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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Value addition and quality evaluation of holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum L.)
    (Department of Community Science, College of Agriculture , Vellanikkara, 2023-01-25) Gayathri ,M; Gayathri, M; KAU
    Holy basil is the most renowned medicinal herb and is known as the mother of necessities for its infinite therapeutic benefits. It is referred to as the "Queen of Herbs," and the Sanskrit word "tulsi" means "incomparable." It is one of the oldest herbs in the Lamiaceae family and is widely cultivated throughout the subcontinent. The physicochemical composition of the holy basil accession (KAU-OC25) (IC-0640854) used in this research had a moisture content of 89.4%, and the levels of the macronutrients, protein and fat per 100 g were found to be 2.99 g and 0.61 g, respectively. It was revealed that the herb had a crude fibre content of 10.48 g/100 g. In terms of vitamin content, ascorbic acid was found to be 30.4 mg/g, and the amount of beta carotene was 2826.92 µg/100 g. In 100g of the sample, the holy basil contained 26.9 mg of calcium, 28 mg of iron, 4.2 mg of zinc, and 224 mg of phosphorus, respectively. The total flavonoid and phenol levels were 41.41 mg QE (quercetin equivalent) and 66.66 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent) respectively. Holy basil has phytate, oxalate, and tannin concentrations of 3.99 mg/100 g, 2.33 mg/100 g, and 9.74 mg/100 g, respectively. The phytochemical makeup of the herb was analysed through chromatographical tools like O-HRLCMS and GCMS/Ms. The analysis revealed thirty eight medicinally active bioactive compounds namely eugenol, methyl eugenol, kaempferol, scutellarin, rosmarinic acid, luteolin, ursolic acid, vicenin, apigenin 7-O-glucuronide, genistein 4-O- glucuronide, betaine, ϒ- aminobutyric acid (GABA), fisetin, orientin, choline, DL-stachydrine, oleanolic acid, luteolin-7-Oglucuronide, baicalin, β-caryophyllene, ostruthin, hexadecanoic acid, 5 amino pentanoic acid, taxifolin, alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, chavicol, alpha cubabene, eucalyptol, estragole, alpha-caryophyllene, alpha-bisabolol, beta-ocimene, terpinene-4-ol and trans-4-thujanol and carvacrol. Eugenol has a number of protective qualities against a variety of conditions that can be fatal, including cancer, oxidative stress, inflammation, hyperglycemia, and elevated cholesterol. Kaempferol and scutellarin are powerful antioxidant flavonoids while rosmarinic acid is known to be effective against microorganisms like the herpes simplex virus. Luteolin and ursolic acid were reported to have potent anti-cancer properties. The active flavonoid derivative apigenin-7-O-D-glucuronide has a variety of pharmacological properties, such as antioxidant, anti-complement, and aldose reductase inhibitory properties. Fisetin, ursolic acid and oleanolic acid have proven anti-cancer activities. ϒaminobutyric acid (GABA) has a number of physiological effects, including lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity, improving cognitive function, inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells, and reducing sleeplessness. The flavonol taxifolin exhibits strong antioxidant, reducing, radical-scavenging, and metal chelating properties. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities are demonstrated by luteolin-7-O-glucuronide. Baicalin significantly reduces the replication of HIV 1. Carvacrol is a potent antioxidant and a great adaptogen to treat hepatic stress. Alpha-pinene, alpha-terpineol, estragole, alpha-caryophyllene and alpha-bisabolol had potent anti-inflammatory activity whereas beta-ocimene, chavicol, terpinene-4-ol and trans-4-thujanol has proven antimicrobial activities. Docking studies of the compounds revealed that six compounds namely kaempferol, baicalin, luteolin, rosmarinic acid and eugenol can be considered for further studies regarding the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and fourteen compounds namely scutellarin, vicenin, ursolic acid, genistein 4-O-glucuronide, betaine, taxifolin, apigenin 7-O-glucuronide, ϒ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 5 amino pentanoic acid, kaempferol, baicalin, luteolin, rosmarinic acid and eugenol display noteworthy anti-covid action. The successfully docked compounds were tested for drug-likeness using ADMET analysis which revealed that rosmarinic acid, kaempferol, luteolin, and taxifolin can be regarded as potential drug candidates. A dose-dependent inhibition of MCF-7 cell growth was seen by the methanolic extract of holy basil with an IC50 value of 24.80 µg/mL thus establishing its antiproliferative activity. Considering the immense therapeutic abilities of holy basil, it was developed into hard candy lozenges with varying concentrations of holy basil (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35%) ginger and amla extract. The organoleptic evaluation of the lozenges revealed that hard candy lozenges made with 30 % holy basil extract were more acceptable, owing to which the shelf life studies were done. The physicochemical evaluation of 100 g of the selected candy revealed that it had a moisture content of 2.78 per cent, protein content of 2.39 g, fat content of 0.67 g, ash content of 0.81 mg and energy content of 376.05 kcal. The moisture level of the candy increased but all other parameters, including protein, fat, ash content, and energy, were found to decrease throughout the three month storage period. The bacterial growth of the candy was seen to be within tolerable limits. Throughout the shelf-life period, no fungal or yeast growth was seen. Holy basil should be exploited endlessly for its restorative and curative properties. Currently, the herb is primarily used to make herbal tea and ayurvedic medicines. Apart from this, it can also be considered as a culinary herb, due to its potential natural antioxidant properties and its immense scope for development of value added products.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and quality evaluation of a jackfruit based nutri flour
    (Department of Community Science, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, 2022) Soumya, P S; KAU; Suma, Divakar
    The study entitled “Development and quality evaluation of a jackfruit based nutri flour” was carried out at the Department of Community Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during the period 2018-2021. The main objectives of the study were to formulate and standardize a jackfruit based nutri flour comprised of all the edible parts of the fruit and to evaluate its qualities and invitro therapeutic efficacy. Jackfruit cv. Koozha and varikka based nutri flour was developed on the basis of glycemic index of the various parts of the fruit. Raw jack fruits (12 weeks maturity) were selected. Weight of bulbs, perigones, seeds, rind, core and testa were recorded separately to get the final yield, wet and dry weight, moisture percentage, processing loss and dry matter percentage of the product. The order of glycemic index of jackfruit parts were observed as KJRF˃ KJTF ˃VJTF ˃VJRF ˃ KJPF ˃ VJPF ˃KJCF ˃VJCF ˃ KJBF ˃KJSF ˃ VJBF ˃VJSF. The major flour was constituted with greater percentage of fruit parts with low glycaemic index (50 – 60 %) and 40 % was formed by other components in different proportions. Ten formulations of nutri flour and control were evaluated for their sensory qualities. For these three popular breakfast dishes like “puttu”, “ada” and “oratti” were developed. On the basis of analysis of mean scores of sensory parametersF9 was selected as the best combination. Among the three products based on overall acceptability scores ‘oratti’ was found to be more acceptable. Analysis of functional quality revealed that nutri flour had lower swelling power (7.65g), solubility (1.48%), water absorption capacity (4.36%) and bulk density (1.04g/ml) compared to jackfruit bulb flours. The proximate composition of carbohydrate (31.59 g/100g), protein (7.03g/100g), dietary fiber (13.58 g/100g) were significantly high in nutri flour compared with koozha and varikka bulb flours. The moisture content of nutri flour was lower (0.96%), than koozha jackfruit bulb flour and varikka jackfruit bulb flour (1.28% and 1.39%) respectively. The mineral content such as, total minerals (0.98g), calcium (114.32mg), phosphorus (47.92mg), sodium (10.21mg), potassium (418.10mg), iron (1.67mg), manganese (1.59mg), copper (0.457mg) and zinc (0.923mg) content were higher in nutri flour in comparison to koozha and varikka jackfruit bulb flours. The nutraceutical components like phenol (3.03mg) phytic acid (166.77mg), tannin (19.45mg), β carotene (65.98 μg) and antioxidant content (35.85 μg) was significantly higher in nutri flour compare to koozha and varikka jack bulb flours. The developed jackfruit nutri flour formulation (F9) was packed in metallised laminated pouches and kept for storage studies under ambient conditions for a period of six months storage. During the storage period moisture content, microbial profile and organoleptic qualities were found to be acceptable. To reduce the level of oligosaccharides and to increase the starch digestibility the flour was fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae @ 5g/kg for 8hrs. In HPLC analysis, at a retention time of 6.93 minutes standard stachyose, untreated and treated nutri flour. Nutri flour treated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae @ 8 hrs was found to be low in oligosaccharides compared to control. In vitro starch digestibility was significantly high in yeast treated nutri flour (82.81%) when compared to untreated nutri flour (54.84%). Anti-diabetic activity of nutri flour was investigated through α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitory activity, by using different solvents. A maximum inhibitory activity was observed in petroleum ether extracted of nutri flour at a concentration of 100 μg/mL in α -amylase (47.17%) and α -Glucosidase (63.93%) enzymes. Hypolipidemic activity of nutri flour showed, highest inhibition percentage with petroleum ether (78.06%) and lowest with distilled water (39.53%). Hepato protective effect of nutri flour was higher in cells treated at 50% concentration. From the above study, it can be concluded that jackfruit based nutri mix has hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic as well as hepatoprotective properties. The nutri mix is formulated from all edible parts of jackfruit, which adds on to the therapeutic value of the product. The entire fruit utilization answers the answers the problem of environmental contamination with these underutilized fruit parts.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant potential of banana (Musa spp)
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2016) Siji, S; KAU; Nandini, P V
    The research project entitled “Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant potential of banana (Musa spp.)” was conducted at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum during 2014-2016 with objectives to study the phytochemical, nutrient, chemical composition and antioxidant potential of the selected banana varieties and to assess its therapeutic value. Eight varieties of banana viz., Palayankodan, Rasakadali, Poovan, Robusta, Red banana, Nendran, Kadali and Padatti were selected for the study. The banana varieties were procured (when the characteristic fruit colour develops) from Instructional Farm, Vellayani or from local markets of Trivandrum. The chemical and nutrient composition, phytochemical and antioxidant activity, sensory evaluation and therapeutic value of the selected banana varieties were ascertained. Results of chemical and nutrient composition revealed that TSS of banana varieties was ranged between 17.830 Brix to 23.900 Brix. TSS was found to be more in Kadali (23.900 Brix) followed by Rasakadali (23.830 Brix) and Nendran (220 Brix). Significant differences were noticed in the acidity of banana varieties studied. The varieties Kadali (0.46%) and Robusta (0.47%) were found to be less acidic. Maximum Acidity was noticed in Poovan (1.28%). The varieties Kadali (0.46%) and Robusta (0.47%) were found to be less acidic. The variety Nendran exhibited highest carbohydrate content (41.33g/100g) where as protein content was found to be higher in variety Poovan (1.37g/100g). Total mineral content of banana varieties ranged between 0.17g- 0.70g/100g and varieties such as Rasakadali (260 mg/100g) and Nendran ( 546.66 mg/100g) exhibited highest content of Na and K respectively. The calcium content of the selected banana varieties ranged between 0.35-1.35 mg/ 100g. Quantitative estimation of phytochemicals revealed that total alkaloid content of the banana varieties was observed to range between 0.84 – 3.76 per cent. The varieties Nendran (3.76%) and Padatti (3.72 %) were found to be having maximum alkaloid content. Whereas variety Rasakadali exhibited highest flavonoid content (9.49 mg/100). Saponin content of banana varieties was found to be ranged between 0.22 -0.82 per cent. The saponin content was found to be maximum in variety Kadali (0.82 per cent) and minimum in variety Padatti (0.22 per cent). Total phenol content was found to be more in varieties Kadali (11.6 mg/ 100g), Poovan (7.19 mg /100g), and Rasakadali (6.76 mg/100 g). The variety Palayankodan (4.28mg/100g) showed maximum tannin content and was significantly different from the other varieties. Antioxidant activity in the present study revealed that variety Red banana showed highest β carotene and (8.53 μg/100g). Ascorbic acid content of banana varieties ranged between 1.52 - 5.35 mg/100g. Highest ascorbic acid content was noticed in Red banana (5.35 mg). Highest dopamine content was exhibited in variety Robusta (13.3 mg/100g) and lowest was found in variety Rasakadali (3.2mg/100g). Free radical scavenging activity of banana varieties were studied by DPPH radical assay and total antioxidant activity using different solvents such as petroleum ether, methanol and water. The results revealed that variety Robusta had the highest DPPH activity with an IC50 value of 43.6 μg/ ml in petroleum ether solvent. With regard to total antioxidant activity, variety Padatti exhibited highest activity with an IC50 value of 41.2 μg/ ml in petroleum ether while variety Rasakadali (48.4) and Poovan (48.4) showed maximum activity in methanol followed by variety Red banana with an IC50 value of 44.4 μg/ ml in methanol. Sensory evaluation of eight banana varieties was done using a 5 point score card and 9 point hedonic rating scale. The results revealed that varieties Rasakadali and Red banana were most consumer acceptable varieties compared to other varieties. The therapeutic value of the banana varieties were studied by determining glycemic index. The lowest glycemic index was noticed in variety Padatti (60.70) followed by Poovan (61.00). Findings of the present study revealed that banana is rich in various health beneficial chemical components and nutrients, bioactive compounds such as ascorbic acid, beta carotene, dopamine, tannins, saponins, alkaloids and flavonoids having potent antioxidant activities and/ or free radical scavenging activity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Profiling bioactive compounds and nutrients in jackfruit (artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) and developing a jackfruit based textured vegetable protein
    (Department of Community Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2018) Anila, H L; KAU; Suma Divakar
    The investigation entitled “Profiling bioactive compounds and nutrients in Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) and developing a jackfruit based textured vegetable protein‟‟, was carried out at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram during the period of 2015-2018. The objectives of the study were to ascertain the bioactive compounds and nutrients present in different jackfruit types. The study also envisaged the improvement of digestive quality of jackfruit through reduction of oligosaccharides and developing a jackfruit based textured vegetable protein. The study was conducted in three experiments; viz. analysis of nutrient and chemical profile along with antioxidant activity of the selected types of jackfruit; analysis of measures for reducing antinutrients in raw jackfruit and development of raw jackfruit based textured vegetable protein. For the component wise analysis, five types of jackfruits viz Muttom varikka, Then varikka, Sindoor, Chempikalom varikka and Local cv Koozha were selected; their raw and ripe stages as well as both bulbs and seeds were analysed separately. Analysis of proximate composition, vitamins, minerals, bioactive compounds, antinutrients and antioxidant activity were covered in the first experiment. The results showed that nutrient wise, raw seeds of Chempikalom and ripe bulbs of Sindoor scored higher than the rest of treatments while with respect to antioxidant activity, ripe seeds of Koozha were better than other treatments. The profiling of nutrients and bioactive compounds in the each part of the experiment is an eye opener on specific features of the common jackfruit type that can be exploited according to varying needs. The delicacy factor for non acceptability of jackfruit, despite its useful composition is that, it has a flatulence factor. This study has thrown light in to the measures to reduce these causative factors. For this purpose in the second part of the experiment, one treatment is with enzyme α galactosidase and another treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae was carried out on milled raw jackfruit bulbs and seeds of cv koozha to reduce the level of anti nutrients. Enzyme α galactosidase was premixed with the dry flour of jackfruit seed and jackfruit bulb separately in the ratio 1:100 and the moisture level was varied from 25 – 200% (dough to batter stage). The hydrolysis was carried out for 90 minutes in both jackfruit bulb flour and seed flour. The products were evaluated for the breakdown of oligosaccharides (Raffinose) using HPTLC method. The results showed that the level of Raffinose after treatment with bulb flour and seed flour was seen to decrease with increase in moisture content (25-100%). Thereafter the content slightly staggered and then reduced (125%, 150%, 175%, 200%). However the level of oligosaccharide decreased in comparison to levels in control (0.97 μg g-1). When flours were to be made into batter and subjected to fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae @ 5g/kg for 6 hrs, 8 hrs and 12 hrs and analyzed through HPTLC assay; raffinose content in jackfruit bulb flour reduced from 0.75 μg g-1 to 0.63 μg g-1, 0.58 μg g-1 and 0.74 μg g-1 after 6, 8 and 12 hours respectively. Raffinose content in jackfruit seed flour reduced from 1.28 μg g-1 to 0.42 μg g-1, 0.31 μg g-1 and 0.62 μg g-1 respectively after 6, 8 and 12 hours of fermentation. Considering the reduction of raffinose content and sensory evaluation of the treated flour, eight hour fermentation (F2) was selected as the best treatment. The demand for convenience foods among the literate consumers is on the rise around the globe. It has been argued that convenience is a barrier to achieving proper nutrition using adequate servings. In order to incorporate the fruit based nutritional benefits, it has become important to develop newer and novel foods that could reach the consumers‟ acceptance. With this background an attempt was visualized to develop jackfruit based textured vegetable protein (TVP) to make jackfruit more popular among the health conscious people. In the third experiment, Jackfruit based TVP was formulated by using the ingredients - jackfruit bulb flour and seed flour along with gluten, yeast and soya flour to form chunks using standardized methods. Totally eleven combinations of TVP were worked out. All the eleven treatments were cooked and evaluated by a panel of ten members. Based on the sensory attributes such as appearance, colour, flavour, texture, taste and overall acceptability, the highest score was obtained for T7 which was followed by T8 and these two treatments were seen to be on par. The lowest score was obtained by treatment T4; T7 was taken up for quality analysis, it had a protein content of 61.50g, carbohydrate content of 34.97g and lesser cooking time (7.33 minutes). The physico chemical and textural qualities were on par with soyachunks available in the market. Processed TVP showed good storage stability up to three months. The third part of the study concluded with a positive note on scope of commercializing this jackfruit based protein concentrate. The product is both novel and healthy, raising its popularity for sailing up. Thus, the study finds that there is variation in jackfruit types with respect to nutrients, chemical and bioactive compounds. The efficacy of enzyme α galactosidase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to reduce oligosaccharide levels in jackfruit flour is feasible. With high acceptable food like meat analogue was also standardized based on jackfruit flours, which can be recommended for commercialization.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional profile of preschool children belonging to tribal families in Thrissur district
    (Department of Home Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Vidya, T A; KAU; Seeja Thomachan, Panjikkaran
    The study entitled “Nutritional profile of preschool children belonging to tribal families in Thrissur district” was conducted to know the socio-economic status and food consumption pattern of the tribal families. The study also assessed the dietary habits and nutritional status of preschool children belonging to the age group of 4 to 6 years. Sample consisted of 75 preschool children of 4 to 6 years in the tribal areas of Thrissur district. The subset of tribal and non tribal families constituting 15 tribals and 25 non tribals were used for comparative evaluation of anthropometric measurements, clinical examination, food weighment and haemoglobin estimation. Nuclear family system was found in most of the families. All the families were literate. All the families lived in their own houses and majority had 2 rooms (68.00 %) with mud flooring (58.67 %) and terraced roofing (70.67%). Majority of the families earned a monthly income between Rs. 1000 - 2000. Majority of the children had low birth weight of less than 2.5 kg. Sixty four per cent of the children suffered from various types of diseases during the last one year. Immunization of the children was ascertained. Food consumption survey revealed that all of them were habitual non vegetarians with rice as their staple food. Pulses, roots and tubers and other vegetables were included frequently in their daily diet and the use of green leafy vegetables, milk and milk products and fruits were occasional. Different grades of malnutrition were identified among the children using anthropometric indicators. The mean height and weight of the preschool children were lower than the ICMR standards and the deviations were statistically significant. It was also found that the boys were taller and heavier than the girls. Mean head circumference, chest circumference and MU AC in comparison with NFI standards were significantly lower in boys as well as girls. Height for age which reflects the past nutritional status was normal only in 35.70 per cent boys and 27.70 per cent girls. The present nutritional status of the child represented by the weight for age showed mild and moderate malnourishment in 78.60 per cent boys and 87.20 per cent girls. The Quetelet index also showed prevalence of malnutrition in 60.71 per cent boys and 59.57 per cent girls. The nutritional status of the tribal preschool children was compared with the non tribal children and the tribal children were found to be more malnourished than the non tribal children. The mean height, weight, head circumference, chest circumference and MUAC were lower in all the children, with the tribes having lower measurements than the non tribals. The height for age, weight for age and Quetelet index showed higher level of malnutrition in tribal children as against the non tribal children. Food weighment survey was also carried out to know the actual food and nutrient intake. The actual food and nutrient intake asserted that all the children had an intake lesser than the RDA. Gross deficit in the intake of certain food groups such as milk and fruits and nutrients such as iron, vitamin A and vitamin C were noticed among all the preschool children. The food and nutrient intake of tribal children were lower than that of the non tribal children. Mild anaemia was noticed among 66.67 per cent of tribal and 40 per cent of non tribal children. Food security among the tribal families recorded as per USDA module revealed 64 per cent of the families as food secure and 32 per cent of the families as food insecure without hunger and 4 per cent as food insecure with moderate hunger. The present study thus assure the fact that malnourishment is still a major concern among the tribal preschool children.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Quality assessment and development of product from annona(Annona spp.)
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2016) Aswathy, K M; KAU; Nirmala, C
    The research project entitled “Quality assessment and development of product from Annona (Annonaspp.)” was conducted at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram during 2014-2016 with the objective to analyze the physico chemical and nutritional composition of Annonaceous fruits and to develop a value added product. Three spp. of fruits viz., Bullocks heart (Annona reticulata), Sweetsop (Annona squamosa)andSoursop (Annona muricata)were selected for the study. The quality of fresh fruits was assessed in terms of physical characteristics, sensory acceptability, nutrient analysis, chemical components and shelf stability. The Total Antioxidant Activity (TAA) was also studied. Fruit nectar was standardized from the extracted pulp at different proportions of 20, 25, 30, 35 per cent level and the best proportion was identified based on sensory scores. Physical characteristics such as fruit weight, pulp weight, seed weight and weight of inedible portion were noted. Annona squamosa was smaller in size and 4-5 fruits weighed 1 kg, while 3-4 fruits weighed 1 kg in case of Annona reticulata. Annona muricatawas comparatively large in size, 2 fruits weighed 1 - 1½ kg. Results of quality analysis of fresh fruits revealed that pulp weight, ranged between 344 g to 611 g/kg fruit. Highest pulp weight was observed in Annona muricata (611g/kg). Weight of seed (113.81g/kg) and weight of inedible portions (542.80g/kg)were higher in Annona reticulata.Sensory acceptability of the fruits were evaluated and the overall mean score for the selected fruits were found to range from 6.2 to 8.8. Maximum mean score was secured for Annona squamosa(8.8) followed by Annona muricata(8.6) and Annona reticulata (6.2). Keeping quality of the annonaceous fruits were assessed by noting their organoleptic parameters on alternate days until spoilage. It was found that all the three fruits had maximum keeping quality of seven days. Quantitative estimation of major nutrients revealed that highest content of carbohydrate, energy and fat were noticed in Annona reticulata (25.12 g, 108.40 kcal, 0.61mg/100g respectively). Whereas Annona muricata exhibited highest moisture content (82.46 %). Protein content was found to be higher in Annona squamosa (2.05 mg/100g). TSS content of the selected fruits ranged from 18 – 250 Brix. The fruits were rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.The fruits exhibited very low fat content. Annona reticulatawas composed of 65.09μg of β caroteneper 100 gram and Annona squamosarecorded a vitamin C content of 36.20 mg/100g.Oxalates and total phenol content was higher in Annona muricata (3.36 mg/100g, 21.72 mg/100g respectively). Acidity of the selected fruits ranged from 0.27 to 1.07 per cent. Total antioxidant activity of selected fruits were studied by using different solvents such as petroleum ether, methanol and aqueous medium. The results revealed that Annona squamosa had highest antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 32.00 μg/ ml in petroleum ether. Fruit nectar was standardized from fruit pulp. Four treatment with differentproportions of fruit pulp (per cent)20 (T1), 25 (T2), 30 (T3) and 35 (T4) were developed and initial sensory analysis was done to identify the best proportion for further storage study.Selected best proportions of the fruit nectarfromAnnona reticulata (T3), Annona squamosa (T3), Annona muricata (T4) were stored at room temperature for monitoring the shelf stability in terms of changes in sensory parameters, acidity and microbial contamination periodically. The samples were analysed at weekly interval during the storage period. The stored fruit nectar was analysed for bacteria, fungi and actinomycets. No bacteria, yeast, actinomycets growth was found during the storage periodupto three weeks.An increase in acidity was noted during storage.Shelf stability of the developed product fruit nectar was found to be three weeks at ambient temperature. Annonaceous fruits possess great nutritional and health benefits through the supply of natural antioxidants and other bioactive components. Among the three spp. Annona squamosa was observed with higher antioxidant activity.Annonaceous fruits keeps well for 7 days at ambient temperature. Acceptable fruit nectarwas developed from the fruits with three weeks shelf stability at ambient temperature. Hence promoting the cultivation in large scale and scaling up the production will help to improve the health status and economic prosperity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Quality analysis and culinary utilization of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.)
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2016) Neethu, Mohan; KAU; Nirmala, C
    The present investigation entitled “Quality analysis and culinary utilization of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.)” was conducted at the Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during the period October 2015 – May 2016. The objective of the study was to analyze the qualities of cashew apple and to evaluate its use in culinary preparations. Cashew apple needed for the study was procured from State Seed Farm, Kottarakara, Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani and also from local sources. The collected Cashew apple was pre-treated to remove the astringent content by steaming for 5 minutes under pressure (T1), boiling in 2 per cent salt solution for 5 minutes (T2), immersing fruit in rice gruel extract for 30 minutes (T3), immersing fruit in 0.55 per cent gelatin solution for 10 minutes (T4) and immersing fruit in 5 per cent salt solution for 3 days with the change of salt solution daily (T5). Fresh cashew apple served as control (T6). After the pre - treatment process, samples were subjected to physical, chemical and nutrient analysis. Based on the analysis of samples the treatment with least content in astringent principles (polyphenol and tannin) and with highest sensory scores were selected and stored in glass containers under refrigeration for storage study. Physical appearance and colour, fruit flavour, texture, taste and overall acceptability of treated and fresh cashew apples were evaluated by a panel comprising of 10 members using a 5 point score card. Based on the mean scores, the best treatment was identified which was T2 (Cashew apple treated in 2 per cent salt solution for 5 minutes). Chemical analysis of fresh and treated Cashew apple observed that a reduction in the chemical constituents in treated Cashew apples compared to T6 (Fresh cashew apple). It was found thatT2was in least content in polyphenol (0.11 per cent) and tannin (0.07per cent) hence selected for further in depth study. Nutrient analysis showed that the values obtained for different nutrients were lower for treated cashew apple. T2 sample got comparatively higher values than other treatments in carbohydrate (11.30g) vitamin C (180.00mg) and potassium (75.20 mg) and was also on par with control (T6). Treated cashew apple sample T2 and control T6 were stored in glass containers under refrigeration for storage study. The study showed no significant change in moisture content of the stored samples. With respect to acidity,T6 showed significant increase but not in T2. Microbial growth was seen in T2 sample on the 5th day and in T6 sample on the 7th day of storage. Cashew apple powder was also prepared from selected treatment T2 and fresh cashew apple T6 and denoted as T2P and T6P which was also used in culinary preparations. Four types of culinary preparations such as Cashew apple gravy preparation (Masala curry), Cashew apple salad, Cashew apple sweet chutney and Cashew apple sweet meat product (payasam) were made from T2andT6. Sensory acceptability of these preparations was tested by 10 panel members using 5 point score card and preference was assessed using 9 point hedonic rating scale. These four preparations were also made using cashew apple powderT2P and T6P and evaluated. Results of the organoleptic evaluation of culinary preparations from T2, T6, T2P and T6Psecured highest mean preference score for cashew apple salad (8.8/9) prepared from T2 followed by Cashew apple payasam (8.7/9) from T6 and Cashew apple chutney (8.7/9) from T2P. Cashew apple masala curry got (8.6/9) from T2. From the above findings, it can be concluded that Cashew apple treated with 2 per cent salt solution (T2) lower the astringent principle and was found to be most suitable for culinary preparations such as sweet meat products, gravy preparations, chutneys and fresh salads.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of nutritional status and life style diseases among different income groups
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2016) Priya, P; KAU; Rari, John K
    The study entitled “Assessment of nutritional status and lifestyle diseases among different income groups” was carried out at the Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period, 2014-2016. The main objective of the study was to assess food habits, nutritional status and life style diseases among different income groups and impart counselling for a healthy life. Ninety employees (male and female) 30 members in high income group (HIG), 30 members in middle income group (MIG) and 30 members in low income group (LIG) belonging to the age group of 30 to 45 years was selected randomly. The classification of respondents in to different income groups was done according to NSSO report, 2007-2008. Evaluations of the socio-economic characters of the respondents found that majority of the respondents in all groups were females. They were mostly Hindus and majority of them were married. Educational status revealed that43% of LIG respondents were studied up to high school, 40 % of MIG were PGs and 50 % of HIG got Doctorate degree. On evaluating the food habits of the respondents it was found that majority of the respondents in all the three groups were non vegetarian, majority of the respondents(57 % of LIG, 50% of MIG and 77% of HIG) had regularity in their meal timings. Whereas 57% of LIG, 54% of MIG and 27% of HIG respondents had a habit of meal skipping. Thirteen per cent of both LIG as well as MIG and 16% of HIG respondents regularly consumed food from outside. On considering the meal patterns majority of the respondents had cereal, pulse and vegetable combination for their breakfast, lunch and dinner with the inclusion of non vegetarian foods like egg and fish. The food consumption pattern indicates that consumption of fast food was very low. The nutrient intake study revealed that among the three groups energy, protein and calcium intake was below Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). The weight for height values showed that majority of the male and female respondents were having a value higher than the standard value. In the case of BMI also it was found that only 3% of males, and 27% female in LIG, 17% of males and 37% female in MIG and 7% of males and 30% of female respondents in HIG had normal values. The WHR of the respondents also indicated higher values than normal. The clinical status of the respondents revealed that symptoms of malnutrition in hair, skin and tongue were observed; thyroid gland enlargement and anaemia were observed. The biochemical assessment conducted by a clinical expert revealed that majority of the respondents in all groups of males (7%, 13%, 10% for LIG, MIG & HIG respectively) were having mild anaemia. Were in the case of females majority of the respondents (40%, 47%, and 30%) were observed in normal level. The blood sugar level of the respondents revealed that (83%) of the respondents in LIG & MIG and 90% of the respondents in HIG were having the normal blood sugar level. Lipid levels also showed similar trends. With regarding the blood pressure values 63 per cent of LIG, 57 per cent of MIG and 60 per cent of the HIG respondents had a normal value. When the health and morbidity pattern of the respondents were assessed, it was found that majority of the respondents in LIG (56%) were not having the habit of exercise and 50% of the respondents in both MIG and HIG were exercising irregularly. The stress pattern of the respondents revealed that majority of the respondents in LIG (27%) were experienced stress due to financial problems, in the case of MIG respondents majority of them expressed the reason for stress as both financial and family problems (20%). In the case of HIG the major reason for the stress was due to occupational problems. The sleeping pattern revealed that majority of the respondents in all groups were having an adequate amount of sleep and there was no relation between stress and sleeping pattern. The lifestyle habits of the respondents like alcoholism, smoking and pan chewing was also assessed and it was found that majority of them did not have these habits in their day today life. The morbidity pattern of the respondents indicates that majority of the respondents had occupational health problems like joint pain, back pain, muscle pain and head ache. The energy intake and energy expenditure of the respondents were assessed and it was found that although energy intake was less from the standards, energy deficit was not observed because the energy expenditure was less than the energy intake and due to the same reason the prevalence of obesity among the respondents was found to be high. An education class on the occurrence, prevalence and importance of lifestyle diseases was conducted for the respondents for a healthy life. A counselling class regarding healthy life was also imparted to the respondents. It was found that the knowledge of the respondents about lifestyle diseases had improved significantly after the conduct of the class. Hence, it can be concluded that although the prevalence of lifestyle diseases among the respondents was not obvious, the chances for their occurrence is very high, because of the hidden risk factors like grade I obesity, hyperlipidimia, prehypertension, hereditary factors and stress related lifestyle problems.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Value added baked products from raw jackfruit
    (College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2016) Ambika, Sahoo; KAU; Suma, Divakar
    The study entitled “Value added baked products from raw jackfruit” was carried out at the Department Of Home Science, College Of Agriculture,Vellayani during the period 2014-2016. The main objective of the study was to develop value added baked products viz. Fruit bread, Bun, Rusk and Pizza base, based on raw jackfruit bulb flour and ascertain their physical, chemical, nutritional and shelf life qualities. Raw jackfruit bulbs were processed into flour by standardized procedures and its functional qualities were evaluated. Analysis of functional quality revealed higher levels of water absorption index (2.95%), swelling power (16.35%) and solubility (12.11%) in jackfruit bulb flour than refined wheat flour. Seven treatments comprising of various combinations and proportions of refined wheat flour and raw jackfruit bulb flour (RJBF) were tried out for processing of baked products. The proportion of raw jackfruit flour ranged from20-60% among the treatments T1 to T6. These combinations of composite flour formed the base material for the baked products. The products were processed following standardized procedures which involved weighing, mixing, kneading, moulding, panning and proofing. The products made from these treatments were then baked in the Rotary diesel oven at Asian Cakes, Kaniyapuram, Thiruvananthapuram. The quality parameters were ascertained for the 7 treatments of all the 4 products. When the various treatments for fruit bread were evaluated, baked weight(282.00g) was highest for Treatment T1 and energy, protein and fat content was found to be highest in T6(299.00kcal,9.05g, 3.48g respectively).As for fibre, moisture and acidity,T1 revealed the highest values being 6.41g, 21.05%, 0.14% respectively. Sensory evaluation revealed that T6 obtained the highest scores for appearance, texture, taste, after taste, flavour and over all acceptability. The shelf life ofthe selected product was found to be 3 days at room temperature. All the treatments of Bun showed an increase in depth after baking which ranged from 0.1-0.76 cm. Among the 7 treatments lower calorie, fat and protein were observed for the treatment T1 being 261.00 Kcal, 5.31g, and 3.15g. Moisture content was found to be lowest inT6 (18.5%).Fibre and acidity was significantly higher in T1 (6.07g and0.42% respectively). The shelf life of the selected treatment was 3 days. Among the 7 treatments of Rusk T2 (45:55) obtained the highest yield (63.15%) and T6 was seen to yield the highest volume (33.20cc).Proximate composition analysis revealed that energy, protein and fat content was highest in T6 (431.00kcal, 8.18g and 3.58gm respectively). Treatment T1 had the highest fibre content (6.05g) which was significantly different from others.T6constituted of refined flour and jackfruit flour in the ratio 80:20 obtained the highest scores in sensory evaluation. The shelf life for the best treatment was found to be 3 months. In the case of Pizza base, treatment T1 revealed the highest baked weight (99.0g) and T6 gave the lowest value (90.66g). Energy, protein and fat value of treatment T1was observed to be significantly lower than other treatments (265.00kcal, 5.41g and 3.13g). However the fibre content for treatment T1 was 6.14g. T6 obtained the highest scores in sensory evaluation based on Limongi’s Scale. Shelf life of the selected best treatment was found to be 3 days. The costs of the products were found to be less than that of proprietary products in market. When product acceptability was analyzed, Pizza base obtained the highest rank followed by Rusk, bun, and Fruit bread. Incorporation of RJBF into baked products is thus seen to improve quality of the product economically, nutritionally and also with respect to sensory qualities.