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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assesment of cadmium toxicity in cattle of Eloor industrial area
    (Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2001) Nisha, A R; KAU; Chandrasekharan, A M Nair
    A study was undertaken to assess impact of environmental pollution with cadmium in cattle of Eloor industrial belt. Areas around Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore (FACT), India, Aluminium Company (INDAL), Binani Zinc and Hindustan Insecticides Limited (HIL) were selected for the study. As the first step, retrospective analysis of case sheets was done in Eloor and Muppathadam Veterinary hospitals. In Eloor veterinary hospital out of the 1503 case sheets examined 851 digestive disorders, 126 repeat breeders, 75 respiratory diseases and 41 deficiency diseases were observed. Out of 5920 case sheets analysed in Muppathadam veterinary hospital 3348 digestive disorders, 1284 repeat breeders 398 respiratory diseases and 433 deficiency diseases were observed. Disease conditions like digestive disorders, deficiency diseases and repeat breeders are suggestive of cadmium toxicity. The field samples like water and forages, biological samples like blood, serum, urine dung and milk were collected from cattle in the industrial field localities. The cadmium content in this field and biological sample were estimated by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Animals kept in the University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy were taken as controls. Field samples like water and fodder were also collected from area around University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy. The cadmium content of water from Alupuram, Binanipuram, Eloor south, Eloor north ranges from 0.03 – 0.04 ppm. These were significantly higher than controls (0.01 ppm). The cadmium content of fodder from Alupuram, Binanipuram, Eloor south, Eloor north ranges from 2.60 – 6.53. These were also significantly higher than controls (0.65 ppm). The cadmium level of blood, serum, milk, urine and dung from cattle of Alupuram, Binanipuram, Eloor south and Eloor north were significantly higher than controls. Haematologocal values like total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and packed cell volume showed significant decrease in catle of test areas than controls. Other haematologic values like differential leucocyte count, total leucocyte count, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration did not show any significant changes. Total serum protein and albumin values from cattle of Alupuram, Binanipuram, Eloor south and Eloor north were significantly lower than control values. Serum enzymes like aspartate amino transferase, alamine amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase levels were higher in cattle from test areas than controls. It can be concluded that field and biological samples collected from the vicinities around Fertilizers and Chemicals, Travancore (FACT), Binani Zinc and Indian Aluminium Company (INDAL) are contaminated with cadmium.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Haematological and biochemical changes in cattle of Eloor with special reference to endosulfan
    (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2002) Jyotsana Menon; KAU; Gopakumar, N
    A study was undertaken to assess the impact of environmental pollution with endosulfan in cattle of Eloor industrial belt. Hindustan Insecticide Limited is the major industrial unit handling endosulfan is situated here. So this area was selected for the conduct of study. Field samples like sludge, water and fodder and biological samples like blood, dung, urine and milk of cattle in the study area were collected. The collected samples were analysed for endosulfan level by gas liquid chromatography and compared (statistically) with those of control samples collected from University Livestock Farm (ULF), Mannuthy. A higher level of endosulfan could be detected in the field and biological samples ofEloor cattle than control animals. Milk samples collected from both Eloor area and ULF, Mannuthy had no detectable level of endosulfan in them except for one sample from the study area. Fodder was suspected to be the main source of endosulfan to cattle. A significant change was noticed in lymphocyte count, neutrophil and eosinophil count of the animals in affected area. Other haematologic values like total leucocyte count, total erythrocyte count, packed cell volume and erythrocyte indices (MC V, MCH, MCHC) did not show any significant di fferences. Eventhough the biochemical parameters like the creatinine phosphokinase and BUN level showed significant difference between test and control animals, these were within the normal range. It can be inferred that the levels of endosulfan in the field and biological samples were not sufficient enough to cause toxic symptoms and the variations in haematological and biochemical parameters might be due to role of other contaminants apart from endosulfan. However it could be concluded that field and biological samples collected from vicinities of Hindustan insecticides Ltd. were contaminated with endosulfan. The higher than normal endosulfan level in all samples may be looked with caution because of its toxic nature.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Tranquilizing property of Clitoria ternatea Linn. (Shankupushpam), Acorus calamus Linn.(Vayampu) and Vitex leucoxylon Linn.(Atta nocchi) in rats
    (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2001) Suresh N, Nair; KAU; Venugopalan, K
    The study was conducted in sixty four adult albino rats of either sex to assess tranquillizing property of alcoholic extract of whole plant of Clitoria ternatea, roots and rhizomes of Acorus calamus and leaves of Vitex leucoxylon at two dose levels of 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of body weight and compare the effect to the standard tranquillizer chlorpromazine at dose rate of 7 mg/kg. The control group was given gum acacia. The dose levels of these drugs were as follows Plants Amount of Extract (mg/kg) Clitoria ternatea 250(0 I) 500(02) Acorus calamus 250(03) 500(04) Vi/ex leucoxylon 250(05) 500(06) Chlorpromazine 7(07) Control (gum acacia) 7mllkg(08) Level of tranquillization was measured using three parameters (l) depression of spontaneous motor activity, measured using actaphotometer (2) depression of forced locomotor activity measured by decrease in time of permanence in a rota-rod and (3) decrease in aggressive behaviour, measured by aggressive behaviour test score. Haematological parameters like total erythrocytic count, total leucocytic count, differential leucocytic count and haemoglobin percentage were determined to assess any change in haemogram by these drugs. The results of present study were as follows. Clitoria ternatea possess maximum tranquillizing property among the three. At 250 mg/kg it produced significant depression of spontaneous motor activity and forced locomotor activity than control but less than the standard drug. At 500 mg/kg it produced almost similar effect, as standard at certain time intervals but altogether the effect was less than the standard. Aggressive behaviour was also reduced at both dose rates. Clitoria ternatea at 500 mg/kg was more effective than Clitoria ternatea 250 mg/kg. Acorus calamus follows Clitoria lernatea in producing tranquillization. At 250 mg/kg as well as 500 mg/kg dose rates it produced significant depression of spontaneous motor activity, forced locomotor activity and aggressive behaviour. Acorus calamus at 500 mg/kg was more effective than Acorus calamus 250 mg/kg . Vitex leucoxylon possess least effect among the three in producing tranquillization. But at 250 mg/kg as well as 500 mg/kg dose rates it produced significant depression of spontaneous motor activity, forced locomotor activity and aggressive behaviour. Vitex leucoxylon at 500 mg/kg was more effective than Vitex leucoxylon 250 mg/kg. Haematological studies revealed no significant change in haemogram by any of the plant drugs. The exact mechanism of tranquillization by these plants and their possible toxicities needs further detailed study
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dicofol toxicity in rats
    (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2001) Padmaraj, P K; KAU; Venugopalan, K
    An experiment was conducted to assess the toxicity of dicofol in rats. A group of ninety adult rats weighing 150-200g of either sex were included in five groups as the control groups consisting of 10 rats of either sex and the experimental groups consisting of 20 rats of either sex, in each group. Dicofol was administered orally, once daily for three months to the experimental Groups Il, III and IV at the dose rate of 50 mg/kg, 75 mg/kg and 100mg/kg respectively. Group V was sprayed 0.1 per cent dicofol, once daily for three months. The main items of observation included clinical symptoms of dicofol toxicity and assessment of body weight. The clinical signs were evident in the experimental groups. Dicofol caused skin irritation when applied externally. The percentage of mortality was 5-10 in the experimental groups. The rats of experimental gro~ps showed a marked loss of appetite which resulted in decrease in body weight. The detection of dicofol by thin layer chromatography in liver, heart and kidney tissues showed their presence in these organs. This indicated the toxicity of dicofol to these organs. Necropsy study conducted revealed both gross and microscopic lesions in the tissues of liver, heart and kidney. The haematological parameters showed no variation in values from that of the normal. The study revealed a note of caution to the wide . spread use of dicofol as insecticide.