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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on marketing management of Sitaram ayurveda pharmacy Ltd. for Narasimham oil
    (College of Co-operation Banking and Management, Vellanikkara, 2017) Bhagyasree, K G; KAU; Smitha, Baby
    Marketing management is the organizational discipline which focuses on the practical application of marketing orientation, techniques and methods inside enterprises and organizations and on the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities. Marketing management employs tools from economics and competitive strategy to analyze the industry context in which the firm operates. The scope of a business' marketing management depends on the size of the business and the industry in which the business operates. Effective marketing management will use a company's resources to increase its customer base, improve customer opinions of the company's products and services, and increase the company's perceived value. The project entitled “A study on marketing management of Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd. for Narasimham oil” were undertaken with the objectives vii. To understand the marketing management practices followed by Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd for the promotion of Sitaram Narasimham oil. viii. To evaluate consumers, retailers and dealers perception towards the maketing of Sitaram Narasimham oil. ix. To suggest improved marketing strategies for Sitaram Narasimham oil. The sample size of the study was 60 consumers, 8 distributors and 15 retailres of Sitaram Narasimham oil , in Thrissur Corporation. Consumers were selected by using convenience sampling method. The study was based on primary data and secondary data, the primary data were collected from the sample respondents through personal interview. The collected data were analyzed using percentage and ranking index method. In order to keep the company vibrant and responsive to the needs of the customers, it is vital to regularly monitor the level of consumer satisfaction and marketing management practices.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Vegetative propagation of promising jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) types
    (Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Agriculture,Padannakkad, 2018) Ashok Madala, KAU; Rajagopalan, A
    The investigation on ‘Vegetative propagation of promising jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) types’ was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod during the period 2017 - 18 to evaluate the success of epicotyl and softwood grafting in promising types of jackfruit and to examine the variation among jackfruit types with respect to grafting methods. The experiment comprised of five promising types of jackfruits viz., V1 - Varikka - early bearing (KJ 186), V2 - Gumless (KJ 397), V3 - Seedless (KJ 180), V4 - Cluster (KJ 182) and V5 - Muttam varikka (KJ 231) and two method of grafting i.e., M1 - epicotyl grafting and M2 - softwood grafting. The experiment was laid out in factorial CRD with three replications. The different jackfruit types showed significant influence for all the parameters studied except number of branches. Type V2 resulted in earliest sprouting (26.50 days) and maximum sprouting percentage of grafts (41.91 per cent) while type V3 recorded maximum survival percentage (66.94 per cent) and shoot length (8.13 cm). Maximum shoot girth (1.50 cm), number of nodes (7.50), number of leaves (7), length of leaf (12.34 cm) and breadth of leaf (5.64 cm) were observed in type V4. On the other hand, the maximum days to sprouting (30.33 days), minimum sprouting percentage (28.77 per cent), minimum shoot length (6.43 cm) and minimum number of leaves (5.17) were recorded in type V5 while type V1 showed minimum survival percentage (38.89 per cent), shoot girth (1.15 cm), leaf length (8.41 cm) and breadth of leaf (4.22 cm). Among the methods of grafting, the results on percentage of sprouting and survival as well as number of branches were not significant while all other parameters showed significant effects. Epicotyl grafts resulted in early sprouting of buds (26.00 days) and maximum shoot length (7.36 cm) whereas maximum shoot girth (1.36 cm), number of nodes (6.13), number of leaves (6.33), length of leaf (11.16 cm) and breadth of leaf (5.29 cm) were observed in softwood grafts. The interaction of varieties and methods of grafting were significant in most of the characters recorded. Interaction V2 x M1 was found better in early sprouting (24.33 days) and V2 x M2 resulted in maximum sprouting percentage (46.90 per cent) while V3 x M1 gave maximum survival of grafts (86.67 per cent). Hence, for the mass multiplication of Seedless type epicotyl grafting could be adopted and for other types like early bearing varikka, Gumless and cluster, softwood grafting could be practiced.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of heat stress on the expression patterns of different growth related genes in Malabari goats
    (Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, Vellanikkara, 2018) Angel Sunny, P; KAU; Bagath, M
    The impact of heat stress on growth performance of goats has been established fairly based on changes associated with phenotypic traits. However, not many reports are available on the genotypic traits which get altered on exposure to heat stress in livestock. Therefore, the study is an attempt to elucidate the molecular mechanisms governing growth performance during heat stress in goats. The primary objective of the study was to establish the influence of heat stress on the expression patterns of different growth related genes in Malabari goats. The study was conducted for a period of 45 days in twelve Malabari goats randomly allocated into two groups: MC (n=6; Malabari control) and MHS (n=6; Malabari Heat stress). Goats were stall-fed with a diet composed of 60% roughage and 40% concentrate. All animals had access to adlibitum feed and water and they were fed and watered individually. The MC goats were placed in the shaded pens while MHS goats were exposed to heat stress in outside environment between 10.00 h to 16.00 h. At the end of study period, all 12 animals were slaughtered and their liver tissues were collected for gene expression and histopathological studies. The temperature-humidity-index (THI) inside the shed (74.9) proved that the animals were not stressed while in the outside environment (86.5) the animals were extremely distressed. The hepatic growth hormone (GH), growth hormone receptor (GHR), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), leptin (LEP) and leptin receptor (LEPR) gene expression patterns were significantly (P<0.05) lower in heat stress group as compared to the control group animals. In addition, negative correlation (P<0.05) was also established between THI and all the growth related gene expression in the study. The hepatic histopathological section showed more fatty and degenerative changes (P<0.05) in hepatocytes in MHS group as compared to MC group. The study offers the first thorough insight into the expression patterns of different growth related genes during heat stress exposure in goats. Further, the study established GH, GHR, IGF-1, LEP, LEPR genes to be the ideal markers to reflect growth potential in Malabari goats. The findings from this study provide some crucial initial information on how different growth relatedgenes are expressed when Malabari goats are subjected to heat stress. This information might be of high value in assessing the growth performance of goats and may provide useful information pertaining to nutrient supplementation to the heat stressed goats.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Identification of paprika (Capsicum annuum L) genotype(s) for yield and quality characters
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2012) Lekshmi, S L; KAU; Sreelathakumary, I
    The experiment entitled “Identification of paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) genotype(s) for yield and quality characters” was conducted at the Department of Olericultue, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during the period 2011-2012. The study envisaged assessment of genetic variability in paprika and to study the influence of harvest maturity on quality parameters. Fifty three accessions of paprika were collected from different parts of country and grown in the field in RBD with three replications. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the 53 accessions of paprika for all the characters studied viz., plant height, primary branches, days to flowering, days to maturity, node to first flower, height of node to first flower, fruit length, fruit girth, fruit weight, fruits per plant, yield per plant, pedicel length, fruit: pedicel ratio, flesh thickness, seeds per fruit, flesh: seed ratio, driage, oleoresin, colour, ascorbic acid, capsaicin, bacterial wilt and leaf curl virus incidence. Among the accessions CA 6 recorded highest yield per plant (776.12 g) and CA 12 recorded maximum number of fruits (265.33). Fruit weight was highest in CA 47 (13.43 g). High phenotypic coefficient of variation and genotypic coefficient of variation were observed for yield per plant, fruits per plant, fruit weight and primary branches per plant. High heritability and high genetic advance also observed for these characters. The path analysis revealed that fruit weight, fruits per plant, plant height and primary branches had direct effect on yield per plant. Correlation and path analysis revealed that fruits per plant is the primary component as evident from the positive correlation as well as high direct and indirect effect on yield. Maximum oleoresin content was observed in CA 7 followed by CA 29 and CA 37. CA 2 recorded a high color value with pungency and CA 37 recorded a high colour with low pungency. CA 38 recorded maximum ascorbic acid content. CA 34 and CA 40 had the minimum pungency and CA 10 recorded the maximum pungency. Bacterial wilt and leaf curl virus incidence among the 53 accessions were studied. CA 33, CA 34, CA 35 and CA 47 recorded less incidence of both diseases. Based on Mahalanobis D2 analysis the current genotypes were grouped into four clusters. Cluster I was the largest with 34 accessions, followed by cluster IV with 15 accessions and cluster II with three accessions. Cluster III had only one accession. In the present study maximum divergence was observed between clusters II and IV as shown by their high intercluster distance. The minimum intercluster distance observed between the clusters I and II indicated a close relationship among the accessions. Based on selection index including both quantitative and qualitative characters CA 34 (Local, Dharwad) was ranked first followed by CA 7, CA 6, CA 33 and CA 35. The accessions were genetically catalogued and the result revealed distinct variations among the accessions for vegetative, inflorescence, fruit, seed and quality characters. Quality characters showed significant differences among the accessions and harvest maturity stages. Oleoresin, colour and capsaicin content in the paprika fruits were found to increase as the age of the fruits increased. Ascorbic acid content in the fruits increased from turning stage to red ripe and then declined. On the basis of the present study the high yielding accessions can be grouped into low pungent and pungent paprika. Among the low pungent, high yielding accessions CA 34, CA 33 and CA 35 recorded high colour value also. CA 6 and CA 7 are promising high yielding pungent paprika accessions. These accessions can be utilized for further crop improvement programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and quality evaluation of granular fruit bars
    (Department of Community Science, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2017) Meghna, K; KAU; Nirmala, C
    A study entitled “Development and quality evaluation of granular fruit bars” was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period 2015-17, with the objective to develop granular fruit bars using fruit pulp, grains, nuts and pulses and to ascertain sensorial quality, chemical and nutritional composition, shelf life and consumer acceptability. Papaya, pineapple and other ingredients such as puffed rice, oats, bengal gram dal, ground nuts, dried fruits and Jaggery were purchased from the market. Outer coat of granular fruit bars were developed using pineapple pulp (T1), papaya pulp (T2) and blended fruit pulp (T3). Food adjuncts such as sugar and pectin were added to obtain good texture. Fruit bars were dried in tray drier at 55-60°C. After the development of three fruit bars, TSS was recorded. Drying characteristics like moisture loss, drying time and yield ratio was ascertained. Moisture loss was higher in T1 (Pineapple bar) and low in T2 (Papaya bar). Drying time of T1 (Pineapple bar) was on par with T2 (Papaya bar). Drying time required for T3 (blended bar) was 10.84 hours. High yield ratio (0.81) was observed for T2. The filling for granular fruit bars were standardised using energy sources such as puffed rice, flaked rice and oats. Puffed bengal gram dhal and roasted groundnuts were serve as protein sources. Jaggery was used as the sweetening agent for the product. To standardise granular bar, different combinations of different ingredients were formulated. Sensory quality, nutritive value, chemical score and NDP Cal% of each proportion was computed to identify the best combination. Six treatments were formulated with varying amounts of ingredients ( Rice flakes, puffed rice, oats, Bengal gram dhal, ground nuts, jaggery and osmotically dehydrated jackfruits). Three treatments with appreciable nutrient content, chemical score and NDP Cal% were selected for further study. T1 obtained the highest chemical score of 109.97 followed by T3 (98.65) and T2 (93.72). T1 was observed to have the highest value of NDP Cal% (12.38%) and T2 had the lowest NDP Cal% (9.96%). Based on above parameters T1, T2 and T3 selected for further study. T1 was identified as best formulation with the highest score of 35.30 in sensory evaluation using hedonic rating scale. The formulated outer fruit bar coat was cut into pieces and filled with T1 (30:25:10:5:5:20:5) and pressed into bars and designated as A1 (pineapple coated granular fruit bar) A2 (papaya coated granular fruit bar) and A3 (blended bar coated granular fruit bar.), thus the final products were A1, A2 and A3 GFB (granular fruit bars). The products (A1, A2 and A3) were packed in laminated pouches and stored at ambient condition. Quality parameters such as sensory acceptability, chemical and shelf life of final products were ascertained initially and monthly intervals. Sensory evaluation of final products revealed highest mean rank score for A2. Polyphenol (4.21mg) was higher in A2 and all the other chemical components were higher in A1. TSS recorded for A1 was 78.2°B, reducing sugar (43.02%) and acidity (1.32%). A1 has highest fibre content of 0.46g per 100g. The other nutrients, moisture, protein, carbohydrate, energy and fat content were higher in A3 and was 20.02%, 40.16 g, 115.06 g, 461.0 KCal and 7.71g respectively. A3 had high total minerals (4.5 g) calcium, iron, sodium and potassium and the values were 2.36 mg, 2.52 mg, 635.52 mg and 45.03 mg respectively. High vitamin C content was observed for A 3 (23.38 mg) and high β carotene content was noted for A2 (269.798 μg). Changes in moisture, acidity, sensory appeal and microbial growth if any was recorded monthly. It was observed that there was a gradual increase in moisture and acidity in stored granular fruit bars. A3 showed highest moisture content and A1 showed highest per cent of acidity throughout the storage period. Stored GFB showed gradual decrease in all sensory parameters. Microbial evaluation of GFB, revealed that, no bacterial colonies were seen in (cfu 1×10-7) in dilution initially. Few colonies of bacteria and fungus were seen in first month and number of colonies exceeded the safe limit in second month. Consumer acceptance and preference study among 50 adolescents was rated high for A2. The product cost was computed and it was found to be Rs. 36.63/- for A1, Rs. 18.75/- for A2 and Rs. 31.53/- for A3. GFB were nutrient dense, ready to eat product with fruits, grains and pulses with shelf life of one month.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Field evaluation of stump and root trainer grown teak(Tectona grandish L.f.) plantations
    (Department of Silviculture & Agroforestry, College of Forestry , Vellanikkara, 2019) Eldhose George, KAU; Kunhamu, T K
    Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) stands out to be the most popular commercialtimber species in the tropics by virtue of its matchless combination of properties. Over a century, root- shoot cutting (stump) has been the common nursery productiontechnology for teak across the world. However, the recent decade has seen unprecedented decline in the productivity of teak plantations which could be attributed to diverse reasons. In this context, the efficiency of the stump based planting method for teak hence assume close scrutiny by virtue of the limitation in the root spread and consequent belowground resource acquisition. In this backdrop, a field study entitled “Field evaluation of stump and root trainer grown teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations” was conducted on teak plantations established at Karakkad, Kalady range, Malayattoor forest division, Kerala during 2017-18, to evaluate the influence of planting material viz. stump and root trainer on growth aspects, soil physio-chemical properties and root distribution separately in five and seven-year-old teak plantations. The teak plantations selected for study included; five-year-old (2012 establishment) stump and root trainer grown stands at 3x3 m spacing, seven-year-old (2010 establishment) stump and root trainer based stands at 2x2 m initial spacing. Attempt were also made to study the effect of planting spacing on the growth of teak that was raised from root trainers and managed separately at 2x2 and 3x3 m spacing. Nine random plots of size 20x20 m were demarcated for each of the treatments such that there were 45 experimental plots for observation. Altogether there were three treatment combinations for comparison viz. stump vs root trainer at 3x3 m spacing and five-year-old; stump vs root trainer at 2x2 m spacing and seven-year-old; five-year-old root trainer based teak stands at 3x3 m vs at 2x2 m spacing. Each treatment combinations were analyzed separately with independent t- test. Biometric observations on teak growth showed considerable difference with variable planting material and spacing. Root trainer grown teak stands showed better performance in total tree height (6.68 m at seven-years of age), DBH (9.04 cm at seven-years of age), and mean tree volume (0.031 m3 at seven-years of age) as compared to stump origin stand both at five and seven-years of stand ages. The basal area and bole height showed marginal improvement in root trainer grown stand at five-years of age. Initial spacing showed only marginal influence on total height and bole height with an advantage for stands at 2x2 m spacing as compared to 3x3 m spaced stands. However, DBH, basal area and volume showed discernible improvement in the stands at 3x3 m spacing. Crown diameter showed a nominal increase in the root trainer grown stand than stump grown stand at both ages. However, spacing had great influence on the crown diameter with more spread (2.7 m) by widely spaced stands (3x3 m). Stand LAI also was better for root trainer stand while spacing had poor influence on LAI. Persistence of stem axis and straightness of stem showed limited advantage for stump grown teak origin stand. Also closely spaced teak stands (2x2 m) developed from root trainer stands showed slightly better performance than teak at wider spacing (3x3 m). Attempts to analyze the influence of planting material and spacing on plant leaf nitrogen and soil physio-chemical properties suggested that plant leaf nitrogen concentration was modestly better for root trainer grown trees than stump grown trees. However effect of spacing indicated that widely spaced trees (3x3m) showing significantly higher nitrogen up take than narrow spaced trees. Soil physical and chemical properties were found to be less influenced by the planting material. However, all teak stands irrespective of planting material showed considerable improvement in soil organic carbon and nitrogen concentration and reduction in soil bulk density as compared with respective treeless open plots. Also there was consistent reduction in carbon content and nitrogen with increase in soil depth up to one meter soil depth. The average soil carbon concentration values were 1.15 % and 1.55 % for the root trainer and stump grown teak stands at seven-years of stand age. The corresponding soil carbon stocks were 24.60 Mg ha-1 and 32.85 Mg ha-1 for teak stands at seven-years of stand age. Investigations on root distribution among stump and root trainer grown teak trees revealed obvious advantage in root spread and root intensity for root trainer raised teak stands. Teak trees grown from stump had smaller roots confined to the base of the tree at shallow depths which drastically reduced with increase in lateral distance of soil depth. The presence of prominent multiple tap root systems could be the reason for the high root spread observed with root trainer based teak trees. The trends were the same for small, medium and larger root intensity. Yet another noteworthy observation was that teak trees at closer spacing showed reduction of root spread and restricted the root system at proximal lateral distance while widely spaced trees showed wider root distribution.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    In vitro propagation of sandal (santalum album L)
    (Department of Tree Physiology and breeding, College of forestry,Vellanikkara, 2013) Surya Soman, KAU; Santhosh Kumar, A V
    The study titled “In vitro propagation of sandal (Santalum album L.)” was carried out in tissue culture lab of College of Forestry during 2011-2013. The objective of the programme was to standardize a protocol for in vitro propagation of sandal through axillary bud culture and somatic embryogenesis. Variation in fungal contamination associated with the time of collection of explants was found. Explants collected during November-April showed less contamination (<11%) compared to rainy season (>90 %). Treating with combination of Mancozeb 75 % WP (Indofil M-45) and Carbendazim 50 % WP (Bavistin) fungicides was effective to control fungal contamination. However, different combinations were effective depending on the time of collection of explants. In order to control bacterial contamination surface sterilization with 0.15 per cent HgCl2 for 10 minutes was effective. WPM medium was found to be superior over MS and ½ MS with respect to the average shoot length and average number of leaves. Moreover, cultures in WPM were found to be healthy with less leaf fall. Addition of BA or kinetin singly or in combination was effective for the production of multiple shoots than control. Higher concentrations of BA (3 mg l-1) reduced the number of multiple shoots, while in kinetin at higher concentrations increased the number of shoots per explants. There was also a considerable decrease in shoot length with the increase in concentration of BA above 0.5 mg l-1. Except for the multiple shoot production, all other growth parameters observed in cytokinins were inferior to control. Moreover, shoots of cultures in BA were stunted and were associated with heavy leaf fall and rudimentary leaves. But in kinetin, cultures are devoid of these defects. Thus the combination, 0.5 mg l-1 BA + 1 mg l-1 kinetin was found to be effective for multiple shoot induction by considering all the growth factors. Auxins in combination with cytokinins resulted in delayed bud break, leaf initiation and reduction of multiple shoot induction compared to cytokinins alone. 101 However, auxins promoted shoot elongation and leaf production in combination with cytokinins compared to cytokinins alone. Subculture using single shoots excised from the mother explants failed to develop; while, transferring of new shoots formed along with primary explants was effective. Subculture to media containing kinetin increased the shoot length, leaf area and reduced leaf fall. When media containing combination of auxins and cytokinins was used for subculture, increase in shoot length and number of leaf production was observed. However, cultures in BA containing media were noted with high leaf fall, reduced inter nodal length and rudimentary leaves towards the tip of shoot. While in media with kinetin, shoot length was increased and no leaf fall was observed. Auxins in the media did not promote new shoot formation. Root induction through incorporation of different auxins in the media and pulse treatments failed to induce rooting in the cultures. Somatic embryos failed to develop from, ex vitro explants. But from these ex vitro inter nodal explants in 0.5 and 1 mg l-1 kinetin, shoot development was observed. Direct embryogenesis could be induced from in vitro explants cultured in media containing BA 0.5 and 1 mg l-1. On inter nodal explants, globular shaped somatic embryos were formed on its surface and these were then developed to the torpedo stage. Further development of somatic embryos was arrested.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Wood property variation in selected clones of casuarina equisetifolia L. grown in karur district;Tamil Nadu for pulp and paper making
    (Department of Wood Science, College of Forestry,Vellanikkara, 2013) Vishnu, R; KAU; Anoop, E V
    Variation in wood physical (specific gravity) anatomical (vessel and ray morphology) and chemical (cellulose and lignin per cent ) properties of 46 casuarina (casuarina equisetifolia L) clones grown in Karur district, Tamil Nadu was studied to assess their suitability for pulp and paper making. Transverse dics collected from billets were converted to smaller specimens for undertaking studies on wood physical, chemical and anatomical properties. Estimation of specific gravity was undertaken using a precision balance and fibre morphology was studied using an image analysis system. Cellulose and lignin were estimated using standard procedures. Nested analysis of variance was carried out to find out inter and intra clonal variation of clones. All the physical and anatomical properties except fibre lumen width, runkel ratio, rigidity coefficient , flexibility coefficient and shape factor, showed significant difference between clones. Within clone variation was also significant for all the physical and anatomical parameters except specific gravity (oven dry). In order to assess the suitability of clones for pulp and paper making, specific gravity (oven dry), fibre length, Runkel ratio, shape factor, slenderness ratio, flexibility coefficient , rigidity coefficient , and cellulose and lignin content of clones were found to be within the acceptable range for pulp and paper making , clones were grouped to four clusters by carrying out hierarchical cluster analysis on the basis of all physical, anatomical, chemical and growth parameters. Cluster 4 (one clone) and cluster 2 (11 clones) were found to be better for pulp and paper making in comparison to other clusters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Enhancement of storage life of synthetic seeds of cocoa(Theobroma Cacao L.) through germination inhibition, desiccation and low temperature treatments
    (Department of Tree Physiology and breeding, College of forestry,Vellanikkara, 2014) Mobin, K M; KAU; Santhoshkumar, A V
    The research work entitled “Enhancement of storage life of synthetic seeds of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) through germination inhibition, desiccation and low temperature treatments” was carried out at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, during the period 2012-2014. The objectives of the research work were to enhance the longevity of synthetic cocoa seeds through the application of different concentrations of chemical inhibitors/osmotica, desiccation at different RH for varying durations and low temperature treatment under refrigerated conditions and hence to prepare a storage protocol for synthetic cocoa seed. Synthetic seeds using calcium alginate encapsulation technique were prepared from embryonic axes of cocoa containing ¼ cotyledon. The experiments revealed that, presence of different chemical inhibitors in storage medium significantly influenced radicle emergence of synthetic seeds of cocoa. ABA at 10 -3 M and 10 -4 M level did not inhibit the radicle emergence of synthetic cocoa seeds and seed mortality were observed by 20 th and 25 th day respectively in both the concentrations. All synthetic seeds stored in higher concentrations of coumarin (10 -2 M) and CCC (1 M) containing ½ MS basal medium were found mortal on 10 th and 15 th day respectively. The presence of lower levels of coumarin (10 -3 M) or CCC (10 -1 M) in the storage medium helped to extend the longevity of synthetic cocoa seeds for 60 days without complete loss of viability. The combination of 10 -3 M coumarin and 10 -1 M CCC in the storage medium extended the longevity of the cultures for 67 days. Low levels of osmotica in the storage medium (100 mM sorbitol and 5% PEG) did not inhibit the germination of synthetic cocoa seeds whereas, higher levels (500 mM sorbitol and 15% PEG) had a negative influence on the cultures. Among the different osmotic treatments, 250 mM sorbitol fortified medium was found to be best as it could arrest radicle emergence in 42.97 % cultures. Longevity of more than 40 days were observed for synthetic seeds subjected to desiccation treatment: 85.3% RH (36 hours), 78.6% RH (24 hours and 36 hours) and 46.6% RH (18 hours and 24 hours). A longevity of only 15 days were obtained for synthetic seeds subjected to low temperature treatment in refrigerated conditions at 4ºC. The synthetic seeds stored in 10 M CCC and 10 -3 M coumarin added storage medium, when transferred to ½ MS basal medium after 60 days showed a maximum storage life of 98 days and 92 days respectively. The study was able to enhance the storage life of synthetic cocoa seeds by 9 days compared to a previous study by Shiran, (2012). Based on the results of the experiments conducted, a protocol for short and medium term storage of cocoa seed was developed.