kilichundan, Neelum, Sindhuram, Muvandan, Nadasala and the „rare‟ types being Chandrakaran, Kilimook, Mallika and Mundappa. The varietal richness of Erippadam was higher than Maruthampadam village. In Maruthampadam village, recorded evenness value was highest for Muvandan while it was zero for the „rare‟ and „vulnerable‟ types. In Eripaddam, „common‟ types registered higher evenness values than „rare‟ types. Varietal richness as related to size of gardens indicated positive relationship in Erippadam village. ITK documentation from the villages provided some useful information on the traditional processing and product diversification of mango fruits practiced by the villagers in Maruthampadam. Component II: The varieties involved in the study were Muvandan, Neelum, Priyur, Vellaikolumban, Banganapalli and Alphonso. Mango flowering in both the seasons during 2009-10 and 2010-11 were of much erratic, poor and belated nature. A definite influence of the shift in north east monsoon pattern experienced during these periods could be attributed as the major contributory factor to the above. Peak anthesis was noted between 7.30 and 11.00am in all varieties and anther dehiscence between 8.30 am and 12 noon. Highest stigma receptivity was on the day of anthesis. Panicles of Muvandan and Priyur were longer than the other varieties. The varieties Neelum, Priyur, Alphonso, Vellaikolumban, and Muvandan exhibited a mixed phase while opening out but in Banganapalli, flower opening started with a pure male phase and thereafter entered mixed phase. Inflorescence rachis of Muvandan was dark red in colour where as in Neelum and Alphonso it was light red. Light green coloured inflorescence rachis was observed in Banganapalli and Vellaikolumban while in Priyur it was light green with reddish tinge. Size of inflorescence was highest in Muvandan while it was lowest in Neelum. Intensity of flowering per unit area of tree canopy was highest in Alphonso where as it was lowest in Vellaikolumban. Highest percentage of hermaphrodite flowers was recorded in Vellaikolumban (46.38%) while it was lowest in Banganapalli (0.02 %). The varieties Neelum, Priyur, Alphonso and Vellaikolumban showed round shaped pollen whereas oval and oblong shaped pollen was noted in Banganapalli and Muvandan, respectively. The size of the pollen ranged in between 27.29μm and 33.34μm. Pollen production and viabiliy were related to climatic variations. Pollen storage in refrigerated conditions retained viability for 72 hours. Selfing did not result in fruit setting and apparently indicating the involvement of incompatibility factors. It has to be further confirmed by flourimetric methods. Crossing among the varieties affected fruit setting obviating the involvement of incompatibility factors. Four successful hybrid mango progeny seedlings are available finally for performance evaluation.