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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Metabolic profile of downer cow syndrome
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1994) Mhachuvino Catherine, Khatsu; KAU; Alikutty, K M
    The metabolic profile of ‘Downer Cow’ syndrome in field conditions was studied. Fourteen field cases of ‘Downers’ in crossbred dairy cows aged three to thirteen years, ranging from 250 to 300 kg body weight from Trichur district were selected at random and utilized for the study. Fourteen apparently healthy crossbred dairy cows of similar age group and body weight, maintained under similar conditions of feeding and management from the area from which the clinical cases studied were also selected at random and utilized as the healthy controls. Samples of blood for haematological and biochemical parameters, urine and dung from both healthy and diseased animals were collected and analysed using standard methods. Analyses of the data from fourteen diseased animals indicated a higher incidence in Jersey crossbred cows during summer season. Prominent clinical signs were sternal recumbency exhibiting hindquarter weakness and reduced feed and water intake. However, the affected animals remained bright and alert with no evidence of any systemic disturbances. The clinical data were within physiological limit. Highly significant increase in PCV and significant increase in Hb but no significant difference in ESR, RBC and WBC were observed. Lymphopenia, neutrophilia and eosinopenia were observed with no variation in basophils and monocytes counts. Biochemically, hypocalcaemia,hypophosphataemia, hypoproteinaemia and hypoalbuminaemia were obtained from ‘Downers’ with no significant variation in blood glucose, urea nitrogen, sodium, potassium, magnesium and albumin/globulin ratio. Urinalysis revealed no consistent result indicative of any systemic involvement and no parasitism on dung examination microscopically.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Haematological And Serum Biochemical Profile Of Intestinal Impaction In Elephants
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1999) Jayakrishnan, T N; KAU; Alex, P C
    The present study was undertaken to analyze the haematological and biochemical alterations in elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction. The epidemiology, clinical fmdings and haematology were the main items of observations. Six elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction lasting for more than four days in and around Thrissur district were utilized for the study. Six apparently healthy elephants in and around Thrissur district were selected at random and utilized as the healthy controls. The detailed history was collected using a questionnaire (Annexure I). Sample of whole blood and serum from the animals of the healthy and diseased groups were collected and analysed. Haematological values consisting ofESR, PCV, Hb, TEC, TLC and DLC were recorded. Urea nitrogen, glucose, sodium, chloride, potassium, total protein, creatinine, bicarbonate, lactate and AST in the serum were estimated using standard methods. Analysis of the data indicated that the disease was more common in male elephants than in females. The incidence was more in summer season i.e., during the season of festivals. Characteristic clinical symptoms were absence of defaecation ~, tttc!ife than 24 hours, varying degrees of straining, exudation from re~t»m ~rn1 Y~frfrg degrees of dehydration. Clinical data were within physiological limits on the day of collection of blood sample, i.e. on the fourth day after the development of clinical symptoms. A highly significant increase in PCV but without significant alterations in Hb, ESR, TEC, TLC and DLC were observed in elephants affected with gastro-intestinal tract impaction. Biochemical changes in blood included a highly significant increase in urea-nitrogen and lactate levels. Highly significant decrease in the level of chloride was noticed. Significant increase in the level of bicarbonate was noticed. Decrease in the levels of glucose and potassium in the affected elephants was significant. Variations in total protein, sodium, creatinine and aspartate amino transferase in the blood were not significant. Changes in the parameters observed in elephants with gastro-intestinal tract impaction in the present study indicated that mild metabolic alkalosis with hypochloremia and hypokalemia were associated with this condition. Intensive treatment with a balanced electrolyte solution! Dextrose saline/ gastric replacement solutions is recommended in the early stages of gastro-intestinal tract impaction.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Experimental selenosis in cattle
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 1989) Jayakumar, K M; KAU; Aleyas, N M
    Experimental studies were conducted on six calves keeping two as control by oral administration of sodium selenite at the rate of 1.0 mg/kg body weight thrice a week over a period of 24 weeks. Visible signs of toxicity were noticed only from week 13 onwards in experimental animals. The clinical toxicologic signs recorded were anorexia, cachexia, incoordination of gait, increased pulse and respiratory rates, pale and watery mucous membrane, subnormal temperature, cold and clammy skin, lacrimation and respiratory distress followed by recumbency and death. Laboratory evaluation of plasma protein, plasma vitamin A, haemoglobin (Hb), volume of packed red cells (VPRC), total erythrocyte count (TEC), total leucocyte count (TLC) and ascorbic acid level in the blood were carried out at weekely intervals. Since visible signs of toxicity were observed from week 13 onwards, the parameters studied were divided into 2 sets; Ist to 12the weeks (first half) and 13th to 24th weeks (second half) for statistical evaluation of data. In experimental animals, significant reduction was observed only in respect of plasma vitamin A (P < 0.01), ascorbic acid level in blood (P < 0.01) and TEC (P < 0.05) during the first half, whereas all the parameters studied showed significant fall (P < 0.01) in the second half. The mean values of plasma protein, plasma vitamin A, haemoglobin, VPRC, TEC, TLC and ascorbic acid level in the blood in experimental animals were 7.53 + 0.09 g/dl, 30.07 + 0.59 µg/dl, 10.28 + 0.11 g/dl. 29.68 + 0.34 %, 5.16 + 0.4 mill.,/cmm, 7243.06 + 66.2 cells/cmm and 223.12 + 3.46 µg/dl respectively. The corresponding values in the control group were 7.77 + 0.07 g/dl, 32.29 + 0.48 µg/dl, 10.08 + 0.06 g/dl, 30.58 + 0.38 %, 5.42 + 0.09 mill./cmm, 7000 + 168.52 cells/ cmm and 274.38 + 1.41 µg/dl. During the second half, the mean values of the above parameters in experimental group were 6.30 + 0.13 g/dl, 22.56 + 0.38 µg/dl, 8.31 + 0.16 g/dl, 25.09 + 0.49%, 4.82 + 0.03 mill./cmm, 5905.62 + 94.14 cells/cmm and 162.32 + 4.8 µg/dl and in the control group were 7.29 + 0.04 g/dl, 32.29 + 0.48 µg/dl, 10.43 + 0.09 g/dl, 31.08 + 0.54 %, 5.58 + 0.09 mill./cmm and 7066.69 + 124.67 cells/cmm and 275.21 + 1.17 µg/dl. The gross and microscopic pathology of internal organs in experimental animals revealed that liver is the primary organ affected followed by kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract and brain. The pathological lesions noticed in the liver were focal haemorrhages, fatty degeneration, centrilobular necrosis and varying degree of fragmention of hepatic cells with congestion and dialatation of capillaries. The lesions in the kidney were focal areas of degeneration, medullary haemorrhages, tubular necrosis, cloudy swelling and fatty changes. Varying degree of degeneration, necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration and replacement fibrosis were observed in the cardiac muscle. Changes noticed in the gastrointestinal tract were oedema, focal areas of haemorrhage and necrosis of the mucosal and submucosal layers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dermatological disorders in dogs
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1999) Madhu Rajan, Mathews; KAU; Aleyas, N M
    Fifty dermatological diseases in dogs presented to the University Veterinary Hospital, Kokkalai and Veterinary College Hospital, Mannuthy were systematically investigated to find out the etiology. The results indicated that the conditions were mostly caused by bacteria and ectoparasites (42% each) and only a small proportion was caused by fungi (4%) and other factors (12%). Sixteen different clinical conditions were identified viz, Superficial Bacterial Folliculitis, Impetigo, German Shepherd Pyoderma, Furunculosis, Infantile Pustular Dermatoses, Localised Demodicosis, Generalised Demodicosis, Flea Bite Hypersensitivity, Flea Bite Dermatitis, Tick infestation, Pediculosis, Dermatophytosis, Dermatomycosis produced by non-dermatophyte, Callus Pyoderma, Telogen Defluxion, Irritant Contact Dermatitis and Lentigo. Among the dogs which were investigated, non-descript ones were mostly affected probably due to lesser care and attention given to them. The results suggested that animals kept full time indoor or outdoor were almost equally affected whereas animals reared under semi intensive system were less prone to dermatological diseases. In almost all conditions secondary lesions were predominant than pnmary lesions probably. due to the delay in medical attention. The only condition, with primary lesions alone, was lentigo. Lesions of bacterial dermatitis were predominant in the abdomen, hind legs and trunk. In dermatophytosis, ear, trunk and hind legs were affected, where as in dermatomycosis, head, trunk, hind legs and fore legs were affected. The lesions produced by ectoparasites were mostly in the back followed by trunk and fore legs. No characteristic distribution of lesions could be detected in other conditions; with an exception of callus pyoderma in which lesions were seen at the pressure points. The ditferent clinical bacterial dermatitis were produced by Staphylococcus intermedius. Ectoparasitic conditions were mostly produced by Demodex canis, followed by fleas, ticks and lice. Some cases of the ectoparasitic conditions developed secondary bacterial infection with S. intermedius. There were four clinical conditions, namely callus pyoderma, telogen defluxion, irritant contact dermatitis and lentigo caused by factors other than bacteria, fungi and ectoparasites. The haernatological and serum biochemical parameters studied did not suggest any systemic diseases. A significant reduction in haemoglobin level was noticed in impetigo, generalised dernodicosis and flea bite hypersensitivity. RBC counts were significantly reduced in impetigo and folliculitis. The total leukocyte count showed significant difference from that of control animals, in conditions such as folliculitis, German Shepherd Pyoderma, furunculosis, localised demodicosis, generalised demodicosis, flea bite hypersensitivity, flea bite dermatitis, tick infestation and callus pyoderma; suggesting primary or secondary bacterial infections.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinico-therapeutic study of ruminal lactic acidosis in goats
    (Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,Mannuthy, 2000) Anil Thachil, J; KAU; Baby, P G
    welve goats with history and symptoms suggestive of ruminal acidosis were divided into two groups (I and 11). Six healthy goats were also served as controls. Detailed clinical examination, recording of clinical data, sampling and analysis of rumen liquor and blood were done at zero hour, one hour, 12 h, 24 h, 48 hand 72 h of the study. Therapeutic management of group I was done by giving five per cent sodium bicarbonate solution intravenously at a dose rate of 5 ml / kg ; whereas in group 11 it was replaced with a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate (carbicarb) intravenously at a dose rate of 4 ml / kg. Animals of group I and 11 were given dexamethasone 20 mg intravenously, evacuated rumen contents and given .. magnesium hydroxide and oxytetracycline orally. Supportive treatments were done with fluids, vitamin B complex inj ection daily and transfer of fresh rumen liquor on second or third day in both groups. The clinical signs noticed were anorexia, dullness, low carriage of head, dry muzzle, sunken eyes, tending of skin, oliguria, distended abdomen, cold extremities and retracted eye balls. There was improvement in the pulse quality and also considerable reduction in respiratory rate noticed in animals of group 11 than in group I at 24 h of .treatment. In both groups, the rumen liquor colour, odour, consistency and protozoal motility became normal, SAT and MBRT showed improvement and elevated rumen liquor lactic acid became normal by 72 h. Elevated haemoglobin, PCV, TEC, TLC and neutrophilia also became normal. Improvement in serum bicarbonate level was marked in group 11 than in group I at 24 hand 48 h of treatment. Serum lactic acid showed significant increase at zero hour in group I and 11, but came to normal in group 11 at 72 h, but not in group I. Elevated serum protein level at zero hour also came to normal. Clinical assessment throughout the study revealed that all animals of group 11 appeared more alert and active and recovered earlier than in group I.