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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative efficacy of bromocriptine, cabergoline and thyroxine in inducine oestrus in bitches
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2008) Ajitkumar, G; KAU; Sreekumaran, T
    Detailed survey on breeding, feeding and management of 1721 dogs belonging to 817 owners was conducted in different parts of Kerala State. Among the dogs surveyed, 518 (30.10%) were male and 1203 (69.90%) were female. Breed-wise details of dogs maintained by individual owners revealed German shepherd dog (20.74%) as the most popular breed of dog followed by Labrador retriever (18.13%), Dachshund (11.39%), Rottweiler (9.12%) and Spitz (5.52%). The percentage of local non-descript dogs was found to be 14.64 only. The prevalence, nature and magnitude of anoestrus among the female dogs were evaluated based on breeding details. Haematological, hormonal, mineral and cholesterol profile of anoestrous bitches were estimated. Data on breeding revealed that 92.93 per cent of bitches were allowed to breed and the remaining 7.07 per cent were kept as virgin throughout their lifetime. The age at first breeding in majority of the bitches (57.85%) was between 1 to 2 years with an average of 16.30 months. The average number of oestrus periods and the number of breeding per year were 2.14 ± 0.24 and 1.47 ± 0.32 respectively. The average duration of proestrual bleeding was found to be 10.87 ± 1.24 days. Most of the bitches (51.97 %) were bred twice in one oestrus and the period of acceptance varied from 4 to 22 days with an average of 8.94 ± 2.18 days. The incidence of failure of conception, abortion, stillbirth and pseudopregnancy were 18.87, 5.72, 15.56 and 13.69 per cent respectively. The neonatal problems encountered in 13.88 per cent of bitches included agalactia / hypogalactia / mammitis (5.29%), cannibalism (2.65%), puppy fading syndrome (2.09%), puerperal tetany (1.98%) and rejection of young one by dam / poor mothering ability (1.87%). Among the bitches surveyed, 134 (11.14%) were identified as in the stage of anoestrus, 65.67 per cent in primary and 34.33 per cent in secondary anoestrus and the average age was 22.68 and 34.34 months respectively. The average duration of secondary anoestrus was 11.71 months. Analysis of breed-wise prevalence revealed that it was high in breeds such as Dachshund (18.18%), Labrador retriever (16.74%), Great Dane (16.67%), Dalmatian (15.38%) and Doberman pinscher (14.00%) and was lowest (2.44%) among local non-descript bitches. Data on body condition revealed that 42 per cent of the anoestrous bitches were with the ideal body score of five, 46 per cent with body score more than five (obese) and 12 per cent with body score less than five (lean). Analysis of haematological profile of anoestrous bitches revealed normochromic normocytic anaemia. The mean serum progesterone, prolactin and thyroxine levels in anoestrous bitches were of 0.57 ± 0.03 ng/ml, 0.75 ± 0.05 ng/ml and 1.80 ± 0.06 µg/dl respectively. The mean serum calcium and phosphorus levels in anoestrous bitches were 8.94 ± 0.24 and 3.48 ± 0.12 mg per cent respectively. The mean serum iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese and cholesterol levels were found to be within the normal range. Oestrus induction trials were carried out in forty anoestrous bitches and the data obtained were compared with that of control bitches. Out of 10 animals treated in each group, five (50%) in Group I (bromocriptine @ 50 μg/kg. body weight), nine (90%) in Group II (cabergoline @ 5 μg/kg. body weight), eight (80%) in Group III (thyroxine @10 μg/kg. body weight) and seven (70%) in Group IV (thyroxine @ 5 μg/kg. body weight) evinced proestrual bleeding. The mean treatment onset to proestrus in Groups I, II, III and IV was 28 ± 3.39, 13.44 ± 3.12, 24.50 ± 3.18 and 33 ± 2.21 days respectively. The average duration of proestrus in the treatment groups was 9.80 ± 0.86, 10.11 ± 0.68, 11.25 ± 0.88 and 10.71 ± 0.68 days respectively as against 9.70 ± 0.42 days in the control group. The average duration of oestrus in the four treatment groups and the control group was 7.60 ± 0.24, 8 ± 0.29, 8.5 ± 0.63, 7.85 ± 0.46 and 8 ± 0.39 days respectively. Fifty per cent of the animals treated with bromocriptine and 10 per cent of the animals treated with cabergoline exhibited nausea and vomiting as side effects, whereas none of the animals treated with thyroxine exhibited side effects. The mean serum progesterone and prolactin levels during anoestrus, on the first day of proestrus and on the day of first breeding did not differ significantly within and between the treatment groups and the control group. The mean serum thyroxine level during anoestrus and on the first day of proestrus did not differ significantly within and between the treatment and the control groups, whereas on the day of first breeding the mean thyroxine level recorded statistically significant difference between the treatment and control groups, the lowest being 1.56 ± 0.18 μg/dl in Group I and the highest being 2.10 ± 0.13 μg/dl in Group IV. Animals treated with levothyroxine (Group III & IV) exhibited a slight increase in the mean level of serum thyroxine on the first day of bleeding as well as on the day of first breeding, but the values were found to be within the normal limits. The haemoglobin level and total erythrocyte count were found to be increased on the first day of proestrus and on the day of first breeding in animals of Group III and IV. The mean serum phosphorus level on the first day of proestrus and on the day of first breeding in the treatment groups were found to continue at low levels as in the anoestrous stage. The mean serum copper level on the first day of proestrus exhibited statistically significant difference between the treatment and control groups. The mean serum level of calcium, iron, cobalt, zinc and manganese during anoestrus, on the first day of proestrus and on the day of first breeding did not reveal statistically significant difference between groups. The overall conception rate in the treatment groups were 40, 70, 50 and 40 per cent respectively as against 70 per cent in the control group. The average gestation length and litter size did not differ significantly between the treatment and control groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Ovarian response to gonadotrophin releasing hormone in non-cyclic goats
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1998) Aravinda Ghosh, K N; KAU; Mathai, E
    The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Gonadotropic Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on ovarian activity and its usefulness in restoring normal oestrous cycle in adult non-cyclic goats. A total of 60 healthy Malabari, Malabari x Saanen and Malabari x Alpine does aged one to four years, with a record of one or more kiddings and 45 days post partum belonging to Goat Farm of Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy were closely observed for a period of 60 days for the occurrence of oestrus and serum samples were collected at fortnightly intervals for the estimation of macro and micro minerals. Serum progesterone profile in eight cyclic and sixteen non-cyclic does, selected at random, were estimated by Radioimmunoassay using a coat-A-count progesterone kit. Out of eight non-cyclic does treated with potent GnRH anologue (Buserelin) three responded to single dose and one responded to a second dose. The oestrus was exhibited at a mean of 87.000 ± 9.950 h after the administration of GnRH analogue. The mean length of oestrous cycle and duration of oestrus in cyclic does were 20.313 ± 1.553 days and 37.500 ± 7.263 hrs while in GnRH responded does were 12.750 ± 0.830 days and 18.000 ± 4.240 hrs, respectively. The mean serum phosphorus level was found significantly higher in GnRH responded does (5.375 ± 0.205 mg per cent) as compared to cyclic does (4.800 ± 0.260 mg per cent) and non-cyclic does (4.770 ± 0.280 mg per cent). There was significantly higher serum copper level in GnRH responded (1.123 ± 0.089 ppm) and in cyclic does (1.160 ± 0.170 ppm) as compared to non-cyclic controls (0.830 ± 0.110 ppm) . The serum zinc level was significantly higher in non-cyclic (1.510 ± 0.430 ppm) as compared to cyclic (1.180 ± 0.120 ppm) and GnRH responded does (1.155 ± 0.091 ppm). There was no significant difference in the serum calcium, cobalt and manganese level between the three groups. The mean serum progesterone in cyclic does for the two consecutive cycles was 0.304 ± 0.087, 1.294 ± 0.382, 2.531 ± 0.758, 3.619 ± 0.794, 2.456 ± 0.430 and 0.871 ± 0.246 ng/ml and in GnRH responded does was 0.158 ± 0.026, 0.800 ± 0.177, 1.475 ± 0.334, 0.675 ± 0.236, 0.280 ± 0.030 and 0.120 ± 0.021 ng/ml on day one, four, six, ten, 14 and 18 of cycle, respectively. The overall mean serum progesterone during induced cycle in GnRH responded does was 0.535 ± 0.139 ng/ml which was significantly lower as compared to cyclic does (1.848 ± 0.339 ng/ml) but significantly higher as compared to untreated non-cyclic does (0.190 ± 0.106 ng/ml), Detailed biometry studies of pituitary ovary, uterus and cervix of GnRH responded does showed non-significant increase in the size and weight as compared to untreated non-cyclic does. The mean number and size of follicles were found significantly higher in GnRH responded as compared to non-cyclic does. The mean tissue ACP, ALP and LDH in the pituitary, ovary and uterus of GnRH responded does showed non significant increase as compared to untreated non-cyclic does. The mean LDH level in both ovaries together was significantly higher in GnRH responded does as compared to non-cyclic does. The present study confirms that GnRH administration in non-cyclic does has reactivated the ovary by increased follicular growth, maturation and corpus luteum formation. However, the length of induced oestrous cycle, duration and intensity of oestrus was significantly less in GnRH responded does
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Reproductive performance of cows under homoeothermal disturbances
    (Department of Animal Reproduction, College of Veterinary and animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 1995) Athman, K V; Sudarsanan, V
    Based on the data on the maximum minimum temperature and humidity for a period of two years a year of study was divided into four seasons of JJA SON DJF and MAM The mean maximum environmental temperature of the seasons were 29 56 31 52 32 73 and 34 88°C respectively Two thousand two hundred and ninety eight cows brought to the AI centre from the homesteads of Mannuthy were grouped into 11 treatments of pre and post insemination rests and no rests They were bred by artificial insemination and results of insemination were assessed on the basis of non return Mean conception rate of the seasons were statistically analysed to know the effect of environmental temperature and the effect of pre and post insemination rests to the animals There was no significant difference m conceptions between seasons between the post insemination rests and no rests and between pre insemination rests of 30 and 60 minutes and no rest Conception per cent was significantly higher in the animals those were given pre insemination rest for 90 and 120 minutes Animals with light coat colour had a significantly higher conception rate than those with dark colour irrespective of the seasons Animals inseminated m the afternoon were generally found to have a better conception rate than those inseminated m the forenoon There was no significant difference in the conception rate of heifers and cows both between seasons and between themselves So also there was no significant difference in conception rate of parity groups both between seasons and between themselves Statistical analysis of seasonal mean weight of foetal membranes mean number of cotyledons and mean area of cotyledons and mean birth weight of calves did not show any correlation to suggest influence of seasonal environmental temperature on placental development and birth weight of calves
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for enhancing reproductive efficiency in female dogs
    (College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, 2010) Deepthi, L; KAU; Aravinda Ghosh, K N
    The present study was undertaken for finding optimal breeding time in bitches, early pregnancy diagnosis and tackling pseudopregnancy using antiprolactin drugs. Experiment consisted of 55 apparently healthy bitches which were brought to the Small Animal Obstetrics and Gynaecology unit of Veterinary College Hospital, Mannuthy and University Veterinary Hospital, Kokkalai for getting breeding advice. Fertility rate was assessed in two different groups viz., Group I (n=30) and Group II (n=25). The conception rate was 73.3 per cent in group I and 88.0 per cent in group II. Conception rate was more in those animals, which were bred, based on vaginoscopy than those bred based upon clinico-gynaecological examination and vaginal exfoliative cytology. This supported the view that performing vaginoscopy will augment conception rate in bitches. Clinico-gynaecological examination together with vaginal exfoliative cytology was found to be useful for finding optimal breeding time in bitches under field conditions. Vaginoscopy, in addition to being a non-invasive method, had the added advantage of predicting the fertilization period, thereby breeding advice could be more accurate as it helps in the visual inspection of vaginal mucosal folds. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out in 20 animals at 20th, 35th and 50th day of gestation. Abdominal palpation at 20 days after breeding was non-confirmatory of pregnancy but at 35 days of gestation foetus could be appreciated as tense distinct uterine swellings. By ultrasound scanning at 20 days of gestation the image of embryonic vesicles appeared as spherical structures with anechoic consistency. No foetus or foetal membranes could be visualized at this stage. By day 25 to 27, echogenic foetal mass and heart beat became detectable. By day 28 to 33, head and body of the foetus were similar in size and revealed flickering heart beats. Anatomical features of the foetus became more obvious by about 34 to 39 days of gestation. Shape and size of the foetal head became distinguishable from the body at this stage. The percentage accuracy for transabdominal palpation at 20 days of gestation was found to be 20 per cent which improved to 75 per cent by about 35 days. The percentage accuracy at 50 days was 60 per cent. This study suggested that transabdominal palpation was not reliable in early and late gestation. For ultrasound scanning, the percentage accuracy at 20 days of gestation was found to be 15 per cent which improved to 90 per cent by 35 days. The percentage accuracy improved to 100 per cent by 50 days of gestation. Thus ultrasound scanning could be used as reliable tool for assessing the foetal viability. The level of serum alkaline phosphatase at 20th, 35th and 50th day of gestation was found to be 67.90 + 2.98, 91.85 + 2.10 and 139.65 + 6.84 U/L respectively. The level of haptoglobin at 20th day of gestation was 53.10 + 3.22 mg/dl where as the level elevated to 81.12 + 3.40 and 119.44 + 3.16 mg/dl by 35 days and 50 days of gestation respectively. The level of serum globulin at 20th, 35th and 50th day of gestation was 2.43 + 0.12, 3.05 + 0.11 and 3.74 + 0.15 g/dl respectively. Statistical analysis revealed significant difference between day 20 and day 50 (P<0.05). Thus the level of serum alkaline phosphatase, serum haptoglobin and serum globulin was found to be increasing as the pregnancy advanced and this could be used as indicators of healthy pregnancy. Total erythrocyte count (TEC) at 20, 35 and 50 days of gestation was 6.07 + 0.16, 5.58 + 0.15 and 5.12 + 0.16 million/cmm respectively. Haemoglobin concentration at day 20, 35th day and 50 days of gestation were found to be 11.86 + 0.28, 10.45 + 0.27 and 9.17 + 0.30 g/dl respectively. Packed cell volume values were 40.45 + 0.83, 37.30 + 0.87and 33.40+ 1.10 percent respectively at day 20, day 35 and 50 days of gestation. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate at day 20, day 35 and 50th day of gestation were found to be 10.31 + 0.73, 15.41 + 0.54 and 21.85 + 1.04 mm/hr respectively. Haemogram studies showed significant decrease in the total erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and packed cell volume at different gestational age (P<0.05). These changes were attributed by haemodilution and increased plasma volume. But erythrocyte sedimentation rate has shown an increase which could be attributed to the endometrial implantation by the embryo. The total leucocyte count at day 20, day 35 and day 50 of gestation was found to be 13844.90 + 539.90, 15449.00 + 569.86 and 17502.50 + 780.21 cells/cmm respectively. The neutrophil count at 20th, 35th and 50th day of gestation was 67.30 + 1.11, 70.30 + 4.95 and 75.35 + 1.27 per cent respectively. The lymphocyte count was found to be 27.80 + 0.87, 31.55 + 0.88 and 36.95 + 1.03 per