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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of STCR based targeted yield equations of amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) in southern laterite soils of (AEU-8) of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2023-05-06) Dara Hadassah Eunice; KAU; Visveswaran, S
    The current work, entitled "Evaluation of STCR-based targeted yield equations of Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) in southern laterite soils (AEU-8) of Kerala," was conducted in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani from the period March 2022 to June 2022. In this work, a field experiment based on randomized block design was carried out to test and validate the targeted yield equation produced by STCR 2014 for the cultivation of Amaranthus at (AEU-8), Instructional farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram. The five treatments used in the experiment were the organic and conventional package of practices based nutrient management as T1 and T2 and three levels of Soil test crop response (STCR) based on targeted yield with T3, T4 and T 5 having nutrient management for a targeted yield of 20, 22.5 and 25 t ha-1 . The following equation targeted yield equation used in the study was developed by All India Co-ordinated Research Project on STCR at the College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara: FN = 3.50T – 0.10SN – 0.19ON FP2O5 = 1.44T – 2.58SP – 0.30OP FK2O = 1.35T – 0.06SK – 0.13OK Where, FN, SN and ON are fertilizer nitrogen dose which was added through fertilizer, soil available nitrogen and nitrogen contribution of organic sources respectively. FP2O5, SP and OP are fertilizer phosphorus dose which is added through fertilizer, soil available phosphorus and phosphorous contribution of organic sources respectively. FK2O, SP and OP are fertilizer potassium dose which is added through fertilizer, soil available potassium and potassium contribution of organic sources respectively. The nutritional status of organic manures used in the experiment and initial soil fertility levels of the field were analysed to calculate the quantity of fertilizer dose in T3, T4 and T5. Biometric observations, yield parameters, pre-and post-harvest physicochemical properties of soil and the nutrient content in shoot, root, leaf and dry matter production were recorded to study their effect on yield. Among all the treatments T5 recorded the highest values for biometric observations and yield parameters. The treatment T5 recorded a yield of 24.79 t ha-1 . Similarly, the dry matter 143 production, number of leaves per plant and height of the plants were 55.33 g plant-1 , 36.86 and 42.17 cm respectively. The plant height and the number of branches per plant and the dry matter production too were the highest for this treatment (T5). The post-harvest analysis of soil physical properties such as particle density, bulk density and porosity showed no significant difference among the treatments. However, a significant difference was found in water holding capacity and was highest in T1. The treatment T1 recorded the lowest level of macronutrients while the highest level was recorded in T5. All the treatments resulted in an increase in the organic carbon content of the soil after the experiment. Thus, treatments had negligible influence on overall soil health status as indicated by an insignificant difference among the treatments with respect to dehydrogenase activity and the microbial biomass carbon of the post-harvest soil samples. The lowest uptake of macronutrients was observed in T1 which recorded the lowest yield. The highest uptake of macronutrients was observed in T5 which recorded the highest yield. This suggests that among the treatments higher levels of fertilizer application for the targeted yield range of 20 to 25 t ha-1 have a direct influence on nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium uptake and therefore an increase in crop production. There was a significant difference between the treatments with respect to secondary and micronutrient content of soil and plant respectively. These nutrients were maintained within a sufficiency range by application of amendments and organic matter. The biometric parameters and yield were positively correlated. Also, a positive correlation was observed between yield parameters and yield. There was a positive correlation for yield with the post-harvest soil nutrient status of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium respectively. The yield showed a significantly positive correlation with the nutrient content of the leaf and shoot. Similarly, a positive correlation was observed between yield and plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake. The economics of cultivation indicate that treatment T5 had the highest profit and benefit cost ratio compared to the other treatments. It can be concluded that the Soil test crop response-integrated plant nutrient system based targeted yield equation with organic manure management for cultivating Amaranthus tricolor can be adopted and extended to agro ecological unit 8 of Trivandrum district of Kerala, India with a yield target of 25 t ha-1 . Therefore, the present study confirmed the possibility of optimizing of the yield of Amaranthus sustainably with nutrient management alone using targeted yield equations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Transformation of zinc in soil and zinc nutrition in lowland rice under different levels of Phosphorus
    (Kerala Agricultural University, 2021) Najiya Rinthas, K; KAU; Moossa, P P
    Phosphorus and zinc are two important essential elements required by the plants for various metabolic activities, functions and associated with membrane structure. Continuous use of phosphatic fertilisers with less zinc, aggravates zinc shortage also phosphorus applied will be accumulated in the soil leading to formation of zinc phosphate complex that affect zinc translocation to various plant parts. There are contradictions regarding phosphorus zinc interaction that is controlled by native P and Zn status. In this context an investigation entitled “Transformation of zinc in soil and zinc nutrition in lowland rice under different levels of phosphorus” was conducted. Two separate experiments were carried out at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pattambi. In the first experiment, fractions of Zn under different P levels was studied in Long Term Fertilizer Experiment (LTFE) with six treatments on rice in RBD with four replications. The soil samples were taken after the paddy harvest of kharif 2020 and sequential extraction of Zn (water soluble + extractable, organically bound Zn, amorphous sesquioxide Zn and crystalline sesquioxide Zn) and P (sol-P, Al-P, Fe-P, sesquioxide occluded P and Ca-P) were carried out. In the second experiment phosphorus and zinc interactions was studied using pot culture experiment on rice in factorial CRD with 3 replications. Samples from different locations of Palakkad district having native P 24 kg ha-1 and native Zn 3 mg kg-1 were collected. Sixteen treatment combinations were applied with 4 levels of P (0, 25, 50,100 mg kg-1 ) as KH2PO4 and 4 levels of Zn (0, 5, 10, 15 mg kg-1 ) as ZnSO4.7H20 through solution for studying the nutrient uptake and yield. The results of fractionation study showed that continuous use of inorganic fertilisers with organic manures in T5 (100% NPK + FYM) increased various Zn fractions except amorphous sesquioxide Zn fraction which was highest in the control. Even though the increase in P application increased different P fractions significantly higher content was observed in 100% NPK+ FYM and these were proved to be beneficial towards increasing different P fractions. But Ca-P fraction was more in the lime treated plot. Correlation study concluded that most of the phosphorus fractions have negative impact on different zinc fractions. The results of the pot experiment elucidated that P and Zn application increased number of productive tillers and thousand grain weight but higher zinc application decreased plant height. Among different soils, soil type S2 (P > 24 kg ha-1 ) registered higher grain and straw yield, P in grain and straw, total P uptake of paddy, but Zn uptake and Zn in grain and straw were more in soil type S3 (Zn > 3 mg kg-1 ). Combined application of 100 mg kg-1 P and 10 mg kg-1 Zn recorded higher grain (57.27 g pot-1 ) and straw yield (66.82 g pot-1 ). Phosphorus application significantly increased the P content in grain and straw but zinc addition had antagonistic effect on them and treatment combination of P100Zn0 registered higher P content in grain (0.26%) and straw (0.214%). The Zn in grain and straw significantly increased by the application of zinc, but phosphorus was having an adverse effect and treatment combination of P0Zn15 registered higher Zn content in grain (61.28 mg kg-1 ) and straw (44.19 mg kg-1 ). Total P and Zn uptake of paddy increased by the application of both phosphorus and zinc with higher content obtained at P100Zn15 (28.47 mg pot-1 ) and P50Zn10 (0.458 mg pot-1 ) treatment combination. Correlation study concluded that phosphorus and zinc application affected P and Zn uptake in high zinc containing soil (S3) and high P soil (S3), respectively. In future this work can be used to study the changes in various P and Zn fractions under continuous crop removal, various management practices to mobilise fixed P in high phosphorus containing soil and also to study Q/I relationship of both phosphorus and zinc.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of Water and Specific Anions and Cations on Physico-Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Jaya, V; KAU; Pushkala, S
    The availability of nutrients either present in the soil or applied as fertilizer is governed by various factors like the physical, chemical and biological reactions in the soil. The present investigation is undertaken to study the direct and interaction effects of different levels of phosphorus, sodium and water on the physic-chemical and biological properties of soil. An experiment is laid out in the farm area of College of Agriculture, Vellayani. The lay out is in randomised block design with 18 treatments and three replications. Banana var. Nendran is used as the test crop. The treatment combinations include, three levels of phosphorus (control, 90 and 115 g P2o5/plant/annum), three levels of sodium (control, 68 and 136 g Na/plant/annum) and two levels of water (20 and 40 per cent depletion from field capacity moisture condition). Soil and plant analysis are done for the elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Initial soil samples and samples collected at 90, 180 and 270 days after planting are used for different physic-chemical analysis. Physical properties such as moisture parameter, bulk density, particle density, porosity, water holding capacity, volume of expansion and aggregation are done for all the soil samples. Total nutrient contents and hydraulic conductivity for the soil samples collected at the final stage are also done. Plant samples collected at the harvest are analysed for total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium. Biometric parameters such as plant height, number of leaves, girth of pseudostem and leaf area index are observed and recorded during three stages. Mycorrhizal counting is carried out, during all the stages, considering as three seasons. All the data are statistically analysed and interpreted. Phosphorus at the highest dose is beneficial for all the biometric parameters studied. In the case of sodium, it has an adverse effect on the girth of the pseudostem, even at the highest level of phosphorus. Leaf area index is very high in the presence of sodium and phosphorus even at 40 per cent depletion from field capacity. Soil phosphorous and soil moisture are negatively correlated with mycorrhizal percentage during second and third stage. Plant phosphorous and sodium positively correlated with the mycorrhizal percentage. Even with moisture at 40 per cent deplection from field capacity and lower amounts of phosphorous applied, the uptake of phosphorous by the plant is increased by mycorrhizal association. Higher levels of phosphorous and sodium increase the waterholding capacity and volume of expansion. Bulk density and particle density give optimum values with medium levels of phosphorous and sodium. Moisture percentage increased in plots with optimum sodium than with plots receiving higher dose of water with no sodium. Lower water level reduces bulk density and particle density. The mean weight diameter which is a measure of soil aggregation is positively correlated with soil phosphorous and negatively correlated with soil moisture. Optimum dose of phosphorous and sodium favour hydraulic conductivity of soil. Medium dose of sodium and phosphorous increase organic carbon and soil available nitrogen. Lower level of water is sufficient for increasing soil available nitrogen, soil available phosphorous and organic carbon, in the presence of sodium. Positive correlation exists between soil available phosphorous and mycorrhizal percentage in the first stage. Maximum phosphorous is available during the second stage with a negative correlation with mycorrhiza. Optimum dose of sodium and high level of phosphorous, increase the availability of available potassium, exchangeable calcium, and exchangeable magnesium. There is a positive correlation exist between soil moisture and soil sodium. As the plant grows the soil available potassium decrease. Higher levels of water, increase, exchangeable calcium and magnesium also. Total nutrient content of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are decreased with increasing phosphorous, sodium and water, which is, because of their increased availability. Plant phosphorous is related with soil available phosphorous. For optimum dose of phosphorous, lower level of water and higher level of sodium, the availability and uptake of potassium is at the optimum. Positive correlation obtained for plant phosphorous with mycorrhiza, soil sodium, soil available phosphorous, and mean weight diameter. Plant sodium is also positively correlated with soil available phosphorous, mycorrhizal population, plant phosphorous and hydraulic conductivity. Highest level of phosphorous and water and medium level of sodium favour the uptake of calcium and magnesium. For increasing sodium availability, only optimum dose of phosphorous is required. Sodium at the optimum dose improve soil hydraulic properties. Optimum dose of phosphorous and sodium improves many of the physic-chemical properties of the soil. In the presence of mycorrhiza, even lower levels of phosphorous is sufficient to meet the plant requirement. With more levels of phosphorous, sodium and water, the study can extended in relation to plant growth. Yield factor is not considered in the present study.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Feasibility of phosphogypsum as an ameliorant for soil acidity in laterite soil
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2003) Jeena Mathew, KAU; Manorama Thampatti K C, K C
    An investigation was carried out at College of Agriculture. Vellayani, to study the feasibility of using phosphogypsum as an ameliorant for correcting soil acidity in laterite soil with cowpea as the test crop. The experiment comprises of an incubation study and a micro plot field experiment. The incubat{on study was carried out to understand the kinetics of dissolution of phosphogypsum and the nutrient release pattern in laterite soils after its application with the following seven treatments T I (absolute control) T2 (Lime @ full LR), T3 (PG @ full LR) T4 (Lime @ half LR), r, (PG @ half LR) T6 (Lime and PG each @ half LR) T7 (Lime as per POP). The study was conducted for a period of 60 days and the chemical parameters were analysed at an interval of 12 days as per standard procedures. The results revealed the enhanced solubility of phosphogypsum which was evident from the higher EC values in the treatments with phosphogypsum through out the study period. Most of the plant available nutrients were solubilised by the 24 th day of incubation. A reduction in exchangeable acidity was noticed by the application of phosphogypsum after a peri,od of 24 days, which is mainly due to reduction in exchangeable aluminium. But this was not efficient as lime in decreasing the exchangeable H+ and hence the pH, remained unaltered. The micro plot field experiment was laid in RBD with a main crop and a residue crop of cowpea var. Kanakamoni. The treatments include TI (POP), T2 (Lime @ full LR), T 3 (PG @ full LR), T 4 (Lime @ half LR), T s (PG @ half LR), T 6 (Lime and PG each @ half LR), T 7 (Lime and PG each @ 14 LR) and T 8 (absolute control). Fertilizers and amendments were applied on the basis of soil test data except in T I where, they were applied on the basis of POP of Kerala Agricultural University. In the residue crop, the amendments were not added and was taken immediately after the main crop. The available nutrients in soil like, P, Ca and S were increased by the application of phosphogypsum. However, considerable leaching was noticed in the case of Mg and K. The growth characteristics of cowpea were improved by the application of phosphogypsum. The highest grain yield was recorded with phosphogypsum applied at full LR and was on par with the combination treatment which received the amendments at one fourth LR. But considering the cost factor treatment with phosphogypsum at full LR is the best. Its B: C ratio was also the highest among other treatments. The yield attributes were also improved by the treatment with phosphogypsum at full LR. The concentration and uptake of N, P, K, Ca, and S in bhusa were favourably influenced by the application of phosphogypsum either at full LR or at halfLR. The residual effect of phosphogypsum was visualized in the crop, taken after the main crop. The application of phosphogypsum increased the organic carbon content, P, and S. The leaching of calcium, Mg and K beyond the root zone was much pronounced in the residue crop. The yield attributes of cowpea were also positively related with phosphogypsum treatment. But by the time of residue crop, the bhusa yield was more for lime treated plots'. The concentration of N, Ca and Mg were more in lime treated plots, but the uptake of nutrients was more for treatment with phosphogypsum. This also emphasizes the mobility and downward leaching property of phosphogypsum. The micronutrient content and uptake were also influenced by the application of phosphogypsum. Phosphogypsum is hence highly beneficial in increasing the yield and yield attributes of cowpea, by mitigating the adverse effects of soil acidity, such as aluminium toxicity, which in effect is the major reason for acidity in laterite soils. Further, utilization of an industrial by product, which otherwise remain unutilized is also facilitated.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Fertiliser scheduling for the short duration cassava variety vellayani hraswa
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2004) Sekar, J; Harikrishnan Nair, K
    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), popularly known as tapioca, is one of the world’s most important staple food crops. It ranks sixth among the major contributors of food in the world. It has been a major contributor of food, nutrition and income especially for the poor. Its biological efficiency and multi use characteristics warrant for crop management strategies to exploit its production potential to the maximum. Due to the high cost of labour and lack of timely availability of labour, the farmers show interest to introduce cassava as a substitute for rice in his crop cafeteria. “Vellayani Hraswa” is a short duration variety of cassava released by the Kerala Agricultural University recently. Branching habit and short duration nature coupled with greater production potential make this variety physiologically unique and outstanding compared to other cassava varieties ever released. These characters warrant for separate package in nutrient management. Keeping these views in mind, an experiment entitled “Fertilizer scheduling for short duration cassava variety “Vellayani Hraswa” was conducted with the objective of studying the influence of NPK fertilizers on the performance of short duration cassava variety “Vellayani Hraswa” and to arrive at a fertilizer recommendation for the same. The experiment was laid out at the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period from 25th June to 25th December 2003 in a 33 Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with two replications and three factors (NPK) each with three levels (50,75 and 100 kg ha-1). The crop was raised adopting the agronomic practices for cassava outlined in the Package of Practices Recommendation: Crops of Kerala Agricultural University KAU (2002). The results of the experiment are summarized as follows. There was no significant difference on the plant height at all the growth stages of the plant due to the treatments. However, there was an increasing trend on the height of the plant as the dose of nitrogen increased. Higher dose of nitrogen increased the number of leaves produced in cassava at all the growth stages. At harvest stage, the plants retained maximum number of leaves for all the treatments which indicates that the leaf fall is minimum, a peculiar characteristic of the variety. Tuber production was influenced significantly by all the treatments. Application of 100 kg K ha-1 resulted maximum tuber yield. NPK @ 50: 50: 100 kg ha-1 produced maximum tuber yield (47.09 t ha-1). This variety favours a 1:1:3 NPK ratio for higher tuber production. Length of tubers was not influenced by different levels of N, P and K. However, NPK @ 75:50:75 kg ha-1 produced tubers with maximum length in cassava. Girth of tubers was significantly increased due to the application of nitrogen alone @ 100 kg ha-1 in cassava. Application of NPK @ 75:100:100 kg ha-1 produced the highest quantity of dry matter. No significant influence on LAI due to the application of N, P and K fertilizers was observed. Stomatal conductance in cassava leaves was maximum due the application of P and K @ 75 kg ha-1 (p2k2) with significant effect. Chlorophyll content of cassava leaves was not influenced significantly due to different levels of N, P, K application. The highest dose of NPK (n3p3k3) recorded highest chlorophyll content. Phosphorus has influenced significantly on tuber starch content. An increasing trend due to incremental doses of K up to 100 kg ha-1 was also observed. Treatment n3p3k3 (100:100:100 kg ha-1) recorded the highest starch content in tubers. Crude protein content was significantly influenced by the nutrients NPK. Application of N @ 100 kg ha-1 registered the highest protein content. NPK @ 100:100:75 kg ha-1 produced tubers with maximum protein content. Hydrocyanic acid content was mainly affected by higher doses of nitrogen. Nitrogen alone @ 100 kg ha-1 produced maximum HCN content in the tuber. But there was significant decline in HCN content as the dose of K increased. When the treatment n3p3k1 (100:100:50 kg ha-1) produced tubers with the highest HCN content, the treatment n1p2k3 produced tubers with lowest HCN content. Cooking quality of tubers was significantly influenced by potash. Maximum cooking quality could be obtained when K was increased to 75 kg ha-1. In general, the uptake of N, P and K by plants was maximum for the highest doses of N, P, K. A fertilizer dose of N, P, K @ 50:50:100 kg ha-1 produced maximum tuber yield (47.09 t ha-1) with moderate cooking quality of tubers. The moderate fertilizer cost resulted high BC ratio of 3.32 for the treatment n1p1k3, the best dose arrived at and to be recommended for the short duration cassava variety “Vellayani Hraswa”. It has to be concluded that the cassava variety “Vellayani Hraswa” is most economical due to its short duration (about 6 months), high yield (45-50 t ha-1) good cooking quality (1.5) and moderate fertilizer requirement (50:50:100 NPK ha-1).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of selective retention sites of cadmium and lead in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun Mill)
    (Department of Soil Science Agricultural Chemistry,College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 2004) Vanisri, K; KAU; Sam Kurumthottical, T
    The bio-availability of the toxic heavy metals like cadmium and lead together with its selective retention sites in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) was one of the major concerns in the crop. For this, pro-calculated quantities of cadmium and lead were applied to the soil mainly as water-soluble sources (cadmium chloride and lead nitrate respectively) to assess the finite objectives envisaged in the study. In order to meet the objectives, a pot culture experiment was conducted in the Vegetable Research Farm attached to the Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during the rabi season of 2003 with five treatments and four replications. Pre-treatment analyses of all basic inputs and soil were carried out to quantify the possible inclusion of heavy metals from them. After providing pre-calculated quantities of metals in pots, 42 day old and uniformly grown tomato plants of variety Sakthi were transplanted to pots. The plants were allowed to establish till majority of the plants (50 per cent) were at the turning stage. Biometric observations on the plants due to the impact of the metals were recorded. Fruits as and when they turned ripe were harvested with proper acknowledgment to their identity in treatments for yield and its subsequent dry weight. At harvest, the plants were carefully uprooted, cleaned properly and separated into root and shoot portions. After recording the weight of each portions, these parts were taken for analysis. Post-harvest soil samples were also collected and analysed to see the extent of availability of major nutrients and heavy metals, particularly cadmium and lead. All the inputs including soil maintained variable amounts of cadmium and lead, with maximum metal load contributed from phosphatic sources. It is seen that growth of tomato plants in pots, particularly under the influence of different levels of cadmium and lead, manifested differential growth and development. Internally also, the plants exhibited differential metal load and retention patterns apart from recording variation in the uptake of major nutrients. A brief resume of the major influence of different levels of cadmium and lead in soil and on the tomato plants is presented hereunder. Variation in cadmium levels in soil could influence significant variations In the available nutrient status in post-harvest soil samples. Accordingly, an increase in metal load permitted enhanced potassium availability in soil while the same status had an opposite effect particularly with respect to the available phosphorus and nitrogen. The nitrogen content of root and shoot of tomato plants was seen to be positively influenced with higher levels of cadmium application. However, a reverse trend in nitrogen content was observed with lower levels of application except for the shoot portions observed from Treatment 4. Among the various plant parts analysed, the fruits maintained the maximum nitrogen content and this content was roughly observed to be twice as that of its content in roots. Enhancement in cadmium level in soil resulted in a corresponding increase in the phosphorus content of roots, shoot and fruits. As observed for nitrogen, fruit portion maintained the maximum phosphorus content. A very similar trend was noted for the potassium content in tomato, consequent to the application of different levels of cadmium. Much before an apparent growth or' yield reduction was noted in tomato with cadmium application, the tomato plants readily exhibited certain characteristic symptoms, which could be associated with the metal toxicity on that plant. Preliminary indications appeared on leaves with such leaves picking up yellowing and inter-veinal chlorosis depending upon the metal load. At high concentrations of the metal, invariable splitting up of the stem at the collar region leading to complete death of such plants has been noted. As concentration of the cadmium load increased beyond 1.5 mg kg" soil, the tomato plants failed to fruit and at the highest concentration of the metal envisaged in the study (2.0 mg Cd kg" soil), the very establishment of the transplanted tomato crop was questioned. However, the successful survival and fruiting of the transplanted tomato plants was noted only at lower levels of cadmium addition (0.5 and 1.0 mg Cd kg" soil). Lower doses of addition of cadmium had exhibited negative influence on growth and development in tomato with the manifestation of significant reduction in number of branches, leaf length, leaf number, plant height, the production of trusses and subsequent reduction in yield. Reduction in growth and yield of tomato plants from different levels of application of cadmium, necessarily brought significant reduction in dry matter yield, whose influence is clearly reflected in the roots, shoot and fruits portions underlining a negative influence of cadmium on the dry matter production. At all levels of cadmium application, there was sufficient retention of the metal in plant whether it is root, shoot or fruits Roots of tomato are seen to preferentially harbour more of cadmium than its other plant parts particularly at higher levels of addition. However, at lower levels of addition, shoots preferred to maintain more cadmium than its root portions. Increasing levels of lead invariably decreased the root nitrogen content . significantly while shoots content of nitrogen increased generally with lower doses of metal addition. Variation in, lead levels permitted a significant increase in the phosphorus content in roots, shoot and fruits. No specific trend was noted in the retention of potassium by roots while shoot portions indicated significant influence of the same by offering differential content of potassium in them. Among all the plant parts, fruits maintained the maximum nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. Higher doses of lead rendered some fruits, if not all with certain malformations. This together with the total absence of any phyto-toxicity testifies that the tomato plants are able to tolerate high concentrations of lead inside them. Quite contrary to the expectations, an unusual increase in dry matter production was observed from lead treated tomato plants. Lead application in soil, irrespective of its levels, permitted maximum accumulation of the metal in fruits followed by shoots and roots. All accumulations noted in the plant were observed to be significant, projecting serious concern for the silent inclusion of lead in the economically important part of the plant. Variable amounts of cadmium and lead have been detected in the post-harvest soils indicating that the entire quantity of the applied cadmium and lead could not be completely absorbed by the plant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Vermicompost Enriched with Organic Additives for Sustainable Soil Health
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2004) Sheeba, P S; KAU; Ushakumari, K
    An investigation was carried out at the Instructional Farm, attached to the College of Agriculture, Vellayani to evaluate the effect of vermicompost enriched with organic additives viz., neem cake and bone meal on physico-chemical and biological properties of soil, to evaluate its impact on crop performance and the feasibility of substituting farmyard manure and inorganic fertilizer using amaranthus as test crop. The study consist of three parts 1) Preparation and analysis of vermicompost and enriched vermicompost 2) laboratory incubation experiment 3) Field experiment. On enriching biowastes with neem cake and bone meal, improved the manurial value of vermicompost produced using earthworm species Eudrillus eugeniae. C/N ratio was reduced by enrichment. Microbial population also increased considerably by enriching vermicompost with organic additives. Second part of our investigation was an incubation study and it was conducted to evaluate relative efficiency of enriched vermicompost to release nutrients from soil and its influence on physico-chemical and biological properties of soil. The results revealed that available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of the soil increased upto 45 days of incubation then the availability slowly declined. Organic carbon, pH and EC increased whereas bulk density reduced due to the effects of various organic sources. Application of organic matter had a positive effect on microbial count also. Third part of the study was field experiment, and it was laid out in RBD with 10 treatments and three replications. The biometric observations viz., plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, stem girth, leaf stem ratio all were significantly influenced by different treatments. Significant differences were observed among yield attributing characters like yield per cutting (t ha-1), total yield per plant (g plant-1), total marketable yield (t ha-1), and total dry matter production (t ha-1). Highest yield per cutting was recorded by the treatments T0 (FYM + full NPK), T4 (EVC – NC two per cent + full NPK) and T8 (EVC – NC 1 per cent + BM 1 per cent + full NPK]. With respect to plant contents of nutrients, for nitrogen, highest value was recorded by the treatment T4 (EVC – NC two per cent + full NPK), for P, highest value was recorded by T6 (EVC – BM two per cent + full NPK) and for K, highest value was recorded by the treatment T8 (EVC – NC 1 per cent + BM 1 per cent + full NPK). For plant uptake highest values were registered by the treatments T4, T6 and T8 for N, P and K respectively. With respect to quality characters, treatments with organic sources of plant nutrients viz., T8 [EVC- NC 1 per cent + BM 1 per cent + full NPK) recorded highest value for -carotene content in all the three cuttings, for moisture content T3 (VC+1/2NPK) recorded the highest value in all cuttings, for protein T4 (EVC – NC two per cent + full NPK) recorded the highest value in all cuttings. For fibre content treatment T1(Full NPK as mineral fertilizer) recorded the highest value and T2 (VC + full NPK) recorded the lowest value. Oxalate content is also influenced by different treatments. Vermicompost enriched with bone meal and treatment received NPK alone recorded highest oxalate content. Post harvest analysis of the soil indicated that organic carbon, available phosphorus, pH, EC and microbial count were increased by applying enriched vermicompost. But available nitrogen and available potassium were slightly decreased. Bulk density was found to be influenced favourably. From the investigation it was proved that enriched vermicompost established its superiority over other organic sources and POP recommendation with respect to soil health and quality of amaranthus. Study also revealed the feasibility of substituting FYM and inorganic fertilizer with enriched vermicompost.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Organic nutrition for soil health and productivity of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2011) Lekshmi, V; Ushakumari, K
    An investigation was carried out at the Instructional farm, attached to the College of Agriculture, Vellayani to evaluate the effect of two enriched composts viz. BM compost and EM compost at different rates alone as well as in combination with two growth promoters viz, Panchagavya and vermiwash on physico-chemical and biological properties of soil and also their impact on crop performance using chilli variety Vellayani Athulya as test crop. The results from the field experiment revealed that the plant growth characters viz. height of the plant at 30, 60 and 90 DAT and primary branches per plant at 90 DAT showed significant variation due to the application of 75% N as BM compost along with Panchagavya. The treatments did not significantly affect the biometric observation, ‘days to 50% flowering’. Significant differences were observed among yield attributing characters viz. number of fruits per plant, fruit length (cm), fruit girth (cm), fruit weight (g), green fruit yield per (g plant-1), total fruit yield (t ha-1) and total dry matter yield (t ha-1). The treatment T8 (75% N as BM compost + Panchagavya) recorded the highest values for all these characters but it was found to be on par with T7 (75% N as EM compost + Panchagavya). This shows that BM compost can be substituted with EM compost when used along with Panchagavya. With respect to quality characters, the treatment T8 (75% N as BM compost + Panchagavya) registered the highest values for capsaicin, ascorbic acid and shelf life of fruits. However ‘oleoresin’ was not influenced by different treatments. Disease incidence percentage (Colletotrichum fruit rot) was found to be reduced by the treatments with organic sources. The treatment T8 (75% N as BM compost + Panchagavya) reduced the incidence of pests and diseases to a considerable extent. Highest BC ratio also was recorded by the same treatment T8 (75% N as BM compost + Panchagavya). Post harvest analysis of the soil indicated that organic carbon, available macro and micro nutrients pH, EC and microbial load and dehydrogenase activity were increased by the combined application of enriched manures viz. 75% N as BM compost and Panchagavya or 75% N as EM compost and Panchagavya. Bulk density was found to be reduced favourably. From the results it was clearly indicated that 75% N as BM compost and Panchagavya or 75% N as EM compost and Panchagavya was superior to all other organic sources in promoting soil health and yield and quality of chilli.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Soil test crop response studies on ginger in laterite soils of Kerala
    (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 2001) Jayalakshmi, M; KAU; Hassan M A
    To establish soil test based balanced fertilizer prescription for ginger variety Maran in laterite soils of Kerala, an investigation was undertaken at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. The field study consisted of fertility gradient experiment and STCR experiment. The fertility gradient experiment was conducted during March-April 2000 in the farm attached ,to the College. The desired gradient in soil fertility was created in "<; - .t one and the same field by applying graded doses of N, P and K fertilizers and raising fodder maize var. Co. I. The STCR experiment was conducted in the same field during May-Nov 2000 using the test crop, ginger variety Maran. The treatments consisted of fractional factorial combinations of four levels of N (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-I), three levels of P (0,37.5, 75kg P205 ha-I) and five levels of K (0, 37.5, 75, 150 and 300kg K20 ha-I) along with three levels of farmyard manure (0, 15 and 30 t / ha) fitted in a response surface desi~n. Using multiple regression model, the fertilizer adjustment equation for N at varying soil test values for available N for maximum rhizome yield (t ha-I) of ginger in laterite soil was derived as FN = 153 - O.28SN where FN is fertilizer N (kg hal) and SN is soil available N (kg ha-l ). At varying soil test values for organic carbon % (OC) and Phosphorous kg / ha the above equations become FN = 312.94 - 518.4 OC and FP = 79.8 - O.94SP for maximum rhizome yield. The behaviour of fertilizer K was found to produce responses other than 'normal' and hence optimization could not be done for fertilizer K for maximum rhizome tuber yield at varying soil test values. The nutrient requirements of ginger variety Maran were estimated to be 2.1, 0.3, S.6kg N, P20S and K20 respectively to produce one kg of rhizome. In the laterite soil, the efficiencies of contribution of nutrients from the soil for ginger were calculated as 10.1,6.9 and 44% N, P20S and K20 respectively. The fertilizer efficiencies were worked out as 27.3, 10.9 and S3.2% N, P20S and K20 respectively. The efficiencies of contribution of nutrients from farmyard manure were calculated as 30, 7 and 60% N, P20S and K20 respectively. From the above basic data, fertilizer prescription equations for specific yield targets of ginger var. Maran in the laterite soil were derived as given below. Without FYM FN =7.8T - 0.37 SN FP =2 .. 8T - 0.64 SP FK = 10.6T - 0.833 K With FYM FN = 7.8T - 0.37SN - 1.11 ON FP = 2.8T - 0.64 SP - 0.7 OP FK = 10.6T - 0.835 SK - 1.13 OK. Where, FN, FP, FK - Fertilizer N, P20S, and K20 respectively in Kglha. T - Target of fresh rhizome yield in t/ha. SN, SP, SK - Soil available N, P and K in kg/ha respectively. ON,OPOK - quantities of N, P and K supplied through organic manure in kg/ha. Based on the fertilizer prescription equations ready reckoners were developed for different yield targets. The study has revealed the superiority of fertilizer application over the semi quantitative approach followed in the soil testing laboratories and the generalized package of practices recommendation followed in the state for the crop. The fertilizer dose can be adjusted based or. the specific objective and available resources of the farmer. To know the influence of native elements on yield soil and plant samples were analyzed for micronutrient contents. In soil Ca, Mg and Mn showed positive correlations and Zn, Fe showed negative correlations with yield. In plant leaf magnesium and rhizome manganese showed positive correlation and rhizome iron showed negative correlation. Further path analysis was carried out to know the nutrient interactions.