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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Varietal evaluation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) for yield growth and quality
    (Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, 2020) Hasna, P M; KAU; Meera Manjusha, A V
    Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L. Family: Amaryllidaceae) is one of the most popular tropical ornamental bulbous flowering plant grown on a commercial scale throughout different states of India. They are much adored by the aesthetic world for their colour, elegance and fragrance. As the commercial cultivation of tuberose is gaining importance, introduction and identification of high yielding varieties is necessary. The quality and production of any crop or variety largely influenced by its genetic makeup and climatic condition under which they are grown. Therefore, in order to select suitable and high yielding cultivar for a particular region it is very much necessary to collect and evaluate all the available genotypes. The study entitled “Varietal evaluation of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) for growth, yield and quality” was carried out at the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod and RARS Pilicode during 2019-2020. The experiment was laid out in Randomized block design with ten treatments and three replications. The varieties were screened for vegetative, floral, quality and post- harvest parameters. The study clearly indicated that genotypic differences among varieties and variation in environmental factors significantly influence vegetative and floral characters of tuberose. Minimum number of days to 50 % flowering (108.38 days), longest spike (111.80 cm) and maximum diameter of peduncle (3.05 cm) was recorded in variety Arka Prajwal. Variety Arka Suvasini recorded maximum value for rachis length (47.60 cm), longevity of spike (13.60 days), days to complete opening of spikes (26.15 days), diameter of floret (3.53 cm), weight of 100 florets (235.43 g), loose flower yield (131.31 g) and fresh weight of spike (133.52 g). Variety Arka Vaibhav recorded maximum number of florets per spike (63.00). Longest floret was observed in variety Culcutta Single (7.03 cm). Variety Culcutta Double found to be superior in terms of vase life (8.53 days) of spike. Concrete recovery found maximum in single petalled cultivars than semi double and double type cultivars. Stage of harvest, growing environmental condition, season and method of extraction have significant influence on the recovery of concrete. In the present study concrete recovery ranges from 0.012 to 0.117 % and maximum concrete obtained for the variety Arka Sugandhi. Out of the ten genotypes of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) comprising single, semi- double and double petalled cultivars, the variety Arka Prajwal, Arka Shringar, Arka Sugandhi and Culcutta Single among single petalled type, Arka Vaibhav the only semi petalled type and variety Arka Suvasini and Culcutta Double among double petalled type were found to be superior in terms of growth, yield and quality of flower under northern Kerala condition. Among these Arka Prajwal can be recommended for loose flower production, Arka Suvasini for cut flower production and Arka Sugandhi for oil extraction purpose.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluvation of China aster [Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees.] for cultivation in tropical plains
    (Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Alfin, Santhosh; KAU; Anupama, T V
    China aster [Callistephus chinenesis (L.) Nees.] is one of the most important annual flower crops grown in India for cut flower as well as loose flower purposes. It ranks third next to chrysanthemum and marigold among the annual flowers and has gained popularity due to ease of cultivation, diversity of colours and good vase life. It is also used for bedding purpose in landscapes and as pot plants. In Kerala, the demand for annual flower crops is on the rise, however the cultivation is limited. China aster due to its hardy nature can be grown as a pure crop as well as intercrop in coconut gardens. The investigation entitled ‘Evaluation of China aster [Callistephus chinenesis (L.) Nees.] for cultivation in tropical plains’ was conducted at the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping during 2018-2019 with an objective to evaluate the performance of China aster for cultivation in tropical plains. Ten varieties of China aster viz. Arka Kamini, Arka Shashank, Arka Archana, Phule Ganesh White, Phule Ganesh Violet, Phule Ganesh Pink, Phule Ganesh Purple, AAC-1, Local Pink and Mat White were evaluated for vegetative, floral and post harvest characters. The varieties showed significant variation for vegetative characters. In all the varieties, leaf dentation was present and leaf shape was ovate for all varieties except Arka Shashank which had linear leaf shape. Stem colouration and leaf mid rib colouration were absent in varieties such as Arka Shashank, Arka Archana, Phule Ganesh White and Mat White and the rest of the six varieties showed the presence of purplish stem and mid rib colouration. The variety Phule Ganesh Pink was superior in plant height (68.86 cm) at 3 months after planting. The characters like plant spread (50.08 cm), number of leaves (56.48), number of primary branches (14.25) and stem girth (11.09 cm) were also highest in variety Phule Ganesh Pink. Leaf area was the highest in variety Phule Ganesh White (34.31 cm2). The variety Mat White was significantly inferior for all the vegetative characters observed. Floral characters showed significant variation among the varieties. Powderpuff flower type was observed in Arka Shashank and all the other varieties had semi-double type flower. Days to bud initiation was minimum in variety Arka Shashank (44.40 days) and maximum in Phule Ganesh White (73.67 days). The same trend was observed for days to complete flower opening and days to 50 per cent flowering. The variety Local Pink had the highest duration of flowering (62.40 days) and variety Mat White (45.20 days) had the lowest duration of flowering. The variety Arka Shashank produced highest number of flowers per plant (20.20). The flower stalk length (21.13 cm), flower weight (6.94 g) and flower diameter (7.07 cm) were the highest in the variety Phule Ganesh Pink. The variety Phule Ganesh White was superior in terms of number of disc florets per head (251.00) whereas Phule Ganesh Pink had the highest number of ray florets per head (201.20). The flower yield per plant was highest in variety Phule Ganesh Pink (55.99 g). The variety Phule Ganesh White recorded the highest seed yield per flower (1.27 g) and seed germination (65.27 %). Longest shelf life was observed in variety Phule Ganesh Pink (3.67 days) which was on par with Phule Ganesh White (3.33 days) and physiological loss of weight was recorded highest in Phule Ganesh White (35.70 %). The variety Phule Ganesh Pink had the longest vase life (13.93 days) and total water uptake was also maximum in variety Phule Ganesh Pink (20.27 ml). Anthocyanin content of flowers was recorded highest in the variety Phule Ganesh Violet (51.87 mg/g) followed by Arka Kamini (48.62 mg/g). Dendrogram based on D2 statistics considering qualitative and quantitative characters indicated that high amount of variability is present among the varieties. Correlation and path analysis revealed that the characters such as number of primary branches (0.978), plant spread (0.894), leaf area (0.796) and flower weight (0.933) were having significant positive correlation with flower yield per plant with a direct effect of 0.150, 0.199, 0.281 and 0.498 respectively. Ranking of varieties was done individually for loose flower and cut flower types. In ranking for loose flower types, variety Phule Ganesh Pink scored first position which was followed by Phule Ganesh White and Local Pink. When varieties were ranked for cut flower types, first position was scored by Phule Ganesh Pink while second position was shared by Phule Ganesh White, Phule Ganesh Purple and Local Pink. In overall ranking the variety Phule Ganesh Pink occupied first position followed by Phule Ganesh White and Local Pink and these can be recommended for commercial cultivation in tropical plains of Kerala during winter season.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of growing media and growth regulators for rose (Rosa ssp.) under top ventilated rain shelter
    (Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2019) Sijo, John; KAU; Mini, Sankar
    Rose is acclaimed as ‘Queen of flowers’ because of its colour, fragrance and elegance. Cut roses are having very high demand in domestic as well as international market due to versatile uses. Roses can be successfully cultivated under top ventilated rain shelters in Kerala. Soilless media consist of vermiculite, perlite, and rockwool are popularly used for commercial production of rose under protected condition. These are costly and not easily available to farmers. Thus, there is a need to develop a cost effective growing media with locally available materials. Exogenous application of plant growth regulators improves the yield and quality of cut flowers by manipulating hormonal regulations in the plant system. Even though commercial formulations of different growth regulators are available in the market, the type and precise concentration of growth regulators are to be standardised. Hence the present study entitled “Standardization of growing media and growth regulators for rose (Rosa spp.) under top ventilated rain shelter” was carried out in the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2018-2019. Objective of the study was to standardize growing media and growth regulators for commercial production of cut roses in agroclimatic conditions of Kerala. The experiment consisted of twelve treatments, which included different combinations of three growing media viz; soil + M-sand + cocopeat + FYM (M1), soil + M-sand + cocopeat + vermicompost (M2) and soil + M-sand + cocopeat + poultry manure (M3) in 2:1:1:1 ratio and two levels each of two growth regulators viz; Benzyl adenine (BA) and Gibberellic acid (GA) at 200 and 250 ppm. Six months old grafts of rose variety ‘Tajmahal’ was used for the study. Observations on growth characters, yield, post harvest aspects as well as nutrient status of the growing media were recorded. With regard to vegetative characters, growing media, growth regulators and interaction between growing media and growth regulators had significant influence during the period of observation. Growing media containing FYM (M1) recorded the greatest plant height and was on par with growing media containing vermicompost (M2). Among growth regulators, GA 250 ppm was found to be superior in terms of plant height. With respect to interaction effect, greatest plant height was observed under the media containing FYM (M1) and GA at 250 ppm. Plant spread was highest under medium containing FYM (M1). Growth regulators had significant influence on plant spread and BA at 200 and 250 ppm were superior and on par in terms of this parameter. Regarding interaction, growing media containing FYM (M1) along with 200 ppm BA was observed to have the highest plant spread during the growth period. Media containing FYM (M1) as well as vermicompost (M2) were found to produce more number of branches and among growth regulators, BA at 200 and 250 ppm were on par and superior with respect to this parameter. Regarding interaction effect, highest number of branches was observed under growing media containing FYM (M1) and BA at 200 ppm. Significant effects of growing media could be observed on floral characters and media containing FYM (M1) was found to be superior with respect to floral characters viz; length of flower bud (3.37 cm), diameter of flower bud (2.16 cm), number of flowers /plant (5.04), number of petals/ flower (51.92), stalk length (47.94 cm) and flower diameter at fully opened stage (8.44 cm). Growing media containing FYM (M1) and growing media containing vermicompost (M2) were on par in terms of other floral characters viz; length of flower shoot, neck girth and stalk girth of flower. With respect to the influence of growth regulators on floral characters, a greater number of flowers/plant (5.38 and 5.10) as well as largest flowers at fully opened stage (8.33 and 7.99 cm) were observed under BA at 200 and 250 ppm. Stalk length of the flower was found to be maximum under GA at 200 ppm (47.92 cm). Highest length of flower shoot was observed in GA at 200 ppm and BA at 200 ppm which were on par with each other (38.79 and 36.94 cm respectively). Growing media and growth regulator interaction had significant influence on floral parameters viz; stalk length and number of petals per flower. Media containing FYM (M1) with GA 200 as well as 250 ppm were found to have maximum stalk length (52.48 and 50.09 cm respectively). Highest number of petals were observed under media containing FYM (M1) along with BA 200 and 250 ppm, media containing FYM (M1) along with GA 200 and 250 ppm, media containing vermicompost (M2) along with BA 200 ppm and GA 200 ppm as well as media containing poultry manure (M3) along with BA 200 ppm. Early initiation of flower bud was observed under media containing FYM (M1) along with BA 250 ppm (119.22 days). Regarding post harvest characters, media containing FYM (M1) was superior in terms of fresh weight of flower (16.36 g), total water uptake (49.48 ml) and vase life (8.46 days). Among growth regulators BA 200 ppm had longest vase life which was on par with GA at 200 ppm. Maximum fresh weight was observed under BA 200 ppm (15.17g). With regard to interaction effect, treatment combination of FYM + BA at 200 was found to have maximum vase life and fresh weight of flower (9.38 days and 18.71g respectively). Considering overall performance, growing media combination of soil + M-sand + cocopeat + FYM (2:1:1:1) along with monthly application of BA at 200 ppm can be recommended for commercial cultivation of rose under protected condition in Kerala.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of f 1 hybrids resistant to bacterial wilt and inheritance of resistance in brinjal (lolanum melongena L.)
    (Department of Olericulture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1991) Geetha, Varghese; Abdul, Vahab M.
    The present studies "Evaluation of F hybrids resistant to bacterial wilt and inheritance of resistance in brinjal ( Solanum melongena L . ) were conducted during February 1990 to July 1991in the vegetable research plots of Kerala Agricultural University,Vellanikkara. Evaluation of F hybrids over 4 environments revealed that all the 3 hybr ids were superior to their parents for yield during all the four seasons. It also indicated significant role of genotype x environment interaction in the yielding abi l ity of the hybrids. Considering wilt resistance the hybrids were not superior to their parents. Varietal difference was observed for plant height, fruits/plant, fruit weight, fruiting period and productive flowers. Estimation of heterosis of three F^s over their parents revealed significant heterosis for plant height, days to flower, days to first fruitset, days to harvest, primary branches/plant, total fruits/plant, total yield/plant, average fruit weight and fruiting period. All the three hybr ids viz. Surya x Pant Rituraj, SM 6-6 x SM 132, SM 6-2 x Pusa Purple Cluster were stable. Study on the nature of inheritance showed that resistance to bacterial wilt is inherited in a recessive and monogenic manner.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Spacing and nutrient management for Gomphrena globosa L.
    (Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2020) Reshma, Shaji; KAU; Sobhana, A
    Gomphrena globosa L. is a charming ornamental annual plant, commonly known as globe amaranth or bachelor’s button. Gomphrena is native to tropical and sub-tropical countries including India. It belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. Colourful and globular flower heads add colour and beauty to the garden and the flowers are suitable for cut and dried floral arrangements. Gomphrena is also an excellent choice for beds, borders and rock gardens. Among the various factors responsible for high crop yield, optimum spacing coupled with supply of appropriate quantity of nutrients at appropriate time plays a vital role in enhancing the productivity and the quality of the crop. For the commercialization of this crop, there is need to standardize optimum plant spacing and fertilizer levels. In this context, the study “Spacing and nutrient management for Gomphrena globosa L.” was carried out in the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2019- 2020. Objective of the study was to standardize the spacing and fertilizer requirement of Gomphrena globosa for cultivation in Kerala. The experiment was carried out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eight treatments comprising two levels of spacing i.e., 30x30 cm and 45x45 cm and three levels of fertilizers viz; NPK @ 50:25:50 kg/ha, 75:50:75 kg/ha and 100:50:100 kg/ha. Observations on growth characters, yield, post-harvest parameters, nutrient status of the soil, plant nutrient content and uptake were recorded. Among the growth characters, plant height was found significantly higher in the treatment with closer spacing of 30x30cm compared to 45x45cm spacing. Other growth characters including plant spread, number of branches per plant and dry matter production per plant showed significant improvement when grown under wider spacing (34.92 cm, 14.83, 52.53 g/plant respectively). However, dry matter production per unit area (4 t/ha) was found the highest under closer spacing. Different fertilizer doses were found to be on par with one another with respect to plant height and were superior over control. Similar trend was found in plant spread, number of branches per plant and dry matter production. There was no significant interaction effect of spacing and nutrients on growth parameters. Early bud initiation (46.81 days) and minimum number of days to 50% flowering (50.58 days) was observed under closer spacing of 30x30cm. Wider spacing of 45x45 cm produced greater number of flowers per plant (42.64), flower yield (40.90 g/plant) and seed yield per flower (0.29 g). The flower yield per hectare was found to be highest in closer spacing (2.50 t/ha). The different nutrient doses had significant effect on flower yield (g/plant). Application of N:P2O5:K2O @ 50:25:50 kg/ha produced greater flower yield (40.41 g/plant) which was on par with N:P2O5:K2O @ 75:50:75 kg/ha (35.11 g/plant) and superior over control treatments without fertilizers. The earliest bud initiation was observed in plants applied with N:P2O5:K2O @ 50:25:50 kg/ha along with closer spacing of 30x30 cm (42.78 days). Other floral characters and post-harvest parameters were not significantly influenced by spacing and fertilizer treatments. Nutrient content in the plants was found the highest in wider spacing (45x45 cm) and the content in the plant increased as the dose of nutrient applied increased. However, the nutrient uptake by the plants (kg/ha) was found to be the highest in plants grown under closer spacing (30x30 cm) and the uptake of the nutrients also increased with increase in fertilizer dose. Results showed that higher dose of fertilizers (N:P2O5:K2O @ 100:50:100 kg/ha) and wider spacing (45x45 cm) promoted vegetative growth of plants. Plants spaced at 30x30 cm and fertilized with N:P2O5:K2O @ 50:25:50 kg/ha produced more flowers and higher flower yield and can be recommended for improving the growth and flowering of gomphrena plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of alternate media for potted ornamental foliage plants for export purpose
    (Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2020) Rashida, C K; KAU; Mini, Sankar
    The investigation entitled “standardization of alternate media for potted ornamental foliage plants for export purpose” was carried out in Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara from June, 2019 to June, 2020. The objectives of the study were to standardize alternate media for potted ornamental foliage plants for export purpose and to work out the economics. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized block design with ten treatments and four replications. Treatments included ten different growing media containing soil, sand, FYM, cocopeat, vermicompost, rice husk, biochar, perlite and vermiculite in various proportions viz., T1 : soil, vermicompost and sand in 3:2:1, T2 : soil (75%) + vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%), T3: soil (50%) + cocopeat (25%) + vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%), T4 : soil (25%) + cocopeat (50%) + vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%), T5 : cocopeat (70%) + rice husk (10%) + vermicompost (10%) + sand (10% ), T6 : cocopeat (50%) + rice husk (25%) + vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%), T7 : cocopeat (50%) + biochar (25%) + vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%), T8 : cocopeat (25%) + biochar (25%) + vermicompost (25%) + sand (15%) + perlite (10%), T9 : soil: FYM : sand (1:1:1) (Control) and T10 : cocopeat (50%) + vermicompost (20%) + perlite (15%) + vermiculite (15%). Popular herbaceous foliage plant Aglaonema commutatum var. ‘silver frost’ was used for the study. Significant improvement in growth parameters viz., plant height and plant spread was observed in all soil based media (T1, T2, T3 and T9) as well as in two cocopeat based media (T4 and T5) during the study period. However, the treatment T10 [cocopeat (50%) + vermicompost (20%) + perlite (15%) + vermiculite (15%)] was found to satisfy the height (48.89 cm) and plant spread (50.78cm) as per the recommended grades and standards for potted aglaonema (FMA and FNGA, 1994). Even though significant improvement with respect to number of leaves was observed in various treatments during the period of experiment, T10 was found to have consistent performance confirming to the standards of potted plants. The treatments T4, T5 and T6 which were cocopeat based treatments showed more leaf width throughout the period of observation (7.89-7.29 cm). Composition of growing media significantly influenced the leaf area. T1, T7, T10 and T4 were found to have maximum leaf area (8091.26 - 8982.67 cm2) at the end of experiment. As the foliage enhances the beauty of potted plants, production of leaves at frequent intervals is a desirable character. In the present study, minimum interval for the production of successive leaves was observed in treatments T4, T10, T9, T5 and T3, whereas T8 was found to have more time interval between the production of leaves. Early emergence of first sucker (94.79 days) was observed in T8 [cocopeat (25%) + biochar (25%)+ vermicompost (25%)+ sand (15%) + perlite (10%)], whereas T2 [soil (75%)+ vermicompost (15%) + sand (10%)] took more time for emergence of first sucker (155.33 days). Number of suckers decides the fullness of the pot at the base and the medium composed of cocopeat (50%), vermicompost (20%), perlite (15%) and vermiculite (15%) (T10) was superior with regard to this parameter (6.10). The lowest shoot length will provide a compact appearance to the potted plants. The treatments T8 [cocopeat (25%), biochar (25%), vermicompost (25%), sand (15%) and perlite (10%)], T10 [cocopeat (50%)+ vermicompost (20%)+ perlite (15%)+ vermiculite (15%)], T7 [cocopeat (50%)+ biochar (25%)+ vermicompost (15%)+ sand (10%)] and T6 [cocopeat (50%)+ rice husk (25%)+ vermicompost (15%)+ sand (10%)] showed lowest shoot length. Fresh weight of leaves is an indication of quality of foliage and this parameter was found to be highest in media T1, T9, T4, T8 and T10. T5 was superior with regard to dry weight of leaves. With regard to root parameters, T4 and T5 were superior in terms of fresh weight of roots. Number of lateral roots was observed to be highest in T9, T1, T5, T4 and T2. Even though improvement in growth characters and root parameters was observed due to various treatments, potted ornamental foliage plants should satisfy certain quality criteria for export purpose. As per the recommended grades and standards for potted aglaonema for export, it should possess height and spread within the range of 40.64 cm to 50.80 cm and there should be 6-12 suckers per pot. The medium should be light in weight and it should have more water holding capacity so as to avoid irrigation at frequent intervals. In the present study, the medium composed of cocopeat (50%), vermicompost (20%), 6perlite (15%), vermiculite (15%) (T10) was found to possess all these characteristics and also it was superior with respect to number of leaves as well as number of suckers, which are the desirable characters for potted foliage plants for interiorscaping. In addition to this, the medium was found to have high porosity, low bulk density and high water holding capacity which helps to reduce irrigation requirement of potted plants. Hence this medium can be recommended as a medium for export purpose of potted ornamental foliage plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of time of planting and growth regulators on flowering and vase life of Gerbera jamesonii
    (Department of Pomology and floriculture and Landscaping, College of Horticulture,Vellanikara, 1993) Suma, P; KAU; Lila Mathew, K
    Studies were carried out in the Department of pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, during 1991 – 93 to examine the effect of time of planting and growth regulators on flowering and vase life of gerbera. Four varieties, namely , Eoliet, Presley, Pritty and Sunbird and five treatments, viz., GA 50 ppm, GA 100 ppm, CCC 500 ppm, CCC 750 ppm and control, were tried. Varieties were found to have significant influence on both vegetative as well as the floral characters whereas the treatments did not have any significant effect on vegetative characters of the Gerbera cultivars in general, when evaluated in the first season. In the second season both varietal and treatment effects were not consistent. Variety Presley was found to be early flowering while Eoliet was late flowering. GA 50 ppm and GA 100 ppm hastened flowering whereas CCC 500 ppm and CCC 750 ppm delayed it. In general the longevity of flowers was maximum in varieties Eoliet and Sunbird. Variety Presley had the least longevity. Among the treatments, CCC 750 ppm and GA 50 ppm increased the longevity of flowers in field. Maximum number of blooms was produce by Presley and the minimum by Eoliet. In general GA 100 ppm and CCC 750 ppm increased the number of blooms. In general CCC 750 ppm, GA 50 ppm and GA 100 ppm had a significant positive influence on flower diameter. In general variety sunbird had the maximum stalk length and diameter, while Pritty produced the shorest stalks. CCC 500 ppm and CCC 750 ppm had the best effect on stalk length. Vase life was found to be significantly increased by GA 100 ppm and CCC 750 ppm treatments given to the plants. Five per cent sucrose + 20 ppm AgNO3 significantly increased the longevity of flowers in vase. Planting in June was found to be better than October planting with respect to vegetative as well as floral characters, especially for number of flowers and flower diameter. Among the varieties, with respect to growth and number of flowers, Presley was found to be superior. In the correlation studies flower number was found to have positive and highly significant correlation with plant height and leaf area whereas flower diameter had significant negative correlation with leaf area and stalk length. Petiole length, stalk diameter and leaf number had positive correlation with this character. Vase life had significantly positive correlation with fresh weight of flowers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Induction of Genetic Variability in Musa Sp. Var. Nendran By in Uitro Methods
    (Department of pomology and floriculture, College of horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1993) Mini Balachandran; P.K.Valsalakumari
    Investigations were carried out at the Department of Pomology and Floriculture and Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of the All India Co-ordinated Floriculture Improvement Project, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, during 1991-93 on the induction of variability in the banana variety Nendran (Musa AAB ‘Nendran’) by in vitro methods. Explants utilized for the study were shoot tip and eye bud for direct organogenesis through enhanced release of axillary buds and shoot tip, flower base, inflorescence axis, embryonic leaves and scalp for somatic organogenesis/embryogenesis. For culture establishment, axillary shoot initiation and in vitro rooting, different growth regulators, like NAA, 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5-T (auxins) and BA and kinetin (cytokinins) were made use of. The plantlets produced in vitro were subjected to hardening treatments to ensure a better establishment of planted out plants and their growth parameters were studied. For shoot tip and eye bud explants, a combination of treatments involving, an initial dipping of explants in emisan (0.1 per cent) for 30 minutes followed by dipping in norfloxacin (0.1 per cent) for 30 minutes followed by dipping in norfloxacin (0.1 per cent) for 30 minutes and finally rinsing the explants in mercuric chloride (0.1 per cent) for 20 minutes was found to be best, but for flower base and inflorescence axis explants, emisan (0.1 per cent) treatment for 20 minutes and for embryonic leaves, dipping in alcohol for one second were in the best. Better and speedier establishment and growth of shoot tip and eye bud explants were observed on MS (semi-solid) medium containing NAA 2 ppm + BA 5 ppm. Addition of activated charcoal (500 mg per litre) to the medium, reduced media and explant discolouration due to polyphenol oxidation. When the performance of the shoot tip and eye bud explants was compared, eye bud explants took more time for culture establishment and growth. In shoot tip culture, on an average, each explant released 8.66 axillary shoots in the treatment involving MSb*+ NAA 2 ppm + BA 10 ppm. In the case eye bud, on an average, each explant released five axillary shoots. Continuous sub culturing was carried out at two week interval to assess the variation induced to cultured plants due to repeated subculturing. It was found that, the number of shoots produced per culture was not constant in all the subcultures. Still, the axillary shoots produced per explant per culture vessel increased at the mean rate of 5.90. BA alone at higher concentration (10 ppm) resulted in colloid (globular semi-hard, light green callus like structure) formation and subsequent regeneration. MSb*: MS medium containing half concentration of inorganic salts and full concentration of organic growth factors. For in vitro rooting, MSb medium containing NAA 10 ppm and AC 0.05 per cent was found to be effective for early root initiation and the maximum number of roots per shoot was produced at the treatment involving MSa* +NAA 5 PPM+ AC 0.05 per cent. Of the various explants, viz., shoot tip, inflorescence axis, flower base, embryonic leaves and scalp(in vitro) tried for initiating collus scalp and embryonic leaves recorded maximum response. Among the media tried for callus initiation, MSb media at liquid consistency was found to be more effective. Maximum callus index (266) was recorded for the treatment combination involving 2, 4-D 7 ppm and BA I ppm. For callus differentiation the treatments involving 2, 4-D and BA, BA alone and basal MS media resulted in rhizogenesis, and treatments involving 2, 4-D alone produced embryoid like structures from scalp callus. No shoot organogenesis was observed. Also treatments were conducted with changed levels of nitrate source in the media, but they did not give any favourable results. Embryoid like bipolar structures were recovered from scalp callus when they were transferred to media devoid of growth regulators. To study the variation, if any, induced due to derail subculturing, the shoots obtained from each subculture cycle (through enhanced release of axillary buds) were isolated and their MSa* : MS medium containing full concentration of inorganic salts and organic growth factors identify maintained. The shoots thus separated were rooted and planted out after subjecting them to a process of hardening. Somatic chromosome counts were made at the root tips of plantlets from 10 subcultures to confirm the ploidy. All the plants were triploids (2n = 33). The plantlets from different subcultures were planted out in sand, which was found to be the best medium. Observations made on growth parameters, at fifteen days interval, revealed that the plants from subcultures differed significantly with respect to the rate of growth in height and leaf area.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Refinement of in vitro propagation technique in pineapple var. mauritius and mass multiplication of elite clones
    (Department of pomology and floriculture, College of horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1996) Jo Jose C; Radha T
    The studies on refinement of in vitro propagation technique in pineapple var. Mauritius and mass multiplication of elite clones were conducted at Kerala Horticulture Development Programme, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara during 1993 – ’95. Based on the survey conducted at the major pineapple growing areas, namely, Vazhakulam – Muvattupuzha regions of Ernakulam district, five elite clones of Mauritius variety with higher yield and other desirable fruit characters were selected propagules from the selected clones were planted at Vellanikkara for taking explants for their mass multiplication through refined in vitro propagation techniques. For shoot tip explants, treatment with emisan 0.1 per cent for 35 minutes followed with mercuric chloride 0.1 per cent for 10 minutes and for lateral bud explants treatment with emisan 0.1 per cent for 10 minutes followed by 0.1 per cent mercuric chloride for three minutes was found to be the ideal surface sterilization treatment. Culture establishment and growth initiation of shoot tip explants from different sources (suckers, crowns and slips) and lateral bud explants were better in MS medium supplemented with BAP 3 and 4 mg 1-1. Explants from shoot tips were found to be better than those from lateral buds for achieving faster culture establishment and growth initiation. Enhanced release of axillary buds was the maximum in Ms medium containing BAP 4.0 mg 1-1. Among the different subculture stages, multiple axillary bud production was higher in second suculture stage. Addition of casein hydrolysate 100.0 mg 1-1 in to the medium with BAP 4.0 mg 1-1 favoured the production of axillary buds. Adventitious bud initiation from sucker shoot tips was fastest in MS medium supplemented with BAP 5.0 mg 1-1 + NAA 1.0 or 0.5 mg 1-1. For adventitious bud production from lateral buds, treatment with BAP 7.5 mg 1-1 + NAA 1.0 mg 1-1 was the best. Proliferation rate of adventitious buds was maximum in MS medium supplemented with BAP 4.0 mg 1-1 + NAA 0.5 or 1.0 mg 1-1. Rate of multiplication of adventitious buds was higher in liquid medium under shake culture condition, than in solid medium. Faster shoot regeneration and increased vigour of the shoots were resulted in growth regulator free MS medium. However, highest number of shoots were produced in MS medium supplemented with BAP 1.0 mg 1-1. Liquid medium under shake culture condition was found superior of solid media with respect to initiation of shoots and mean number of shoots, however, the latter resulted in longer shoots. In vitro rooting was fastest in MS medium, without any growth regulator, which produced longer and normal roots with secondaries and root hairs. Though addition of NAA (3 mg 1-1) resulted in increased number of roots, they were very short and hair like. Stationary liquid medium was found superior to solid