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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and quality evaluation of microencapsulated banana pseudostem juice powder
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Saranya, S; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    Banana pseudostem, often discarded after the harvest of bunch is very good for health. Its disposal in the field lead to unhygienic surroundings and environmental pollution. Juice from banana stem is a well-known remedy for urinary disorders. But the major problem associated with the pseudostem juice is its perishability and immediate browning reactions which lead to reduction of its acceptability by consumers. Considering these facts, a study was undertaken to obtain powdered products from pseudostem juice. The intention of the study was to develop a process protocol for microencapsulated banana pseudostem juice powder, standardisation of the spray drying parameters, and quality analysis of developed product. Three powder based products were developed from banana pseudostem juice by spray drying technology. Product-I comprised of pseudostem juice-sugar combination with ginger as flavourant. Product-II consists of a blend of banana pseudostem and horse gram with ginger extract. However, the third product from banana pseudostem juice was fortified with milk, horse gram extract and cardamom flavour. The process parameters were optimised as inlet temperature of 180ºC and outlet temperature of 65-68ºC for product-I & II, whereas inlet air temperature of 185°C and outlet temperature of 74-92°C were chosen for Product-III. The feed pump rpm of 15 and main blower rpm of 1800 were kept constant for developing all three products. The physicochemical characteristics, reconstitution and flow properties were determined. Standardised products were stored in aluminium pouches and quality parameters of product-I and II were analysed up to six months at an interval of two months and Product- III was stored up to three months for verifying its stability during storage. Based on quality analysis and sensory evaluation, best samples were selected from product-I, II and III i.e., T6-180°C (15% sugar + 25% maltodextrin + 56% pseudostem juice), T6-180°C (25% maltodextrin + 30% horse gram extract + 43% pseudostem juice), and T12-185°C (50% milk + 30% horse gram extract + 20% pseudostem juice), respectively. Cost analysis of the products was done and cost of production of one kilo gram was estimated as Rs.195/-, Rs.208/- and Rs.243/- for product I, II and III, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of a jackfruit peeler cum corer
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering , Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Hareesha Shidenur, T; KAU; Santhi Mary, Mathew
    India is the largest producer of jackfruit followed by Bangladesh and Thailand. Kerala, which lies in the southernmost part of Western Ghats, is well known for its diversity in jackfruit with cultivated area of 90,225 ha and production of 294 million fruits per year. Peeling, coring and bulb separation of jackfruit are time consuming, causes drudgery and very tedium in manual operation. However, a major chunk of the production is wasted due to lack of post-harvest technological interventions, andhence jackfruit isconsidered as underutilized fruit. The present study aims at development and evaluation of a jackfruit peeler cum corer machine. The principle operation of the machine is, as the jackfruit rotates peeling was done helically due to the linear motion of the blade from bottom to top. Similarly cutting-coring operation was performed by screw mechanism which pressed the core removing tool against the fruit and cut into four portion. Finally bulbs were separated manually. Performance evaluation of the machine was conducted in the laboratory to optimize the speed of fruit holder (90, 120 and 150 rpm) and corer pulley (110, 130 and 150 rpm) with three size of jackfruit, by considering the minimum processing time and bulb wastage with higher efficiency. The peeling operation at optimized speed (90 rpm) showed minimum bulb wastage for small (7.85%), medium (7.24%) and large (6.20%) sized fruits with high peeling efficiency of 85.27, 83.51 and 80.64% with a trend of increasing operational time of 38.24, 44.58 and 50.34 secrespectively. Similarly coring operation at optimal speed (130 rpm) showed processing time of 16.98, 22.39 and 24.83 sec and high coring efficiency of 92.85, 90.32 and 82.03% with bulb wastage of 10.337, 7.81 and 6.09% respectively. The average power consumption of optimal operational speeds for medium size jackfruit with load was found as 0.0149±0.0029 kWh/fruit whereas in without load condition was found to be 0.0104±0.0007 kWh/fruit. As per the comparative study, the average time taken for peeling, cutting-coring and bulb separation was more (28.8 min/fruit) during manual operation and in case of mechanical operation it was only 13.3 min/fruit. The maximum throughput of machine was 37.5 kg/h, whereas in manual operation 17.36 kg/h. The cost of the machine has been estimated as Rs. 46950/-. The operational cost of the machine was Rs. 52.97/h whereas, in manual operation, it wasRs. 47.5/h. The benefit-cost ratio of the developed machine was 2.32:1 and in case of manual operation, it was2.66:1.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and optimization of microwave assisted process for extraction of nutmeg mace essential oil
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Nukasani, Sagarika; KAU; Prince, M V
    Essential oils which are the volatile components distilled from the aromatic plant materials, have gained importance in cosmetic, therapeutic, aromatic, fragrant and spiritual uses. But the conventional methods of distillation carry the disadvantages mainly concerned with the quality of final product such as loss of some volatile notes, low extraction efficiency and degradation of unsaturated ester compounds through thermal or hydrolytic effects. These processes also requires high extraction times and energy consumption. However, in order to reduce these difficulties microwave energy could be effectively used to mediate extraction of essential oil in place of steam or water heating in order to introduce its inherent advantages. As in the case of microwave heating of food materials, the internal heating of the in-situ water within the plant material by the microwaves leads to the rupture of the glands and oleferous receptacles freeing the essential oil which is then evaporated by the in-situ water of the plant material. The water then evaporated could then be passed through a condenser outside the microwave cavity where it is condensed. This study envisages development of a microwave assisted extraction system for extracting nutmeg mace essential oil. The developed extraction system consists of a microwave cavity, extraction unit, supporting stand and energy meter. In order to evaluate the developed system towards extraction of nutmeg mace essential oil, the process parameters like solid: water ratios of 1:14. 1:10 and 1:6, power densities of 9.6, 14.4 and 19.2 W/g and soaking times of 2, 3 and 4 h which would influence the essential oil yield, extraction time and energy consumption were chosen as independent variables. The physical quality characteristics like refractive index, specific gravity, solubility and colour of essential oil were selected as dependent variables. The optimized conditions of solid: water ratio, power density and soaking time for extracting nutmeg mace essential oil in microwave assisted process was found to be 1: 14, 14.4 W/g and 4 h respectively. Therefore, microwave assisted extraction could be considered as an extraction technique that results in the production of high quality oil in higher quantity in less time with minimum energy consumption.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and quality evaluation of millet fortified tuber based extruded RTE products
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Seema, B R; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    As the eating patterns are changing day by day, snack foods play very important role in the diet of the modern consumer. Extrusion technology has a pivotal role in the snack and ready to eat breakfast food industry. The development of new value added products like pasta and expanded products would enhance their food, and economic value. Such products are more palatable and acceptable to the modern day consumers. So the present study was undertaken to develop ready to cook (RTC) pasta and ready to eat (RTE) expanded products from corn, ragi, rice, atta, elephant yam, purple yam and drumstick. Six combinations of pasta products consists of flour mix containing tuber, wheat, millet flour and a binding agent like guar gum in different proportion. The quality parameters cooking properties (cooking time, swelling power, solid loss and WAR), physical properties (expansion ratio and bulk density) and engineering properties (colour and texture) for various pasta products were determined. Pasta products were packed in 400 gauge LDPE and kept for storage studies up to three months. For development of RTE product, preliminary trials was conducted and based on those trials feed moisture content and screw speed were fixed. The blends of seven different combinations were extruded at temperature of 100, 110 and 120°C at a screw speed of 350 rpm and 17.5% feed moisture content. Considering the results of sensory evaluation, seven combinations were selected out of 21 extrudates. The seven extruded product was evaluated for physical, functional, colour and textural properties. The proximate composition in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrate and total energy were also analysed. The extruded products were stored in aluminium pouches and with nitrogen flushing. The quality parameters (moisture content, water activity, colour and textural properties) of stored RTE products were analysed upto one month with an interval of 15 days. Based on optimization and sensory evaluation, Ragi(25%): Corn(20%): Atta(25%): Elephant yam(10%): Purple yam(15%): Drumstick(3%): Guar gum(2%) i.e., P6 pasta sample and Corn(60%): Elephant yam(15%): Purple yam(20%): Drumstick(5%) (P4T1) RTE product was selected as the best combination out of all combinations under concern.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of process parameters for cryogenic grinding of dried ginger
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Bhavya, Francis; KAU; Santhi Mary, Mathew
    The processing of spices requires additional care because they are sensitive to atmospheric parameters like temperature and light. The exposure to temperature during any of the processing stage may lead to their quality deterioration in terms of colour, volatile oil, volatile oil constituents, oleoresin content etc. The grinding of spices at cryogenic temperatures helps in retaining the heat sensitive components in the spices. This study envisages on the cryogenic grinding of dried ginger in order to optimize the grinding conditions, considering the important quality characteristics and compared the cryoground powder with the conventionally ground ginger. The physical properties which affect the grinding process directly or indirectly were also determined. The experiments on cryogenic grinding have been carried out for different feed rates and grinding temperature and the best combination was determined in terms of product quality as well as grinding characteristics. The optimized feed rate and temperature were 35 kg/h and -130±5°C. The lower temperature in the grinding zone solidifies the moisture and oil components in the raw material and makes it brittle, which facilitates the grinding easy and faster thus leads to less energy consumption. The extreme cold condition prevents the volatile oil loss and lead to their higher retention. The comparison of cryoground powder with the powder obtained by conventional method has shown that cryogenic grinding prevented the essential oil and oleoresin loss of ginger considerably and retained its constituents. The colour of cryoground ginger powder was superior and the particle size was finer. The time of grinding and specific energy consumption was found lower in cryogenic grinding. The packaging studies on ginger powder showed that laminated aluminum foil is suitable for long term storage.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and Evaluation of a Continuous Cacoa Pod Breaker
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2016) Srikanth Vankayalapati; KAU; Rajesh, G K
    Cocoa {Theobroma cacao) is a commercial plantation crop in India. It is the main raw material in the production of chocolates, cosmetics, health drinks, pharmaceuticals etc. The cocoa beans which are embedded in a mucilaginous pulp inside the pod consist of two parts- seed coat and seed cotyledon. Seed cotyledon is the material in which characteristic flavour and aroma produced during fermentation. At present, cocoa pod breaking and bean extraction from crust pod are done manually by using sickle which is a labour intensive method. Manual chopping could increase the number of damage bean which leads to fungal attack. In order to eliminate the drudgery involved in manual cocoa pod breaking, avoid injury to workers, increase efficiency and to ensure high quality products, an attempt was made to develop a continuous cocoa pod breaker. Before the fabrication of machine, the engineering properties of cocoa viz., physical, mechanical and frictional properties of fresh cocoa pod were determined. Physical properties studied were size, shape, mass and density. The mechanical and frictional properties viz., compression test, angle of repose and co-efficient of friction were determined as per the standard procedures. The continuous cocoa pod breaker consists of hopper, metal rollers, chute, rotating cylindrical strainers, frame, prime mover and pulleys. Cocoa fruit was fed manually in to breaker unit through hopper. Gap between the rollers was set so as the cocoa kernels were not damage during the pod breaking process. Tangential force of the roller pushed the cocoa pod towards the gap resulted in breakage. Cocoa pod, kernels and placenta then discharged to strainer through chute. Rotation of strainer separated the cocoa kernels from cocoa pod and placenta, and passed through the pores of the strainer. It was then collected and could be directly send for fermentation process. The broken pods were remained above the strainer and got separated. Performance of the machine was evaluated in terms of capacity, energy requirement, percent bean damage, per cent bean recovery, shelling efficiency and machine efficiency. The average capacity and breaking efficiency of cocoa pod breaker was 550.5 kg/h and 95-98 percent, respectively. Bean damage percentage was 0.5 per cent. The shelling efficiency and beans separation efficiency of the strainer at inclination, 45° 96.42 and 86.5 per cent, respectively. The performance of the developed cocoa pod breaker was compared with traditional method of pod breaking, the total time required to break 100 kg cocoa pods and collect the beans for mechanical and manual method was 10.44 and 50.17 minute, respectively. The field evaluation of the developed machine was done with two cocoa varieties viz., Criollo and Forastero. The performance of the machine was evaluated based on its capacity, per cent bean damage, efficiency of cocoa pod breaker and energy requirement. From the field trail it is understood that, the efficiency of the machine is higher for Criollo variety as compared to Forastero variety. The fermentation studies were conducted in artificial fermentation chamber, poly house and ambient condition and it was compared with three different environmental conditions (ambient, poly house and fermentation chamber). The effects of treatments on dependent variables like temperature, pH. moisture content and microorganisms during fermentation process were studied. In this study, fermentation of cocoa beans on all methods in the artificial fermentation chamber found the best among the other treatments for the production of good quality cocoa. Similarly, the box method was found the best among the other treatments for the production of good quality cocoa. The cost of operation of cocoa pod breaker of 550 kg/h capacity was estimated as Rs.74.42/-
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimisation of process parameters for preparation of flavoured instant green tea
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2017) Sankalpa, K B; KAU; Santhi Mary, Mathew
    Tea is the second most popular drink in the world after water. Tea can be classified into three major categories: unfermented green tea, partially fermented oolong tea, and fermented black tea. Green tea contains more catechins, than black tea and oolong tea. So it is included in the group of beverages with functional properties. Green tea consumption helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Nowadays, demand is increasing for instant tea, decaffeinated tea and flavoured tea. The use of instant tea powder will reduce the preparation time to a large extent and saves energy as well. Due to these reasons efforts were under taken for optimisation of process parameters for preparation of flavoured instant green tea. Production of flavoured instant green tea mainly includes three steps, extraction, flavour addition and drying. Extraction was performed and optimised conditions were 1:47 leaf-water ratio, 30 min extraction time and 52°C extraction temperature. Extract obtained with optimised condition was subjected to spray drying and optimised condition were 174°C inlet temperature, 2.7% MD and 671 ml.h-1 feed rate to produce instant green tea. Further flavouring was carried out with two spices (ginger and cardamom) and one herb (tulsi) of different concentration and spray dried at optimised spray drying condition. The best combination selected after sensory evaluation are G2 (4% ginger extract), C6 (3 g of cardamom with 30 min of soaking) and H3 (3:10 tulsi to green tea ratio, 30 min extraction time). The best samples were packed in PET, ALF and LDPE and kept for storage studies at room temperature. Predicted shelf-life period of instant flavoured green tea powder packaged in ALF, PET and LDPE based on moisture gain was found to be 210, 152 and 92 days, respectively. Among the six tested sorption models, the GAB model described the best fit to the experimental data with higher R2 value and lowest SSE and RMSE. The HPLC analysis for catechin fraction of instant flavoured green tea indicates that, flavour addition will not affect the green tea catechins. The heat utilization efficiency of spray dryer for spray drying of green tea extract under non adiabatic condition was 18.18% and under adiabatic condition was 89.4%. The total cost of production for 310 1 kg of instant green tea was Rs. 3590/-, ginger flavoured instant green tea was Rs. 3683/-, cardamom flavoured instant green tea was 4025/- and tulsi flavoured instant green tea was Rs. 3631/- and benefit cost ratio was 1.40:1, 1.63:1, 1.49:1 and 1.65:1, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of process protocol for vacuum fried bitter gourd chips (momordica charantia)
    (Department of Processing and Food Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2018) Pooja, M R; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) is commonly known as bitter melon or Karela in India. The estimated post harvest loss of bitter gourd was 25%. A realistic solution to reduce the post harvest loss in bitter gourd is the adoption of the appropriate processing technologies. The vacuum frying is an excellent promising technology, in which food is fried under low pressure and temperature. Vacuum frying reduces the oil absorption, less formation of acrylamide content, and retains the colour and nutrients present in fried products. The vacuum frying system consists of two main chambers namely, frying chamber and oil storage chamber. A de-oiling system is attached to frying chamber to remove the oil content in the final vacuum fried product. This vacuum frying system used for the study was batch type and had a capacity of 3 kg/ batch with oil tank storage of 30 l. After every batch of vacuum frying, chips and oil were collected for analysing the quality. The blended oil (rice bran and palm oil at 80:20) was used as frying oil and de-oiling was done at a speed of 1000 rpm for 5 min. Different pre- treatments were done for vacuum fried bitter gourd chips. Control (Un-treated) sample had the best qualities with less oil content (4.43 %), moisture content (0.264 %), hardness (1.422 N), water activity (0.250) and green colour retention (a*(-4.13)). Quality parameters like moisture content, water activity, oil content, bulk density, true density, hardness, energy content, acrylamide content, thickness expansion, colour values and sensory evaluation of vacuum fried bitter gourd chips were analysed at different frying conditions. The treatment condition at 100oC, and 9 kPa vacuum for a duration of 10 min produced good quality parameters with less oil content (4.011%), acrylamide content (56.52 ppb), hardness value (1.411 N), high retention of green colour (a*(-5.3)) and good organoleptic properties (Hedonic score of 8.7). The laminated aluminium flexible pouches with nitrogen flushing retained the quality of bitter gourd chips during the storage period. The TPC value of blended oil increased from an initial value of 9.4 to 24.21%, due to continuous usage of oil (70 times) under the vacuum frying process, and was within the safe limit. The FFA value of blended oil was within the acceptable limit upto 50 cycles of vacuum frying process.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and performance evaluation of a rubber tapping machine
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2018) Aswathy, M S; KAU; George Mathew
    Hevea brasiliensis, the common rubber tree, is the most important species which is the commercial source of natural rubber. The natural rubber is harvested in the form of latex, a sticky, milky colloid through the tapping process. The Hevea latex obtained from the bark of rubber tree contains natural rubber particles that can be harvested and utilised for various industrial applications. Tapping is the process of making a controlled wound in the bark of rubber tree to cut open the latex vessels, which cause the flow of latex for capturing the latex. The process of rubber tapping poses potential risk of various health problems among rubber workers. Scarcity of skilled labours for rubber tapping is one of the main challenges in the rubber industry. Mechanization of the tapping process can reduce the effort of the labour and reduces the human drudgery. Hence, the present study was undertaken to develop a rubber tapping machine and to evaluate the performance of the machine. The developed rubber tapping machine consists of a cutting blade, shaft, connecting rod, crank, gear assembly, bearing, coupling, frame, casing, motor and a battery. The rubber tapping machine is connected to a 12 V, 5 Ah battery. The battery powers the motor. 0.25 hp wiper motor was used and it delivers a rotational speed of 72 rpm. The rotary motion of the motor is transmitted to the gear assembly using a gear shaft. The gear of 48 teeth which is connected with the motor rotates at 72 rpm. The speed is increased to 288 rpm by meshing gear of 48 teeth with 12 teeth gear to obtain a speed ratio of 4. A crank is attached to the gear of 12 teeth and rotates at 288 rpm. A connecting rod linking the shaft and the crank converts this rotary motion into reciprocating motion of the shaft. The required stroke is achieved by an eccentricity of 15 mm in the connecting rod. The blade is reciprocated along with the shaft with a stroke length of 30 mm and 144 strokes per minute. The reciprocating motion of the cutting blade helps to cut the bark of the rubber tree while tapping. The field evaluation of the developed machine was conducted in two farmer’s field by three tappers and the performance of the was evaluated in terms of its capacity, depth of cut of bark, bark consumption or thickness of cut of bark, time for tapping operations and weight of the machine and compared with manual tapping. The developed machine has an average capacity of about 157 trees per hour. The machine cuts the bark with an average depth of cut of 7.2 mm and a thickness of cut of 1.8 mm. The developed machine weighs 1.6 kg without the power source and 3.6 kg with power source. The cost of operation of rubber tapping machine is estimated as Rs.1.16/tree whereas the manual tapping charges are Rs. 2/tree. The developed rubber tapping machine is more advantageous for tapping the rubber trees with less effort and human drudgery compared with the traditionally using tapping knives.