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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Developing and testing of a collector-cum-storage types solar water heater for domestic use
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Bijukumar, K; KAU; Mohammad, C P
    The present study was undertaken to desi~n and develop a collector-cum-storage type solar water heater of 30 litre capacity to supply hot water for domestic use. Five solar water heaters with different absorber plate positions were constructed. The storage tanks with dimensions of 67 xIl7 x 10 cm were made by using fibre glass, and the top of these storage tanks were covered using single plain glass plates of 71 x 51 x 0.4 cm size. The position of the absorber plate was varied by changing the width of the spacers (4 nos. at an angle of 400 with the side aluminium sheet), which connects bottom aluminium plate and top absorber plate. The absorber plate was of 65 x 45 cm size. The top face of the absorber plate was painted black to absorb maximum solar. radiation. The absorber plate positions were lcm, 3cm, 5cm, 7cm and 9cm from the top glass cover plate and were designated as SWHl 0, SWH30, SWH5.0, SWH7.0 and SWH9.0 respectively. The absorber plate position was optimized by testing the solar water heaters under two different test conditions. Solar water heater II (SWH3.0) outperforms other solar water heaters under the two test conditions. Maximum outlet temperature of 64°C af 3pm and maximum efficiency of 55.72% also at 3pm were observed in solar water heater 11. So it is optimized that the position of the absorber plate should be at 3cm from . the top glass plate. The solar warer heater can easily be handled by a single person since the weight is only 9.5kg. The operating cost per unit of thermal energy obtained withthe solar water heater was found to be 25 paise per kWh.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Simultation of the Effect of Land and Vegetation Management on Runoff and Sediment Yield From a Small Watershed- a case Study
    (Department of Land and Water Resources and Conservation Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,Thavanur, 2000) Vinod Kumar, P R; KAU; Xavier Jacob, K
    Conservation of soil by sound measures forms one of the fundamental premises towards a sustained future. The management of land and vegetation has profound influence in conservation programme. To simulate the effect of land and vegetation management measures on runoff and sediment yield from a waterhed, a study was conducted at Development Unit – IX of Attapadi region, in Palghat district. The relationship between effective rainfall and sediment mobilized due to rain storm was established as; ES = 28.57 ER0.9385., where ES is the effective sediment mobilized in T/km2 and ER is the effective rainfall in cm. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was applied on perstorm basis to estimate the soil erosion. The Modified – USLE (R) factor was used to represent the erosivity factor in the soil loss estimation. The topographic factor (LS) was computed using the USLE and Revised – USLE methods. This particular parameter computed with the USLE was more than that of the RUSLE. The amount of soil erosion predicted with the USLE were more than that of the RUSLE due to greater LS factor associated with the USLE method. However both methods provided an ‘r2’ value of 0.9724. The WEPP – model was applied to simulate the runoff and soil erosion processes during individual rainstorm events. The model provided reliable simulation of the erosion process, but the runoff values were under – predicted for all the simulated events. The hillslopes cultivated with tuber crops gave maximum erosion per unit area during the simulation. The reason could be assumed as the absence of sufficient ground and canopy cover in this areas, which possessed a loosened surface after harvesting. The lands left as barren after tree felling also had increased rates of erosion during the simulation, which could be due to the lack of vegetative protection. While the paddy field had lesser rates of erosion owing to the flatness of land and vegetation cover. The other areas yielded reduced rates of erosion due to good canopy cover as well as surface cover provided by closely growing vegetation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of low-cost lining materials for field channels
    (Department of Land and Water Resources and Conservation Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Abdu, Mudesir Issa; KAU; Reema, K P
    Seepage losses from field channels are too high, making surface irrigation the inefficient method of water application. The high cost of lining hindered the use of most of the common lining materials for lining field channels. With an objective of identifying and testing low cost lining materials for field channels, a study was conducted at K.C.A.E.T., Tavanur. Four low-cost materials were tested in the experiments. The physical property tests on different RHA-cement types showed that the waterpercentages required to attain standard consistency of the RHA-cements ranged between 58.33 to 58.53. The mean initial setting times observed were ranging from 55.67 min, for RHA-20, to 241.39 min., for RHA-40. The final setting times ranged between 397.74 and 600.36 min. The compressive strengths of the RHA-cement made mortars were determined after 3, 7, 14, and 28 days of curing. The two factor analyses of variance revealed that both the days of curing and RHA-cement types were sources of variation. RHA-20 mortars were significantly weaker than RHA-25 and RHA-30 mortars for 7 days of curing, and for 14 and 28 days of curing a significant difference in the compressive strengths ofRHA-20 and RHA-30 was observed. The average seepage rates were obtained as 3.536, 92.786, 356.278, 26.190 and 633.296 Vm2/day for plastic, RHA-30, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite lined and the unlined channels respectively. The respective steady seepage rates from plastic, RHA-30, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite lined and the unlined channels were 0.984, 72.283, 260.256, 12.530 and 433.886 Vm2/day. Plastic lining saved 99.774 per cent of the seepage as compared le. ti:,unlined. RHA-20, RHA.:.25, and RHA-40 linings respectively were having steady seepage rates of 150.917,11.959, 101.161 lIm2/day and saved 65.377, 74.315, and 76.792 of the seepage against the control.The RHA-30 lined surface was the smoothest with a roughness coefficient of 0.01853, the same were 0.0236, 0.0255, 0.02497 and 0.0238 respectively for plastic, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite and unlined surfaces. The total number of weeds grown on plastic, RHA-30, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite and unlined surfaces respectively were 294, 7, 287, 163,and 547. The initial costs of constructing I Km length of field channel were obtained as Rs.54657.86, 83008.84, 68062.50, 81490.31 and 21000.00 for plastic, RHA-30, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite and unlined channels respectively. The actual cost required to construct the five 10 m channels with plastic, RHA-30, Kaolinitic clay, Bentonite linings and with out lining respectively were Rs. 548.40, 832.15, 618.45, 1330.08 and 210.00. From the overall compansons of water tightness" surface roughness, weed controlling ability, structural stability, durability and cost RHA-30 lining was found to be the best among the tested lining materials. A combination type lining using plastic and RHA-cement as a cover will probably be an ideal lining, as each can complement the shortcomings of the other.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimal number and discharge rate of emitters for coconut palm in sandy loam soil
    (Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Priya Nair, G; KAU; Suseela, P
    AgricullurClI productivity is based on the availability of required water at proper time. As water is becoming Cl limited resource its efficient utilization is very essential. The distribution of rainfall in Kcrala is not adequate to meet the total welter requirement of coconut. Coconut in Kerala are mostly grown in sandy soils which has a poor water holding capacity. So drip irrigation is the best method of irriqation for coconut in this soil. The efficient design of drip irrigation system involves the optimal spacing of emitters, correct discharge rate anr' duration of inigc\lion based on the movement of soil moisture front. So the study of moisture distribution pattern under chip irriU(ltion is helpful in deciding optimum number and discharge rate of emitters and duration of irriqation required for coconut palms The study was conducted in the river side coconut gc)rdr.n of the instruclional Farm, I~CAET, TaVilrH1I. The size of the plot was 28x63m. The soil properties viz texture. bulk dcn-itv. infiltration rate, field capacity. hydraulic conductivity and permanent \vi!;JI1q point were observed. The drip system was installed in the fielc! Two different c!ischarge rates (4 and 8lph) and three f combination of number of emitters (3,<'1 & 6) were selected for the study. The maximum vertical and horizontal advance of soil moisture front for both the discharge rates (4 and 8 Iph) were noted. Empirical equations were also developed for both vertical and horizontal advance. The soil moisture contents were determined at different horizontal anc! vertical distances from the emitter, before irriqation, 1 hour, 24 hours and 3 days after irrigation by gravimetric method. The soil moisture contour maps were plotted and the moisture distribution efficiency was calculated for each treatment at all depths. The maximum vertical and horizontal advance was observed for 8 lph emitter compared to 4 Iph emitter. The welting front from a single emitter produced C\ bulb like \Netting pattern for both the discharges. The size of the wetting bulb increased with increase in discharge rate. The study revealed that 4 numbers of 8 Iph emitters give more uniform distribution compared to all the other treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of greenhouse ventilation for humid tropics
    (Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Jinu, A; KAU; Abdul Hakkim, V M
    In any agricultural sector, the need of the hour is to maximize the yield per unit area to cater the needs of our population, which is exploding at an alarming rate. Protected cultivation or controlled environment agriculture is one of the methods to increase the crop production from unit area. Of the various forms of protected cultivation, greenhouses are most common. Our state falls under humid tropical climatic condition. Greenhouse cooling is to be done during peak hours of daytime under this climatic condition. Ventilation plays an important role in green house cooling. A study was conducted to determine the optimum greenhouse ventilation for humid tropics and to analyze the effect of different cooling methods viz. natural ventilation, fan and pad system, mist system and roof shading on greenhouse cooling. The study showed that natural ventilation could reduce the greenhouse temperature to a great extent. The different percentages of ventilation used for the experiment were 13.8, 11.5, 9.2, 6.9, 4.6 and 2.3. The study was also conducted without ventilation. As percentage ventilation increases, greenhouse cooling increases and inside relative humidity decreases. 13.8 percent ventilation gave maximum greenhouse cooling and this value is taken as the optimum percentage of natural ventilation. But the natural ventilation alone cannot meet the cooling requirement during peak hours. Fan and pad system is found to be not effective for greenhouse cooling in this particular study. Even 2.3 percentage of natural ventilation condition gave better cooling than fan and pad cooling system. Misting is an effective method to lower down the greenhouse temperature within a short period of time. Misting was done along with fans at different percentages of ventilation and the different climatic parameters were studied. The results showed that while misting, the maximum cooling was obtained at 2.3 percent of ventilation. Effect of roof shading on greenhouse cooling was tested with one shade net over the greenhouse. Roof shade has a significant effect on greenhouse cooling. Th inside temperature of the greenhouse was higher than the outside temperature by more than lOoe during peak hours of the day time, when no ventilation was provided and fan and pad system, mist system and shade cover were not used. But when the green house was covered with a shade net, an inside to outside temperature difference of one or two degree was observed. Also, while operating fan and pad system and mist system, shaded condition gave better cooling. Fan and pad system operated without shade cover, could not bring down the greenhouse temperature below ambient temperature. But for the shaded condition, greenhouse temperature could be lowered to a value less than the ambient temperature. Misting under shaded condition at 2.3 percent ventilation gave maximum cooling. Misting inside an unshaded greenhouse at 2.3 percent ventilation could bring down the greenhouse temperature to 32°C, but misting inside a shaded greenhouse at 2.3 percent ventilation lowered the greenhouse temperature to 29°C. Use of two shade net layers did not give any additional cooling, and at this condition the light intensity inside the greenhouse was only 10 percent of the outside light intensity. It only increases the cost of the greenhouse and hence it is not recommended to use two shade net layers for greenhouses.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of a cono-puddler attachment for a 5HP tiller
    (Department of Farm Power Machinery and Energy, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Tejendra Sharma; KAU; Ramachandran, V R
    A 5hp power tiller operated cono – puddler was fabricated based on the IRRI design and tested. Based on the test result, four more models of cono – puddlers were fabricated and tested. Out of the five models, four were walking behind type implemented and were tested at travel speed of around 0.786 m/sec whereas one was of riding type (model – 5) and was operated at travel speed of around 0.964 m/sec. All the models were tested for three and four times operations. The depth of puddling of the model – 1 was 10 – 11 cm. Another set of conical rotors was fabricated by increasing the blade height to 90 mm from 70 mm (model – 2). The depth of puddling obtained was 12.2 to 13.8 cm. Because of the problem of clogging of soil in between the blades and due to a wide gap in between the rotors which leaves the soil uncut, another set of rotors was fabricated by increasing and modifying the shape of the blades to helical and tested (model – 3). The above three models consisted of six conical rotors clamped individually on a toolbar assembly. Another model, (model – 4) was tested by increasing the number of rotors of model – 3 to eight numbers. The maneuverability of this model was not good as it was difficult at the time of headland turning. The average percolation loss of water for the five models measured for 20 days after puddling varied from 3.692 to 3.979 mm/day for three time operations and 2.650 to 2.983 mm/day for four times operations. The least percolation loss of water was observed in case of model – 5 and highest in case of model – 1 in both numbers of operations. The puddling indices for the five models varied from 56.31 to 59.34 per cent for three times operations and 63.46 to 68.89 per cent for times operations. The highest puddling index was observed in case of model – 5 in both numbers of operations. The average percentage burial of weeds from different test plots varied from 98. 38 to 98.79 per cent in terms of number of weeds and 99.09 to 99.34 per cent in terms of dry weight basis for three times operations. The variation was from 98.94 to 99.69 per cent in terms of number of weeds and 99.40 to 99.83 per cent in terms of dry weight basis for four times operations. The effective field capacities for model – 1, model – 2, model – 3, model – 4 and model – 5 were 0.826, 0.790, 0.843, 0. 826 and 1.053 ha/day respectively for three times operations and 0.618, 0.598, 0.613, 0.643 and 0.799 ha/day respectively for four times operations. The field efficiencies of the five models for different number of operations varied from 52.58 to 72.20 per cent where field efficiency of model – 4 was observed least in both number of operations. In both cases, field capacity and field efficiency of the model – 5 was highest. The draft of model – 1, model – 2, model – 3 model – 4 and model – 5 were 40.68, 45.03, 46.81, 48.19 and 58.06 kg and draw bar horse power requirement were 0.426, 0.472, 0.491, 0.505 and 0.746 hp respectively. The power required for the model – 5 was higher than the other models. The fuel consumption rate for the five models operated at different number of operations varied from 0.495 It/h in case of model – 1 operated three times to 0.666 It/h in case of model – 5 operated for four times. The slippage of the ground wheel for the five models varied from 0.811 per cent to 3.588 per cent. Lowest ground wheel slippage of 0.881 per cent was observed in model – 1 operated three times and highest of 3.588 per cent in model – 5 operated 4 times. The cost of puddling one hectare of land using model – 3 and model – 5 are Rs. 534.39 and Rs. 432.83 when operated for four times and break even point is 1.2 ha compared to animal drawn country plough.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Simulation of a Reservoir system with multiple objectives
    (Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2000) Leena, Divakar; KAU; Mary Regina, F
    During the past three decades, the application of the systems approach to reservoir management application has been established as one of the most important advances made in the field of water resources engineering. Water resources planning has become exceedingly complex and is bound to become even more complex in the future considering the various demands. Application of sophisticated techniques for scientific planning and utilisation of the limited available water resources has become highly necessary to meet the growing demands of various types of consumptive and non-consumptive needs. Though India has been endowed with plenty of rainfall, the distribution is uneven both in time and space. A reservoir system simulation model reproduces the hydrologic and in some cases economic performance of a reservoir system for given inflow and operating rules. A computer simulation model for a multipurpose reservoir system was developed and tested for Peechi reservoir of Kerala state in south India. The model was designed for monthly operation with historic inflow of 35 years. The model obtains the monthly releases for various uses. The monthly water requirements for different purposes like drinking, irrigation, pisciculture and recreation are taken as the target to be achieved by the model. Out of the different uses only irrigation demand had monthly variation and the rest were taken as constants along with the dead storage and the maximum capacity for opening of the shutters. The objective of the model is to minimise the deviations of the release from the targets for each demand. The model has been formulated with appropriate priorities, which satisfy the continuity and physical conditions of the system. The priorities of different water demands can be altered at any stage of the operation according to the changing needs of the region The program is written in Visual Basic-6.0 and the results gave the monthly releases and deficits of different demands. One advantage of the model is that even non technical decision makers can comprehend the results obtained from this. The efficiency of the model is such that the solution can be obtained in the quickest time possible and is very user friendly.