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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of curry leaf (Murraya koenigii L.) accessions for yield and quality
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Anila, Peter; KAU; Krishnakumary, K
    Curry leaf (Murraya koenigii L.) is an important perennial herbal spice widely used for culinary purpose in India for centuries and the leaves valued for its characteristics flavour and aroma. Leaves possess medicinal and neutraceutical properties due to the presence of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. In Kerala, cultivation is limited to landraces which are often reported to be low in quality. Identification of promising types with high yield and quality will pave way for promoting large scale cultivation in Kerala. The present study entitled “Evaluation of curry leaf (Murraya koenigii L.) accessions for yield and quality” was undertaken with objectives of morphological and biochemical characterization of available accessions and standardization of vegetative propagation. accessions of curry leaf maintained by the Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara along with the released variety Suvasini were used as the experimental material. Among the accessions, wide variability was recorded for fifteen quantitative and five qualitative morphological characters studied. Cluster analysis was performed and superior accessions were selected and those were subjected to biochemical analysis. Among the accessions, 76 % were having green midrib and petiole whereas 24 % with light red pink. Leaf colour was found as dark green in 19 % of accessions and the remaining accessions were green in colour. Only two leaflet shape were noticed with 19 % having lanceolate shape. The plant height varied from 2.23 m (MK 107) to 5.21m (MK 103) whereas branching height ranged from 31.25 cm (MK 125) to 67.51 cm (MK 122). Accession MK 118 recorded highest canopy spread in N-S direction (4.57 m) while MK 142 recorded in E-W direction (4.78 m). Considerable variability was observed in number of primary, secondary and tertiary branches and more than 40 numbers of tertiary branches were recorded in five accessions namely MK 107, MK 118, MK 126, MK 142 and MK 160. The leaf length ranged from 14.71 cm (MK 122) to 21.81 cm (MK 126) whereas maximum number of leaflets (22 leaflets) were observed in three accessions viz., MK 126, MK 142 and Suvasini with the largest leaf area of 66.46 cm2 in MK 142. Curry leaf was harvested at four months interval from June to March. Harvesting during June- July months in the rainy season recorded the highest leaf yield per plant. Leaf yield of more than 5 kg per plant was obtained in four accessions namely, MK 107, MK 126, MK 142 and MK 160. Aroma and flavour are the important parameters in curry leaf and based on sensory evaluation, eight accessions were identified as superior with a mean sensory score of above 7, with the highest score of 7.40 and 7.33 for flavour and aroma in MK 126. Correlation analysis revealed significant and positive correlation of yield with number of primary, secondary and tertiary branches, canopy spread in N-S and E-W direction, number of leaflets, and leaf area. Based on cluster analysis, all the thirty accessions under the study were grouped into twelve clusters and ten accessions from superior clusters were selected for biochemical analysis. Oil recovery was higher in dry leaves than in fresh whereas antioxidant activity and beta carotene content were higher in fresh leaves. Highest essential oil recovery was recorded in dried samples of accession MK 186 (1.09 %) and maximum content of crude fibre was recorded in two accessions namely MK 118 (11.61 %) and MK 186 (11.65 %). Accession MK 126 recorded the highest content of carbohydrate (15.99 %) and protein (6.00 %). Highest content of total phenol (0.31 %) and antioxidant capacity (3.45) was recorded in MK 105. The beta carotene content was found higher (˃ 8.80 mg 100g-1) in three accessions namely, MK 105, MK 142 and MK 186. Considering yield and quality MK 142 and MK 126 were identified as most promising types followed by MK 105 and MK 186. Standardization of vegetative propagation was done in Suvasini with softwood, semihardwood and hardwood types of cuttings, two growth regulators (IBA and NAA) at different concentrations of 1000ppm, 2000ppm and their combinations during rainy, winter and summer season. Even though success rate of vegetative propagation through stem cuttings was very low, hardwood cuttings treated with highest concentration of growth regulator (2000ppm IBA+2000ppm NAA) resulted in 3.3 % of establishment during rainy season
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Collection and evaluation of Wayanad turmeric (curcuma longa l.) for yield and quality
    (Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Anu, T S; KAU; Jalaja Menon, S
    Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is a rhizomatous perennial herb and an important sacred spice of India. It is used as a spice, colourant and an aromatic stimulant in several medicinal preparations. Wayanad local turmeric is reported to contain an average of 9.4 per cent curcumin. Due to the advent of improved varieties, the traditional cultivars of Wayanad are eroding. Keeping in view of this fact the study was undertaken to evaluate the local Wayanad accessions for yield and quality. Twenty six accessions of traditional ecotypes were collected from three taluks of Manathavady, Vythiri and Sultanbathery of Wayanad district through mass publicity. Seventeen accessions having sufficient planting materials for replicated trial were selected for field trial along with three improved varieties, Sona, Kanthi and Prathibha as checks. The crop was raised under the partial shade of 54.29 per cent in the coconut farm of the Department of Plantation crops and spices in randomized block design. Morphological observations were taken at 150 days after planting. Wayanad local turmeric accessions performed better than the check in all the biometric characters except length of the leaf. The plant height was highest for WCL 23 and girth was highest for WCL 3. The number of leaves on the main tiller was significantly high in WCL 15 and 16 while number of tillers per clump was highest in WCL 22. Leaf with maximum length and width were recorded in Kanthi and WCL 16 respectively. Horizontal rhizome branching was observed in the Prathibha , 3, 13, 16, 17, 24 and 25. The variety Prathibha and accessions 16, 17, 20, 21, 24 and 25 showed plumpy rhizomes. Compact rhizomes were observed in 8, 9, 13, 14,15, 16, 19, 20 and 25. The inner core colour of the rhizome was light yellow in accession WCL 24 and reddish yellow Colour was observed in Prathibha, Kanthi and WCL 3. All other accessions had orange inner core colour. The accessions and varieties were categorized based on percent disease index. The variety Prathibha and accessions 3, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 25 were highly resistant to leaf blotch. Accession WCL 5 was highly susceptible to leaf blotch. All the accessions were resistant in disease reaction to leaf spot except WCL 19, which was moderately resistant. The incidence of pests like lema beetle and shoot borer were observed in all accessions while leaf roller incidence was noticed only in Prathibha, WCL 5, WCL 17 and WCL 24. Fresh rhizome yield per plant was significantly high in accessions WCL 24 (350.33 g) and WCL 23 (350.08 g) and were on par with Kanthi (335.60 g) and WCL 25 (274.66 g). Accession WCL 25 was superior in fresh rhizome yield per plot and per hectare (32.32 t ha-1). Accessions WCL 23 and WCL 25 performed over and above the checks in terms of fresh yield, curcumin content and curcumin yield. Curcumin content was high for WCL 5 (10.18 %) followed by WCL 25 (9.27 %) and WCL 26 (9.31 %). The accession WCL 5 was highly susceptible to leaf blotch and curcumin yield (286.06 kg ha-1) was low. The fresh rhizome yield was highest in WCL 25 (32.32 t ha-1). Curcumin yield was highest for WCL 25 (551.40 kg ha-1) and accessions WCL 20, WCL 23, and WCL 26 were on par with WCL 25. Oleoresin content was significantly high in accessions WCL 3 (19.90 %) and WCL 22 (19.57 %). Essential oil content was highest for Sona (4.00 %) and Prathibha (4.00 %). Selection index was also calculated from fresh rhizome yield per clump curcumin content, dry rhizome recovery and disease reaction. Accessions 3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23 and 25 had a highest score of 12 and these were identified as superior accessions which can be used for further crop improvement programme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Process optimisation and quality evaluation of fruit pulp based yoghurts
    (Department of Community Science, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 2019) Lovely Mariya, Johny; KAU; Seeja Thomachan, Panjikkaran
    Yoghurt is a coagulated milk product that results from the fermentation of lactose in milk by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Yoghurt is known for its nutritional, therapeutic and functional properties. The present study was undertaken to standardise fruit pulp based yoghurts and to enrich the standardised products with functional ingredients like garden cress seed and flax seed. The study also envisaged to evaluate the organoleptic, physico chemical, nutritional and keeping qualities of the standardised products. Fruit pulp based yoghurts (FPBY) were prepared using locally available fruits such as sapota, guava, jackfruit (Koozha type), banana (Palayamkodan) and papaya. Twenty six treatments were evaluated for various organoleptic qualities and was compared with 100 per cent milk yoghurt (control). In different treatments tried for the preparation of FPBY, the mean scores for different quality attributes showed a decreasing trend with increase in the quantity of fruit pulps. Yoghurts prepared by incorporating 10 per cent fruit pulp was selected as the most acceptable treatment from all FPBY. Physicochemical properties like moisture and pH decreased during storage and a gradual increase in acidity, syneresis, curd tension and viscosity was observed in FPBY. In the selected products TSS, reducing sugar, total sugar, energy, carbohydrate, lactose, fat, vitamin C and iron content decreased during storage. Protein content of freshly prepared control yoghurt was 4.59 per cent and on 15th day of storage it decreased to 3.35 per cent. The protein content varied from 3.76 to 2.71 per cent in SPBY (Sapota pulp based yoghurt), 3.23 to 2.61 per cent in GPBY (Guava pulp based yoghurt), 3.91 to 3.08 per cent in BPBY (Banana pulp based yoghurt), 4.42 to 3.22 per cent in JPBY (Jackfruit pulp based yoghurt) and 3.23 to 3.24 per cent in PPBY (Papaya pulp based yoghurt) in initial and at the end of storage respectively. Vitamin A and vitamin C content was found to be increased with incorporation of fruit pulp. The highest calcium content was found to be in control (78mg/100g) and a slight decrease in calcium content was observed among FPBY. A slight increase in iron and potassium content was observed in FPBY compared to control. The highest potassium content was observed in BPBY with an initial content of 83.25 to 83.05 mg/100g at the end of storage. The selected FPBY was incorporated with garden cress seeds (GCS) and flax seeds (FS) at 0.5 per cent and 2 per cent level, respectively. The highest total organoleptic scores were attained for control (51.67) which was incorporated with garden cress seeds. This was followed by GPBY (48.45), SPBY (48.33), JFPBY (47.81), BPBY (46.73) and PPBY (43.72). In flax seeds incorporated yoghurts the highest organoleptic score was attained for control (40.78) which was followed by GPBY (40.15), SPBY (40.14), BPBY (39.94), PPBY (39.82) and JFPBY (39.78). Incorporation of 0.5 per cent garden cress seeds and 2 per cent flax seeds increased the protein content from 4.59 per cent to 4.78 and 4.93 per cent respectively. Incorporation of functional ingredients increased the fat, iron, calcium and potassium content in all yoghurts. During storage, E coli and coliform bacteria were not detected in all yoghurt samples. Yeast and fungi was not detected up to 10th day of storage and at 15th day of storage the presence of yeast and fungi were observed among all the selected yoghurt samples, indicating a shelf life of ten days. The cost of production of plain yoghurt was Rs. 13.50/100 ml and for FPBY it varied from Rs. 17.00 to 20.00/100 ml. Incorporation of functional ingredients increased the cost of production from Rs. 17.16 to 21.00/100 ml. The standardised products are suitable for commercialisation and diversification. Milk based functional food products will be a boon to the dairy food industry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Extraction and utilization of anthocyanin pigments from jamun ( Syzygium cumini L. )
    (Department of Processing Technology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Naresh, N; KAU; Sheela, K B
    The project entitled “Extraction and utilization of anthocyanin pigments from jamun (Syzygium cumini Skeels.)” was undertaken at the Department of Processing Technology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2013-15. The objectives of the study were standardization of method of extraction of anthocyanin pigment and evaluation of pigment stability to pH, light, temperature, storage conditions and in processed products. Method for extraction of anthocyanin pigments from jamun was standardized. Among the four extraction methods compared, highest content of anthocyanin (61.07mg/100g), recovery per cent (13.75), colour hue (1.30) and colour intensity (1.13) were obtained for acidified solvent extraction method (20% ethanol + 0.5% citric acid). The effect of light and storage conditions on pigment stability was evaluated. Storage in amber coloured bottles under refrigerated conditions was found to be best for anthocyanin pigment due to lesser degradation of the pigment compared to that stored under ambient conditions. The effect of temperature on the anthocyanin content was studied at 70, 80 and 900 C and anthocyanin content was measured at intervals 30 minutes, 45 minutes and one hour of incubation at each temperature. Anthocyanin content decreased from an initial value of 61.25mg/100g to 50.24mg/100g one hour of heating at 900 C. The effect of pH on stability of anthocyanin pigment was studied at different pH ranging from 2.5 to 7 and incubating it for different intervals from one hour to 20 days at room temperature. Anthocyanin content was found to decrease with increase in pH and the least decrease was found at pH 2.5. Anthocyanin content was found to decrease from an initial value of 61.25mg/100g to 34.28mg/100g 20 days after incubation at a pH of 7. Least changes in pH were observed in RTS beverage prepared with 0.3% citric acid and 0.01% ascorbic acid and stored at refrigerated condition (T10). Acidity of the RTS beverage followed an increasing trend during storage, greatest change in acidity was observed in T8 (product coloured with synthetic colour). Ascorbic acid was found to decrease with increase in duration of storage, minimum changes in ascorbic acid was observed in RTS beverage prepared with 0.4% citric acid and 0.02% ascorbic acid and stored at refrigerated condition (T14). RTS beverage stored under refrigerated conditions retained colour throughout the storage period as compared to ambient condition where there was a greater loss of the colour. Addition of ascorbic acid was found to hasten the colour degradation of the beverage under ambient conditions, but under refrigerated conditions there was not much change in colour. Pigment stability in mixed fruit jam was also studied by storing the prepared product under ambient and refrigerated conditions for a period of three months. pH of the mixed fruit jam followed a declining trend during storage, least change in pH was observed in T1 (control under refrigerated condition) during storage. There was no significant change in the colour of the mixed fruit jam stored under refrigerated conditions. A slight darkening of the colour was seen in the bottles stored at ambient condition. Guava RTS beverage and mixed fruit jam was organoleptically evaluated by selected panel of judges. The products kept under refrigerated conditions recorded highest scores for flavour, texture, taste and overall acceptability compared to those kept at ambient conditions three months after storage.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed invigoration to overcome dormancy in ash gourd (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.)
    (Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Shobha, K V; KAU; Rose Mary, Francies
    An experiment ‘Seed invigoration to overcome dormancy in ash gourd (Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.),’ was conducted during 2014-2016 in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Vellanikkara, Thrissur, following a completely randomized design with 16 treatments and three replications. The experiment aimed to elucidate the effect of seed invigoration on dormancy in ash gourd, to ascertain the anatomical changes in seed coat on seed treatment and to assess the storage potential of treated seeds under ambient conditions. Seed invigoration was resorted to by soaking seeds of variety KAU Local in water (hydro priming) for 24 hours, thiourea (0.5%) for 24 hours, KNO3 (0.4%) for 24 hours, KNO3 (0.7%) for 24 hours, KH2PO4 (10-1 M) for 24 hours, vinegar (pH 3.7) for 2 hours, polyethylene glycol 6000 (-0.5 MPa) for 24 hours, salicylic acid (60 ppm) for 12 hours, salicylic acid (60 ppm) for 24 hours, kinetin (10 ppm) for 12 hours, kinetin (10 ppm) for 24 hours, CaCl2 (50 mM) for 12 hours, CaCl2 (50 mM) for 24 hours, Psuedomonas fluorescens (1x106 cfu.ml-1) for 12 hours, Psuedomonas fluorescens (1x106 cfu.ml-1 ) for 24 hours. Untreated seeds served as control (T16). Both treated and untreated seeds, dried to < 8 per cent moisture content were packed in polythene bags (400 guage) and stored under ambient conditions upto ten months. The seed quality parameters viz., germination, germination index, coefficient of velocity of germination, energy of germination, mean time to germination, vigour indices I and II, and electrical conductivity of seed leachate were recorded at monthly intervals during storage. Seed microflora as well as histochemical studies to analyse the changes occurring in the dimensions of embryo and proportions of different fractions of seed coat were assessed at bimonthly intervals. Results pointed out the existence of significant differences in the impact of various invigoration treatments on the seed quality and histochemical parameters observed both within 35 days of invigoration as well as during storage. Majority of the seed invigoration treatments were effective in breaking dormancy in ash gourd. Dormancy was first broken in seeds treated with KH2PO4 and kinetin. In the above treatments germination reached above 60 per cent (the minimum standards for seed certification (MSCS) prescribed for ash gourd) on the 11th day after invigoration (DAI). Dormancy in untreated seed was broken only on the 35th day after extraction. However, seed invigoration with salicylic acid, vinegar and PEG 6000, proved to be detrimental. Seed invigoration also helped in extending the viability of seeds. Germination in seeds treated with CaCl2 for 24 hours, was found to be retained above MSCS for seven months during storage, whereas, in untreated seeds, germination above 60 per cent was observed for two months only. Seeds treated with salicylic acid failed to germinate by 35th DAI while those treated with vinegar and polyethylene glycol (PEG) failed to attain MSCS throughout the period of study. The viability of seeds treated with kinetin or CaCl2 for 12 hours and those treated with Pf for either 12 or 24 hours was found to be retained for six months of storage. Germination index, coefficient of velocity of germination, energy of germination, vigour indices I and II in both treated and untreated seeds, increased by 35th DAI and marginally decreased over the period of storage. In all the invigoration treatments, the above mentioned parameters were invariably higher than that of untreated control. However, the performance of seeds treated with salicylic acid, vinegar and PEG 6000 was lower than the untreated seeds. Invariably, the germination index, coefficient of velocity of germination, energy of germination, vigour indices I and II were high in seeds treated with CaCl2 for 24 hours followed by treatment with Pf for 12 hours and CaCl2 for 12 hours. The mean time to germination, electrical conductivity of seed leachate, the thickness of seed coat and its component layers as well as the microbial infection of seed was also observed to be low in these treatments. High and significant positive correlation was found to exist between germination and speed of germination, coefficient of velocity of germination, vigour indices I and II. It became evident that germination in ash gourd will be strongly affected with an increase in thickness of total seed coat or its outer layerthe testa. The thickening of seed coat owing to the thickening of testa will be accompanied with an obvious decrease in germination, germination index and coefficient of velocity of germination, vigour indices I and II. Results thus indicated that poor germination in seeds of ash gourd may be due to water impermeable seed coat (physical dormancy) mainly resulting from thickening of the outer layer (testa). Such dormancy in ash gourd can be best overcome by seed invigoration with CaCl2 (50 mM) for 24 hours. In addition, enhancement of seed viability, seed quality and seedling performance over storage was also achieved. Seed treatment with CaCl2 (50 mM) or Psuedomonas fluorescens (1x106 cfu.ml-1), for 12 hours were found to be the next best to treatment with CaCl2 (50 mM) for 24 hours. Hence, these can also be recommended for breaking dormancy and maintaining high seed quality in ash gourd.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Process Standardisation and Quality Evaluation of Wine from Banana (Musa spp.)
    (Department of Post Harvest Technology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Sarthak Kiribhaga; KAU; Saji Gomez
    Banana is one of the economically important fruit crops of Kerala. It is highly perishable in nature because of textural characteristics and high moisture content. Post harvest losses of banana can be reduced by adopting proper post harvest management practices and processing into value added products. Banana wine is a delicious alcoholic beverage with low alcohol content. The cost of production of banana based alcoholic beverages is much cheaper than other fruit based beverages. Hence, the present study is aimed at evaluating the popular banana varieties of Kerala for wine production and to evaluate the quality of wine during storage. The experiment was carried out in the Department of Post Harvest Technology during 2017-19. The different banana varieties (Grand Naine, Karpooravalli, Poovan, Yangambi (KM-5) and Palayankodan) were collected from various localities of Thrissur. The physico-chemical parameters of ripe banana were evaluated before preparation of wine. Wine was prepared from banana varieties with 1:1 and 1:2 dilutions of pulp and water. The nutritive, biochemical and organoleptic properties of wine were determined. Organoleptic evaluation of wine revealed that wine prepared from the varieties Poovan, Grand Naine, Yangambi and Palayankodan in 1:2 ratio of pulp and water and the wine from Karpooravalli in 1:1 ratio of pulp and water were superior. Wine from all five varieties in both the dilutions using pure culture of wine yeast (MTCC 4793) was organoleptically unacceptable as all the samples had an overall acceptability score less than 5.5. The wine with maximum scores from each variety was selected and kept for ageing in china clay jar for two months, followed by storage in plain and amber coloured bottles under ambient conditions for three months. Changes in quality of wine during ageing and subsequent storage were assessed. During ageing of wine, the pH and alcohol showed an increasing trend whereas titratable acidity, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, phenols and microbial population showed a decreasing trend. Reducing, non reducing and total sugars could not be detected in the wine during ageing. The flavour profile analysis of wine revealed that ethanol, ethyl hydrogen succinate and glycerin were the major compounds in banana wine. Wine from Grand Naine contained a distinctive compound, methyl tratronic acid. The wine from Poovan also had compounds such as ethanol, ethyl hydrogen succinate, glycerin, phenyl ethyl alcohol and was distinctive from the wine of other varieties owing to the existence of a unique compound, 1-Butanol-3-methyl. The wine produced from Karpooravalli contained a unique compound, 1-Deoxy-d-arabitol in addition to ethanol, ethyl hydrogen succinate, glycerin and phenyl ethyl alcohol. Similar to the wine from the variety Grand Naine, the wine produced from Yangambi contained methyltratronic acid in addition to other compounds like ethanol, ethyl hydrogen succinate, glycerin and phenyl ethyl alcohol. The wine made from Palayankodan was distinctive from the wine of other varieties owing to the existence of a distinctive compound, 3(p Hydroxyphenyl) 1propanol. After completion of ageing, wine from the variety Poovan had the highest organoleptic score (7.6),which had an alcohol content of 9.47%, pH(3.8), total soluble solids(3.6 0Brix), ascorbic acid (1.99 mg 100 g-1), total phenols(44.25 mg 100 g-1) and titratable acidity of 0.72%. Banana wine, after ageing was stored in plain and amber coloured bottles under ambient conditions for three months. After one month of storage, pH and alcohol content showed an increasing trend whereas titratable acidity, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, total phenols and microbial population showed a decreasing trend. Reducing, non reducing and total sugars could not be detected in the wine. Same trend continued even after two months of storage. At the end of storage period, the total soluble solids and alcohol content remained stable without showing any variation in their values as that of the previous month whereas pH showed an increasing trend. Titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, phenols and microbial population showed a decreasing trend. Colour retention was better in amber coloured bottles. Wine from the variety Poovan had the highest overall acceptability score throughout the storage period. Cost involved in the production of 1 litre of wine ranged from Rs. 129 to 144.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of patch budding in jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)
    (Department of Pomology, College of Agriculture,Padannakkad, 2019) Fathimath Sherin, Shasna K.K.; KAU; Meera Manjusha, A V
    The present investigation entitled ‘Standardization of patch budding in jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) was undertaken at the College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod during the period 2018 June to 2019 June . The research work was carried out to assess the effect of seed treatments on the seedling growth to attain the buddable size and seasonal influence on the success of patch budding. The first experiment was laid out in CRD with seven treatments and three replications. Seeds were subjected to different treatments such as gibberellic acid 100 ppm (T1) and 200 ppm (T2), potassium chloride 0.5 per cent (T3) and 1 per cent (T4), potassium nitrate 1 per cent (T5) and water (T6) for one day before sowing. In treatment T7 (control), the seeds were sown without any treatment. The treatment T5 took minimum number of days for germination (17 days) which was on par with T1 (17.33 days) and maximum number of days (26.70 days) required for sprouting was observed in control. T5 recorded minimum days (23.47 days) to attain 50 per cent germination (30.62 % reduction over control) followed by T1 (25.33 days). Maximum germination percentage and germination rate was obtained T1 (82.22 %, 0.59) which was on par with the treatment T2 (80.16 %, 0.53) and T5 (78.44 %, 0.57). Maximum number of leaves were produced in T5 (4.17), which was on par with T4 (3.6). Maximum shoot length was observed in T1 (28.20 cm) at 60 DAS. At 90 DAS, the treatment T1 (46.11 cm) recorded maximum shoot length which was on par with T2 (43.11 cm). Maximum girth (2.09 cm) was observed in T1 which was on par with T2 (2.04 cm) and T5 (1.96 cm) at 60 DAS. The maximum seedling vigour was obtained in T1 (2319.33, 3788.15) which was on par with T2 (2129.80, 3503.94) followed by T5 (2029.56, 3075.45) at 60 and 90 DAS respectively. Results of the study revealed that seed priming with chemicals have significant effect on growth and vigour of the seedling. Maximum desirable 2 attributes were observed in seeds treated with 100 ppm of gibberellic acid and one per cent potassium nitrate. Treatment with these chemicals reduced the number of days taken for germination (17.33 days, 17 days respectively), days required for attaining 50 per cent germination (25.33 days, 23.47 days), and increased the germination percentage (82.22 %, 78.44 %), germination rate (0.56 and 0.57) and girth of plant (2.09 cm, 1.96 cm respectively after 60 days). Considering the cost of chemicals, one per cent potassium nitrate could be the best treatment. To standardize the season for patch budding in jack fruit under Kasaragod condition, the experiment was laid out in CRD with six treatments. Patch budding was carried out at monthly intervals from June 2018 to November 2018 on a six month old root stock. The maximum budding success was observed in July budded plants (76.00 %) followed by August (66 %), June (50 %) and September (33 %). July budded plants showed maximum sprout length (12.03 cm), which was on par with the June budded plants (10.70 cm). From observations like maximum bud intake (76.00 %), sprouting success (86.96 %) and length of sprout (2.90 cm, 12.03 cm, and 21.14 at 30, 60, and 90 DAB respectively), it was found that July was the best month for performing patch budding in Kasargod region and it can be extended upto September. Beyond September response of plant to patch budding was poor. The study could identify that soaking the seeds in one per cent KNO3 can reduce the waiting period and July is the best month for performing patch budding in jack fruit under Kasaragod condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    General combining ability of selected black pod disease resistant cocoa(Theobroma cacao L.)hybrids
    (Department of Plantation Crops, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Varsha Babu; KAU; Suma, B
    Cocoa originated in the Amazon riverbasin of South America. The cultivation of cocoa had extended from Mexico to Costa Rica and over the time it had spread to Caribbean and other parts of South America (Wood and Lass» 1985). It was introduced to India during 1979. The generic name Theobronia was derived from two greek words 'Theo' means god and 'hroma' means food, hence known as '"food of god". The beans are the only source for chocolate. Cocoa is affected by many biotic and abiotic stresses. Among the biotic stresses Phytophthora pod rot is the most serious one affecting cocoa, leading to a total of 64% yield loss (Adomako, 2007). Therefore the control of black pod is a major challenge for cultivation of cocoa. The farmers adopt several measures to control the disease of which the use of copper based fungicides is the most predominant one (Tan and Tan, 1990). Although it is reasonably effective, their indiscriminate use poses serious environmental issues. To overcome this situation breeding for resistance to black pod is the most economical, environmental friendly and effective control method (Iwaro et al., 2004). Hence an organized breeding progianmiewas initiated at Cocoa Research Center (CRC), KAU, Vellanikkara during 2005 for the development of varieties resistance to black pod disease and high yield. Twenty five hybrids showing considerable level of resistance after 6 years of screening were selected for the present study. The morphological evaluation ot these hybrids were earned out based on eight qualitative and eight quantitative characters.Variability was observed among the hybrids for all the qualitative characters and quantitative characters. Among the hybrids, hybrid H22 recorded the highest pod weight (724g) and total wet bean weight per pod (176.98g). Tlie husk thickness and number of ilat beans were lowest for hybrid H16 (0.86 cm) and HII (1.40). Self incompatibility was assessed by self pollinating 100 flowers per hybrids. Twenty two hybrids turned to be self incompatible, one self compatible and rest with insufficient number of flowers. Out of 22 self incompatible hybrids eleven were selected for further study based on their yield (No. ol pods/ tree/ year). They were crossed with tester (G.I 5.9) in top cross model and only four yielded fruits. Seedlings were raised in the nursery and observations were recorded in the third month. The analysis of variance of top cross showed significant variation for two characters. The characters like height, diameter, chlorophyll and number of leaves did not express any significant difference. HD2is considered as an indicator of initial vigour and it is found to be directly correlated to the final vigour.The significant value for variance (p Vs c) for HD2 indicated substantial difference between the parents as agroup and their hybrid progenies as another group. This shows that the average hetero.sis is significantly high. Seven hybrids out of selected eleven did not yield any pod on cross pollination, progenies developed from open pollinated pods of these hybrid.s were evaluated to predict the performance of the parent. Progenies expressed high HD2 value. Based on this, these parents can be considered as superior ones. However this has to be confirmed further by crossing them with another tester. Nursery screening for Phytophthora resistance of top cross progeny and open pollinated progeny of all eleven selected hybrids were done at two weeks interval for three months. Lab screening for disease resistance was carried out in semi translucent leaves from all the progenies raised through top cross and open pollinated method along with control for eight days by providing artificial inoculation and percentage of infection was calculated. No disease incidence was noticed in any progenies indicating high GCA for this character. H 17 found to be superior combiner can be evaluated in comparative yield trial. H4, HIS and H8 were selected as superior ones based on the performance of open pollinated progeny which has to be further evaluated with another tester.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Media improvement for in Vitro culturing and hardening of TC Banana CV. Nendran
    (Department of Pomology, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, 2019) Vinayak Lamani; KAU; Meera Manjusha, A V
    The research work “Media improvement for in vitro culturing and hardening of tissue culture banana cv. Nendran” was carried out 1) to study the effect of nitrogen sources (ammonium and nitrate) on shoot and root regeneration in tissue cultured Nendran banana and 2) to standardize methods to enhance the growth and survival of plantlets during primary and secondary hardening stage. Experiments were conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode, Kasargod during 2017-2019. First experiment consisted of in vitro culture with five treatments- T1 – MS media (control) (NH4NO3 1650mg/l and KNO31900mg/l), T2 - Modified MS media (2850mg/l KNO3 + 825mg/l NH4NO3), T3 - Modified MS media (1900mg/l KNO3), T4 -Modified MS media (3800mg/l KNO3) and T5 - Modified MS media (1900mg/l KNO3 + 1361mg/l (NH4)2H2PO4). In the first experiment, normal MS media T1 (control) was observed to be superior one compared with other treatments (modified MS media). It recorded maximum number of multiple shoots per explant after 4th, 5th and 6th subculture and highest shoot length, number of leaves, number of roots, root length and maximum fresh and dry weight of shoot after the rooting stage. Second experiment on primary hardening was carried out with nine treatments such as T1- sand (control), T2 - coco peat, T3 - vermicompost, T4 - sand + coco peat (1:1), T5 - sand + vermicompost (1:1), T6 - coco peat + vermicompost (1:1), T7 - sand + coco peat + vermicompost (1:1:1), T8 - sand + coco peat + vermicompost (1:2:1) and T9 - sand + coco peat + vermicompost (1:1:2) . Primary hardening study was carried out with different hardening media. Plant growth and survival were effectively influenced by hardening media. T1, T2, T6, T7 and T9 showed 100 percent survival but T3 (47.33 %) and T5 (18.00 %) had lower survival rates. With respect to various growth parameters T6 recorded highest 117 plant height, pseudostem girth, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, root length and highest shoot fresh and dry weight and T2 had recorded maximum number primary and secondary roots and root weight which was on par with T6. Third experiment on biotization was done with nine treatments consisting of T1 - Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, T2 - Azotobacter, T3 - Azospirillum, T4 - PSB (Pseudomonas fluorescens), T5 - AMF + Azotobacter, T6 - AMF + Azospirillum T7 - PSB + Azotobacter, T8 - PSB + Azospirillum and T9 - Control (Potting mixture only). Investigation on biotization of plants, revealed significant effects on plant growth and development through enhanced nutrients uptake. All treatments showed 100 % survival. Among treatments, T8 recorded highest plant height at 30 and 60 DAT, maximum pseudostem girth was found in T1 and T6 at 30 and 60 DAT. With respect all leaf characters T7 was significantly superior which recorded maximum leaf length, leaf width and leaf area at both stages. T5 recorded more number primary and secondary roots, primary root length and root weight and shoot fresh and dry weight compared to control. Chlorophyll content was maximum in T7 and T4 at 30 and 60 DAT respectively. In the nutrient status of plants, T1 recorded maximum content of P and K and N content was more in T3. Plants of T5 recorded highest uptake of Zn, Fe and Mn. Cu and B content were more in T7 and T1 respectively. For successful in vitro culture of banana cv. Nendran, both ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen are required as per the results obtained. For successful transplantation of tissue cultured plants, acclimatization is an integral process in tissue culture technique, which involves primary and secondary hardening. For primary hardening, T6 - mixture of coco peat and vermicompost (1:1) was the best for successful survival and growth of plantlets. Biotization was found to be an important technique in secondary hardening stage, which enhanced the growth and development of plants through increased uptake of nutrients from media. Among the treatments, T5 - AMF and Azotobacter combination was the best for secondary hardening.