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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of provenances for seedling attributes in teak
    (Department of Tree Physiology and Breeding, College of Forestry,Vellanikkara, 1996) Jayasankar, S; KAU; Luckins Babu, C
    A randomized block design experiment involving the performance of selected provenances ie., Arienkavu, Konni, Malayattur, Nilambur, Parambikulam, Wynad and Thrissur (Local provenance) of Tectona grandis Linn. F. initiated during June, 1995 was used for the present investigation. The objective of the study included qualifying the seed characters, growth parameters, physiological and anatomical characters, root growth potential, field establishment and also elucidating the extent of nutrient uptake pattern, besides characterising the nutrient status dynamics. Seed characteristics like mean number of seeds per kg, 100 seed weight, purity percentage and individual seed parameters were found to vary significantly among the provenances tested. Parambikulam was found to be superior to other provenances, while local provenance recorded the least values for most of the parameters. Germination behaviour of teak provenances in the laboratory varied considerably among provenances. The overall performance was better in Konni which recorded a high germination percentage, peak value and MDG. Malayattur was showed to be inferior in these respects. Shoot, root growth, biomass allocation pattern, RGR and NAR were followed the trend that, Parambikulam, Nilambur and Malayattur consistently registered better growth rates in most of the stages of experimental period while, local provenance recorded the least values. Physiological parameters like LDR, transpiration rate, leaf water potential and RWC were influenced considerably among the provenances. Anatomical character like stomatal frequency was also varied among provenances throughout the period. Concentration of nutrient in the different plant parts and uptake pattern were found to be higher in Malayattur, Nilambur and Parambikulam especially with a high magnitude of N use efficiency. Local provenance registered a low accumulation of nutrients in different plant parts. Root growth potential studies showed significant variation among the provenances. Malayattur and Nilambur provenances had relatively higher values in RGP. While, Thrissur recorded a poor growth performance in this respect.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of selected forestry and agroforestry tree seedling to water stress
    (Department of Tree Physiology and Breeding, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, 1996) Rajesh, N; KAU; Ashokan, P K
    An experiment was conducted at the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur during the period from 1994 to 1995 with seedlings of Acacia mangium Willd., Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) Alston., Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb., Swietenia macrophylla King and Tectona grandis L.F. to study the response of the species to water stress. The results showed that the growth characteristics and Physiological behaviour of all the five species were adversely affected due to water stress. Among the five species studied S. macrophylla was the most sensitive species and did not show much adaptations to tolerate water stress. Eventhough A. mangium showed adaptations like quick closure of stomata, thick cuticle and low chloroplast disintegration when exposed to water stress, growth characteristics were found to be adversely affected due to water stress. So the species has to be tested for its water stress tolerance in a long term experiment. Pterocarpus marsupium was also found to be sensitive to water stress and all the growth characters were adversely affected. However, it showed relatively high net photosynthesis and relative growth rate. Ailanthus triphysa was the least sensitive species to water stress. Considering the relative growth rate and net photosynthesis, A. triphysa and P. marsupium are rated to perform well under dry situations. Among the five species studied T. grandis seedlings showed symptoms of permanent wilting when the water stress was increased from moderate (~ 5 Bar SMT) to severe (~ 10 Bar SMT) levels. Other species did not show permanent wilting even when the plants were not watered for nine days condinuously (S3). Growth characteristics in T. grandis was not much affected due to mild (S1) levels of water stress eventhough the plants wilted and dried under severe water stress (S3).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth and nodulation characteristics of selected indigenous tree legumes
    (Department of Tree Physiology and Breeding, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 1997) Harikrishnan, Nair G; KAU; Asokan, P K
    An investigation was carried out to study the nodulation characteristics of seven Indigenous/ naturalized tree legumes in Trichur district of Kerala State. The homesteads of five selected panchayats viz. Pananchery, Madakkathara, Nadathara, Puthur and Ollukkara of the district were surveyed to assess the natural nodulation and to collect nodules for isolating Rhizobium.• The response of these tree legumes to inoculation with local isolates and commercial cultures of Rhizobium were done by seed inoculation and growing the seedlings in a glass house. In a separate experiment, the soil collected from the base of the nodulating tree were also evaluated as an inoculant. The inoculation studies were laid out in CRD with ten replications.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Habitat utilisation of animals and their parastic burden with special refference to elephant in Vazhachal Forest Division , Kerala, South India
    (Department of Wildlife Science, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 1996) Animon, M M; KAU; Jacob, V Cheeran
    An investigation was carried out in Vazhachal Forest Division, Kerala, South India during 1994-95 to identify the habitat utilization and seasonal movement patterns of the wild elephants (Elephas maximus indicus). Estimating the population of elephants, finding out the impacts of elephants on woody vegetation, identifying the internal parasites of elephants, studying the need and type of mineral supplements and assessing the importance of Vazhachal as a zone of tourism were also aimed by this study. Habitat utilisation and seasonal movements were studied by indirect methods based on dropping count. Population was estimated by a direct simultaneous count. Vegetation damages were assessed by demarcating plots of size 25x25 m randomly in the study area. Parasitic analysis of fresh dungs was done by centrifugal sedimentation technique and microscopical examination. Mineral mixtures of different concentrations were placed in the area to study the preference for minerals. Data on income from Vazhachal was collected to assess the importance of Vazhachal as tourism centre. Seasonal movements reflected the habitat utilization patterns. Preference of habitats by elephants varied with season. Moist deciduous forests were preferred most in winter season whereas it was least preferred in summer. Evergreen forests were preferred over the moist deciduous forests only during summer season. Acacia plantations were most preferred in summer seasons and was least preferred in first rainy season. Preference for teak plantations were comparatively high during summer and first rainy season. A seasonal movement from thickly vegetated east end of the division to open and secondary forest dominated west end was evident. Great variations in dung densities of individual transects indicated a continuous movement of elephants in the study area. Elephant population at Vazhachal comprised of 155 elephants with a sex ratio (male : female) of 1:6.5 and a crude density of 0.38 elephant/km2. Debarking and breaking tops were the main forms of damages in Teak (Tectona grandis), Papitta (Pterocymbium tinctorium) and Albizia (Albizia falcataria) plantations. Breaking of tops and pushing over accounted for main damages in Bombax (Bombax ceiba) plantations. Damages were comparatively less in moist deciduous and evergreen forests. A total of 35species were found to be debarked in whole of the study area. Elephants preferred mineral mixture with high concentration of minerals and this stresses the need of supplementation of required minerals. Majority of the dungs analysed showed the presence of parasites strongylus and tape worm, indicating heavy infection. Increase in income from tourism in Vazhachal indicates the increasing importance of Vazhachal forests in the tourism map of Kerala. The tourist influx was found to vary with changes in rainfall pattern.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutrient deficiency diagnosis in tectona grandis
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 1996) Jayamadhavan, A; KAU; Sudhakara, K
    The foliar nutrient concentration of ten year old Teak plants collected from the Nilambur Teak plantation were analysed to standardize the canopy height, time of sampling, leaf rank and diameter class during the period 1992 – 94. Also, the leaf samples from the standardised position and time interval were analysed for a period of thirteen months starting from August, 1993 to August 1994 to study the variation in the foliar N, P and K concentration with season. Further, leaf samples from four different site qualities viz., site quality 1, 11,111 and 1V were analysed to determine the critical nutrient level. The chemical analysis of the leaf samples were carried out in the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural university, Vellanikkara. Since mean nutrient concentration was high and varied little among the samples, leaves taken from the bottom position of the crown during the time interval 9.am. to 11 a.m. were taken as the standard. Similarly, the second leaf rank from the tip and the fourth diameter class which was the largest, (16.75 cm – 20 cm) were found to be ideal for sampling. The foliar nutrient concentration were higher during the period starting from June to September, which received high rainfall and were low during the drier months of January, February, March and April. Equations were developed to predict the yield based on foliar nutrient concentration. A simple linear model of the form Y = B * X + A was used to predict the yield in terms of basal area or volume and the foliar nutrient concentration; where Y = basal area (m2) or volume (m3), X = foliar nutrient concentration and A and B are constants. But a higher predictability was obtained for the relationship between basal area or volume and foliar nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentration, when fitted with super geometrical model, Couchy model and parabolic model respectively. The super geometrical model used for the relationship between basal area or volume and foliar nitrogen concentration was of the form
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    In vitro propagation of ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.)
    (Department of tree physiology and breeding, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara., 1999) Natesha, S R; KAU; Vijayakumar, N K
    A research project entitled "In Vitro propagation of Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.)" was carried out at the College of Forestry, Vellanikkara during 1996-98 to standardise a protocol for micropropagation of A. triphysa through tissue culture. To achieve the present objective, different media combinations for shoot production and rooting of micro shoots were tried using axillary and terminal buds from three to four year old seedlings as explants. The extent of culture contamination principally due to fungus was found to be high and more so during rainy season. To get contamination free cultures, dipping of explants in a fungicidal mixture of 0.1 per cent each of Bavistin (Carbendazim) and Indofil M-45 (Mancozeb) for 30 min. and their sterilization with mercuric chloride (0.1 %) for 20 min. was found relatively effective. Small sized explants «0.5 cm dia) with significantly low culture contamination as well as phenol exudation in comparison with big sized explants (>0.5 cm dia), were found to be optimum for culture establishment Washing of explants in running tap water for 30 min. and further culturing in media containing activated charcoal (0.25%) was found to significantly lower phenol exudation in both sizes of explants. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was found to be the best basal medium for culture establishment and shoot production in comparison to half strength MS medium and WPM. Of the various media combinations attempted, MS supplemented with 3.0 mg r' benzyl adenine was found to be the best for shoot production. Highest mean number of leaves (lO.2/explant) and leaflets (21.8/explant) were obtained from this treatment with an average shoot number of 2.43 per explant Multiple shoots were obtained in almost all the combinations of benzyl adenine (BA) and kinetin in MS medium. The treatment, MS + 3.0 mg r' BA + 1.0 mg r' kinetin that produced as many as 4.25 shoots from a single bud on an average, was found to be the best among these. Many of the combinations of GAJ, BA and/or kinetin also produced multiple shoots. As many as 15 shoots from one bud were obtained in MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg r' kinetin and 5.0 mg r' GAJ. Half - strength MS was found to be totally inefficient for shoot production even when supplemented with growth regulators. Notable shoot elongation was obtained in few cultures of MS media containing 3.0 mg r' BA + 1.0 mg r' GAJ and 2.0 mg r' BA + 2.0 mg r' kinetin. Callusing at the base of bud explants was noticed in very few cultures. In vitro rooting was successfully obtained in half-strength MS medium containing 4.0 mg r' IAA + 0.4 mg r' IBA + AC (0.25%). The plantlets that produced roots ex vitro died due to fungal infection. When planted out into sterilized sand in crops, the in vitro rooted plantlets survived under high humidity conditions for two weeks but failed to acclimatize to outside environmental conditions. From the present study the protocol for shoot production could be standardised but more work on rooting of shoots is needed. As far as our extent of search, this is the first report on standrdisation of the technique of rnicropropagation of A. triphysa using mature plant tissues as explant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Root distribution pattern of bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Roxb. Gamble) and associated competitive effects
    (Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 1999) Divakara, B N; KAU; Mohankumar, B
    Root competition between bamboo [Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd.] and associated tree components in two mixed species systems and root distribution pattern of boundary planted bamboo clumps were evaluated. Root competition was assessed using 32P soil injection technique in two cultural systems involving bamboo viz. teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F.) – bamboo and Vateria (Vateria indica Linn.) –bamboo). Experimental units were selected considering distance between bamboo clumps and the nearest Vateria/teak. 32P was applied to two soil depths (25 and 50 cm). Each lateral distance-depth combination formed a 32P treatment and it was replicated thrice. To characterise root distribution pattern, modified logarithmic spiral trenching method was used. For this, 18 boundary planted bamboo clumps were randomly selected and classified in to small, medium and large clumps based on clumps diameter ranges. Spiral trenches were dug around the clumps (10 m long). The number of severed roots exposed on both sides of the trench was assessed by placing a 50 x50 cm quadrats against the vertical sides of the trench at 1 m intervals. Isotopic studies revealed that, 32P absorption by teak or Vateria increased as the lateral distance of bamboo occurrence increased. With respect to depth of application, deeper placement showed higher 32P recovery than shallow placement by teak and Vateria. Uptake of bamboo was inversely related with lateral distance from treated plants. Bamboo clumps may exert a competitive effect upto an 5-6 m radial distance in ten year old clumps growing on lateritic soil. Beyond six meters, the magnitude of competition may be negligible. Recovery of 32P from different soil depths show that more number of physiologically active roots are present at 25 cm than at 50 cm depth. Excavation studies showed that locations close to the clumps recorded higher rooting intensities and there was a linear decrease in rooting intensity with increasing distance. Size of the bamboo clumps showed discernible differences in respect of spatial root distribution pattern. The medium and small size clumps recorded higher rooting intensities upto 7.5m, beyond this limit the large clumps recorded higher rooting intensities. There were significant difference in bamboo root distribution with depth, 10-30 cm depth of soil horizon registered the higher root counts with nearly 60% of total root counts. Thus, a considerable overlap between the bamboo roots and crop rooting zone in the 30 cm depth and 5-6 m lateral distance zone is possible. However care should be taken while cropping in association with bamboo in this rooting zone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Karyomorphology and isoenzyme variation in certain acacia species
    (Department of tree physiology and breeding, College of Forestry, Vellanikkara., 1998) Mohamed Zainul Abideen, K A; KAU; Vijayakumar, N K
    A study was conducted at the College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, Trichur on karyomorphology and isoenzyme variations of Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex. Benth. A. mangium Willd., A. ferruginea DC and A. nilotica Willd. ex. Del during 1996 to 1997. For karyomorphological studies, the cytological technique using root tip squash method was standardised employing various pre-treatment chemicals, fixatives and stains. The roots pre-treated in 0.03 per cent 8-hydroxyquinoline for one hour at room temperature were subjected to fixation in Carnoy's B fluid (6:3:1, ethanol: acetic acid : chloroform) for 24 hours. Subsequently, the roots were hydrolysed in , 1 N HCI at 60°C for a duration of three minutes in case of A. nilotica and A. auriculiformis and four minutes in case of A. mangium and A. ferruginea. the roots were then stained in 1.0 per cent aceto orcein for five hours. After that slides were prepared and examined for mitotic chromosomes. From mitotic index prepared, the rate of cell division was found to be at peak between 9.00 am and 10.00 am in all the species. The study has revealed that A. mangium and A. auriculiformis possessed 2n=26 chromosomes, while A. nilotica carried 2n=52 chromosomes. A. ferruginea, the species for which the chromosome studies conducted for the first time also found to carry 2n=26 chromosomes. The chromosome lengths were measured using camera lucida drawings. The chromosome of A. auriculiformis and A. mangium - acacias of Australian origin - are relatively larger compared to that of A. nilotica and A. ferruginea - acacias of Indian subcontinent. The chromosome length of former two species ranged between 0.75 urn to 1.61 urn and 0 .. 67 urn to 2.60 urn, respectively. The average chromosome length of A. mangium was 1.30 urn while that of A. auriculiformis was 1.16 urn. The chromosome length of A. nilotica ranged between 0.51 urn to 1.25 urn with an average length of 0.79 urn. In case of A. ferruginea, the chromosome length. ranged from 0.56 to 1.44 urn and average length was 0.92 urn. Idiogram have been constructed for all the species based on absolute and relative chromosome length. The two isoenzyme systems, namely, esterase and glutamate oxaloacetate ,transminase (GOT) were analysed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both isoenzymes together produced seven bands with three for esterase and four for GOT. The bands Est-3 (Rm = 0.50) and GOT-3 (Rm = 0.26) were present in A. mangium as well as in A. auriculiformis this indicate presence of similar type of monomorphic gene loci for both enzymes systems in this two species, while the rest of the isoenzyme bands showed variation in their mobility. From the cytological and isoenzyme studies, it is suggested that A. auriculiformis and A. mangium are genetically related where as A. ferruginea and A. nilotica are distinctly different.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clonal propagation of selected plus trees of Indian rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia Roxb) through tissue culture
    (College of Forestry, Vellanikkara, 1995) Kannan, C S; KAU; Vijayakumar, N K
    An investigation was carried out at College of Forestry, Vellanikkara during 1993 – 1995 on micropropagation of selected plus trees of Indian rosewood (Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.) through tissue culture. Nodal or intermodal explants from the three selected plus trees as well as root suckers of one among them were used for the study. Explants from young (eight to ten year old) rosewood trees were also taken, in order to know the difference in culture response if any, between adult and juvenile plant materials. Prophylactic spraying with the mixture of Bavistin and Indofil M-45 given to young trees as well as root suckers or immersing the explants from the plus trees for one hour in the same fungicidal mixture coupled with surface sterilization of explants with 0.1 per cent mercuric chloride for 12 minutes could control culture contamination very effectively. Phenol problem was nil for young trees whereas treatments with ascorbic acid, citric acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone were essential to check browning of the cultures of explants from plus trees as well as root suckers. Woody plant medium supplemented with 1.0 mg 1-1 kinetin along with 0.1 mg 1-1 IAA was the best combination for young trees whereas addition of 2.0 mg 1-1 BA to MS medium proved to be better than the others, in case of plus trees. While in vitro propagation using explants from young trees of rosewood could be achieved and plantlets could be regenerated with cent per cent repeatability, micropropagation of the selected plus trees of rosewood faced with many obstacles. Though bud break and shoot morphogenesis was noticed in some of the media combinations tried with BA, kinetin and 2-ip alone or along with IAA or NAA, none of them could improve the problem of lack of multiple shoot formation or leaf expansion. Adenine sulphate, casein hydrolysate, cycocel, phloroglucinol, coconut water and activated charcoal were found to have no significant beneficial effect on culture of plus trees of rosewood. However, L-glutamine added to the medium at higher concentrations was found preventing precocious drop of leaf initials. In vitro rooting was achieved by resorting to a pulse treatment of the shoots with IBA (1000 mg 1-1) and culturing them in half strength MS medium containing 1.0 per cent activated charcoal and hardening and planting out of the plantlets was also carried out for young trees. Rooting trial was a failure with plus trees as well as root suckers. Callus cultures were successfully initiated from intenodal segments from root suckers. Shoot regeneration was noticed in 14.3 per cent of these cultures. However, leaf expansion or multiple shoot formation could not be obtained. The study clearly portrays the difference in culture response between juvenile and adult explants from Dalbergia latifolia.