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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Quality analysis of papaya (Carica Papaya L.) varieties and product development
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Anitha Chandran, C; KAU; Soffi, Cheriyan
    The present study entitled "Quality analysis of papaya (Carica papaya L.) varieties and product development" was undertaken with an objective to evaluate the quality of papaya based on physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics, so as to identify the most suitable papaya varieties for the development of papaya based products. The study also aimed at selecting the best proportion for papaya jelly by standardising at three different fruit extract - sugar proportions viz. 1:1, 4:3 and 2:1 using the selected superior varieties of papaya. Ten desert varieties of papaya fruits viz., Waimanalo, Pusa Dwarf, Pusa Giant, Pusa Majesty, Pu s a Delicious, Coorg Honeydew, Washington, Malaysian Long, Exotic collection - 100091 and Exotic collection - 100060 were selected for the study. Study on the physical characteristics of the fruits revealed that Malaysian Long occupied the superior position for fruit length followed by the varieties Waimanalo, Pusa Delicious and Washington. Coorg Honeydew was recorded as the heaviest fruit followed by Pusa Delicious. Mean wh i 1 e both f r u i t weight and frui t length was minimum for the two exotic varieties. It was identified that the papaya variety Waimanalo was the best fruit in thickness of pericarp followed " by the varieties Pusa Delicious and Washington. Papaya fruits of Pusa Dwarf, Pusa Majesty, Malaysian Long and Washington were thin skinned frui ts. The variety Exotic collection - 100060 was noticed to be having the least cavity width followed by the varieties Malaysian Long, Washington and Exotic collection - 100091. Data proved that Exotic collection - 100060 was the fruit carrying the minimum skin wastage followed by Pusa Giant, Pusa Dwarf and Coorg Honeydew. In the case of seed wastage Pu s a Delicious, Washington and Malaysian Long were varieties that observed the minimum levels. Among the ten varieties studied Coorg Honeydew possessed a remarkably high flesh weight followed by the variety Pusa Delicious. 0emical analysis revealed that the variety Washington exhibited a superior position for total sugar content followed by Pusa Delicious and Coorg Honeydew. It was found that the variety Pusa Dwarf occupied a lower level of reducing sugar followed by the varieties Waimanalo and Pus a Majesty while the highest content was for the variety Washington. The f r u i ts of Coorg Honeydew and Waimanalo were identified to have the highest non reducing sugar content. Among the ten varieties analysed fruits of Washington, Pusa Delicious and Coorg Honeydew recorded the higher levels of total soluble solid content. Of the varieties studied Waimanalo was found to have the maximum moisture content and the minimum level of water content was recorded by variety Pusa Delicious. Papaya fruits of Malaysian Long, Pusa Dwarf and Pusa Giant possessed higher acidity level and showed -, a correspondingly lower pH valu~ It was evidenced that, highest vitamin-C level was observed in the variety Pusa Delicious followed by the varieties Pusa Majesty, Exotic collection - 100091 and Washington. The variety Pusa Delicious exhibited a high level I of p-carotene followed by the varieties Exotic collection 100060 and Exotic collection - 100091. Observa t i on on fibre content of different papaya varieties showed that the two Exotic varieties were having the minimum fibre level followed by the varieties Pu s a Majesty, Waimanalo and Pusa Delicious, while Malaysian Long recorded the maximum fibre content. Papaya fruits of Pusa Delicious was found superior in pectin content followed by Malaysian Long, Washington and Coorg Honeydew. Analytical data of mineral composition indicated that fruits of Pu s a Giant, Washington, Exotic collection - 100091 and Waimanalo were high calcium varieties. Pusa Majesty recorded maximum sodium content followed by the varieties Coorg Honeydew and Malaysian Long. Among the varieties studied both the Exotic varieties were identified for its higher potassium level and was closely followed by Washington and Pusa Delicious. It was found that the variety Pu s a Delicious possessed a distinguishly high phosphorus content followed by the Exotic varieties and Washington. Fruits of Exotic collection - 100091, Pusa Majesty and Washington were composed of the higher per cent total mineral composition. Sensory evaluation studies on various quality param~ters evidenced that the varieties Washington, Pusa Dwarf and Pusa Majesty carried the best eye appeal. It is clearly observed that the papaya fruits of Pusa Delicious and Washington were superior for their flavour profile, so also in their taste performance along with Coorg Honeydew. The varieties Pu s a Dwarf, Pu s a Majesty and Washington were more attractive in colour than the other varieties. Considering the texture of the fruit Pu s a Delicious, Coorg Honeydew and Washington were the varieties that were highly preferred. Sweetness of the varieties Pusa Delicious, Coorg Honeydew and Washington were highly appreciated than the rest of the varieties studied. Based on the chemical organoleptic and the most important physical characteristic viz, edible portion weight were s ub je c t e d to discriminant function analysis for the selection of two superior fruits for product development. The screened varieties Coorg Honeydew and Pusa Delicious were used for the development of jelly using different fruit extract sugar ratios viz. 1:1, 4:3 and 2:1. Organoleptic evaluation of jelly disclosed that there was no• significant difference in sensory quality of jelly between the two varieties Coorg Honeydew and Pusa Delicious. All the quality parameters except colour maintained remarkably superior for the jelly sample standardised with equal amount of extract - sugar ratio (1:1). The organoleptic qualities of jelly prepared with 4:3 (P2) ratio remained satisfactory while the sample with fruit extract sugar ratio 2:1 (P3) could not form a judicious combination for the formulation of good quality jelly except for its good performance in colour. ~emical analysis of the jelly revealed that a varietal variation was observed in jelly samples with respect to chemical characters like pH, total sugar and reducing sugar content. The jelly prepared with an equal amount of extract and sugar 1: 1 (Pl) remained at a higher level in most of the chemical attributes, the ratio 4:3 (P2) was found more or less agreeable in chemical composition, whereas the 2:1 ratio (P3) presented the comparably lower grade with respect to chemical parameters tested. It was observed that pH, total soluble solids. total sugar and reducing sugar increased with an increase in the sugar proportion. • '" But acidity level decreased with a rise in the proportion of sugar) Data on the end point temperature of jelly indicated that the sample prepared wi th an equal amount of extract and sugar (1:1) recorded a higher temperature for setting than the other treatments (4:3 and 2:1). The jelly developed using 1: 1 proportion of extract and sugar was positioned well above the PPO specifications. Proportion 4:3 (P2) could attain an almost satisfactory level specified by the PPG, whereas the total soluble solid content of jelly with the proportion 2:1 (P3) remained below the level specified by the FPO. The cost of papaya jelly standardised with equal amount of extract - sugar ratio (1:1) was slightly higher than the other two combinations. A comparison of the price of jelly available in the market with the cost of papaya jelly standardised in this study revealed that the market price was three fold higher compared to the cost incurred for the production of papaya jelly in this study. The study highlighted that screening suitable papaya varieties for product development not only enhance the quality of the product but also results in better commercial utilization of this fruits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dietary habits and nutritional profile of school children participating in the school lunch programme
    (Department of Home Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Mini Padikkal, P; KAU; Usha, V
    A study was conducted among the school children (7-9 age group) to find out the food consumption pattern and nutritional status of children who are the beneficiaries of school lunch programme of the state. The socio-economic details inferred through the survey were found to be . satisfactory. Nuclear families with better living conditions and good educational levels of the parents were the main factors observed. Most of the children were completely immunized. Food consumption survey results revealed a dietary pattern of rice, pulses, vegetables and coconut oil. The consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruits by the families was found to be negligible. Dietary profile of school children revealed that the intake of all the food groups except that of flesh foods were below the RDA. But when compared to the control group there was a significant increase in the intake of cereals, pulses, other vegetables, roots and tubers, flesh foods and sugar and jaggery in the experimental group. Dental caries was observed in majority of the children. Anaemia was the most prevalent nutritional deficiency disorder among children. Prevalence of malnutrition as revealed by anthropometric survey indicated that the mean height and weight of children in both control and experimental group was low, when compared with Indian standards. But the difference in . the body weight between the control and experimental group of children were statistically significant. Severe malnutrition was not observed in both groups. From the above observations it can be concluded that there was no incidence of severe grades of malnutrition among children. When compared with Indian . . standard alues, both groups of children were found to have low values. But based on different grades of malnutrition most of the children in experinlental group came under normal nutritional status and grade I malnutrition. But majority of children in the control group where having grade I and grade IT malnutrition. Intake of protein and vitamins such as riboflavin was found to be high in control group when compared to RDA. But in experimental group the intake of retinal and niacin was high when compared to RDA. The intake of all other nutrients were below the RDA in both groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Amaranth on the health and nutritional profile of adolescents
    (Department of Home Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Suman, K T; KAU; Omana, Pavunny
    The present study entitled 'Effect of amaranth on the health and nutritional profile of adolescents' was conducted among 120 adolescents, selected from juvenile home and orphanage in Trichur district on the basis of occurrence of anaemia. The selected samples were divided into three groups viz., control, 2/3rrl RDA and full RDA groups, consisting of 40 adolescents in each group. Food consumption pattern of the inmates revealed that all were non- vegetarians and rice formed their staple food. The daily used food items by the inmates of the institutions included cereals, pulses, roots and tubers, other vegetables, milk, fats and oils, sugar and spices. Advanced meal planning was done in both the institutions. The acceptability study of amaranth recipes showed that they were acceptable with respect to different quality parameters. Among the recipes, cheera minced meat thoran obtained the highest score in the acceptability study and' cheera pittu scored the lowest. The 10 recipes which obtained the highest total scores were selected for the feeding trial. The nutrient analysis of fresh amaranth and amaranth recipes showed that the protein content of most of the recipes were higher than the fresh amaranth. All the recipes had higher starch and soluble carbohydrate content than fresh amaranth. The fibre content of cheera thoran, cheera vada, cheera curry and cheera green gram thoran were higher than the fresh and cheera thoran and cheera curry had higher iron content compared to fresh amaranth. All the recipes showed lo;ver content of calcium,ft carotene and vitamin C compared with fresh amaranth. Assessment of the nutritional status of adolescents after the supplementation study revealed significant increments m anthropometric measurements, haematological indices and mean scores of the functional performance test in all the three groups with greater increase in full RDA?U1d 2/3rrl RDA groups compared to control group. The distribution of adolescents into various nutritional status based on weight for height and body mass index revealed changes in nutritional status irrespective of the groups. The most common nutritional deficiency disease observed among . adolescents was anaemia, which was reduced in all the three groups after the supplementation study. Dental caries was also observed among adolescents irrespective of the group.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of educational programmes on the health and dietary practices of the wokers of sewage fram in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2000) Razeena, K A; KAU; Subaida Beevi, S
    A study entitled the' Impact of educational programmes on the health and dietary practices of the workers of sewage farm in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation' was conducted to evaluated the impact of educational programmes on the knowledge and adoption of health and dietary practices by the workers of sewage farm in Thiruvananthapuram and also to find out the comparative effectiveness of the selected teaching methods. The study was carried out in Valiathura ward in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation where the sewage farm is situated. Two selected visual aids viz., flashcards and slides, were tested for their effectiveness. The subjects selected to teach the respondents were Balanced diet, deficiency diseases, environmental sanitation and diarrhoea-reasons and remedies. Hundred families of sewage workers belonging to the defined area form the study sample. The experimental group consisted of 56 women sewage workers. The four groups were exposed to all the selected topics at one week interval using the selected teaching methods. Gain in knowledge, retention in knowledge and the adoption of gained knowledge on health, hygiene and dietary practices are the dependent variables. Age, family size, type of family, annual income, educational status of the respondent and family, mass media contact, dietary practices, physical facility available in the family and health profile were selected as independent variables. The results revealed that the educational programme had significant impact on the knowledge and adoption of health and dietary practices by the workers of sewage farm. The gain in knowledge and retention was more on the topic deficiency diseases. The treatment II i.e., lecture + flashcard was the most effective method in terms of gain in knowledge where as the combination of all contributed the maximum to retention of knowledge. The knowledge adoption was also more on the topic deficiency diseases and the adoption was more in the respondents, who were exposed to treatment II i.e., lecture +flashcard. The analysis of correlation coefficient revealed that the age and family size of the respondents were not correlated significantly, in the case of gain in knowledge, retention of knowledge and adoption. Income of the respondent was significantly and negatively correlated with the retention of knowledge. The educational status of the respondent was significantly and positively correlated with the retention of knowledge. The mass media participation of the respondent was positively correlated with gain and retention of knowledge. There was no significant relationship between the dependent variables and the total physical facility available in the family. Change in food consumption pattern on various physiological conditions have significant positive association with the retention of knowledge. The relative effectiveness of the selected teaching methods revealed that there was significant difference between the selected four methods of teaching. The lecture method in combination with selected visual aids have more influence on the gain, retention and adoption of compared with the lecture method alone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dietary habits of senior citizens
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture,Vellayani, 2000) Ajitha, R; KAU; Vimalakumari, N K
    The study entitled "Dietary habits of senior citizens", was conducted to assess the dietary pattern of senior citizens as influenced by physical, psychological, socio- • economic factors. Two hundred elderly citizens in the age group of 65-75 years from urban (100) and rural (100) areas ofTrivandrum were selected for the study. There was major variations between rural and urban elderly as well as male and female elderly as far as their economic, social and personal profile were examined, which could influence their dietary pattern directly or indirectly. The urban citizens had better educational status than rural citizens. Though there were no major variations in the number of citizens currently employed both among urban and rural citizens, there was significant variation in their dietary habits. The meal pattern of urban citizens were relatively adequate than rural citizens. The inclusion of nutritious foods were less among rural citizens. Both urban and rural citizens had made changes in their diet due to problems related to aging. The personal habits like smoking, tobacco use, alcohol, consumption were less among urban citizens. They had also perceived their health to be good. They had better functional ability (mainly IADL), and also better physical and social environment. The female citizens had better body weight than men and the prevalence of deficiency diseases and other degenerative diseases were low among them. But male citizens were doing strenuous activity and they had better functional capacity than females. The results of the study revealed a significant association between dietary habits of the elderly and their socio-economic and personal characteristics. It was observed 2 that the age had a significant influence on current dietary pattern and number of meals consumed. Age also was found to influence the consumption of milk, meat, egg and pulses. Current employment was found to have a significance influence on the number of meals taken out. Among rural citizens the number of meals consumed per day and their habit of dining out had a significant bearing on the body mass index. Less consumption of pulses, milk, commercial health preparations and supplements were found to have a significant influence on the presence of deficiency diseases among rural elderly. Social relationships were also found to have a significant influence on the current dietary pattern. Frequency of taking alcohol was found to have a profound influence on number of meals consumed both among rural and urban citizens. In general the study revealed that the urban elderly had better dietary habits, living arrangements and greater freedom to spend money. But the rural elderly were found to be performing strenuous activity even at the age of seventy though they had diets containing lesser amount of protective foods. It was also found that the dietary habits of the elderly were influen~ed significantly by their social and economic conditions, rather than by functional or psychological factors.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of Amla (Emblica Officinolis Gaertn.) products on the nutritional and health status of sos children in thrissur district
    (Department of Home Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Jissy George; KAU; Indira, V
    A study on the influence of amIa (Emblica officina/is Gaertn.) products on the nutritional and health status of SOS children in Thrissur District was conducted among children in the age group of 4 to 6 years and 7-9 years. The functioning pattern of SOS village indicated that the activities were carried out by an efficient panel of personnels and the mother in charge of each family looked after the activities of each family. The facilities with respect to education, recreation, health, sanitation, ~\.. inter and intra family relations and extracurricular activities of the village were found to be excellent. Majority of the selected children had a normal birth weight with low morbidity and had completed the immunization schedule. All the families were non-vegetarians. All the families planned their meals in advance and maintained specific time schedule for taking meals. Among the seven arnla products prepared, amla preserve was found to be the most acceptable. Most of the chemical constituents analysed were retained even upto six months of storage .. The impact of feeding arnla preserve on the nutritional status of children indicated that most of the anthropometric parameters were significantly better in the amla fed group. Most of the food groups and nutrients were found to be inadequate in their daily diet. Anaemia, anorexia and dental caries were found to be the most important clinical symptoms observed among SOS children., No child in the experimental group showed anaemic symptoms after the feeding trial. The behaviour traits of children did not show any significant variation between control and experimental groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dietary profile of goitre patients
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Sheeja Kamal; KAU; Nandini, P V
    The study entitled tDietary profile of goitre patients' compr,ises information on the socio economic, dietary and health profile of goitre patients. The study was conducted among 100 goi t r e pat ients, all attending the thyroid clinic of Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum for the first time. The socio economic profile of the goitre patients indicated that most of the respondents were in the age group of 16-30 and most of them were females. The respondents surveyed were mainly Hindus (other backward classes) with high school level of education. Majority of the respondents were residing in nuclear families with 4 family members and families of the respondents were having only one employed person. Most of the families had a monthly income that ranged between Rs.I000 to 1500 and mainly with a percapita income of Rs.300 to 400. Based on PQLI, the respondents were grouped into 3 categories and 'most of the patients were in the category of PQLI 13-16. 132 Data collected on dietary pattern and food consumption pattern observed that most of them spent the major part of their income on food ie. RS.IOOl to 1500/month. Among the expenditure on various food items, most of them spent RS.301 to 400 on cereals, Rs.201 to 300 on fish and Rs.I00 to 200 on roots and tubers. On assessing, the frequency of using different food items, most of them used energy rich foods like cereals, roots and tubers, sugar and jaggery daily in their diet. Allong the protein rich foods fish and milk (insufficient quantity) used daily in their diet. Frequency of using goitrogenic foods revealed that tapioca was used dai ly among the most of the surveyed go i trepatients. The data on tapioca meal and consumption pattern indicated that the most of the surveyed patients included tapioca twice daily as a main item in the diet. Most of them followed boiling method for cooking tapicoa in a covered vesse I and discarded t he cook i ng water once. On assessing the actual food intake, it was noticed that cereal intake was more than the RDA. The mean nutrient l~oQke intake revealed that the nutrientsAwere lower than the RDA. Clinical examination of goitre patients indicated that most of them were mainly with diffused colloid goitre with symptoms of palpitation, swelling and tremour. Data gathered on the iodine content in drinking water and urinary samples confirmed the presence of low iodine content in water and urine. An enquiry about the nutritional status index of goitre patients revealed that most of the respondents were observed to be in deficient nutritional status.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Anaemia and work performance of pre-adolescent girls engaged in sports activities
    (Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Sajitha, K S; KAU; Mary Ukkuru, P
    A study on "Anaemia and work performance of pre- adolescent girls engaged in sports activities was carried out to assess the prevalence of ana.emia and its consequences on performance. Details pertaining to the socio-economic variables. dietary habits, food consumption pattern, energy balance. nutritional status and physical endurance built up of the respondents were studied in detail. The surveyed'respondents under study belonged to low economic strata. Social status of the respondents indicated that majority belonged to christian community and are from under privileged communities. Nuclear type families of medium size are common among the surveyed respondents. All the pre-adolescent athletes studied were habitual non-vegetarians. Frequency of use of various foods among the respondents revealed that cereals, milk, fat and sugars were the items used daily in the dietaries while roots and tubers, ftuits, fish and egg were used frequently. Four meal-a-day pattern was followed by majority of the respondents. Food preference of respondents indicated that rice was the most preferred cereal and green gram the most preferred pulse among the respondents. Less preference was recorded for green leafy vegetable while vegetables were medium preferred (bA- food i terns among the r e s p o nd e n t s . Tapioca was the most preferred roots and tuber, while mango and plantain preferred by all the respondents. Milk and milk products, animal foods, bakery items and other processed foods and health drinks were found to be liked by all of them. Food consumption pattern of the respondents indicated that except pulses all other food groups were inadequately met when compared with the suggested levels of food for athletes. With regard to nutrient intake, Vitamin A and Ascorbic acid were met above the RDA suggested, while calories and iron were almost adequately met. Rest of the nutrients were found to be inadequate in the dietaries of the athletes. However energy balance with respect to energy intake and expenditure was found to depict positive trend in majority of the respondents. On analysing anthropometric data, it was found that weight for age of the athletes were found to be slightly below the national and international standards suggested where as height for age was found to be on par with the Indian Standards. Body mass index and waist hip ratio were found to be satisfactory in majority of respondents. It is encouraging to note that pre-adolescent athletes have well built arm muscle area with adequate lean body mass and body fat. Clinical examination of the respondents revealed only mild forms of anaemia among some of the respondents. 1,114-0 f(,5 Biochemical investigations carried out indicate atisfactory iron balance among the respondents. It is interesting to note that physical endurance ndicators assessed were in support of good aerobic and maerobic power in the respondents. The performance index of the respondents appeared to ie sound and ranged between 11.7 to 13.6 and the nutri t i o n a I .t a t u s index of the respondents fall between 169 to 176. A positive s i g n i f' i c a n t correlation was observed ie t w e e n Nutritional Sta.tus Index with calorie intake, Inthropometric measurements and haemoglobin levels. -er f o r man ce Index showed positive significant correlation with rg e of the respondents, anthropometric parameters, dietary .a r i a b l e s , biochemical parameters and physical endurance indicators. Performance Index of the respondents was also found to be significantly influenced by Nutritional Status Index of the respondents.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Quality attributes of selected leafy vegetables
    (Department of Home Science, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Maya, Mathew; KAU; Indira, V
    The study entitled 'Quality attributes of selected leafy vegetables' was undertaken to estimate the nutrient composition, anti-nutritional factors and organoleptic qualities of eight leafy vegetables, along with the control variety, Amaranthus tricolor L. available and maintained in the Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. All the above attributes were evaluated during summer and rainy seasons. The leaves were analysed for moisture, protein, fat, fibre, starch, soluble carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C. The results revealed that among the different constituents, the mean protein content of the . .control variety. was found to be significantly higher than the other leafy vegetables. All the leafy vegetables were found to be rich in iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C. The mean fibre, soluble carbohydrate and vitamin C contents were highest in centella, whereas bengalkeera had the highest mean value for starch and calcium. The highest phosphorus, iron and beta-carotene contents were in kangkong leaves. Except the beta-carotene content during summer season, all the other constituents of the different leafy vegetables varied significantly during summer and rainy seasons. However, significant increase in the calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C contents were observed during rainy season. The average nutritive values computed on the basis of the nutrient content of the leafy vegetables, revealed that kangkong had the highest nutritive value among the leafy vegetables selected for the study. The average nutritive value of the leaves was also found to be higher during rainy season. The anti-nutritional factors namely, oxalates and nitrates in the leaves were also analysed during summer and rainy seasons. The results revealed that bengal keera and Amaranthus tricolor L. had the highest oxalate and nitrate contents respectively than the other leafy vegetables. Variation in both the anti-nutritional factors was also observed between the leafy vegetables during summer and rainy seasons. However, the variation was found to be insignificant between the two seasons. Based on the nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors, the leafy vegetables were grouped into three clusters, each cluster containing similar leafy vegetables. Cluster I contained arakeera, centella, horse purslane and kangkong along with the control variety amaranth. Basella and waterleaf constituted cluster II and aksharakeera and bengalkeera constituted cluster Ill. Results of the organoleptic evaluation indicated significant variation m acceptability between the leafy vegetables during summer and rainy seasons and the leafy vegetables were found to be more acceptable during summer season. Among the different leaves the control variety (Amaranthus tricolor L.) was found to be more acceptable.