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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Conservation strategy for Hopea parviflora Bedd. species through storage of seeds usinhg cryopreservation techniques
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry,Vellanikkara, 2001) Ani, J R; KAU; Sudhakara, K
    A detailed study was conducted at College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala during 1998-2000 to standardize the conservation strategy for Hopea parviflora Bedd. species through storage of seeds using cryopreservation. Diameter of seeds collected at seven weeks after anthesis was found to be higher than that at sixth week. Physiological maturity of the propagules is attained between five and six weeks after anthesis. The propagules were subjected to different relative humidities, vacuum and dry air for different durations as a pretreatment for cryopreservation studies. In 100 to 46.6 per cent relative humidities, the moisture content and the leachate conductivity of the propagules were found to increase with duration compared to the initial value. Equilibrium moisture content of Hopea parviflora propagules was found to lie between 75.6 to 30 per cent relative humidities. Germination parameters of seed and seed without seed coat were not decreased significantly due to desiccation by relative humidities, vacuum or dry air, but that of embryonic axes was considerably reduced as rapid drying might have been effected due to 30 and 20 per cent relative humidities and also due to vacuum and dry air with duration. High culture contamination was observed in vacuum and dry air treatments. After cryopreservation techniques, the propagules invariably failed to regenerate but could retain green colour for two to three days.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of seed size on the germination and seedling performance of teak (Tectona grantis Linn. f.)
    (Department of Silviculture & Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 2004) Jijeesh, C M; KAU; Sudhakara, K
    A detailed study was conducted at the College of Forestry, Vellanikkara to investigate the effect of seed size on seed characters and germination vigour and the effect of seed size and time of germination on seedling performance of teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) during 2001-2003. Most of the fruits were belonging the grades between 9 to 18 mm. 12-15 mm size grade recorded the highest proportion by number as well as the weight per kg of the sample lot compared to 15-18 mm, 9-12 mm and 6-9 mm grades. Size, volume and weight of the individual seeds not differed between the plantations studied. The average emptiness value of the seeds decreased with the increase in seed size. The number of empty, one, two, three and four 'true seeded' seeds increased with increase in seed size grade. The crude oil content of the true seeds ranged between 42 to 33 per cent by weight and that of soluble and total carbohydrate content ranged from 6.42 to 5.12 and 10.72 to 9.61 per cent by weight and these were found to increase with increase in size grade. The insoluble carbohydrate content of 'true seeds' was ranging from 4.5 to 3.8 per cent by weight and it varied significantly between the plantations and Cherupuzha plantation recorded the maximum amount. Protein content of the seeds ranged from 3.7 to 3.6 per cent by weight and it did not vary significantly between the plantations as well as size grades. Poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins at ph 7 gave similar banding pattern (two bands with Rm values 0.09 and 0.19) for different size grades in all the plantations. Storage of the seeds for one year significantly reduced the germination Size grade of the seeds used to conduct the nursery studies significantly influenced the germination percentage of the seeds as well as the vigour index of the seedlings. The effect of seed size grade and time of germination on seedling characters was significant at all stages of growth of the seedlings with the exception of taproot length, specific leaf area and chlorophyll a content of the seedlings. The seedlings belonging to 15-18 mm grade seeds recorded largest height, collar diameter, internodal length, length of longest lateral roots, leaf area, number of lateral roots, stem dry weight and chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll content at different stages of growth. Seedlings belonging to 9-12 mm seed grade recorded the lowest values of these characters. The leaf, stem and total dry weight of the seedlings at 270 and 360 DAP were found to increase with the increase in size grade of the seeds. Seedlings belonging to 9-12 mm grade showed higher RGR and NAR values compared to that of the seedlings belonging to 15-18 mm and 9-12 mm seed grades in first to fourth week germinants. There was no definite pattern in variation of number of leaves, and root:shoot ratio among the of the seedlings due to size grade of the seeds. With regards to time of germination of the seeds, seedlings obtained from the first week germinants recorded the largest height, internodal length, collar diameter and leaf area at all the stages of growth. Other characters did not show any definite trend due to time of germination. Significant differences due to seed size was absent in all the attributes related to the growth potential of the stumps prepared from 180 days old seedlings. However, the effect of time of germination of the stumps was significant in the number of lateral and tertiary roots per stump and length of the first, second and third longest lateral root. Dry weight of the lateral roots was found to increase with the increase in seed size grade of the stumps obtained from 360 days old seedlings. With regards to time of germination, the stumps obtained from the first to fourth week germinants varied significantly in the number of sprout, length of the second sprout, number of leaves, lateral and tertiary roots per stump and length of the first, second and third longest lateral roots.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of storage techniques for thampakam (Hopea parviflora Bedd.) seeds
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 2002) Shaji, M; KAU; Sudhakara, K
    A detailed study was conducted at College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala during 1999-2001 to develop a suitable storage technique for the seeds of Hopea parviflora Bedd. species through synthetic seed and cryopreservation technology. Moisture content of intact seeds/ seeds without seed coat/: excised embryonic axes decreased with increase in intensity and duration of desiccation levels and only the seeds without seed coat showed significant difference in moisture content due to maturity levels. Leachate conductivity was not significantly affected due to maturity levels of intact seeds and excised embryonic axes. But seeds without seed coat showed significant difference in leachate conductivity due to maturity levels and it was higher at seven weeks after anthesis. Increasing the duration of desiccation significantly increased the leachate conductivity of intact seeds/ seeds without seed coat! embryonic axes. Germination parameters of intact seeds and seeds without seed coat were not affected significantly by increased desiccation. However, excised embryonic axes showed significant difference in germination parameters when the intensity and duration of desiccation was increased. The synthetic seeds developed from these desiccated axes also showed significant difference in their germination parameters. Synthetic seeds stored at 4°C retained maximum viability after four weeks, compared to those stored at 200 C and 27 0 C. When stored at 27 0 C, the synthetic seeds developed from six weeks mature embryos retained viability up to three weeks whereas those at seven weeks after anthesis retained viability up to two weeks only. After cryopreservation, the propagules invariably failed to regenerate but could retain green colour for two to three days.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Root competition between coconut palms and interplanted multipurpose trees under varying nutrients management regimes
    (Department of Silriculture and Agronomy, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 2002) Sanjeev Gowda, H B; Mohanakumar, B
    Coconut based production systems in the tropics often aim at improved resource capture through incorporating several trees and field crops. However, competition between the system components are probable when multipurpose trees are systematically interplanted in the coconut plantations. Soil fertility regimes are presumably important in determining the magnitude of below ground competitive interactions. Hence a study was conducted to evaluate the influence of interplanted multipurpose trees on coconut productivity along a soil fertility gradient, to assess the performance of multipurpose trees and to determine the nature of below ground interactions between coconut palms and multipurpose trees, at Vellanikkara since 1992. Treatments included combinations of cocounut with anyone of the three multipurpose trees namely, Vateria indica, Ailanthus triphysa and Grevillea robusta, following two planting geometries(randomised block design, replicated thrice). A soil fertility gradient, was super-imposed with high, medium and low fertility levels in 2000. 32p soil injection technique was employed to characterize . root interaction and logarithmic spiral trenching technique for evaluating root distribution pattern. Results show that coconut yield was not adversely affected by multipurpose trees interplanting until the trees reached eight years of age. Vateria, ailanthus and grevillea showed marked variations in their growth rates. Initially vateria recorded higher height and radial growth albeit ailanthus registered higher growth rates subsequently. Isotopic studies reveal that 32p absorption by coconut palms was similar in both sole and mixed cropping situations along the fertility gradient; probably implying the non-interfering nature of multipurpose trees. 32p absorption by vateria and ailanthus suggests that the absorption of radioactive phosphorus declined linearly with increasing distance ie. 32p absorption by multipurpose trees also did not affect the 32p uptake by coconut, suggesting that integrated land use systems involving multipurpose trees and coconut are ideally suited for improved resource capture and increased system productivity. Excavation of multipurpose tree root systems showed that proximal locations recorded higher rooting intensities and that the rooting intensities decreased with increasing distance. Size of the trees showed discernible differences in respect of spatial root distribution pattern. Large sized trees showed higher root distribution compared to small and medium. The first 10cm soil layer recorded the highest rooting intensities. Ailanthus roots were distributed upto a maximum distance of 469 cm, vateria upto 163 cm and grevillea upto 227 cm. Implicit in this is the species-dependent'variations in lateral root spread. In general, vateria and ailanthus have a well developed and ramified root systems. Grevillea, however, had a less spreading root systems. Selection of tree species with low root competitiveness and/or trees with complementary root interactions is of strategic importance in agroforestry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of fuelwood characteristics, physical and mechanical properties of selected agroforestry tree species
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of forestry, Vellanikkara, 2001) Shanavas, A; KAU; Mohankumar, B
    An experiment to evaluate the fuelwood value, and physical and mechanical properties of selected agroforestry tree species was conducted at the College of Forestry, Vellanikkara. The study involved determination of the fuelwood value of 48 species/materials and assessment of the physical and mechanical properties of three promising multipurpose trees having local importance, viz., Acacia auriculiformis, Acacia mangium and Grevillea robusta. Variations abound in the calorific values of agroforestry species and their tissue-types. Ash content, specific gravity, chemical composition and moisture content of tissues are primary factors affecting calorific value; while species and tissue-types, may exert a secondary control. Ash content and moisture content had a negative correlation with calorific value, whereas specific gravity exerted a positive influence. Based on the range in calorific values and fuelwood value indices obtained, different species and tissue-types could be broadly divided into three categories: high, medium and low. Calorific value of different tissue fractions decreased in the order: heartwood> sapwood > bark. Mean ash percentage of tissue-types followed the order: bark> sapwood > heartwood. Variations of ash content along bole height followed the order: branchwood > top > bottom > middle. Mean specific gravity of tissue-types followed the order: heartwood> sapwood > bark. For sample positions it followed the sequence: bottom> middle> top> branchwood. Wood moisture content increased from bottom to top along tree height and for tissue-types, it followed the order: bark < heartwood < sapwood. Coconut shell recorded the highest fuel value index (FVI) which was approximately 25 times greater than the highest value for tree species (Casuarina equisetifolia). Physical and mechanical properties of Acacia auriculiformis was significantly supenor to that of Acacia mangium and Grevillea robusta. The physical and mechanical properties were affected by both species and sample positions. Wood specific gravity increased from inner to outer sample positions along radial direction except for Grevillea robusta, which followed the order: outer < inner < middle. Moisture content decreased from inner to outer sample positions in Acacia mangium; while Grevillea robusta exhibited a divergent trend. Variations in shrinkage along radial direction followed the same trend as that of moisture content but was inconsistent with that of specific gravity. Most of the strength properties followed a trend similar to that of specific gravity. On a final note, specific gravity, work to limit of proportionality in static bending, work to maximum load in static bending, compressive stress at limit of proportionality in parallel to grain, compressive stress at limit of proportionality in perpendicular to grain and end-hardness of Acacia auriculiformis were greater than the values reported for teak. The physical and mechanical properties of Acacia mangium and Grevillea robusta except for shrinkage were less than that of teak.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Productivity of ailanthus (Ailanthus triphysa) under different fertilizer regimes and population densities
    (Department of Sivilculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 2001) Naveed, Shujauddin; KAU; Mohankumar, B
    A split plot experiment involving ailanthus (Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) Alston) at four population densities (3333,2500, 1600 an 1111 tpha) and four fertiliser regimes (0:0:0, 50:25:25, 100:50:50 and 150:75:75 kg N:P205:K20 ha" yr") was initiated in June 1991. The objectives included evaluating the biomass production potential of ailanthus grown under different spacing and fertiliser regimes and estimating nutrient export through whole tree harvesting. Height, diameter and stand leaf area of ailanthus trees at 8.7 years of age was greater in the 2500 trees per hectare (tpha) stand than other density levels. Lower densities recorded higher biomass on a per tree basis whereas on a stand .basis, the high density stand (3333 tpha) showed greater biomass yield. Fertilisers applied at 1.2, 2.25 and 5.25 years had no significant effect on biomass accumulation. Regarding the partitioning of tree biomass, stemwood was the most important component in all density and fertiliser treatments while foliage contributed the least. Nonetheless, foliage registered the highest N, P and K concentration (%). NPK concentration of other fractions decreased in the order: branchwood > roots> stemwood. Nutrient accumulation (N, P and K) on a per tree basis was higher in the lower densities while on a stand basis, greater accumulation was noted in the higher density stands (3333 and 2500 tpha). Bole fraction accounted for only 56 per cent of total nutrients removed during harvest. Thus leaving other biomass components (foliage and branches) at the site will greatly reduced the nutrient export associated with tree harvesting. Stands with 1600 and 1111 tpha showed higher N and K use efficiencies whereas for P, the tree population density of 2500 tpha 'showed the highest efficiency. Regarding fertiliser effect, trees in the control plot (no fertiliser) exhibited highest efficiencies for N, P and K. Available soil P, K and organic carbon concentrations declined with increasing tree population density. However, there was an overall increase in total N and available K levels compared to the previous. observation at 3 years of age. Increasing levels of fertilisers in general resulted in higher soil organic carbon, N, available P and K levels.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phenology and regeneration of shola-grassland edge tree species
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 2003) Nanaya, K M; KAU; Sudhakara, K
    A study was undertaken in Mangaladevi, Periyar Tiger Reserve, and College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, during the period 2001-2002 keeping in mind that edge species are better suited for the afforestation of the depleting shola forest than going for exotic species or any of the interior species. The specific objectives of this research project were to study and find out important edge tree species in the shola forest, to study the phenological aspects of these selected edge tree species and to study the artificial regeneration possibilities of these selected edge tree species. Phytosociological analysis revealed 47 species of trees along the shola- grassland edge in an area of 5950m2 across 27 families. Species with highest Relative Importance Value Index (RIVI) were Psychotria elongata (15.22). Ligustrum robustum (11.33), Maesa indica (10.53), Litsea wightiana (7.39), and Vernonia arborea (5.27). The total density of the Shola forest edge was 1703 individuals ha-1. Psychotria elongata had the highest density of 588 individual ha-1 followed by Maesa indica, Ligustrum robustum and Litsea wightiana which were subjected to further phenological observations to determine their phenological patterns. Leaf, flower and fruit phenological patterns followed by these selected edge tree species during the period between July 2001 and June 2002 have been presented in detail. Data obtained from the phytosociological analysis were used to derive various diversity indices of the arborescent flora of these forests have also been presented. Results of maturity, storage and artificial regeneration studies conducted on Psychotria elongata, Ligustrum robustum and Maesa indica have also been presented. Maturity studies reveal that the seeds of Psychotria elongata and Ligustrum robustum mature in the month of January while, the seeds of Maesa indica was mature during the months of September to January. Results of storage studies on these species suggest that storage of Ligustrum robustum and Psychotria elongata is not advisable while, storage of Maesa indica is beneficial as it shows a ripening period after collection. The study revealed the lower diversity along the edges of the shola forests of Mangaladevi. This is of great concern and immediate steps need to be taken to stop further degradation of these forests and rejuvenate them. The results available about the phenology, maturity and storage studies of these species can help in further studies, which can lead to use of native edge tree species for enrichment of these depleting forests.