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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment Of Bacteriological quality Of Raw Milk In Trichur And Its Public Health Importance
    (Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1995) Anju Raghunathrao, Kapre; KAU; Nanu, E
    In the present study an effort has been made to assess the bacteriological quality of raw milk obtained from three different sources in Trichur. A total of 21 individual and seven pooled samples were collected from each sources (S1, S2 and S3), over a period of five months. The samples were subjected to different bacterial counts and also for the isolation and identification of S. aureus and E. coli. The isolates were tested for their sensitivity to various chemotherapeutic agents. The average total viable count of individual milk samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 7.5 x 104, 1.4 x 105 and 2 x 105 CFU per ml respectively. Significant difference (P < 0.01) between the counts from S1 and S2; and S1 and S3 was noticed. The average coliform count for S1 was 2.4 x 10, for S2 was 4.8 x 104 and for S3 was 3.8 x 103 CFU per ml. There was significant difference (P < 0.01) between the counts from S1 and S2 ; S1 and S3 ; and S2 and S3. The average counts for thermotolerant coliforms in samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 2.2 x 10, 2.4 x 104 and 2.4 x 103 CFU per ml. The counts from S1 and S2 ; and S1 and S3 differed significantly (P < 0.01). The average faecal streptococcal counts for the sample from S1, S2 and S3 were 1.5 x 102 , 2.1 x 103 and 1.7 x 103 CFU per ml. Significant difference (P < 0.01) between the counts from S1 and S2 , and S1 and S3 was noticed. The staphylococcal counts in samples from S1, S2 and S3 averaged 5.7 x 102, 2.8 x 103 and 6.8 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. Significant differences (P < 0.01) between the counts from S1 and S2 , and S1 and S3 were noticed. The average S. aureus count in samples from S1 was 8.5 x 10, from S2 it was 1.8 x 102 and from S3 , 7.1 x 10 CFU per ml. The average E. coli counts in samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 2 x 102, 1.2 x 104 and 1.5 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. The counts in samples from S1 and S2 ; S1 and S3 ; and S2 and S3 differed significantly (P < 0.01). The average total viable count in pooled milk samples from S1 , S2 and S3 were 4 x 104 , 1.8 x 106 and 2.1 x 105 CFU per ml respectively. Significant difference (P < 0.01) between the counts from S1 and S2 and S1 and S3 was noticed. The average coliform counts at 370C of incubation in the pooled samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 5.5 x 10, 2 x 105 and 6.4 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. The counts from S1 and S2, S1 and S3 ; and S2 and S3 were found significantly different (P < 0.01). The average thermotolerent count in samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 2.8 x 10, 3.6 x 104 and 4.4 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. Significant difference (P < 0.01) in the counts of S1 and S2 ; and S1 and S3 was noticed. The average faecal streptococcal count in samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 2 x 102, 4.8 x 103 and 2.9 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. Significantly different (P < 0.01) counts were noticed between S1 and S2 ; and S1 and S3 was noticed. The average staphylococcal count in samples from S1 was 9.2 x 102 from S2 was 5.3 x 104 and from S3 was 1.3 x 104 CFU per ml. The counts in samples from S1 and S2 ; and S1 and S3 were significantly different (P < 0.01). The S. aureus counts in milk samples from S1, S2 and S3 averaged 1 x 102, 4.8 x 102 and 1.1 x 102 CFU per ml respectively. The average E. coli count in samples from S1, S2 and S3 were 2.7 x 102, 8.9 x 104 and 1.9 x 103 CFU per ml respectively. Significant difference (P < 0.01) between the counts of samples from S1 and S2 ; S1 and S3 ; and S2 and S3 was observed. All the individual samples from S1 were either of very good or good grades (95.24 and 4.76%) respectively. All the pooled milk samples from this source was of very good grade. Most of the individual samples from S2 were of very good or good grades ( 76.20 and 23.80%) respectively, but the pooled milk samples from S2 were of very good, good, fair and poor grades (42.84, 28.60, 14.28 and 14.28%) respectively. Among the individual samples from S3 source all were of either very good or good grades (80.95 and 19.05%) respectively. Pooled milk samples from the same source had very good and good grade (57.14 and 42.86%) respectively. None of the samples from this source were of fair or poor grades. Of the 60 suspected colonies isolated, 54 were identified as S. aureus. Antibiogram of S. aureus isolates showed highest sensitivity to cloxacillin (100%) and gentamicin (100%) followed by amoxicillin (87.03%), chloramphenicol (77.80%) and penicillin – G (35.20%). Of the 70 suspected colonies isolated 66 were identified as E. coli. The E. Coli. Isolates were most sensitive to gentamicin (96.96%) followed by amplicillin (93.92%), furazolidone (80.30%) and carbenicillin (15.155). Doxycycline was least effective drug with no sensitivity and high resistance (90.90%).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on the influence of cattle keeping on the bacteriological quality of domestic well water
    (Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1981) George Oommen, T; KAU; Soman, M
    Wells are the main sources of water supply in Indian villages and towns as elsewhere in any of the rural areas of the developing tropical countries. The shallow, open, dug wells are liable to contamination from the surrounding sources by various means. Faecal contamination of water is considered as one of the major causes of health hazards resulting in innumerable diseases among people throughout the world. Therefore, the bacteriological analysis of water is aimed at the detection and enumeration of indicators of faecal pollution. The movement of animal excreta into surface and ground water is considered a major factor contributing to the bacteriological pollution of available water in many regions. In order to assess the influence of cattle keeping on the bacteriological quality of domestic well water in Mannuthy area, the present study was undertaken. Forty wells from households randomly selected, with and without cattle keeping, for the study spreading over for a period of six months covering the summer and south-west monsoon during 1981. Water samples were collected aseptically, once in each season. They were bacteriologically analysed for SPC, MPN of coliforms and the detection and enumeration of E.coli. FS and C1 perfringens. Bacterial counts in water from all wells far exceeded the standards recommended for open, shallow wells. Although an apparently higher SPC in water from households with cattle keeping than from those without was observed, it was not statistically significant. The seasonal variation in the counts showed a hundred-fold increase in the case of SPC during monsoon than summer. But the similar increase in the MPN was negligible. The indicator bacteria, especially E.Coli and C1.perfringens showed a significant reduction during monsoon. The sanitary survey of the wells conducted with the help of a ready made performa revealed that none of the wells could be considered satisfactory either in construction or maintenance. The SPC and FS counts were found to have a positive correlation with the depth of wells. The SPC was positively correlated with the type of latrine also. The MPN of coliform and the depth of lining and distance of cattle shed from well were negatively correlated; so also a negative correlation was observed in the case of FS count and the distance between latrine and well. The various characteristics of wells, cattle keeping and latrines were found to have a significant correlation with the SPC and MPN of coliforms. When these of wells and latrines were alone considered, they showed significant correlation only with FS count. But it was observed that the characteristics of wells and latrines alone could explain for the considerable variations in the SPC and MPN than those of cattle keeping, as a source of pollution. It is concluded that the type of construction of well do not have any direct bearing on the bacteriological quality of well water except in the case of Cl. perfringens counts. Cattle keeping has also no significant influence on the bacteriological quality of domestic well water in Mannuthy area though all wells under study showed evidence of recent or past faecal contamination.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of quality of well water in Eloor, Kerala
    (Department of Veterinary Public Health,College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 2010) Divya Rani, Thomas; KAU; Sunil, B
    A comparative assessment of physical, chemical and microbiological quality of well water from Eloor, an industrial area in Ernakulum District of Kerala, India and Ollukara, a non industrial area, in Thrissur district of Kerala, India, was carried out to correlate the impact of industrialization on quality of well water. A total of 200 well water samples consisting of 100 each from both areas were taken for the study. Of the 100 samples, 25 samples each were collected during four different seasons of the year viz., summer (February), pre-monsoon (March-May), monsoon (June-September) and post-monsoon (October-November), to assess change in the quality of well water with the seasons. Mean temperature of well water was higher in Eloor than in Ollukara. The lowest temperature was recorded during monsoon in Eloor and Ollukara, and the highest temperature was recorded during pre-monsoon in Eloor and summer in Ollukara. Acidic pH was observed in both areas, with significantly lower pH in Ollukara. Higher pH values were observed during monsoon and post monsoon and lower during summer and pre-monsoon seasons. Mean total hardness of water was higher in Eloor than in Ollukara and the difference was highly significant. Highest value of total hardness was observed during summer in Eloor and monsoon in Ollukara. Mean COD of water samples showed no significant difference between two areas. In Eloor, the highest and lowest COD were observed during summer and monsoon, respectively. While in Ollukara, highest and lowest COD were observed during post monsoon and pre monsoon, respectively. Mean nitrate concentration was similar in water samples collected from Eloor and Ollukara with lowest concentration observed during pre - monsoon and summer in Eloor and Ollukara respectively, whereas it was highest during post monsoon in both areas. Mean fluoride concentration in well water samples from Eloor was significantly higher than that of Ollukara and no significant seasonal difference was observed in fluoride concentration in well water from Eloor. However, significant seasonal variations were observed in fluoride concentration in Ollukara viz., lower during monsoon and post monsoon, and higher during summer and pre-monsoon. Mean iron concentration was higher in Eloor and had highly significant difference with mean concentration in Ollukara. Significant difference in mean iron concentrations between four seasons could not be observed in Eloor, whereas in Ollukara, four different seasons showed significant difference. Lower concentration was observed during summer and pre-monsoon and higher during monsoon and post monsoon. A significantly higher lead concentration was recorded in well water from Eloor than that from Ollukara. In Ollukara, there was significant seasonal difference in mean lead concentration with highest during monsoon and the lowest during pre-monsoon seasons respectively. Throughout the entire period of study no mercury could be detected in well water samples from both areas. There was no significant difference in mean zinc concentration between well water samples from Eloor and Ollukara. In Eloor, the concentration in summer season was significantly higher than during other seasons. In Ollukara mean zinc concentration in post monsoon was significantly higher than during other seasons. Mean cadmium concentration was similar in both areas and was found to be significantly higher during monsoon season at both Eloor and Ollukara. It was observed that mean Aerobic Plate Count was higher in Eloor than that of Ollukara and the difference was highly significant. There was no significant difference observed between four seasons in Eloor. In Ollukara, significant difference between seasons could be observed with highest count during summer. The mean coliform count of well water from Eloor was significantly higher than that of Ollukara. There was no seasonal variation in mean coliform count in Eloor. Whereas significant variation in mean colifrom count between seasons was observed in Ollukara with highest count during monsoon and lowest during summer. The mean E. coli count in well water from Eloor and Ollukara did not differ significantly. There was no difference in mean E. coli count between four seasons in well water from Eloor and Ollukara. The mean enterococcal count of well water samples from Eloor and Ollukara did not show significant difference. The mean count was significantly higher in Eloor during summer, but there was no seasonal difference in enterococcal count in Ollukara. From the survey conducted among 25 households having wells in Eloor and Ollukara, it could be concluded that 20 and 100 per cent of households, used well as source of drinking water in Eloor and Ollukara respectively. Eighty percent wells were pucca wells in Eloor, whereas only 60 per cent of wells were pucca in Ollukara. Disinfection of wells was practiced by 48 and 52 per cent respectively in Eloor and Ollukara. Only 32 and 36 per cent wells respectively had distance more than 15 metre from nearest polluting source. Among the major human health problems in Eloor, 88, 72, 60, 40, 12, 4 and 16 per cent of household reported respiratory problems, skin diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, headache, ophthalmic problem, neoplasm and congenital anomalies and mental retardation, respectively, which were suggestive of iron, lead and cadmium toxicity and poor quality of air. Whereas in Ollukara, health problems were comparatively less and only 12 per cent house hold reported respiratory problem. Among the major animal health problems in Eloor were digestive disorders, reproductive disorders, skin diseases and lameness indicating iron, lead, cadmium and fluoride toxicity. Retrospective analysis of cases recorded in Eloor veterinary hospital, from January 2005 to December 2009, also revealed symptoms of iron, lead and cadmium toxicity in animals. It was observed that Kuzhikandam creek in Eloor was heavily polluted and acted as a potent source of groundwater pollution. From the comparative study, it was clear that the groundwater contamination in Eloor was purely chemical of industrial origin, while in Ollukara it was attributed to the soil type and household pollution. Construction of sanitary wells, keeping adequate distance from polluting sources, with adequate platform, drainage and parapet is recommended. Steining of wells and covering the wells with nets should also be adopted. Disinfection of wells with sufficient quantity of suitable disinfectant at regular interval also helps to minimize pollution mainly of microbial origin.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Application of polymerase chain reaction for rapid evaluation of hygienic status of milk
    (Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 2008) Deepa Mary, J J; KAU; Sunil, B
    Rapid assessment of the bacterial load and detection of pathogens in milk is of public health significance. Molecular detection of pathogenic microorganisms is based on DNA amplification of the target pathogens. Therefore efficient extraction of DNA directly from milk is a major step. DNA could be efficiently extracted directly from milk by a prior sample preparation so as to remove the fat and milk proteins. The phenol chloroform method of DNA extraction was modified to reduce the time require for the procedure. The use of lysozyme helped the release of DNA from lysed gram positive Staphylococcus aureus. The extracted DNA was used as template in PCR. PCR was carried out with already published primers. PCR was modified with the use of PCR buffer containing PCR facilitators (BSA and Tween 20) to overcome PCR inhibition. The standardized procedure was used to assess the bacterial load and to detect Escherichia coli and S. aureus directly from milk. To assess the bacterial load dilutions of milk were made upto10-10. DNA was extracted from each dilution with which PCR was carried out with primers specific for Pseudomonas. Aerobic Plate Count was also done for the same samples and compared with PCR. It could be concluded that the approximate APC of the milk sample by PCR is next lower dilution to the dilution giving the PCR amplification. The total time taken for the analysis was approximately five hours. Extraction of DNA and PCR was done with primers for detection of E. coli from the same milk samples and compared with culture. Percentage of samples positive both by culture and PCR was 50 and negative by both methods were 30. Twenty percentage of the samples were positive by PCR and negative by culture. Extraction of DNA and PCR was done with primers for detection of S. aureus from the same milk samples and compared with culture. Percentage of samples positive both by culture and PCR was 60 and negative by both methods were 20. Twenty percentage of the samples were negative by PCR and positive by culture. Hence, protocol developed for detection of S. aureus needs further refinement to take care of false negative results by PCR, probably due to the low number of organisms present in milk.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of bacterial critical points and antibacterial effect of lactic acid on beef carcass
    (Department of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1994) Rajeev, K; KAU; Soman, M
    During the process of slaughter and subsequent processing, the beef carcass is exposed to bacterial contamination. Bacterial load is one of the parameters for assessment of the sanitary conditions in slaughter operations. It is tedious and time consuming to evaluate bacterial load of carcass surface as a whole. Therefore assessment of bacterial load on certain points (critical points) in the carcass which are more frequently exposed to contaminants will help in quick assessment of sanitaty standard. In the present study six critical points were selected on beef carcasses to evaluate the bacterial contamination. Carcasses from two slaughter houses differing in infrastructural facilities were used for this assessment and comparison. There was significant difference in the level of bacterial contamination on critical points of carcasses obtained from the two sources. Significant difference was noticed between points as well. Among the critical points, neck-lateral has shown highest level of contamination. This may be due to chances of exposure to contaminants during bleeding and flaying. The abdomen-medial was comparatively less contaminated. In spite of conscious precautions, carcasses invariably get contaminated. In order to minimize the bacterial load on carcass at the end of slaughter line, washing carcass with sanitizers is one of the methods adopted in meat trade. Lactic acid one percent solution, when used as sanitizer for washing beef carcasses immediately after slaughter, has shown significant reduction in total viable count, coliform count and faecal streptococcal count estimated 1 h after treatment. When hot lactic acid solution at 700C was used for washing, significant reduction in the above counts in comparison to the first treatment was observed. This added benefit can be attributed to the enhanced temperature of the solution. It is concluded that one percent lactic acid solution, preferably at 700C, can be effectively used as a sanitizer on beef carcass surface for reduction of initial bacterial load and this helps in prolonging the storage life under the retail marketing condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of monospecific anti-beef sera
    (Department of Veterinery Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Thangthuama, R; KAU; Prabhakaran, P
    Agar gel immunodiffusion is a simple and relictle test for identifying the species origin of meat, povided the antisera to be used are monospecific. A study was undertaker to make Rabbit anti-cattle serum (RACS) and Rabbit anti-buffalo serum (RABS) monospecific by absorption with the freeze dried sera of goat (GFD), buffalo (BFD), cattle 'CFD) and a combination of GFD and CFD or CFD and BFD Though it was found that the RACS was made mono- specific by absorption with BFD, production of monospecific RABS through absorption with GFD or CFD, is more desirable Absorption of RABS with GFD alone enabled to identify both beef and buffalo meat samples which can be further confirmed by RABS absorbed with BFD RABS absorbed with BFD and RABS absorbed with CFD could identify a level of 25 per cent or above adulteration with beef and buffalo beef respectively Filter paper was found to be good carrier of beef and buffalo meat extract antigens and storing it for upto 30 days did not influence the test result with unabsorbed antisera All the three eluants, NaCl, PBS and PBS-T were found to be equally useful for elution of the meat antigen from the dried filter paper
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of acetic acid and propionic acid on bacteriological quality of beef
    (Department of Veterinery Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 1993) Latha, C; KAU; Nanu, E
    The bacterial contamination of meat surface is posing a threat to public health and meat trade. It is necessary to minimise the bacterial load at all levels of production, storage and marketing. Use of sanitizer is one of the methods suggested for reducing the bacterial load on carcass surface. The study was undertaken to assess the efficiency of acetic and propionic acids at one and two per cent strength as sanitizer on beef. Carcasses obtained from Kerala Agricultural University Slaughter House, were subjected for the study. The samples were maintained at ambient temperature for 24 h. The acid treatment of samples was done immediately after slaughter. The total viable count,coliform count and faecal streptococcal count were estimated by standard methods at zero, one, five, nine, and twenty-four hours of storage. An upward trend of bacterial load was observed during storage. At all intervals, the bacterial load was significantly lower in treated samples compared to that of control. The bacterial load was found to be significantly lower in samples subjected to acid treatments at two per cent level than one per cent. The persistence of the effect was found to be inversely proportional to the duration of storage. The bacterial load could generally be confined with one per cent acetic acid upto five hours and nine hours with two per cent acetic acid within the initial count Though propionic acid at one and two per cent levels had beneficial effect acetic acid was found to be better
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Occurrence and survivability of yersinia in pork
    (Department of Veterinery Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 1994) Sunil, B; KAU; Prabhakaran, P
    Investigation was carried out to find out the the presence and survivability of Yersinia in pork. One hundred and seventy one samples were collected from 39 animals. Three isolates of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis were obtained using Yersinia isolation agar (Himedia). Two of the isolates were from the buccal cavity and tonsil of the same animal and the third from the tonsil of another animal. Even when the organism could not be isolated by direct plating, cold enrichment enabled isolation of the organism from the same sample. The organism could be recovered from inoculated and stored (40 C) pork samples upto seven days. At – 150 C storage, the organism could be recovered upto 30 days by direct plating. Direct plating failed to recover the organism on 45th day, but resuscitation techniques was effective, which underlined the importance of resuscitation for isolation of the organism from frozen samples. On 60th day resuscitation also failed to recover the organism.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of bacterial quality and shelf life pasteurized milk
    (Department of Veterinery Public Health, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Mannuthy, 2007) Asha, K; KAU; Nanu, E
    In the present study raw and pasteurized milk samples were collected from two processing plants viz., DP1 and DP2 and pasteurized milk from retail shops. A total of 254 samples were analyzed for the bacterial quality by estimating various bacterial counts and also assessed the presence of certain bacteria of public health importance. The bacterial, physical and organoleptic qualities of pasteurized milk samples from two dairies stored under refrigeration (4 ± 1oC) were evaluated. Raw milk revealed an inferior bacterial quality with 50 per cent samples graded as fair (based on total viable count) and 85.7 per cent as poor quality (based on coliform count). The total viable count from both dairies was obtained at the level of 7 log10 cfu/ml but coliform count was high in the samples obtained from DP1 (3.34 ± 0.05 log10 cfu/ml). The psychrotrophic count and faecal streptococcal count in the samples belonging to both sources were at the level of 7 and 3 log10 cfu/ml, respectively. Bacteria of public health significance like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas was detected from a few samples. Pasteurization reduced the level of total viable count, coliform count, psychrotrophic count and faecal streptococcal count to a highly significant (P<0.01) level. Pasteurized milk under refrigeration (4 ± 1oC) showed an increase in total viable count and psychrotrophic count throughout the storage period with a difference of more than 3 log with that of fresh sample. However, coliform count, Escherichia coli count, and faecal streptococcal count of samples belonging to DP1 initially showed increasing tendency up to six days and thereafter the counts decreased. The increase in total viable count, coliform count, Escherichia coli count, psychrotrophic count and faecal streptococcal count between zero and 10th day from DP2 was 4.8, 1.95, 2.08, 4.78 and 2.32 log10 cfu/ml, respectively. The increase in the counts during storage may lead to the reduction in shelf life due to bacterial deterioration of milk. Isolates of Escherichia coli was obtained from DP1 on all days except eighth and 10th day. A total of six isolates were obtained from DP2. The isolates belonged to O116 (3), O22, O46, O65 (2), O95 and the rest were rough variety. Staphylococcus aureus was also isolated from two samples stored on sixth day and three from the samples stored on zero, second and fourth day, respectively (DP1). From DP2, three isolates were obtained from the samples stored on 10th day and one from fresh samples. A total of 22.62 and 20.24 per cent Pseudomonas were isolated from DP1 and DP2, respectively and the isolates were identified as Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas flourescens. Sensory and physico-chemical (COB test) analyses of refrigerated milk samples showed an overall reduction in the score of colour and appearance, flavour, odour and body as the storage period increased. The mean total scores from DP1 revealed that the samples were of excellent quality for up to second day of storage. The sensory quality of the samples stored on fourth day was good and then the quality of milk remained fair till eighth day and on 10th day the quality became poor. In DP2 samples had excellent quality for upto second day of storage. The sensory quality of the sample stored up to sixth day was good and thereafter the quality of milk remained as fair till the end of storage period. COB test of samples from DP1 showed positive test on all samples stored on 10th day. However, one sample stored on day six was COB test positive. The samples belonging to DP2 showed that three samples stored on 10th day and one sample stored on eighth day was COB positive. The bacterial profile of the retail milk samples of the brands A, B, C, D, E and F was assessed and the samples belonging to the brand D had highest mean total viable count (5.94 ± 0.09 log10 cfu/ml), psychrotrophic count (5.09 ± 0.16 log10 cfu/ml) and faecal streptococcal count (2.87 ± 0.24 log10 cfu/ml). Highest coliform count was seen in the samples of brand A (2.40 ± 0.14 log10 cfu/ml) and Escherichia coli count (3.44 ± 0.72 log10 cfu/ml) in samples of the brand C. Low counts especially total viable count (4.89 ± 0.79 log10 cfu/ml) and coliform count (1.19 ± 0.42 log10 cfu/ml) were seen in the samples of the brand F. Escherichia coli were detected from 20.8 per cent samples and the isolates consisted of the serotypes O46, O65, O95, O116, O166 and O171. Out of 15 isolates obtained six showed a positive congo red reaction indicating their property of invasiveness. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from only six samples (6.94 per cent). All retail milk samples were also tested for the isolation and identification of Pseudomonas and the organism was isolated from 16 (22.22 per cent) samples. The isolates were identified as Pseudomonas putida (7), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6) and Pseudomonas flourescens (3). Polymerase Chain reaction was employed to identify and confirm the Escherichia coli isolates obtained from the milk samples and a 366 bp product was obtained.