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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the performance of two groundnut varieties, TMV-2 and TMV-9, under graded doses of phosphorus and potassium.
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1978) Purushothaman Nair, N; KAU; Sadanandan, N
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of phospherus nutrition liming and rhizobial inculation on soybean
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1979) Kurian, T M; KAU; Vikraman, R
    An experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm attached to the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during July to October 1978, to study the effect of phosphorus nutrition, liming and rhizobial inoculation on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril). The investigation was taken up with the objective of arriving at the phosphorus requirement of the crop, assessing the response to liming and evaluating the effect of rhizobial inoculation. The trial was also aimed at studying the possible interaction effects between these factors. The experiment was laid out as a factorial in randomized block design with 16 treatments and 3 replications. The study revealed that applied phosphorus did not significantly affect any of the growth characters consistently. Grain yield and yield attributes were also unaffected but stover yield increased with higher doses of applied phosphorus. In general, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium contents in plant components were unaffected by levels of phosphorus, liming and rhizobial inoculation. Uptake of these nutrients also remained almost unchanged. At harvest, nitrogen uptake by seeds constituted 44 per cent of the total, remaining being accumulated in stem + petiole and shell. In the case of phosphorus, 86.9 per cent of the total accumulation was in seeds, 6.0 percent and 7.1 per cent being in stem + petiole and shell respectively. Calcium being an immobile nutrient and an element not translocated within the plant, proportion of uptake of calcium in various components of the plant was different from that of nitrogen and phosphorus. In contrast to nitrogen and phosphorus, only 24.9 per cent of the total was found in seeds whereas 36.3 per cent and 38.8 per cent of it were concentrated in stem + petiole and shell respectively. Levels of phosphorus, had no effect on total nitrogen and available potassium contents of soil after harvest of the crop but there was a notable increase in available phosphorus and decrease in exchangeable calcium. Liming and rhizobial inoculation did not have any conspicuous effect on the content of nutrients in soil.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Intercropping tapioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) with pulses and groundnut
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1978) Ramakrishna Bhat, H; KAU; Sadanandan, N
    An experiment was conducted in the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the year 1977-1978 to study the performance of tapioca intercropped with different legumes (Blackgram, cowpea, greengram and groundnut) applied with different fertilizer, half the recommended dose and full recommeded dose). The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design with three replications. The experiment was conducted under rainfed conditions. The results revealed that the growth as measured from height and number of leaves and yield of tapioca as adjudged by the various yield attributes was not depressed by growing the four legumes at the three levels of fertilizers. On the other hand the quality and size of tapioca tubers were improved due to legume intercropping. The dry matter content, starch content and the HCN content of tapioca tubers were increased significantly due to growing of legumes in association with tapioca.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of nitrogen and spacing on the growth yield and quality of rice var Jyothi
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1979) Prabhakaran Thampi, C K; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K P
    An investigation was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the late viruppu season in 1974 to study the effects of graded doses of nitrogen and different spacings on the growth, yield and quality of rice var. Jyothi. The levels of nitrogen tried were 30,60,90 and 120 kg/ha and the spacings adopted were 10cm * 10cm, 10cm*15 and 10cm *20cm. The experiment was laid out in a randomised block design.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different levels of nitrogen and potash on the growth, yield and quality of tapioca variety, H-165
    (Division of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1975) Natarajan, M; KAU; Sadanandan, N
    An experiment was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, with the object of studying the effect of different levels of nitrogen (50, 100 and 150 kg H per hectare) and potash (50 100 and 150 kg KgO per hectare) on the growth yield end quality of a high yielding variety of tapioca H-165. The experiment was carried out in a 5 factorial Randomised Block Design with four replication Nitrogen and potash were supplied in the form of ammonium sulphate and muriate of potash respectively. The results of the experiment are summarised hereunder:- 1. Basal dressing of nitrogen and potash increased the number of leaves and plant height. 2. Different levels of nitrogen significantly increased the number of leaves in the early stages of growth. The maximum number of leaves wee recorded a t 120th day after planting a t 150 kg H/hectare. 3. Nitrogen significantly increased the plant height at all stages of growth. The maximum height was recorded at harvest with 150 kg N/hectare. 4. There was increase In the number of leaves on 90th and 120th day after planting due to potash application. Maximum number of leaves was produced on 120th day after planting by 150 kg K2O per hectare. 5. The different levels of potash increased the plant height at all stages of growth except at 50th day after planting. She maximum height was recorded at harvest with 150 kg per hectare.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on the critical periods of weed infestation and effect of weed growth on yield and quality of a short duration rice
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1978) Abraham Varughese; KAU; Madhavan Nair, K P
    An experiment was conducted at the Instructional Farm of the College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala Agriculture University during the second crop season, 1976-77 to study the critical periods of used infestation and effect of weed growth on the yield and quality of a duration rice ver. Triveni Simple randomised block design was adopted with 17 treatments. Band weeding was done to keep weed free conditions of 10,20 and 30 day intervals upto 60th day and for 1-60 days after transplanting. The above weed free periods with one unweeded control formed the 17 treatments.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Effect of palm density and levels of NPK fertilizers on yield and quality of coconut
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1978) Abraham, K G; KAU; Sadanandan, N
    A spacing cum manurial experiment on host coast tail coconut palms initiated in 1964 at the Coconut Research Sub Station, Balaramapuram of Kerala Agricultural University was utilised in this investigations with the objective of (1) determining optimum level of NPK fertilizers and density of planting to obtain maximum yield (2) to study the quality of nuts in torns of copra and oil nut turn and (3) to study the correlations, if any of vegetative growth characters and soil and leaf nutrient status with yield. Three levels of NPK fertilizers (control no fertilizers , 340: 225:450 g and 680: 450: 900g NPK per palm per year) and three spacings (5.0 m *5.0 m, 7.5 m *7.5 m and 10.0m* 10.0m ) were included in the experiment
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on the effect of graded doses of nitrogen and diffrerent spacings on growth yield and quality of three varieties of sunflower ( Helianthes annus L.) viz. EC. 68413, EC. 68414 and sunrise selection
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1976) Abdul Salam, M; KAU; Sadanandan, N
    An investigation was carried out at tbs instructional farm attached to the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period from 16th May 1974 to 13th August 1974 to study the effect of graded doses of nitrogen and different openings on three varieties of sunflower. The varieties tried were EC.60413, £0.66414 and Sunrise selection, the spacings studied were 30 x 20 cm 50 x 30 cm and 30 x 40 cm Nitrogan levels tried were 40# 80 and 120 kg per ha. The experiment was laid out in a 3 factorial experiment with two replications. The higher order interactions VSH and VSH2 were partially confounded in replication 1 and 2 respectively. The results of the study are summarised below
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Studies on the performance of four varieties of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) under graded levels of phosphorus
    (Department of Agronomy, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1979) Balachandran, P V; KAU; Sasidhar, V K
    An experiment was conducted at the Instructional farm, attached to the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, during the period from June to September 1978 to study the performance of four varieties of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) under graded levels of phosphorus.