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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Participatory action research for renumerative rice production
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2004) Parvathy, S; KAU; Ahamed, P
    As with the Complex, Diverse and Risk- prone (CDR) rice systems of many Asian countries, the Kerala state of peninsular India suffers from the fast depleting paddies and the ' high cost- low remuneration syndrome'. Crucial rice technologies have been blamed by stakeholders for the insensitivity to micro farming situations A multidisciplinary stakeholder Participatory Action Research (PAR) of emancipatory type and collaborative mode was done for three years (2001-2004) on identification and prioritization of constraints to profitable rice production to explore the available cost-reducing and productivity increasing technological options. The project focussed on screening of technological modules through farmer participatory field assessment and arrived at locally adaptable and remunerative technology packages. The project also developed and standardised an extrapolatable stakeholder participatory assessment model and protocol. The programme had a blend of extension approaches, research designs and tools like "ex-post facto", benchmark appraisal through Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), exploratory, diagnostic, evaluative, field experiments and analytical studies. The PAR was done in two rice ecosystems (irrigated and rainfe:l) of the midland, laterite belt of Kerala state, India. Fourteen technology modules were fitted into the PAR, under .. , each of the three treatments, viz., farmers' practice, recommended packages of the formal research system and location specific I technology components" jointly decided by the research team extensionists and farmers. Each technology component was subjected to five types of analysis viz., agronomic, statistical, economic, farmers perceptions and reactions, post-trial follow up analysis of adoption in the succeeding cropping seasons. The participatory interventions significantly influenced the level of technical knowledge and extent of adoption of adaptable technology modules, typifying the cognitive impact of an emancipating action research. The short duration red rice varieties "Kanchana" (Ptb 50) and "Kairali" (Ptb 49) proved to be the best first crop and second crop varieties respectively, to replace the ruling cultivars. The technology modules recommended by the formal research system viz., seed treatment with fungicides for the first crop season and Pseudomonas fluorescence for the second crop season were adaptable technologies. The PAR came out with an efficient planting density and crop geometry package (line transplanting; 15 x 10 cm; 67 . , hills/m'; 2-3 seedlings/hill) to replace the conventional planting system. The existing formal recommendations including IPM and INM practices could enhance and combat weeds, pest and diseases thereby enhancing crop yield. Harvesting with self- propelled reaper and threshing with mechanised thresher were cost effective, drudgery alleviating and time saving. The net result of the action research was a set of adaptable technological package for remunerative rice production in the CDR rice production systems. Cognitive and behavioural impact on the participants; and the standard methodology and protocol for participatory technology validation for rice in particular, and for any farm enterprise in general, with extrapolative effect.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Geographic information system for micro-level decision making in the agricultural sector of Central Midlands of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2005) Anup Balakrishnan; KAU; Saifudeen, N
    The present study was carried out in the Centre for Land Resources Research and Management, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur during the period 2001 to 2004 with the broad objective of integrating available data on the land and agricultural resources of Madakkathara Panchayat into a Geographic Information System (GIS) and to demonstrate the capability of GIS as a decision support system to design projects for integrated resource management. Cadastral maps (1:3960 scale) of the Panchayat and the land use and assets map of the Panchayat were used as base maps for the study. These maps were processed , traced, scanned, joined and digitised. Various features were digitised as separate themes. The digitised maps were then projected and converted to shape files using PC ARC/INFO resulting in the spatial data. Primary and secondary information on watershed and panchayat were collected and tabulated using MS Access and MS excel to form the attribute data of the respective themes. Then spatial and attribute data were integrated to prepare the GIS of Madakkathara Panchayat.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of VAM inoculation on nutrient uptake, growth, yield and bacterial wilt incidence in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
    (Department of Plant Pathology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2002) Raji, P; KAU; Sukumara Varma, A
    An investigation on the influence of VAM inoculation on nutrient uptake, growth, yield and bacterial wilt incidence of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was carried out at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during the period 1996 - 2000. The objectives of the study were to select an efficient VAM fungus for improving nutrient uptake, growth and yield of tomato, to explore the possibility of reducing the use of phosphorus fertilizer by VAM inoculation and also to study its influence on bacterial wilt incidence. The survey conducted revealed the natural occurrence of VAM association in tomato at different locations of Kerala. There was variation in VAM colonization and rihzosphere spore count among the locations. Predominant VAM fungi associated with tomato at the survey locations belonged to the genus Glomus. Out of the fifteen native isolates and four standard cultures, Glomus mosseae, Glomus fasciculatum, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita, the native isolate collected from Eruthempathi (Palakkad District) was found to be the best in improving nutrient uptake, growth and yield of tomato variety, Sakthi. Inoculation of this isolate resulted in increased root colonization, spore count, shoot and root biomass, root volume and yield. It induced seven days early flowering and increased the ascorbic acid content of the fruit. The uptake of nutrients particularly P, K and Ca was improved by the inoculation of this isolate. The pot culture experiment conducted to study the possibility of reducing phosphorus fertilizer due to VAM inoculation showed the superiority of VAM isolate collected from Eruthempathi in improving growth, P uptake and yield. With the increase in dose of P upto 50 per cent, there was a significant increase in root colonization, fresh weights and dry weights of shoot and root and also the yield. No further increase in these parameters was recorded with the increase in dose of P upto 100 per cent. The plants inoculated with the VAM isolates along with 50 per cent P recorded shoot and root biomass and yield significantly superior to that of these parameters recorded by the plants which received full dose of P alone. The results of the field experiment showed that the plants inoculated with VAM had higher root colonization and rihzosphere spore count compared to uninoculated plants. Irrespective of the form of P used the rihzosphere spore count and VAM colonization were less at higher doses of P compared to lower doses. Among the treatments involving super phosphate, the treatment T9 (VAM + FYM + N + 50% SP + K) was significantly superior in improving root colonization, spore count, fresh weight and dry weight of root, root length, shoot P content and yield compared to the package of practices recommendations (T2 - FYM + N + SP + K). Among the treatments involving mussorie rock phosphate, the treatment Tio (VAM + FYM + N + 75% MP + K) was significantly superior to the present package of practices recommendations in its effects on fresh weight and dry weight of shoot and root, root length, shoot P content and yield. The nutrient status of the soil with respect to P_ and K content was improved by the treatment T9 (VAM + FYM + N + 50% SP + K). No significant change in soil P content was observed by the VAM inoculation along with MP. The treatment Tio (VAM+FYM+75%MP+K) recorded the highest soil K content. The field experiment conducted in the wilt sick field revealed that inoculation of selected VAM fungi could reduce the bacterial wilt incidence. Among the three varieties tested viz., Sakthi, BWR-1 and Pusa Ruby, a significant reduction in bacterial wilt incidence due to inoculation of VAM fungi collected from Eruthempathi was recorded by the variety, Sakthi. The inoculated plants of BWR-1 showed only five per cent reduction in wilt incidence. No reduction in wilt incidence was observed in variety, Pusa Ruby.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of the dietary level of minerals for lactation in crossbred cows in Kerala under different feeding systems
    (Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2003) Syam Mohan, K M; KAU; Gangadevi, P
    An investigation spread over a period of eight months was undertaken in crossbred dairy cattle to assess the dietary levels of minerals for lactation under different feeding systems. Twelve healthy crossbred cows at eight months pregnancy having an average peak yield of minimum eight litres per day in their previous lactation were divided into two groups of six each as uniformly as possible with regard to age and milk yield and were allotted to two dietary treatments viz. ration A consisting of basal concentrate mixture and green grass as roughage (Grass based diet) and ration B consisting of basal concentrate mixture and paddy straw as roughage (Straw based diet). All the experimental animals were fed as per NRC (1989) standards and maintained individually on their respective dietary regime from two months before calving to six months of lactation. Average dry matter intake, milk yield, milk fat percentage, serum minerals, mineral content of milk, digestibility of nutrients, N balance, balance of Ca, P, Mg, Cu and Zn, incidence of metabolic disorders and reproductive performance were the criteria employed for evaluation. Average body weights of animals revealed no significant difference for both the groups during all the fortnights studied. Significant increase (P<0.01) in the average dry matter intake was observed for the animals of group I compared to group II and the highest dry matter intake was observed during the eighth and third fortnight, respectively. Average daily milk yield and fat per cent in milk in all the twelve fortnights did not differ significantly between the groups. The average haemoglobin and mineral concentration in serum and milk at the first, third and sixth month of lactation for the animals in group I and II did not differ significantly. The mineral content in serum and milk in both groups were within the normal range reported for the species. The average digestibility coefficients of dry matter, nitrogen free extract, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre in group I and II differed significantly (P<0.01) with higher values observed for animals of group I fed grass based diet. No significant difference could be observed in the digestibility coefficient of crude protein and ether extract between the group I and II during the third and sixth month of lactation. The average digestibility coefficients of crude fibre for the third month of lactation between the group I and II did not differ significantly but those for the sixth month of lactation differed significantly (P<0.01) with higher values for group I animals fed grass based diet. Results with respect to balance of N, Ca, P and Mg did not differ significantly (P>0.05) between the two groups for both periods of lactation whereas that for Cu during the third month and that for Zn during both periods of lactation differed significantly (P<0.01) with higher balance for the group I fed grass based ration. There was no incidence of metabolic disorders like hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia and ketosis in both groups of animals. The reproductive performances of animals of both groups were almost similar. An overall critical evaluation of the results obtained in the present study helps to infer that grass based feeding system had a significant effect on improving the digestibility of dry matter, crude fibre, nitrogen free extract, NDF, ADF and the bioavailability of Cu and Zn. Positive balance was obtained for the minerals studied along with their normal content in serum and milk and the animals were apparently healthy without any incidence of metabolic disorders or deficiency symptoms. Hence it is inferred that NRC (1989) requirements of Ca, P, Mg, Cu and Zn is applicable to crossbred lactating cattle of Kerala under both grass and straw based system. The study also indicates that the requirements of P, Mg, Cu and Zn can be solely met from their content in the feed ingredients and Ca is the only element that needs to be supplemented under both feeding system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Fruit development, postharvest handling and product development studies in red banana (musa AAA group)
    (Kerala Agricultural University; Thiruvananthapuram, 2005) Geetha Lakshmi, P R; KAU; Joshua, Philipose
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Etiopathogenesis and therapeutic management of thiamine responsive caprine polioencephalomalacia
    (Kerala Agricultural University; Thrissur, 2002) Pillai, Usha Narayana; KAU; Alex, P C
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional profile of middle-aged women of below poverty line (bpl) families with special reference to micronutrients
    (Kerala Agricultural University;Thiruvananthapuram, 2005) Anitha Chandran, C.; KAU; Chellammal, S.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Value addition in sapota [Manilkara achras (Mill.) Fosberg]
    (Kerala Agricultural University;Thrissur, 2004) Maya, T.; KAU; John, P. Jacob