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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of different levels of energy on growth performance of crossbred pigs
    (Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2001) Rekha, P; KAU; George, Mathen
    An experiment was conducted to assess •the influence of different levels of energy on the growth performance of crossbred (Large White Yorkshire x Desi) pigs. Fifteen male (castrated) and fifteen female weaned crossbred piglets with an average body weight of 12.9 kg were divided into three equal groups as uniformly as possible with regard to age, sex and body weight. The three groups of piglets were maintained on three rations with 16 per cent crude protein but differing in their energy content, viz., 2800 kcal (T1), 3000 kcal CT2) and 3200 kcal (TI) of digestible energy (DE) per kg. The average daily gains recorded for the three groups T1, T2 and TI were 262.9, 302.0 and 362.8 g respectively. The cumulative feed conversion efficiencies were 6.0, 5.2 and 4.1 for the groups T1, T2 and TI respectively. The values recorded for TI were higher (P<0.01) than those for T1 and T2. The digestibility coefficients of nutrients except that of crude fibre and crude protein were found to improve with increase in the energy content of the rations. Study of the carcass traits revealed that the body weight at slaughter and dressed weight without head improved as the energy content of the rations increased. However, dressing percentage, carcass length and back fat thickness were not significantly influenced by the energy content of the ration. The cost of feed per kg weight gain of animals was significantly lower (P<0.01) for the dietary treatment T3 compared to that of T2 and Tl, the values being Rs.49.90, 43.30 and 34.10 for Tl, T2 and T3 respectively. The above results indicate that crossbred pigs require 3200 kcal of DE/kg of the ration for better growth performance provided the crude protein level is maintained at 16 per cent.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on etio-pathology of vomiting in dogs
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2001) Muraly, P; KAU; Baby, P G
    The study "INVESTIGATIONS ON ETIO-PATHOLOGY OF VOMITING IN DOGS" was conducted in 20 dogs to evaluate ultrasonography and radiography as diagnostic tools in vomiting dogs; to assess hydration status, electrolyte and acid-base balance in vomiting dogs and to correlate clinico-pathologic findings with radiographic and ultrasonographic changes. Various parameters such as history, physical examination, hydration status, ultrasonography, radiography-plain and contrast, haematology, serum biochemistry, and wherever possible histopathology were studied. Most of the dogs under study had bile stained watery vomitus but dogs with pyloric stenosis had frothy or watery white vomitus. The frequency of vomiting in dogs with gastritis and gastrointestinal (GI) obstruction was two to seven times per day, it was variable in dogs with hepatic and renal disorders, but was associated with food intake in dogs with pyloric stenosis. Physical examination was found useful in dogs with GI obstruction, while it was non-specific in dogs with gastritis and renal disorders. Capillary refill time (CRT) and degree of sunken eye balls were helpful to assess dehydration. Estimation of volume of packed red cells (VPRC) was found beneficial to assess dehydration unless the dogs are anemic. Ultrasonography could not identify any lesions in dogs with gastritis, but was useful to detect GI obstructions due to pyloric stenosis, intussusception and foreign body and to characterise lesions in the parenchymal organs like liver and kidney. While plain radiographs could give indication to possible non-radiopaque GI obstructions, contrast radiography was required to confirm. Radiography could not identify any lesions in dogs with gastritis, hepatic and chronic intestitial nephritis. Hypokalemia with metabolic alkalosis was the significant electrolyte and acid-base derangement in dogs with vomiting due to gastritis and GI obstructions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Immunodiagnosis of bovine gastrothylacosis using coproantigens
    (Department of parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2000) Kandasamy, A; KAU; Devada, K
    A study was conducted on the prevalence of paramphistomatidosis in Thrissur from June 1999 to May 2000, feasibility of coproantigen detection by ELlSA and comparison of sensitivity of ELlSA using coproantigens and ELlSA using serum antibodies in diagnosis of gastrothylacosis, caused by Gastrothy/ax crumenifer, in cattle. It was noted from the registers maintained at the University Veterinary Hospitals at Kokkalai and Mannuthy and that at the Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, that out of a total number of 1534 faecal samples from bovines examined, 253 (16.5 per cent) animals were found to be positive for amphistome eggs with the maximum prevalence (23 per cent) in June and July. Generally the infection was prevalent throughout the year. An indirect ELlSA using rabbit hyperimmune serum against somatic antigens of G. crumenifer was performed to detect coproantigens in faecal samples collected from 100 known G. crumenifer infected cattle. Seventy four samples were found to contain detectable levels of coproantigen indicating a sensitivity of 74 per cent. Serum samples collected from the same infected cattle were tested for antibodies to G. crumenifer by an indirect ELlSA using somatic antigens. Fifty one samples were found positive for antibodies indicating a sensitivity of 51 per cent. It was seen that when 43 cattle were positive for both coproantigens and serum antibodies, 18 cattle were negative for both of them. Although 31 cattle which were negative for serum antibodies were found positive for coproantigens, eight cattle negative for coproantigens were found positive for serum antibodies. The results showed that coproantigen detection, which revealed a higher sensitivity than the detection of serum antibodies by ELlSA, is feasible for the diagnosis of gastrothylacosis in bovines.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular characterization of piper species usiing RAPD technique
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2002) Murugan, C; KAU; Sujatha, V S
    The study on "Molecular characterization of Piper species using RAPD techniques" was conducted in the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices and CPBMB, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur from December, 1999 to August, 2001. Material included 13 species/accessions of the genus Piper including Piper nigrutn Linn. These were analysed with 20 selected oligomer decamer primers using PCR technique and agarose gel electrophoresis. The selection of ideal DNA isolation technique was done based on observations of purity of bands, quality of the DNA bands and quantity of DNA recovered. The protocol of Edwards et al. (1991) was selected for DNA isolation with additional step of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol treatment. Fifty decamer primers were screened using DNA. of P. nigrum and 20 were selected based on the number of bands produced, reproducibility of the bands and distinctness of the RAPD profile. RAPD profile of the 13 species of Piper were compared for genetic similarity index (using Jaccard's coefficient), with all 20 selected primers separately. Pooled similarity of the twenty primers put together was found out for 9 species which gave amplification for all the 20 selected primers. The results of pooled analysis was subjected to cluster analysis (SAl-IN) and phenetic dcndrogram was constructed employing UPGMA. Four clusters were obtained, comprising of two accessions of P. nigrum In the first, two accessions of P. longum in the second, P. colubrinutn and P. attenuatum forming the third cluster and P. chaba, P. belle and P. arboreum forming the fourth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Developing and testing of a collector-cum-storage types solar water heater for domestic use
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Bijukumar, K; KAU; Mohammad, C P
    The present study was undertaken to desi~n and develop a collector-cum-storage type solar water heater of 30 litre capacity to supply hot water for domestic use. Five solar water heaters with different absorber plate positions were constructed. The storage tanks with dimensions of 67 xIl7 x 10 cm were made by using fibre glass, and the top of these storage tanks were covered using single plain glass plates of 71 x 51 x 0.4 cm size. The position of the absorber plate was varied by changing the width of the spacers (4 nos. at an angle of 400 with the side aluminium sheet), which connects bottom aluminium plate and top absorber plate. The absorber plate was of 65 x 45 cm size. The top face of the absorber plate was painted black to absorb maximum solar. radiation. The absorber plate positions were lcm, 3cm, 5cm, 7cm and 9cm from the top glass cover plate and were designated as SWHl 0, SWH30, SWH5.0, SWH7.0 and SWH9.0 respectively. The absorber plate position was optimized by testing the solar water heaters under two different test conditions. Solar water heater II (SWH3.0) outperforms other solar water heaters under the two test conditions. Maximum outlet temperature of 64°C af 3pm and maximum efficiency of 55.72% also at 3pm were observed in solar water heater 11. So it is optimized that the position of the absorber plate should be at 3cm from . the top glass plate. The solar warer heater can easily be handled by a single person since the weight is only 9.5kg. The operating cost per unit of thermal energy obtained withthe solar water heater was found to be 25 paise per kWh.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bionomics and ecological management of coconut eriophyid mite
    (Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2001) Vidya, CV; KAU; Ranjith, A M
    The bionomics and ecological management of coconut eriophyid mite, Aceria guerreronis (Keifer) was studied under the Department of Entomology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. The preference of mites to bunches of different maturity, symptoms of damage, population dynamics, relationship of mite population with weather factors and the distribution pattern of mites based on plant morphology were considered for the study. Some ecological management practices were also tried along with this. The experiment was laid out as completely randomised design. Mites were absent in male and female flowers and also on buttons of first bunch. Initiation of infestation starts from buttons of second bunch and population increases further and maximum population is noticed in buttons of third and fourth bunches and thereafter it decreases. This is because after fourth bunch, the meristematic tissue becomes necrotic due to feeding of mites and hence mites cannot feed further easily. Traces of population were noticed even on nuts of ninth bunch. Predatory mites were also seen along with eriophyid mites even though they are very negligible. Symptoms of damage were seen outside from second bunch onwards. The symptom initially appears as whitish streak or triangular patch and it increases further in length and breadth and becomes brownish and later necrotic. In some cases, cracks, cuts and gummosis can be seen on the husk. The relationship between surface damage and mite population was worked out. Maximum mite population was noticed when the surface damage was 1-3 and 3-6 cm2 before and after the removal of perianth respectively and the percentage of damage was 1-3 per cent. Mite population was found to vary with different weather parameters. Minimum temperature of current week, current, -1 and -2 fortnights and maximum temperature of -2 fortnight were positively related with mite population. Morning humidity is also positively related with mite population. Mite population was negatively related with wind speed of zero current, current, -I and -2 fortnights. There is no direct relation between mite population and rainfall, number of rainy days, evening humidity and sunshine hours. Mite infestation was irrespective of the height of the palm, crown shape and perianth arrangement. The intensity of infestation varies between each inner tepals. Maximum infestation was under fourth tepal followed by fifth and sixth tepa\. The preference of mites to different portions under each tepal also varies with maximum entry through the 'outer edge' of fourth tepal followed by 'outer edge' of fifth tepal, 'middle' portion of sixth tepal, 'middle' portion of fifth and fourth tepal, and 'inner edge' of sixth and fifth tepa\. Infestation was found to be less in round shaped nuts compared to oval and oblong nuts. Maximum incidence was in green coloured nuts followed by greenish yellow and orange coloured nuts. There was no reduction in mite damage by different water regimes (rainfed, channel and drip irrigated) fertilizer regimes (0.34:0.17:0.68 kg NPK/palm, 0.5:0.32:1.2 kg NPKlpalm and 0.25:0.32:1.2 kg NPKlpalm) micronutrients (MgS04, ZnS04, MnS04, Borax and Micronutrient mixture) and crown cleaning (once and twice in an year).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Spatial and temporal variations in the development of agriculture in Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Statistics, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2002) Allahad, Mishra; KAU; Ajitha, T K
    Agricultural scenario of Kerala is unique as compared to other states of India. The present study entitled "Spatial and temporal variations in the development of agriculture in Kerala" was undertaken mainly with an objective of constructing composite indices to quantify the development of agriculture based on suitable indicator variables for each district or region of Kerala. The significance of the districtwise and temporal disparities in agricultural development have been studied. The agricultural growth with respect to acreage and gross production of major crops • is also estimated using different growth curves. The time series data from 1970-71 to 1997-98 collected from State Planning Board and Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Kerala, Trivandrum were used for the study. As all the districts were not present before 1985-86 state was divided into several regions. Districts wise analysis was carried out from 1985-86 to 1997-98, whereas region wise analysis was carried out from 1970-71 to 1997-98. For measuring the diversification level of districts or regions five indices viz., Herfindahl Index, Entropy Index, Modified Entropy Index, Composite Entropy Index and Ogive Index were computed. All the quantitative indices were constructed by using the total cropped area of seven major crops of Kerala. It was found that in most of the periods the diversification in cropping pattern was mainly towards plantation crops. The most diversified district was Kollam, where the cropping pattern had equal importance to all the major crops. Based on the real situation, out of the five measures of diversification Composite Entropy Index was found to be better suited. It was also noticed that as time progressed the diversification level among the districts or regions decreased. The Compound growth rates of both production and acreage were computed and it was found that rubber recorded the highest C.G.R. The food crops viz., rice and tapioca showed negative C.G.R whereas cash crops viz., coconut and pepper showed positive C.G.R for both production and acreage. Productivity index were constructed for each district taking into consideration the variety of crops and their relative importance in a particular district. The results revealed that different districts behaved differently with respect to the rate of growth of productivity. Development is a multidimensional process, so instead of analysing a single variable, composite index or development index for different districts or regions were computed by using several indicators, which contributed to the development of agriculture. In the present study three methods were used to compute the development index based on seven indicators. In the first approach i.e. Taxonomic approach during 1985-86, 1990-91 and 1995-96 Emakulam occupied the first place in agriculture development. However, Wayanad and Kasargode were the two least agriculturally developed districts during the above said periods. It was also observed that there was hardly any change in the level of development of agriculture over different periods of study. In Taxonomic approach each variable was considered to have equal contribution towards the development of agriculture. However, it is unlikely to happen so. With this fact, the Taxonomic approach was modified in Modified Taxonomic approach by giving separate weightage to the indicators based on the score given by experts. In the present study separate weightage did not have any significant impact on the classification of districts or regions on their agricultural development status. Obviously the selected variables might be highly correlated. Characteristics in biological experiment are highly correlated. In the present study Principal Component analysis was used to overcome this problem. The first component of both district wise and region wise analysis contributed around 99.5 per cent of total variation. Therefore, without loosing any information supplied by the seven variables, the first component score was taken as the composite index of development. Hence in the present context Principal Component analysis could be considered as the best method, as no approximation is involved. It could be considered as a more comprehensive method. The Potential targets for the under developed districts or regions are also estimated to assess the position of those districts or regions compared to the model • districts or regions. Accordingly suitable development programmes can be launched or special care can be taken to allocate resources optimally on per capita basis to reduce spatial disparities in development.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of tomato to varying levels of fertigation
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2002) Rajaseelan Kingsly, D; KAU; Jaikumaran, U
    A field experiment was conducted during 2000-2001 at the Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy, Thrissur to find out growth and yield as well as water use and nutrient relations of tomato, as influenced by different levels of fertigation i.e. continuous nutrition through drip irrigation. The experiment consisted of combinations of three levels of irrigation (0.3,0.6 and 0.9 PE) through drip system and three levels of fertilizer (100, 50 and 150% recommended dose) supplied through drip irrigation. The fertilizer nutrients were supplied in progressive increments for sixty days and the fertigated treatments were mulched using black HDPE sheet. A control treatment, which received 20 mm surface irrigation through furrow method once in three days along with normal soil application of fertilizer without mulch cover was also included to compare with fertigation treatments. The experiment was laid out at randomised block design with three replications. The tomato CV Shakthi was tried in the experiment. The results revealed that the growth parameters viz., plant height, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and ~eaf Area Duration (LAD) were higher in the fertigated treatments than in the control crop. The respective values were 50.48 cm, 5.60 and 113.4 in case offertigated crops and 48.52 cm, 5.46 and 110.9 for the control crop, when observed at final growth stage. The control crop had a significant rooting pattern with higher vertical length (26.8 cm), lateral length (15 cm) and root dry weight of (8.2 g) than the fertigated treatments which had the respective values of 18.65 cm, 11.00 cm and 3.9 g. The ferigated crop produced maximum fruit set of 56.5 per cent and 36 numbers of fruits plant" with mean yield of 31.51 t ha-I. The respective values for the control crop were 42.6 per cent, 22 and 19.31 t ha" only. The treatment which received 150 per cent fertilizer dose with 0.6 PE irrigation gave a maximum yield of37.3 t ha-I which was 93 per cent more than the control crop. This level of production was comparable with that of the crop receiving 100 or 150 per cent recommended dose of fertilizers with irrigation at 0.9 PE through drip. The TSS content was not influenced by different treatments, but higher acidic fruits were produced by the control crop. The fertigated crops in general contained more nutrients in their biomass compared to control crop. The highest NPK content in plant was recorded at 60 DAP and at the stage these nutrient contents were 4.9,0.285 and 3.13 per cent in case offertigated crops and the respective values in control crop were 4.0, 0.245 and 3.07 per cent. The fruit cracking and bacterial wilt incidence were not affected by various treatments. But 72 per cent of control crop suffered by leaf curl virus disease but only 40 per cent, in case of fertigated plants. The mean soil temperature upto 30 cm depth increased "<-;- under mulched conditions over control treatment during morning (7.;3<) 1ST) and 'L.C;;- evening (2.:Mt 1ST) by 3.3°C and 2.6°C respectively. While control crop received 700 mm of water, the crop irrigated through the drip at 0.9, 0.6, 0.3 PE received 506, 358 and 210 mm of water. Field water use efficiency was the highest in the treatment which received 100% fertilizer with 0.3 PE irrigation (14.62 kg fruit per m-3 of water). As the irrigation levels reduced and fertilizer application increased FWUE was increased. The moisture content of the soil was more at 15 cm depth both at 15 and 30 cm radial distances, in all irrigation levels. The economic analysis indicated that the crop under recommended dose of fertilizer with 0.9 PE irrigation gave a maximum BC ratio of 1.92 followed by the crop raised under 150 per cent fertilizer dose with 0.6 PE irrigation (1.91). The saving of water through respective treatments, when compared to control enabled 0.38 and 0.95 ha to be additionally brought under irrigated tomato, if respective treatments were employed. The investigation led to the conclusion that fertigation is a sound technology and produceshigh yields in tomato. If water is not a limiting factor, adopt irrigation at 0.9 PE using 100 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer and if water availability is - constrained, adopt irrigation at 0.6 PE using 150 per cent recommended dose of fertilizer to reap rich harvest.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated nutrient management in hedge lucerne (Desmanthus virgatus(L.)willed) under rainfed condition
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2001) Kavitha, G V; KAU; Lakshmi, S
    A field experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State to find out an integrated nutrient management technique for Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willd. under rainfed condition. The influence of chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers on growth parameters, fodder yield, quality of produce, uptake of nutrients, chemical properties of soil and economics was investigated. Three levels of nitrogen (0, 15, 30 kg N ha"), three levels of potassium (0, 20, 40 kg ha") and biofertilizers (Rhizobium, AMF and Rhizobium + AMF) were combined to form twenty seven treatment combinations. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with three replications. Results of the experiment revealed that the chemical fertilizers as well as bioinoculants had significant positive influence on improving the fodder production potential of Desmanthus virgatus. Application of inorganic fertilizers and eo- inoculation of hedge lucerne with Rhizobium and AMF significantly increased the growth parameters namely plant height, length of branches, number of branches and leaf: stem ratio. Highest dose of chemical fertilizers and dual inoculation with biofertilizers registered maximum green fodder yield in all four harvests. Similar results were obtained in the case of dry fodder yield also. Quality parameters of the forage significantly improved as a result of dual inoculation with biofertilizers. Maximum crude protein content was realized with application of highest dose of nitrogen and potassium. The nutrient uptake showed a significant increase with increase in doses of chemical fertilizers. Dual inoculation of biofertilizers significantly increased the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Combined application of biofertilizers improved the nitrogen and phosphorus status of the soil after the experiment. Highest dose of nitrogen gave the highest soil nitrogen content. Similarly highest dose of potassium recorded highest soil potassium content after the experiment. The physical and economic optimum dose of nitrogen for Desmanthus virgatus was 32 kg ha-I and 31 kg ha-I respectively while that of potassium was 22 kg ha-I, The use of chemical fertilizers and dual inoculation with biofertilizers recorded highest net returns and benefit: cost ratio, emphasizing the need for an integrated approach in nutrient management.