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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of planting date, weight of rhizome and spacing on the growth, yield and quality constituents on turmeric (Curcuma longa L)
    (Department of Horticulture (Plantation Crops & Spices), College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1983) Chatterjee, R K; KAU; Mohanakumaran, N
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Divergence studies in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Pair)
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Suresh Babu, V; KAU; Gopalakrishnan, T R
    The present investigation on "Divergence studies in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschat a Poir ) was conducted at the College of Horticulture , Vellanikkara, Trissur during June 1988 - Marc h 1989. Seventy one pumpkin genotypes collected from different part of India and abroad were utilized for the study. The extent of variability and divergence among 50 selected genotypes were assessed and grouped into 5 clusters based on Mahalanobis D2 statistic . Cluster I, II, III, I V and V contained 2, 7, 9, 12 and 20 genotypes respectively y . Intercluster distance was maximum between clusters I and II and was minimum between clusters III and V . Cluster I showed maximum average intercluster distance with any other cluster. Screening 71 genotypes for resistance/ tolerance to pumpkin mosaic and yellow vein mosaic diseases revealed that all genotypes except C M 214 were susceptible. Artificial inoculation studies confirmed immunity of C M 214 (Nigerian Iocal ) to pumpkin mosaic virus and yellow vein mosaic virus .
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on fertility status of rubber growing soils of Palakkad district
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1991) Mohanan, V; KAU; Nazeem, P A
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Homeostatic analysis of components of genetic variance and inheritance of fruit colour, fruit shape and bitterness in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Abdul Vahab, M; KAU; Gopalakrishnan, P K
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    In vitro studies on the propagation of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum maton)
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Reghunath, B R; KAU; Gopalakrishnan, P K
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on intervarietal F2 hybrids in cowpea
    (Department of Agricultural Botany, College of Horticulture Vellanikkara, Trichur, 1981) Sumathikutty Amma, B; KAU; Narayanan Namboodiri, K M
    Ccwpea (Vlgna ungiculata) Is the major pulse crop cultivated in Kerala where the average yield of pulses in general and Cowpea in particular is very low even under modern agronomic practices* This low productivity is mainly due to the absence of high yielding varieties suited for the different agro-climatic conditions. The varietal requirements in Cowpea, in the state vary because of the highly contrasting system of cultivation and this compels Cowpea breeders to evolve varieties of different combinations of plant, pod and seed characters, This is possible by producing different varieties combining the desirable attributes required for the diverse situations by suitable means. One of the ways by which, this can be achieved is through combination breeding in which desirable genes are pooled frcra different sources* In a previous study conducted in the Department of Agricultural Botany, the 202 genotypes v/ere grouped into 17 distinct clusters. Representing 15 clusters, 15 varieties were chosen for intervarietal hybridisation and their F^'s evaluated during 1979-80, Seeds collected from the plants of the 16 Intervariota] crosses along with their parents were used for the study. Two families In each of the 16 crosses were studied along with their respective parents for the pattern of inheritance of 15 economic characters. Most of the characters were found to be inherited as quantitative characters controlled by either polygenes or by a few major genes with their action being suitably modified by minor genes. The crosses 5 x 15 (g p .p l s . 139 x p .118) and 6 X 8 (Red Seeded Selection X Kolingipayar) were identified as suitable ones for grain - production and also for using as dual purpose Cowpea culture since they might throw segregants best suited to those purposes. For the specialised system of Cot/pea culture practised in summer rice fallows exclusively for vegetable purpose, the crosses 14 X 16 (Pannithodan-early X Kolingipayarwhite), 17 X 16 (Mancheri-black X Kolingipayar^hite) and 10 X 6 (IC. 20729 X Red Seeded Selection) appeared to be the Ideal ones*
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular characterization of piper species usiing RAPD technique
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2002) Murugan, C; KAU; Sujatha, V S
    The study on "Molecular characterization of Piper species using RAPD techniques" was conducted in the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices and CPBMB, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur from December, 1999 to August, 2001. Material included 13 species/accessions of the genus Piper including Piper nigrutn Linn. These were analysed with 20 selected oligomer decamer primers using PCR technique and agarose gel electrophoresis. The selection of ideal DNA isolation technique was done based on observations of purity of bands, quality of the DNA bands and quantity of DNA recovered. The protocol of Edwards et al. (1991) was selected for DNA isolation with additional step of chloroform-isoamyl alcohol treatment. Fifty decamer primers were screened using DNA. of P. nigrum and 20 were selected based on the number of bands produced, reproducibility of the bands and distinctness of the RAPD profile. RAPD profile of the 13 species of Piper were compared for genetic similarity index (using Jaccard's coefficient), with all 20 selected primers separately. Pooled similarity of the twenty primers put together was found out for 9 species which gave amplification for all the 20 selected primers. The results of pooled analysis was subjected to cluster analysis (SAl-IN) and phenetic dcndrogram was constructed employing UPGMA. Four clusters were obtained, comprising of two accessions of P. nigrum In the first, two accessions of P. longum in the second, P. colubrinutn and P. attenuatum forming the third cluster and P. chaba, P. belle and P. arboreum forming the fourth.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of inbreds in bitter gourd (momordica charantia L.) through conventional and biotechnological approaches
    (Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2020) Reshmika, P K; KAU; Pradeepkumar, T
    Development of inbreds in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) through conventional and biotechnological approaches Name of the student: Reshmika P.K. Major Advisor: Dr. Pradeepkumar T. Admission No.: 2015-22-006 ABSTRACT The present investigation was undertaken to develop superior inbred lines in bitter gourd through advance generation selection of F1 hybrids and biotechnological approaches through pollination of irradiated pollen and embryo rescue. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University during the year 2016-2018. Performance evaluation of sixteen hybrids and five varieties (control) of bitter gourd was conducted and five promising hybrids, MC-142, MC-136, MC-139, MC-138 and MC-133, were selected based on the cumulative index. These hybrids were advanced to F2 and F3 generation. Yield contributing characters such as average fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit girth, flesh thickness and number of harvests were significantly increased in F3 generation compared to its F2 in MC-138 and MC-139. Fruit length, relative early yield and yield per plant showed a significant increase in F3 compared to its F2 in MC-138. Fruit length, number of fruits per plant, yield per plant and number of harvests have significantly reduced in F3 generation of MC-136 compared to its F2 generation. Nonsignificant variance was observed between F2 and F3 generations of all hybrids for majority of the yield contributing characters. Lower range in the subsequent generation is an indication of attainment of uniformity for these characters. Negative value of response to selection for earliness parameters have indicated an improvement in the characters in F3 generation through selection in F2. Judicious selection in F2 generation led to a positive response to selection for yield contributing characters in most of the hybrids. The difference between genotypes with respect to its response to selection was apparent. Yield per plant, fruit length, fruit weight and relative early yield have shown negative value for response to selection on MC-136 and MC-133. F2 and F3 generations of all hybrids showed positive value of selection differential for all the yield contributing characters. Positive value of inbreeding depression for nodes to first male and female flower in F3 generation and cumulative inbreeding depression for most of the hybrids indicated that the improvement in earliness parameters are in a desirable direction, producing male and female flowers at earlier nodes. Inbreeding led to a reduction in the number of days taken for fruit maturity from anthesis in all hybrids. Even though inbreeding depression was observed in F2 generation, an increase in per se performance was noticed in F3 generation of hybrids, MC-142, MC-138 and MC-139 for most of the yield contributing characters. But MC-136 and MC-133 could not regain its potential in F3 through advance generation selection for most of the characters. Loss in vigour after inbreeding was observed for yield per plant, relative early yield per plant, number of harvests and fruit length in MC-136 and MC-133. After successive self pollination, MC-136 also had shown a reduction in flesh thickness and the number of fruits per plant. Desirable economic segregants were chosen based on earliness and yield contributing characters. Per cent of economic segregants for days to first harvest was the maximum in F2 (64.71 %) (48.00-56.00 days) and F3 generations (100%) (46.00-59.00 days) of the hybrid MC-136. Per cent of economic segregants for yield per plant was the highest in MC-136 (58.82%) (3.54-6.50 kg per plant) and MC-138 (53.19%) (3.83-6.57 kg per plant) in F2 and F3 generations, respectively. Selected segregants can be fixed through inbreeding and selection. An efficient protocol for in vitro haploid embryo culture was standardized in bitter gourd. Pollen from irradiated flowers was used for pollinating female flowers. All irradiation doses from 10 to 100 Gy induced fruit set in the hybrid MC-139. The mean number of seeds and embryos per fruit decreased significantly as the irradiation dose increased. Treatment T10 (100 Gy) failed to produce embryos and all seeds were empty. The results showed that 90 Gy was the best irradiation dose and 15 days after pollination was the best stage of embryo rescue for haploid recovery. The in vitro seed germination in E20A medium was best for embryo culture.Addition of activated charcoal (3g/ L) in E20A medium has enhanced the root initiation. The highest percentage of successful plants after 20 days of hardening was noticed in control (81.57 %) followed by T1 (79.10 %), T2 (71.18 %), T3 (70.90 %) and T4 (69.04 %). Significant difference was observed for the plant under the treatment T9 with respect to size of guard cell, pollen grain diameter and number of chloroplasts per guard cell compared to the plants under the treatments T0 to T8. The guard cells in haploid plants had 16.23 micron length, 4.66 micron width, 37.34 micron pollen grain diameter, and contained 6.83 chloroplasts whereas guard cells in diploids had 19.50 to 20.20 micron length, 5.38 to 5.73 micron width, 67.41 to 69.62 micron pollen grain diameter and 11.58 to 12.42 chloroplasts. All other treatments except T9 (90 Gy) produced stainable pollen which indicated the normal diploid nature of plants. Plant developed through pollination with irradiated pollen of 90 Gy (T9) produced only sterile pollen. Moreover, seed set was not observed when it was self pollinated which can be attributed to the haploid (n) status of the plant. Others were showing diploid ploidy level (T0 to T8). The present protocol is a successful strategy for generating haploids in bitter gourd. In conclusion, results show that inbreeding and selection are efficient to improve the earliness and yield characters in bitter gourd. Pollination by gamma irradiated pollen can induce haploid embryo development in bitter gourd and this is the first successful report in bitter gourd on this aspect.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Yield improvement in tranplanted ginger by seed priming and biostimulant spray
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2020) Ann Sneha, Baby; KAU; Jalaja Menon, S
    Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) is a herbaceous spice acclaimed for its value in flavour and pharmaceutical industry. A dearth in availability of healthy and good quality planting material is well pronounced in ginger. Hence, a transplant technique, utilizing ginger sprouts raised from small rhizome bits of 3 to 5 g grown in protrays, has been proven to yield on par with conventional planting of 20 g seed rhizome. In such cases, methods to improve vigour and growth of ginger plants, which can result in yield enhancement are highly desirable. The present study, ‘Yield improvement in transplanted ginger by seed priming and biostimulant spray’ was conducted in the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during January 2019 to January 2020 to find out the best priming treatment, optimum concentration of chitosan spray and a combination of both, that improve fresh rhizome yield in transplanted ginger. In nursery, priming treatments significantly invigorated the growth of sprouts, as evident by the early emergence, high survival per cent and seed vigour index. The emergence of sprouts were early in rhizomes primed with Pseudomonas fluorescens 10 g L-1 for 0.5 hour (6.33 days) followed by hydropriming for one hour (6.83 days). Hydropriming and priming with ethephon 200 ppm for one hour resulted in significantly superior survival per cent of 85.16 and 84.16 respectively. Significantly higher vigour index of seed rhizome was noticed in sprouts subjected to hydropriming and bioprimed with Pseudomonas fluorescens (3167.95 and 3011.99 respectively). Plant height and tiller production were significantly higher in plants raised from hydroprimed seed rhizome and given foliar sprays of biostimulant chitosan 5 g L-1 at monthly interval for five months, resulting in 74.77 cm height and 16.97 tillers. Invariably, plants subjected to priming or chitosan spray or a combination of both were significantly taller with more number of tillers. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were significantly higher in hydroprimed plants (23.75 µmol m-2 s-1, 2.69 µmol m-2 s-1, 13.67 mmol m-2 s-1 respectively) and in plants sprayed with chitosan 5 g L-1 (23.83 µmol m-2 s-1, 2.78 µmol m-2 s-1, 13.07 mmol m-2 s-1 respectively). Leaf area of ginger was found to be highest in plants primed with Pseudomonas fluorescens (30.76 cm2), hydropriming (29.68 cm2) and Trichoderma sp. (29.17 cm2). Monthly spraying of chitosan 7 g L-1 was found effective for improving leaf area (30.71 cm2) compared to control (26.72 cm2). Significantly lowest incidence of Phyllosticta leaf spot was observed in plants sprayed with chitosan 7 g L-1 (25.65%) and 5 g L-1 (30.79%), irrespective of the priming treatments. Priming and chitosan sprays exhibited significant improvement in fresh rhizome yield of ginger transplants. Significantly highest number of fingers was found in plants sprayed with 5 g L-1 chitosan (12.12). Invariably, all priming treatments were effective in improving the number of fingers. A combination of hydropriming and field spraying of chitosan 5 g L-1 (337.20 g plant-1), biopriming with Pseudomonas fluorescens along with sprays of chitosan 7 g L-1 (335.58 g plant-1) and biopriming with Pseudomonas fluorescens with field spraying of chitosan 5 g L-1 (334.35 g plant-1) were identified as the best three combinations for yield improvement in ginger transplants. All the priming treatments and chitosan sprays recorded significantly higher fresh rhizome yield than the control. From this study, it is evident that priming of seed rhizomes and foliar application of chitosan can be adopted to improve yield in transplanted ginger. A combined application of priming and foliar sprays of chitosan was found more effective than the individual effect of priming and chitosan. Hence, combination of priming with Pseudomonas fluorescens 10 g L-1 for 30 minutes or hydropriming for one hour, followe