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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Divergence studies in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Pair)
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Suresh Babu, V; KAU; Gopalakrishnan, T R
    The present investigation on "Divergence studies in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschat a Poir ) was conducted at the College of Horticulture , Vellanikkara, Trissur during June 1988 - Marc h 1989. Seventy one pumpkin genotypes collected from different part of India and abroad were utilized for the study. The extent of variability and divergence among 50 selected genotypes were assessed and grouped into 5 clusters based on Mahalanobis D2 statistic . Cluster I, II, III, I V and V contained 2, 7, 9, 12 and 20 genotypes respectively y . Intercluster distance was maximum between clusters I and II and was minimum between clusters III and V . Cluster I showed maximum average intercluster distance with any other cluster. Screening 71 genotypes for resistance/ tolerance to pumpkin mosaic and yellow vein mosaic diseases revealed that all genotypes except C M 214 were susceptible. Artificial inoculation studies confirmed immunity of C M 214 (Nigerian Iocal ) to pumpkin mosaic virus and yellow vein mosaic virus .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on fertility status of rubber growing soils of Palakkad district
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1991) Mohanan, V; KAU; Nazeem, P A
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of growing media for dendrobiums (Qendkobium dpp.)
    (Department of Horticulture, Pomology & Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Anitha, Paul C; Rajeevan, P K
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on growth and bearing habits of certain varieties of bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.)with special reference to fruit maturity and quality
    (Regional post-graduate training centre, Agricultural college and research institute, Coimbatore., 1964) Ravindra, K; KAU
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on the effect of foliar application of urea and planofix on the growth, yield and quality of ginger varieties (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
    (Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Bhubaneswar, 1975) Sreekandan, Nair; Das, R C
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on intervarietal F2 hybrids in cowpea
    (Department of Agricultural Botany, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, Trichur, 1981) Sumathikutty Amma, B; KAU; Narayanan Namboodiri, K M
    Ccwpea (Vlgna ungiculata) Is the major pulse crop cultivated in Kerala where the average yield of pulses in general and Cowpea in particular is very low even under modern agronomic practices* This low productivity is mainly due to the absence of high yielding varieties suited for the different agro-climatic conditions. The varietal requirements in Cowpea, in the state vary because of the highly contrasting system of cultivation and this compels Cowpea breeders to evolve varieties of different combinations of plant, pod and seed characters, This is possible by producing different varieties combining the desirable attributes required for the diverse situations by suitable means. One of the ways by which, this can be achieved is through combination breeding in which desirable genes are pooled frcra different sources* In a previous study conducted in the Department of Agricultural Botany, the 202 genotypes v/ere grouped into 17 distinct clusters. Representing 15 clusters, 15 varieties were chosen for intervarietal hybridisation and their F^'s evaluated during 1979-80, Seeds collected from the plants of the 16 Intervariota] crosses along with their parents were used for the study. Two families In each of the 16 crosses were studied along with their respective parents for the pattern of inheritance of 15 economic characters. Most of the characters were found to be inherited as quantitative characters controlled by either polygenes or by a few major genes with their action being suitably modified by minor genes. The crosses 5 x 15 (g p .p l s . 139 x p .118) and 6 X 8 (Red Seeded Selection X Kolingipayar) were identified as suitable ones for grain - production and also for using as dual purpose Cowpea culture since they might throw segregants best suited to those purposes. For the specialised system of Cot/pea culture practised in summer rice fallows exclusively for vegetable purpose, the crosses 14 X 16 (Pannithodan-early X Kolingipayarwhite), 17 X 16 (Mancheri-black X Kolingipayar^hite) and 10 X 6 (IC. 20729 X Red Seeded Selection) appeared to be the Ideal ones*
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Morphological studies and quality evaluation of ginger (zingiber officinale rosco) types
    (Department of Horticulture (Plantation Crops), College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1978) Nybe, E V; KAU; Sivaraman Nair, P C
    A detailed study of 25 ginger types was conducted during the period from April 1977 to June 1978 at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara with a view to find out the feasibility of fixing up specific morphological characters to identify different types, to screen out ginger types with high yield, high quality and resistant or tolerant to pests and diseases and to study the quality variations at different periods of maturity. The study revealed that morphological characters are not reliable to classify the ginger types, although some of them can be identified by rhizome characters. The morphological characters such as length of leaf, leaf area index and number, length and girth of primary and secondary fingers were found to be positively correlated with yield. All the types studied are susceptible to the incidence of soft-rot, leaf –spot and shoot-borer. The type Maran was relatively tolerant to soft-rot whereas Rio-de-Janeiro was found to be the most susceptible type. Yield was found to vary significantly among the types studied. Maximum yield was recorded in Nadia followed by Bajpai, Maran and Narasapattom. Maximum oleoresin percentage was in Rio-de-Janeiro and highest percentage of oil recovery in Karakal. But the maximum yield per hectare of oleoresin and oil was in the type Maran. Fibre content was minimum in China and maximum in Kuruppampady closely followed by Maran. The yield, dryage and percentage of oleoresin, oil and crude fibre varied significantly among the different maturity periods studied. The percentage of oleoresin, oil and fibre was maximum at 165 days after planting. But the maximum yield per hectare of oleoresin and oil were found at 270, 195, 225 and 225 days after planting in Rio-de-Janeiro, Maran, Kuruppampady and Wynad Local respectively. Cultivation of the types Nadia, Bajpai and Maran is recommended for higher total yield of dry ginger for the plains of Kerala. Considering the low incidence of soft – rot and higher yield of oleoresin and ginger oil the type Maran is preferred
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Character association of seeds on plant morphology in snakegourd (trichosanthes anguina L.)
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Ashok, P; KAU; Rajan, S
    The research project 'Character association of seeds on plant morphology in snakegourd (Trichosanthes anguina L.)' was carried out in College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period 1999-2000. The study envisaged to find out the association of various seed characters on the vegetative characters of snakegourd, classification of accessions based on the seed index, growth index and yield index as obtained from principal component analysis and to formulate keys for varietal identification. The 25 accessions were catalogued based on the IBPGR descriptor list. Significant differences for various seed characters, growth characters and yield characters were noticed among the accessions. Correlation studies have shown that the number of seeds per fruit strongly associated with days to male flower opening and fruit maturity. Seed size index was strongly associated with leaf size. The highest seed index value for TAl 08, the highest growth index value for TA 118 and the highest yield index value for TA 114 were obtained as revealed from principal component analysis . . Twenty five accessions were grouped into different clusters based on the seedindex, growth index and yield index. Based upon the seed characters (seed size, seed coat colour and 100 seed weight), growth characters (leaf lobes, leaf pubescence and tendril length) and fruit characters (fruit skin colour, fruit girth, fruit length and fruit weight) keys were developed for varietal identification.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of growth regulators on flowering pollination and seed-set in ginger(zingiber officinale, rose)
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1984) Usha, K; KAU; Balakrishnan, S
    Flowering behaviour and floral biology of Rio-de-Janeiro and Maran and the effect of growth regulators viz., kinetin (5, 10 and 15 ppm), Ethrel (25, 50 and 100 ppm) and NAA (10, 25 and 50 ppm) in combination with two per cent urea and without urea on flowering, pollination and seed-set in Rio-de-Janeiro were studied at the College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural university, Vellanikkara during 1981-’83. The objective of the investigation was to assess the available varieties of ginger for flowering behaviour and to evaluate the effect of growth regulators with and without urea on the flowering behaviour, floral biology, floral structure, pollination and seed- set in Rio-de-Janeiro. (The possibility of overcoming the problems of shy and irregular flowering, poor pollen germination and the failure to set seeds also was explored during the investigation). (Among the 25 varieties studied, flowering was observed only in two varieties viz., Rio-de-Janeiro and Maran). Considerable variation was noticed between Rio-de-Janeiro and Maran with respect to flowering behaviour, extent of flowering, types of inflorescence, time taken for scape development, anthesis, anther dehiscence, pollen production, pollen fertility, style length and ovary length. Long but thin style was noticed both in Rio-de-Janero and Maran. Irrespective of the variety, flowers were found to rot/ and dry within 16 hours after flower opening. The maximum pollen germination (6.20 per cent) was obtained in the medium containing eight per cent sucrose, three per cent gelatin and 60 ppm boric acid under moist cotton covering in BOD incubator (26.50C). Coiling of the pollen tube during the advanced stages of growth was noticed. Pollination carried out in Rio-de-Janeiro and Maran employing the variables like stage of flower (bud stage, immediately after flower opening and three hours after flower opening), condition of stigma (partial and complete removal of style), density of pollen (smearing once, twice and thrice with standard brush), mixed pollen (ginger pollen with either Alpinia, Hedychium, Kaempheria or Costus pollen) and supplementary pollination (repeated pollination twice at two hours interval) failed to record any positive evidence of seed-set. Effect of growth regulators and urea on flowering behaviour, inflorescence characteristics and floral structures of ginger was evidenced during the study. ( Favourable influence of NAA 50 ppm on inducing early flowering, kinetin 15 ppm on the duration of flowering, NAA and kinetin on inflorescence production, NAA 50 ppm without urea on the number of flowers per inflorescence, NAA 10 ppm and all the three levels of kinetin on pollen production, NAA on pollen diameter, higher levels of Kinetin and Ethrel and lower levels of NAA on exine thinning, Ethrel 25 ppm in combination with urea, Kinetin 15 ppm with urea, NAA 50 ppm and Kinetin 10 ppm on pollen fertility, lower levels of Kinetin and Ethrel on reducing the style length, Kinetin 15 ppm and NAA 10 ppm on ovary length, Ethrel 25 ppm with urea and higher levels of NAA and Kinetin on pollen germination and NAA 50 ppm on pollen tube growth was revealed during the study.) Floral biology of Rio-de-Janeiro was not influenced by growth regulator and urea treatments. Abnormal floral structures occurred as isolated cases and therefore the role of growth regulators and urea in this respect was not clear from the results. (Pollination carried out in ginger (var.Rio-de-Janeiro) plants, subjected to growth regulator treatments with and without urea, employing the variables like stage of flower, condition of stigma, density of pollen, mixed pollen and supplementary pollination failed to result in seed-set.)